Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 740 A mystery within a mystery

Qi Ge slashed the Shadow Lock, and not only did the [Protocol Mecha] look over, but all the Chaos Monsters in the entire castle looked over.

Qi Ge arrogantly put his hands on his hips in the cage: "What are you looking at? You haven't seen prisoners sharpening their swords, have you?

See clearly, I am your noble prisoner!

Turn it back to me. "

Although Qi Ge was very arrogant, the Chaos Monsters turned back silently.

Prisoners can do whatever they want.

In the rules of Chaos, prisoners are like dead people. No matter how strong they are, they can't make dead people die again. This is against the rules.

Qi Ge looked at the LV60 lock. The health bar was longer than Queen Medusa's tail. His sword dealt 70 damage, and even the skin of the health bar was not worn away.

"No, how long will I have to fight alone?

We still have to train those shadow creatures and let them fight. "

Qi Ge sighed helplessly, picked up the cage and backed away slowly.

Back in the basement, Shadow Lizard is already alive and well with the help of expert consultation.

The plan to attract monsters is started!

"This eight-clawed assassin bug has an old man with a leather shell, its wings are shining with precious light, its big head has starburst eyes, its teeth are first-rate, its back is speckled with bronze, and its abdomen has thirty-eight top-grade tentacles of moderate hardness and softness.

Hmm~~ At first glance, he is one of the best coaches.

Brother Shadow Lizard, enter! "

"This shadow monster has a strong body, a chicken neck as big as a papaya hanging on a tree, a faint black light on its chest, arms like wheels, and fingers as thick as branches. It is simply a rich woman's happy devil. If it is made into black smoke, it will definitely nourish yin and nourish the kidneys. Caught!"

In the blink of an eye, 9 of the ten cages were filled, leaving only the last cage for the lucky one to challenge Ivy.

As the general of Qi Ge, Ivy's combat effectiveness must be guaranteed. Under the arrangement of Qi Ge, she enjoys the supreme platinum treatment and only earns experience.

Qi Ge searched around and finally found a suitable target, the LV21 [Little Bat Beast], with a combat power of 1100, which was just lower than the current Ivy.

The Shadow Lizard couldn't outrun this kind of flying unit, so Qi Ge had to take action himself.

Now there is a big problem, [Little Batmon] lives in groups.

They were densely packed in a row hanging on the top of the dark castle like rotten purple grapes, and from time to time they would drip down some fishy, ​​highly corrosive acidic liquid.

"How can we separate them?"

Qi Ge thought for a while and decided to go back and ask Ivy.

"Little bat beast?" Ivy blinked: "There is even a little bat beast in this castle.

The little bat beast has an excellent hearing system and is able to catch prey and avoid obstacles through echolocation.

This ability makes the little bat beasts a very efficient hunter. For us, swarms of little bat beasts are a natural disaster that many cities cannot defeat.

But the overly sensitive hearing has also become the weakness of the little bat beast.

As long as a warrior with a taunting skill over level 21 roars, the special taunting echo will make the little bat beast restless, and the little bat beast will chase the opponent until it completely loses its position.

Taunting has a range, so as long as the taunting level is high enough, it can attract just one or a few small bat beasts.

"Taunt level 21, right? I understand."

Qige returned to the vicinity of the little bat beast, calculated the distance, turned on taunting, and said to the [little bat beast] which was constantly dripping acidic liquid:

"Monster, eat my stick!"

Taunt crit!

The three [little bat beasts] roared and rushed towards Qi Ge.

"Wait a minute, what is that? There seems to be something underneath those bats?"

Seeing the bat beast charging up with its teeth bared, Qi Ge raised his eyebrows, turned around and ran away!

He carried the cage on his back, strode forward, bent down, and tried to sneak while running.

But under the lock of the bat, his stealth has never been successful.

The Shadow Lizard can't outrun the bat, and the Seven Pigeons who can't even outrun the Shadow Lizard certainly can't outrun the bat either.

However, Shadow Lizard is not a human being, Qi Ge is.

Whenever the bat wants to catch up with the seven pigeons, he puts down the cage and locks himself in it.

After the bat was locked and swayed away, he came out of the cage again and began to taunt again.

"Hey! I'm in."

"Hey! I'm out again!"

"You little demons, don't even think about escaping from my grasp!"

"You monster, where are you going?"

I hide when the enemy chases me, I shout when the enemy flees, the blood of the seven pigeons is awakened, and they are good at guerrilla fighting, and smoothly hook the three bats into the dungeon.

The well-prepared shadow monsters swarmed up and knocked down all three bats that were fighting with the seven pigeons in the cage. Then they separated them one by one, consulted with experts, locked them one by one, and locked them all in the cage. A set of procedures followed smoothly.

One bat is used for Ivy's solo training, and the remaining two bats can be used as combat power supplements. If the combat power of any coaching staff cannot keep up, the bats will be captured to replenish more than a thousand points.

Qi Ge left Ivy and the others to train on their own. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed the shadow lizard's tail, which was bending down and pacing, trying to slip away.

"Brother Lizard, I have made a big discovery! Do you want to come with me and take a look?"

Shadow Lizard just shook his head and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Nodding means affirmation, shaking head means strong affirmation.

Then I wag my tail.

As a result, the shadow lizard caught in Qi Ge's hand began to swing on Qi Ge's hand, swinging wildly.

The seven pigeons were having fun.

"Oh, Brother Lizard, you want to go there so much, you're so excited that you started dancing.

Don't worry, what's the relationship between us? How could I take the risk without you?

Let's go. "


Nodding is not rejection, shaking the head is not rejection, and wagging the tail is not rejection either!

So what exactly is rejection? !

The Shadow Lizard stuck out its tongue and remained motionless, looking like it was thinking quickly.

Li Xiaobai walked back and forth in front of the Chaos Treasure House, looking very troubled.

Le Meng happened to be passing by, walked over and patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder.

"Brother Xiaobai, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, I'm not worried about the boss."

Li Xiaobai scratched his head and said:

"The rescue team has been here for three days, why is there no news at all?

We haven’t fought against the boss in the Chaos Treasure House for this long before. "

Le Meng smiled and comforted:

"This is a high-difficulty Chaos Treasure House, which is different. Didn't we fight for a long time in the Dragon Kingdom before?

Don't worry, it's not like you don't know the boss's level, there will be no problem. "

Li Xiaobai sighed:

"If the boss is the attacker, I would be relieved, but this time the boss is an NPC, and those NPCs are the attackers.

I'm afraid they won't be able to do it. "

Lemeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaobai, you can't look down on NPCs.

The NPCs in Yasha World are no worse than our players. In fact, the abilities and conduct of many NPCs are much higher than those of ordinary players.

Valeela has a flexible mind and rich experience in dealing with various things. The dark elves are powerful in combat. Laura and Blood Shadow are extremely loyal to the boss.

They complement each other, and as long as they work together, rescuing the boss will not be a problem. "

Li Xiaobai grimaced, clapped his hands suddenly, and said, "Hey, that's what I'm afraid of.

They are fine individually, but what if they don't get along. "

Le Meng suddenly realized: "Oh~ are you worried that Valeera can't command the Blood Shadows and the others?

Don’t worry, we have already considered this.

There is one person in the army who is Valeela's internal agent. If there is a real conflict, she will help the tentacles resolve it, which is very safe. "

"Why can't you command me?" Li Xiaobai was a little confused: "I'm talking about being jealous!

Even among the eleven heroes, nine have clearly had a relationship with the boss. Except for Valeela and the lizard, all of them are the boss's little lovers.

Valeela might be too.

What if they fight without the boss to control them? "

"We have also considered this. Nu Qier brought out a batch of pink mirror fruits from Juese Heaven for them to take with them. If they really can't restrain themselves, they can grind them themselves.

Digest a little. "

Xiaobai was shocked: "You guys have thought so carefully."

"Of course, together with me and the strategy team, there are more than 40 people. They are all the best among the best."

Lemeng smiled, but his expression became solemn again:

“It can be said that this rescue team is the best solution we can find.

If even they fail..."

Lemeng did not continue speaking, Li Xiaobai had already understood, and their faces darkened at the same time, and they both sighed.

Xueying clenched his fists, and his already fair face became even paler.

She looked hatefully at the camp not far away and asked Laura:

"Is this the result of looking at the map? Did you come to the safe zone?"

"Ah ha, ah ha ha ha..."

Laura laughed twice awkwardly:

"Accident, this is really an accident.

After all, I am not a hero, so it is normal to have some errors. "

Xueying glared at Laura angrily, turned around and left without saying a word:

"Forget it, it's not reliable to follow you. I'll find the master myself."


At this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

The blood shadow turned around. Behind her, Valeera was walking out with a figure in black robes.

Feeling the powerful aura on the other party's body, Xueying understood his identity.

"Your Majesty Anosaki..."

"It's all nonsense! Worry, what's the point of being anxious? Can one of your soldiers kill the Lord of Chaos? Can you destroy the Shadow of Evil by yourself?"

Anosaki scolded sharply:

“You are worried about Qi Ge, aren’t we worried?

Qi Dove is your master and my lord.

You go fight against Chaos by yourself. If you die, wait until Qi Ge comes out and ask me, how should I explain to him? "

Xueying bit his lip and did not dare to say a word after being scolded.

She still had nine points of confidence facing Laura, but she didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Anosaki.

Her master is Seven Pigeons, and Anosaki is the elder of Seven Pigeons.

Even Qi Ge respected Anosaki very much, so she didn't even dare to talk back to Anosaki.

Anosaki glanced around these soldiers, and his voice softened:

"The rules of the world here are different from those of Yasha. Your arms are not covered by rules like heroes. Even if you have great abilities, you can only compete with those chaotic monsters here.

Let me first tell you clearly what I know about the situation.

There are two continents here, one is the Evil Shadow Continent, with a total of thirty cities. The weakest city has a total combat strength of 600,000, and the strongest city's combat strength is unknown, but it must be extremely terrifying.

The other part is the Dark Continent of Justice where you are now. There are only two cities in total, and Tanan and I each guard one.

Not counting Tanan and I, the combined combat power of our two cities is only 800,000, which will exceed the enemy's weakest city.

The odds were overwhelmingly against us.

Qi Ge is now in extreme danger. I can use my toes to guess how difficult his situation is now.

His life is now in your hands. Any act of yours may cause him to lose hope of salvation.

But you also have to believe in him. If he was really that easy to die, he would be dead by now.

The ten units of your team combined have a combat strength of 150,000, which cannot even defeat the weakest city.

Therefore, if you want to save Qige, you must collect resources, recruit soldiers, and train near the city.

If you act recklessly in a hurry, you are going to die. "

Hearing this, the faces of Dark Elf and Blood Shadow became a little gloomy, but Laura's eyes were still bright.

Anosaki glanced at Laura without leaving any trace, changed the topic and said:

“Although the current situation is not favorable to us, we are not without solutions.

I have LV100 theft, and I can steal materials from Chaos out of thin air. If your shadow coins are enough, it is not impossible for me to steal the Seven Pigeons back directly.

Tanan has LV100 combat training, and his troops have grown very quickly.

We have gained control of the only two cities, and now all the forces of the Darkness of Justice recognize us as masters.

Time is on our side. "

Seeing that the soldiers were a little more hopeful, Anosaki nodded and said:

"Come with me, I will tell you the information I know and the plan we have drawn up.

Then I will send someone to take you to Tanan.

Before you arrive, we have already started training our troops. There is a fearless iron army there, waiting for your arrival.

Due to the rules, Tanan and I cannot leave the city, but we will try our best to prepare for you.

What you have to do is to lead the troops to go to war, and then win, win again, and keep winning! "

Anosaki emphasized every word:

"The rules of this world are special. Once you fail, your entire army will be annihilated. Any failure is not allowed!"

"Sixty-three little bat beasts, done!"

Qi Ge clapped his hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the fact that the combat power of the little bat beast is only over a thousand, but the total combat power of more than 60 is more than 60,000. The total combat power is higher than that of the Eye of Moses.

Qi Ge didn't dare to clean it up all at once, but only dared to seduce it bit by bit.

Fortunately, his hard work was not in vain.

At this time, the dark hole in the ceiling had been exposed to Qi Ge.

"What's in the cave?"

Qi Ge carefully climbed up along the pillar and took a look.

He was surprised to find that this was a secret passage hidden in the city wall.

This dark passage seems to be the entrance to an unknown world. Its existence is like an unknown portal, hiding endless secrets and strange and unpredictable scenes.

The darkness in the passage is so deep that it seems to be able to swallow up all light, making it impossible for Qi Ge to see clearly the true situation inside.

"Is it...a hidden room that every RPG game has?

It seems very dangerous and strange, but it is this mystery and unknown that makes this cave so attractive.

When a man sees a hole, he wants to drill it. It makes sense. "

Qi Ge touched his tail. This time he had his tail cut off and faked his death, which gave him the confidence to take risks.

He first jumped back to where he was, then picked up the cage and threw it into the hole with all his strength.

Then he crawled back along the pillar, lying on the ground the whole time, pushing the bottom of the cage with his arms and pushing the cage forward.

This is a one-way street without any forks or turns, and it's so dark that you can't see anything.

Qi Ge simulated his position in his mind while crawling.

Qi Ge was surprised to find that as he crawled, he was getting closer and closer to the cell where he woke up.

It seems that this secret passage leads to the top of the cell ceiling.


Just when Qi Ge felt that his position was about to coincide with the cell, the cage seemed to hit something and there was no way to push it.

Qi Ge groped his way up the cage in the darkness, and slowly stretched out his hand to test until he touched a wall that felt like metal.

"No, it's not a wall, it seems to be a door...

If there is a door, then maybe there will be a lock. "

Qige groped twice in the dark and soon found a lock.

[Mother God Lock LV99

Effect: It is extremely difficult to open the lock, but every time it fails to open, you will gain the same experience as if it was successfully opened. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

"Is this... a plug-in given to me by the great Mother Goddess Asa?!"

While Qi Ge was thinking, he covered the lock tightly with his hands!

I have no choice but to be a thief with a guilty conscience.

According to the rules of the Chaos Treasure House, you can cheat, but you cannot be discovered, otherwise the other party can unconditionally invest more power than the cheating party.

Last time the Lord of Evil cheated and was discovered by Qi Ge, the gods of Yasha took the opportunity to beat him up and almost killed him.

"Make a fortune quietly and silently."

Qi Ge's eyes were bright and he started to brush his hair with great joy.

[System prompt: Opening the lock... Failed to open the lock, and gained thirty-three thousand lock-opening experience. 】

[System prompt: Current unlocking level LV55]

"Hiss~ Thirty thousand in one swipe! Take off!"

[System prompt: Current unlocking level LV60]

[System prompt: Current unlocking level LV65]

[System prompt: Current unlocking level LV69]

In just a few minutes, Qi Ge’s unlock level reached LV99!

[System prompt: The lock was unlocked successfully, and the current unlocking level is LV100. 】

【Unlock LV100

Effect: Can open all locks of level 100 and below.

The experience gained from each successful lockpicking will be converted into theft experience. 】

The Mother Goddess Lock on Qi Ge's hand turned into a white light and disappeared. As the lock disappeared, the solid door shattered and collapsed, and a faint yellow light came out from behind the door.

"This is?! Study?"

Qi Ge walked slowly towards the door and glanced at the dilapidated small study.

This place seems to be a place forgotten by time. The bookshelves on the wall have been broken and collapsed, and the books are scattered on the ground.

He knelt down and looked at the scattered books carefully. Some of the pages were yellowed and rotten, turning into ashes with the slightest touch of a finger, and the writing on the cover was blurred.

He gently picked up a book, opened it, and found that the words inside had been eroded by time and were almost unrecognizable.

"I thought it was a skill book, but it's not...

Tsk, if so many books were skill books, I wouldn’t be able to take off to the sky all of a sudden.


Qi Ge continued to search in the study, and his eyes fell on the bookshelf.

When he got closer and smelled it, he could smell the smell of rotting wood. The smell made him frown.

It seems that this small study has been abandoned for a long time and no one has taken care of it.

Qi Ge didn't see any light source, but there was enough light in the room for him to see clearly, and he didn't know where it came from.

This made Qige even more determined that this room was not simple.

"Maybe the clues are under these books?"

Qi Ge carefully moved the book away. Sure enough, on the floor under the book, there were some lines that resembled tadpole writing carved on it.

He was so happy that he spent some time putting all the books aside, and finally he could see the whole floor clearly.

There are many inexplicable lines carved on the floor, which look like words and paintings.

Qi Ge stared at it carefully for a while. Suddenly, sections of Chinese that he could understand appeared above the tadpole text.

"The great power of shadow has been broken down, and it is no longer possible to merge into one. The true void glimpsed from the fragmentation, which should have been the light of hope for us to break out of the prison, has become our eternal nightmare."

"Everything is coming to an end, everything is fading, even our shadows are disappearing."

"There's no going back. After the last failure, we can never go back to where we were before."

"No, it shouldn't be like this, our world shouldn't end like this."

"But the Mother Goddess has given up on us."

"We still have people alive, my skills can still be passed on, and there is still hope for the world."

"But the Mother Goddess has given up on us."

"The greatest Mother Goddess! Your followers are in tears, seeking an answer from you."

"The greatest Mother Goddess, why did you give up on us? Is it because our faith is not pious enough, or is our world really hopeless?"

Qige's brows furrowed more and more.

He has become convinced that this world is definitely not the false world generated by the Treasure House, but must be a real world.

Words themselves are the embodiment of order.

These special characters that can be distinguished and recognized by the system have their own unique rules and powerful order.

If it were a virtually generated world, neither Mother Goddess nor Chaos would waste this effort to generate these brand new words.

“Read between the lines.

These words appear to be the deity of a world abandoning this world.

The world exists on the edge of destruction.

The lamentations left behind by the remaining followers of the god.

Mother Goddess...could it be said that this is a world abandoned by Mother Goddess Asa?

Or is it……"

A bold idea came to Qi Ge's mind:

"Is there another mother goddess?"

"Yasha's translation will not be messy. The true god will definitely be translated into the true god. If the power and personality of the god are not up to standard, it is impossible to be translated into the mother goddess.

Could it be that the seemingly abstract and simple world in the treasure house is actually a world no less powerful than Yasha?

It is possible that although the rules of this world are very strange, they are no less special than Yasha.

When the arms fight, they directly compete in combat effectiveness. When the arms are combined, their combat effectiveness will be superimposed. This rule is very similar to the battle space in the Yasha world, or even worse.

A powerful and special Chaos monster like the Eye of Moses, which is difficult to kill, is only a unit with a combat strength of 50,000 in this world, and all its special characteristics have been obliterated.

If this world was in its heyday, it would definitely not be that easy for Chaos to bring this world down under such special rules. "

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows.

"Of course, it is also possible that this mother goddess refers to Yasha.

Then there is another possibility...

There are still parts of the history of Yasha world that I don’t know.

The current shadow world with imperfect rules and strange dreams may be another Yasha world, but this world was abandoned by the Yasha mother goddess.

Uncle Anosaki said that the shadows in the Shadow Realm that can connect the entire Yasha world are indeed very powerful and very special.

So if the Shadow Realm is really another Yasha world, why did this world go to destruction, and why did the Goddess Yasha give it up? "

Every Chaos Treasure House has two modes: perfect strategy and normal strategy, and this temporarily generated treasure house must be no exception.

Qi Ge has a directness, and solving the mysteries of this world is a necessary condition for a perfect strategy.

"But... there are too few hints, and they are so complicated...

It feels like it's getting closer to the truth, but there are more questions. "

Qi Ge raised his head and looked at the old and decaying ceiling:

"Is it possible that there is one or several such hidden rooms hidden in every city?

Can you solve the mystery by finding these hidden rooms?

It’s possible…”


Qi Ge stretched out his hand, looked at his palm, and temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart.

He took out the cage and stuffed the old books inside one by one.

Then he transported the books back and showed them to Ivy.

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectation, Ivy did not understand the words on the book, but those shadow creatures who couldn't even speak did.

After Ivy's translation, Qi Ge learned that most of the books that could be vaguely understood were journals, recording the number of prayer ceremonies and some accounts, and were not confidential documents.

In addition, the history of these books should be very, very long. Many of the texts have been abandoned over a long period of time, and even the shadow creatures can only understand them sporadically.

Unable to find any suitable clues, Qi Ge had no choice but to leave the dungeon and head to the gate where the patrol team once again went.

If you shoot in a cage, thousands of ghosts and gods cannot invade it.

The noble prisoner is back!

Level 100 unlocking was truly earth-shattering. Qi Ge's dexterous fingers bounced a few times and opened the [Shadow Lock] at the gate.

He pushed open the door and took a deep breath when he saw the scene behind the door...

"Hiss! Damn it!"

Behind the gate is an empty hall. The ceiling of the hall is covered with densely packed cages, and each cage is filled with halflings.

These halflings had their eyes closed and their faces were as pale as dead people.

Their bodies were abnormally swollen, and the hair on their lower bodies were stuck together piece by piece, like corpses that had been soaked in water for a long time.

If their bodies hadn't twitched occasionally, Qi Ge would have definitely thought they were dead.

In the center of the hall, there is a strange lamp. It is obviously a lamp, but it emits a dark purple light.

The display light shines on the halflings, casting their shadows on the wall.

The same light source, but the shadows produced are of different shades.

Qi Ge saw that an extremely black shadow suddenly rose from the wall and turned into a pool of thick ink-like ink balls rolling down the wall.


The ink ball fell to the ground and shattered, then quickly reorganized, turning into a shadow demon holding a shadow knife and standing up.

[Shadow Demon LV30]

And the original dark shadow suddenly became lighter in color.

The group of halflings corresponding to the shadow suddenly opened their mouths wide and squirmed, as if they were wailing in pain, but no sound came out.

Qi Ge:! ! !

This strange scene made Qi Ge's hair stand on end.

"Psychosis... is this how chaos monsters are born in this world?!

Why does the halfling's shadow turn into a chaos monster? "

Qige stared at the purple headlight and had a hunch in her heart that this lamp was the culprit of everything.

【Ghost lamp

Effect: Generate evil shadow monsters. No interaction (attack, theft, etc.) can be performed while there is an evil shadow alive in the city.

Clear all evil shadow monsters and you can convert the ghost lamp into a shadow lamp. 】

"Is this... the Yasha Fire of the Shadow World?!"

Qi Ge took a breath and did not step forward rashly.

There happened to be a patrol coming back next to him.

Qi Ge saw the patrol team surrounding the newly-generated shadow demons under the cages under the silently wailing halflings.

They all stretched out their hands and inserted them into Shadow Demon's body.

After a while, the body of the newborn shadow demon shook violently, then shattered into pieces, turning into a blur of thick smoke.

The shadow demon patrols all twitched their noses and inhaled the smoke into their bodies. They all showed extremely intoxicated expressions, just like the expressions of the shadow monsters in the dungeon.

Hiss...these chaos monsters are actually eating their own companions? !

"It's wrong! This is so wrong!

All the energy required for the existence of Chaos monsters is supplied by the void of Chaos itself.

I've never seen a Chaos Monster need to eat.

What is going on in this world? "

Qi Ge glanced at the halflings on the wall. In his intuition, these halflings should be the ones he wanted to save.

But after Qi Ge watched carefully for a while, he was extremely surprised to find that those halflings were all from the Shadow of Evil camp, and their levels were quite high!

【Half Ghost LV50】

"What's going on? No, I have to go back and ask Ivy what's going on."

Qige found an opportunity and slipped back into the dungeon.

When Ivy saw Qi Ge, she waved happily:

"Sir, today's training is over.

Would you like a snack? The roasted little bat beast I made was delicious. "

"Ivy, wait a minute, I have a question for you."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and told her what he saw in the hall.

As Qi Ge spoke, the smile on Ivy's face gradually disappeared. She lowered her head and whispered gloomily:

"Ah, sir, you have seen it all. Really, why do you have to see it? It would be great if you didn't see it, sir..."

ps: It’s the end of the month. If you have monthly tickets, hurry up and stuff them into hamsters’ mouths. I’m so excited!

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