Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 732 Natural Forces

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting the mission reward: level 5 treasure·Prophet Sword. 】

[System prompt: You already own: Prophet's Sword, Lion's Shield, Oracle's Crown, Angel Necklace, Magic Armor, and Holy Boots. 】

[System prompt: The Angel Alliance synthesis task has been started. 】

[Task name: Angel Alliance

Mission requirements: Synthetic Angel Alliance. (Looking for synthetic drawings of the Angel Alliance)

Mission description:

Behind the many forces in the Yasha world, there are leaders of forces at the god level, whose strength is unfathomable.

The Angel Alliance represents the will of many forces to work together and overcome difficulties.

The Angel Alliance can only be successfully synthesized after receiving blessings from the masters of more than five forces.

Every blessing is a composite drawing.

When the Angel Alliance is successfully synthesized, its power will increase based on the number of blessings you receive. 】

We finally got it together... The Prophet's Sword is actually in Farouk's hand. This is really an inexplicable fate.

As for the synthetic drawings, he wasn't worried.

With his connections, the five false gods were easily assembled.

If the operation is better, he can get the blessings of ten false gods, including the Kirin Immortal.

Seeing Qi Ge put away the Prophet's Sword, Faruk stood up from the ground with a smile. He said to Qi Ge seriously:

"Your Majesty, our Harmondale area is about to be reborn. Please watch the ceremony with me."

"As it should be."

Qi Ge greeted the dwarf king O'Falati, who was observing everywhere, and followed Faruk to the castle.

When they arrived at the castle, Lloyd was ready for everything.

In front of Lloyd, a golden box was suspended above an Asa Fire Seed.

The box is engraved with mysterious and complicated patterns, which has a magical power that makes it difficult to take your eyes away.

The box is just a container that holds the Tears of Yasha. The real Tears of Yasha are invisible substances, with no form or body, no birth and no death.

It is the origin of order, the embodiment of rules, and has a strong attraction to all creatures of order.

Lloyd put on cumbersome prayer clothes and quietly waited for Farouk's arrival.

Faruk stood out from the crowd and stood next to Lloyd.

He and Lloyd looked at each other, closed their eyes and bowed deeply to the Tears of Asa suspended in the air.

"I, Farouk."

"Me, Lloyd."

"We hereby pledge our independence to Harmondale.

As of today, the Harmondale area is under our control.

We will turn Harmondale into an unbreakable shield and protect the order of Asa.

We will turn Harmondale into a barrier-breaking spear and break through the realm of chaos.

We will turn Harmondale into a land of freedom and protect thousands of people.

We have made this oath, and we will not change it today or every day. We will devote all our energy and wisdom to complete it and live up to it throughout our lives!

Please, Mother Goddess, grant me permission! "

The two people's vows were so resounding that they resonated with Yasha's tears.

Strange and illusory rays of light poured out from Yasha's Tears and merged into Yasha's fire in Weining City!

For a time, the Yasha fire in Weining City shone brightly, and its shape gradually began to change, starting from a quietly burning flame and starting to solidify.

As it solidified, an exaggerated amount of Yasha energy began to be released!

Waves of invigorating strong winds spurted out from Yasha Fire and washed away the entire Weining City!

The wolves that originally lived on the outskirts of Weining City whimpered in unison and walked toward Weining City like a pilgrim, bowing step by step.

The tiger's cry resounded outside Weining City, and the white tigers tamed by the elves in Weining City took to the streets and bowed to Yasha's fire.

Like the white tiger, there are griffins raised by the humans in Weining City.

These griffins did not dare to flap their wings. Instead, they knelt on the ground and stared at the Tears of Asa with clear and pious eyes...

Under the light of Asa's Tears, the dead wood guards' roots, branches, and leaves are growing rapidly. When spring comes, the dead wood turns into a lush tree in the blink of an eye.

[Server-wide announcement: Harmondale area is officially independent.

Form a small faction: Harmondale.

Vining City is the current capital of the Harmondale region.

Special cities where elves and humans are mixed can be built in the Harmondale area, and all cities can be upgraded to Harmondale-specific cities.

Currently, Harmondale City can recruit the following types of troops:

Level 1 flower demon, spearman, level 2 wolf, archer, level 3 wood elf, griffon, level 4 white tiger, swordsman.

All faction players can establish branch cities in the Harmondale area without changing their faction affiliation. 】

The moment the server-wide announcement ended, the cheers of the players in Weining City shook the sky.

"Oh!! We won!"

“The Harmondale area is independent!”

"Take off!! Long live!!"

Qi Ge looked at this scene and smiled slightly.

For him, he only participated in the last step, but for the players of the [Light of Life] Guild, they witnessed the rise of Harmondale from beginning to end.

As Vining City became the capital, a green light instantly swept across the entire Harmondale area.

The other NPCs who were still in the Harmondale area immediately realized that they had been marked as unwelcome outsiders.

"There really are tears of Asa here!"

"And it has already been used. Unfortunately, it came a little late after all."

Jenny looked at the green light pillar rising into the sky in the south and let out a breath.

Although she didn't know how Lloyd passed through the encirclement, there was no point in dwelling on this issue now.

Harmondale's independence was a fact.

If she continues to attack Harmondale, it will no longer be a suppression of the rebellion, but an invasion. Those city defense buildings that are originally ineffective against her troops will become a weapon to destroy her troops.

The difficulty of siege increases tenfold.

"Inform the entire army to retreat. What attitude we will take to face Harmondale next is no longer our problem.

Leave it to the Senate to take the headache. "

Jenny took one last look at the beam of light in the sky. After one glance, she and Lloyd changed from comrades-in-arms to passers-by. In the future, depending on the attitude of the Senate, they might even become enemies.

"After this goodbye, the next time we meet again, it will be a life-and-death battlefield.

Lloyd, we have different paths and don’t work together.

Hope you take it seriously. "

"All troops! Retreat!"

Isis shouted, and groups of Pegasus rose into the sky!

Huge white wings covered the sky, like clouds composed of large scales, and floated towards Aveili without looking back.

As the beam of light slowly disappeared, the last cloud dispersed, and nothing could block the sky of Harmondale.

As the sun sets, the cheers of the new Harmondale are deafening.

Farouk and Lloyd stood up at the same time. They both felt their connection with Yasha's Tears.

The first thing they do is fulfill their promise!

The good supplies that had been prepared were burned quickly, and the city founding orders for the Harmondale area were generated in the Tears of Yasha, and fell into the hands of those players with outstanding achievements.

As the key to bringing Lloyd back in the end, Qi Ge naturally got one.

【Harmondale City·City Founding Order

Special city building order

Effect: Can only be used in the Harmondale area, and can build the Harmondale area branch city.

Once the city is built, you can recruit level 1~4 troops. The city cannot be upgraded. 】

The founding of Harmondale City takes the shape of a vibrant young leaf, as if it had just grown out of a tree.

The seven doves held the city founding order facing the sun. Under the sun's rays, the veins of the young leaves were clearly visible.

As a new force built with the small Tears of Asa, which is the Demigod Order, the Harmondale area does not have the ability to upgrade the arms like the Tears of Asa, nor does it have advanced arms above level 5. .

But their 1st to 4th level troops have two at each level.

There are a total of eight recruitable arms, which is more than the normal nine major forces.

This means that in the early stages, players in the Harmondale area will attack twice as fast as players from normal forces.

The advantages are huge.

The only problem is that the city troop production buildings in the Harmondale area cannot be upgraded and cannot provide troop advancement.

But this is no big deal for players with various means.

The most important thing is that there will be no conflict of power between the branch city in the Harmondale area and the normal city. When high-level soldiers are needed in the later stage, you can completely rely on the normal city to provide them.

With such favorable conditions, every player would want to shoot a branch city here.

It is foreseeable that the Harmondale area will prosper rapidly in the future.

"Under the Crown of Seven Doves."

After completing the ceremony, Royd ran over in high spirits and in high spirits.

"Under the Crown of Seven Doves, Farooq and I have a merciless request."

"Huh? Please tell me."

Lloyd and Farooq looked at each other, and Lloyd said:

“We hope that you will build a branch city in our Harmondale area.

If you are willing, we will send special personnel to manage the government affairs of this sub-city to ensure that your sub-city is built in an orderly manner.

You can freely recruit all military units and buildings, and the profit part of the city tax will be sent to you regularly.

To put it simply, you don’t have to worry about anything except using the completion order to build the city, we will help you arrange it.

Of course, if you are interested, you can also replace any management in the branch with your cronies. Even if you replace them all, we will not interfere. "

"Huh? I build the city, and then I only take the benefits without doing any work. You all do the work. Is that what you mean?

why is that? "

Qi Ge felt a little strange.

Lloyd said seriously:

"Under the Crown of Seven Doves, this is what happened.

Although our Harmondale area is independent, it is still too small.

Faruk and I agree that the foundation of a strong country is a large enough land area.

Only with the land area can we have enough resource output, have a variety of terrains, and support a sufficient number of citizens and troops.

Our Harmondale region is caught between Erathia and Avili, and we cannot ask for trouble and start a war with two forces.

Therefore, our only way out in Harmondale is to develop into the wild monster area and the chaotic area!

In other words, follow the route of the early pioneering knights of Erathia, reorder the desolation and chaos, kill all the wild monsters in the wild monster area, clean up the chaotic area, and build a city on it.

To take this route, the battle losses must be extremely exaggerated, and a large number of troops will be needed.

We cannot use living people to pave this road, we can only rely on heroic soul troops.

The fastest way to produce heroic soul troops is for you, Yasha God, to choose and build a city and recruit them from the city.

Therefore, if we want to develop in the Harmondale region, we cannot do without the help of Yasha God's Chosen.

Farooq and I decided long ago that we would make the Harmondale area an open, equal, and free country.

This openness, equality, and freedom not only refers to us, but also includes all of my Yasha chosen ones who live in our territory.

We decided to give all the chosen people of Yasha the same rights as free people, including the right to run for army commanders and national managers.

Farouk and I both believe that the number of Asa's Chosen in our territory will determine how far Harmondale can go in the future.

And you are the strongest person selected by all the Yasha Gods. Among the Yasha Gods, you have a reputation that responds to everyone.

As long as you are willing to build a city in the Harmondale area, the alpha wolf effect will be formed, attracting other Yasha God's Chosen. "

Farouk added: "Under the Seven Dove Crown, if you are willing to settle in our Harmondale area, Lloyd and I will recommend you to become our top leader, enjoying the same status as Lloyd and I, and even just We are even willing to give you the control over Tears of Asa.

"Yeah yeah."

Lloyd nodded fiercely, his eyes full of sincerity.

Qi Ge smiled slightly, but did not answer.

After all, Lloyd and Faruk followed the same path as in their previous lives.

The independence of the Harmondale region in the previous life was a key event for players to transform from world participants to saviors.

After introducing a large number of players, Harmondale's development has been rapid. In less than half a year, Harmondale's territory has expanded nearly ten times.

The potential of players has completely awakened the NPC forces in the Yasha world. They have launched a large number of policies that are beneficial to players, and many policies that are beneficial to players have been introduced continuously.

Because of this, players can become the main force against Chaos in the Chaos Invasion in Year 3.

He glanced around and said to Lloyd and Faruk:

“Two leaders, I am happy to accept your invitation.

Later I will leave a branch city near the border.

Moreover, I will try my best to restrict Erathia and Avili from sending troops to the Harmondale area to buy time for your development. "

After seeing Qi Ge's exaggerated dwarf troops, neither Lloyd nor Faruk had any doubts about Qi Ge's words.

They all became happy:

"Really?! That would be great."

"On behalf of all the people in the Harmondale area, I would like to thank you for your help!"

"But before that, there is one more thing."

Qi Ge looked at Yasha's Tears with a smile and said:

“Now the Harmondale region is independent. Although it is only a small force, it no longer belongs to the castle and the fortress.

It's inappropriate to call the Harmondale area.

Do you want to give your force a name? "

Lloyd smiled and said: "Of course, I thought about it early! We want to name our power Nature.

Forces of nature!

In our Elvish language, "nature" means living things including plants and animals, and has the meaning of "broadness".

In human language, [nature] means that the origin and laws of everything in the world change automatically, without external intervention or coercion.

Both of these points are in line with our Harmondale spirit of equality, freedom and openness. "

As soon as Lloyd said this, a voice immediately rang in Qi Ge's ears.

[Server-wide announcement: The Harmondale area has been officially established as [Natural Force].

Players who create a new account can choose to start with natural forces.

In the natural force start, players will be able to choose a race from elves and humans. If the race is random, there is a very small chance that the flower demon, wolf, white tiger, and griffon will be randomly selected to start.

Special reminder: The natural forces do not have level 5, 6, and 7 troops, and the building tree lacks magic guilds, resource warehouses, blacksmith shops, and war machine workshops. It will be weak in the later stage, so please choose carefully. 】

[Server-wide announcement: The version update is complete, natural force troop nests will be randomly refreshed in the wild, and natural force wild monsters will not appear for the time being. 】

Two consecutive system prompts sounded, marking the natural forces officially joining the Yasha world.

The Harmondale area has since had its name - Nature.

"Wow! New force!"

"We have become new power players!"

"Awesome! I declare that our Light of Life Guild is the number one guild of natural forces. Who agrees and who opposes?"

The announcement of the server-wide announcement once again made the players present even more excited. They all went to the forum to post the city founding orders and force panels of the new forces.

Players who already have a city, whether it is a castle city or an elf city, will automatically transform into a natural city the moment the natural forces are established.

Compared with other natural cities built in the future, their city has a huge advantage - although the building tree has changed, the magic guilds, blacksmith shops and some faction-specific buildings they built before will not disappear.

In other words, they can enjoy all the advantages of natural forces, but will not be limited by their shortcomings.

This discovery made those players even more ecstatic.

Soon, Seven Pigeons, led by Lloyd and Faruk, took photos of his natural branch near the wild monster area.

Qi Ge named this city [Peace City].

Since it was a city built in the Order Zone, the construction of Peace City did not attract any decent wild monsters to attack the city, and it was easily solved by Harmondale's defenders.

Immediately afterwards, Qige discovered a problem.

Not long after he took the picture of the city, the players from the Light of Life Guild immediately took pictures of the city near his city, in circles after circles, completely surrounding the Peace City.

The seven pigeons were all stunned.

"Old Elf President, what are you doing?"

"Hehehe, Master, how can you be wrong in the location you chose to build the city?

We build your city next to you and follow you to get some light! "

Qi Ge:......

"I chose whatever I wanted!"

"Really? I don't believe it! God, you must have a deep meaning in choosing this place!"

Qi Ge:......

After repeated persuasion to no avail, Qi Ge had no choice but to give up.

"You insisted on taking the photo next to me, and I persuaded you to do so. If you find out later that the location for building the city has failed, it has nothing to do with me.

Let’s make it clear first. "

"Okay! Don't worry, Master."

After all preparations are completed, there is a grand celebration banquet.

The players sang and danced and had a great time.

But Lloyd and Farooq only showed up at the banquet and then disappeared again.

There were too many things to do when a new force was founded, which required the two of them to work hard.

The next day, Qige found Lloyd and Farouk.

"Two leaders, have you decided which god the natural forces want to believe in?"


Farooq and Lloyd looked at each other, both confused.

"I really haven't thought about this."

"I knew it. You are all new legends, and you have been stationed in this remote area. You don't know much about the secrets of these Yasha worlds."

Qi Ge sighed and introduced some things about the pseudo-god behind the scenes.

“In other words, the official churches of the nine major forces actually believe in the gods behind the scenes.

It's just that each force has a different degree of control over faith.

For example, Erathia before and Brakada now have very strict control over beliefs.

Krolod and Taitalia are relatively relaxed about their faith.

The biggest problem with your natural forces now is that there is no behind-the-scenes deity that you can trust.

This means that if other forces fully invade you, the natural forces without the gods behind the scenes will be helpless. "

Qi Ge threatened:

"The reason why the nine major forces can restrain each other is because the war between gods is too harmful, and they use the rat weapon to avoid it.

But if you are not protected by gods, you will be bullied.

You can do without the spirit, but you can't live without it. "

"What can we do?" Lloyd and Faruk both panicked.

Qi Ge said with a faint look:

"Now, there is a good opportunity, but I don't know if you are willing to do it."

"what chance?"

“There is no behind-the-scenes deity, which is both disadvantage and advantage to you.

Losing protection means gaining freedom of choice.

Either we don’t believe it, or if we want to believe it, we must believe in the true God! "

Qi Ge hugged the shoulders of Lloyd and Faruk, and said in a deep voice:

"Two leaders, have you ever heard of the goddess of peace?"

After leaving Harmondale, Qige realized a problem.

Not enough players!

There are too many places where players are needed in the current Yasha world.

The stronghold forces are fighting for the throne. No matter which side you choose in the battle for the throne, you can get a lot of rewards.

The Church of Poseidon is exploring the Sea of ​​Chaos, and it also needs a large number of players, especially elite players above level 30 who have the ability to fight in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The Harmondale area is full of resources and needs a lot of players.

Although the Port City has many NPCs to help, it still needs many players (black) families (slaves) to be stationed.

In the previous life, the number of players in the Heroic Soul World exploded after the Conflict for Hegemony version was launched in the second year.

The country has increased its publicity for Heroic Soul World, and at the same time, many large companies and capital have begun to aggressively enter Heroic Soul World. This has allowed Heroic Soul World to completely crush other games.

Without these measures, there would be no way for Heroic Soul World to reach the heights of the [National Game] in its previous life based solely on the natural growth of players.

Human appetite is very strange.

The differences engraved in DNA make everyone's thoughts and preferences completely different.

No matter how well-made the game is, no matter how perfect the effects are, it cannot satisfy everyone.

Qi Ge felt that he might not be able to wait until the next year.

He is really in short supply of players right now, and his teeth are itching for a lack of players.

So, Qi Ge found Chao Hua.

After listening to Qi Ge's story, Chaohua gave Qi Ge a look, saying that it would be done soon.

Qi Ge felt relieved and began to focus on completing the mission of reviving the goddess of peace and dealing with the traitor incident.

There are priorities.

It's important to resurrect the Goddess of Peace while saving the Little Galaxy, but it's even more important to find the traitor.

Otherwise, Qi Ge will not be able to feel at ease no matter what he does, as if something is stuck in his throat.

Now, the most important thing is to find the demigod who defeated the thief uncle.

The thief uncle is nicknamed the God-Assassin. He is level 99 and is the peak of demigods.

Although he usually doesn't look serious and his abilities tend to be disguised and lurking, Gru told Qi Ge that their demigods generally believe that only Anosaki has the possibility to kill the true god.

The thief uncle's fighting ability must not be weak.

Being able to injure the thief uncle, that demigod's combat prowess should not be underestimated.

“It is now known that the demon dependents call themselves masters, and those who work for the evil demon dependents call themselves masters and disciples.

The thief uncle is the mysterious mage he met in the world of Yasha, so the other party cannot be a descendant of the evil demon, but can only be a master and disciple who cooperates with the descendant of the evil demon.

The way the devil's descendants control their masters and disciples is to rely on hero orders at each level.

The Demigod Token and the True God Token are both Tears of Asa, and it is impossible for the Demon Familia to take them out.

Then, the cooperation between the demigod and the demon's descendant must have a transaction that is countless times more important than the hero's order.

He was already a demigod, so it was impossible for the other party not to realize that he was cooperating with Chaos.

To be able to make a demigod willingly, even suppress physical disgust, cooperate with Chaos, this transaction must not be simple. "

Qi Ge knocked on his forehead:

"If there is no special reason, his transaction with Chaos must at least touch the Tears of Asa, and may even touch the level of a true god.

For a trade item of this level, Chaos's requirements for him will certainly not be simple.

Possessing the ability to resurrect and being powerful...could it really be you? Emma? "

"Isn't that right? You will know after testing it."

Qi Ge teleported to the dungeon and found Moriel again.

When she saw Qi Ge, Moriel was startled at first, and then she smiled mysteriously while drawing circles on Qi Ge's chest with her fingers:

"You came back to me so soon? What? Are you addicted?"

Qi Ge said seriously: "Moriel, I want to see His Majesty the Dark Dragon King. If there is something urgent, I can see him."

Moriel's face suddenly darkened:

"What do you mean? I thought you were addicted to me, but you turned out to be addicted to gambling?

Don't you still want to blast that old guy's gold coins? "

"It's nothing, don't talk nonsense."

Qige took Moriel's hand and pulled Moriel into his arms. He lay in Moriel's ear and told her what he had discovered.

"Are there heroes and troops on the Yasha side cooperating with Chaos and brewing a conspiracy?

Can those irrational things cooperate?

Do you think I'm easy to fool? "

Moriel's face turned darker.

Qi Ge scratched his head: "If you really don't believe it, I'll go with you to see His Majesty the Dark Dragon King's headquarters."

Moriel glanced at Qige and touched her chin:

"Indeed, it sounds so outrageous that it doesn't look like I'm making it up. Okay, come with me."

After listening to Qige telling the whole story and expressing his suspicion that Emma had betrayed Yasha, the Dark Dragon King laughed exaggeratedly:

"Hahahaha! I thought you were going to say something to me?

Anyone can betray the world of Yasha, but Emma is absolutely impossible.

His wife and three children all died fighting Chaos, and they had a blood feud with Chaos.

Over the years, Emma has been the most active in guarding the border of Chaos. "

"Huh?! Isn't this super suspicious?"

Qi Ge blinked his eyes and said in shock:

“My wife and three children died fighting Chaos.

So many family members are dead, why is he, the strongest fighter, still alive and well?

What is the difference between this and someone who sends his whole family to a hostile force to serve as spies?

If Emma cooperates with Chaos, he can completely move his family away through the border of Chaos.

Actively guarding the Chaos Frontier is even more suspicious.

Can our Negan produce such a decent person? "

The Dark Dragon King said angrily: "What do you mean? Can't we Negan have decent people?"

Qi Ge looked at the Dark Dragon King suspiciously:

"If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, even you are a betting dog. We Negan..."

"That's true...I am a gambling dog, and my daughter is a violent prisoner. They are indeed not very decent."

The Dark Dragon King fell into reflection.

Moriel rolled up her sleeves silently.

Qi Ge quickly grabbed Moriel and said: "Your Majesty the Dark Dragon King, how about I use the Dragon Heart as a condition to ask you to help test Emma."

The Dark Dragon King was furious: "What do you mean? You want to use a treasure to let me test my loyal ministers?

Do you want us to spin Negan up and down?

I never agree with this! "

Qi Ge scratched his head and had an idea: "How about this? Your Majesty, test Emma.

If Emma has no connection with Chaos, I will give you this Dragon Heart as a gift.

If Emma is connected to Chaos, Your Majesty, please give me a gift of equal value.

how? "

The password was correct, and the Dark Dragon King calmed down instantly:

"This... is not impossible. It sounds quite interesting."


Moriel pulled Qi Ge’s ears hard:

"You've forgotten what I told you last time, right? You're gambling with an old man in front of me. I think you two don't want to live anymore."

"Ouch...Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, I was wrong."

"Whatever you want to bet on, don't talk nonsense!

Qi Ge respects the old and loves the young. Giving me some gifts has nothing to do with gambling. "


Moriel glared hard.

The Black Dragon King panicked instantly:

"Ahem, it doesn't matter whether I send it or not, the main thing is that I want to test Emma.

Qi Ge was right, chaos was too dangerous and had to be guarded against. "

"Hmph, I don't care about that much, let's beat them all up first!"

Half an hour later, the Dark Dragon King blessed Qi Ge's Angel Alliance and helped summon Emma.

Emma is a sorcerer. He has long tawny shawl hair that looks a bit like the mane of a male lion.

"Your Majesty, you summoned me?"

Emma knelt in front of the treasure house, lowered her head and said.

The black dragon king's orange vertical pupils appeared in front of Emma and said slowly:

"Emma, ​​I heard that you were recently preparing to participate in the Black Dragon Medal Competition, and you even created a dragon. It looked pretty awesome.

You introduce it and let me see it. "

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