Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 741 People Abandoned by God

"Ah, sir, you have seen it all. Really, why do you have to see it? It would be great if you didn't see it, sir..."

Ivy lowered her head, her voice was low, her hands hung weakly, her body gradually began to sway, and she moved closer to Qi Ge while swaying.

"Hiss." Qi Ge took a breath, stepped back slightly, and stared at Ivy closely.

"Ivy, what's going on? If you have something to say, please say it. Don't be impulsive."

"Woo~oooo~" Gradually, a soft sob came from Ivy.

She said with a cry in her voice:

"Since you have seen it, my lord, there is nothing we can do."

Following Ivy's words, her shadow gradually lengthened, and her body suddenly grew taller. At the same time, the golden hair on her lower body gradually grew and turned gray bit by bit.

Qi Ge’s pupils shrank!

In his field of vision, the [Halfling LV36] above Ivy kept flickering and squirming, eventually turning into thick black ink.

As Ivy's body lifted up, the thick ink gathered again.

[Half Ghost LV36].

With the change of name, Ivy exuded a strong aura of evil shadow.

The nearby shadow monsters were so frightened that they gave up attacking the evil shadow creatures in the cage and huddled together in the corner, shivering.

Qige's first reaction was a little wary, and he even subconsciously took out the cage and prepared to fight.

But after he calmed down a little, he quickly realized something was wrong.

Ivy didn't mean to attack herself. On the contrary, her face was full of sadness.

From her slightly raised eyes, Qi Ge could feel her helplessness and panic.

That expression was like that of a child who had made a mistake, was afraid of being beaten, was innocent, and felt a little aggrieved.

Qi Ge did not rush to take action, but calmed down and asked softly:

"Ivy, are you still conscious?"

Ivy stopped approaching, paused for a long time, and then said softly:


At this time, Ivy's voice had become hoarse and sharp, as harsh as a key scratching glass.

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and then asked:

"Are you my enemy or my friend now?"

This sentence seemed to touch Ivy's heart and made her body tremble.

She shook her head and said with tears in her eyes:

"I wish I was your friend. But I don't know if you can still regard me as a friend when you see me like this."

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed, and a dozen thoughts quickly flashed through his mind.

He pondered for a moment and said:

"If you want to be my friend, then I will be your friend. Friends should be honest with each other.

Concealment will only cause unnecessary misunderstandings between each other.

Ivy, can you tell me what makes you look like this? "

Ivy's body trembled again, this time much bigger than last time.

She didn't seem to want to answer the question and kept hesitating.

Qi Ge kept looking at her with gentle eyes and did not put any pressure on her.

Finally, Ivy spoke tremblingly:

"We halflings are a race cursed by the world.

We are born with two states, one is human and the other is ghost.

When we are humans, we belong to the shadow of righteousness, and when we are ghosts, we belong to the shadow of evil.

When we are humans, we are the core of the Darkness of Justice, and the Shadow Lamp can turn our shadows into creatures of the Righteous Dark alignment such as Shadow Lizards.

Similarly, when we are ghosts, the ghost lamp can also turn our shadow into a monster of the evil shadow camp.

We halflings can become traitors to the Darkness of Righteousness at any time, and we can betray the Shadow of Evil at any time.

We are both the source of and feared by both camps.

When I met you, sir, I realized that you are not from our world.

In our world, all creatures are afraid of us halflings. Only the creatures born from our shadows will be as friendly to us as you are to us, my lord.

But even creatures born from our shadows will fear and hate us after we transform into another form.

I didn't mean to hide it, I was just too scared.

I'm afraid that after you know the truth, you will hate me like other creatures. "

"Dislike you? Why would I do this?"

Qi Ge tilted his head in confusion:

"You are right, Ivy, I am indeed not from this world.

In my world, there is a bird called a crow.

People hate them because their feathers are dark and they always appear near dying people, thinking that they spread misfortune and death.

But the crow is actually colorful, and its feathers are beyond gorgeous. It’s just that the ultraviolet and other light reflected by its feathers cannot be seen by people.

They are not black at all, but are the most beautiful birds in our world.

Ivy, I have no ability to change the prejudice against you in your world, but I can choose my own attitude towards you. "

"Is this true? Sir, do you really not hate me?

Even if I become like this. "

Ivy was very moved. She looked at Qi Ge with a look that wanted to believe but couldn't believe it.

"I won't." Qi Ge replied firmly without hesitation.

"I don't know you well enough, but your appearance and alignment won't affect whether I choose you as my friend.

Ivy, in my world, prejudice is also a common phenomenon.

People often evaluate and judge others based on limited information, stereotypes, or personal experiences.

However, this bias-based perception often does not accurately define a person’s true character.

A person's character is multidimensional, including his behavior, attitude, values, and the way he interacts with others, etc. These factors together make up a person’s uniqueness, and bias tends to focus on only part of it.

From the time I rescued you until now, I have seen your hard training, honesty and trustworthiness, friendliness and enthusiasm, and gratitude.

This cannot be erased by changing your race and alignment.

Yes, you did become a half-ghost and the Shadow of Evil camp, but what does that have to do with me?

In my eyes, as long as your conduct and personality have not changed, whether you are a halfling or a halfling, you are still Ivy. "

"Sir!!" Ivy's eyes turned red, she bit her lip and shook her head: "Sir, what you said is so good, it's really good.

So good I can't believe it.

If you could give me a hug, I..."


Before Ivy could finish her words, Qi Ge took a step forward and held Ivy tightly in her arms.

Ivy's body is petite, soft and cold, like a delicate frost flower. She curled up in the arms of Qi Dove, trembling weakly but constantly.

Her eyes widened, and her breathing was soft and rapid, like a little bird panicking on a cold winter night.

Qige felt Ivy's fear and uneasiness, and he hugged Ivy tightly.

His embrace was soft and warm, providing her with comfort and protection.

Qige's eyes were full of concern and love. He gently stroked Ivy's hair with his palms and gently comforted him: "It's okay, Ivy, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ivy felt the care and protection of Qige, and her trembling gradually became lighter. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of warmth and security.

Listening to Qige's soothing voice, Ivy gradually relaxed and her body stopped shaking.

"Sir, I am convinced that you are the god I have been waiting for. Yes, my lord, you must be.

I will protect you with my whole life, even if the world comes to an end. "

The [Halfling] above Ivy shattered suddenly and instantly turned back into a [Halfling].

Her figure recovered, all the weirdness disappeared, and the hair on her lower body turned into a warm and brilliant golden color again.


Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He stroked Ivy's hair and wanted to loosen his hands, but his body was held tightly by Ivy.

"Sir, please, please hold me for a little longer, just a little while."

Like a puppy, Ivy buried her head in Qi Ge's chest, sucking deeply the scent of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge was a little embarrassed: "I haven't taken a shower for more than ten days. Will it stink?"

"It stinks, but I like it."

Ivy said in a confused voice.

Qi Ge:......

Due to his height, Qige's thigh just touched the water outlet, and he felt very embarrassed.

It smells bad, but you still suck it, and you still suck it, and you still...

Ivy, do you have any special constitution that causes you to get angry when you smell bad smells?

Let me tell you, your physique is very dangerous.

When Ivy finally recovered, Qi Ge felt that something seemed to have changed in the relationship between Ivy and herself, but nothing seemed to have changed.

Ivy still listened to herself as she did before, but she seemed happier when executing her orders.

There is a feeling that the distance between hearts is getting closer.

Understanding the special characteristics of halflings, Qi Ge immediately thought of a question:

"Ivy, if I free all the halflings in the cages in the hall, can they become halflings and join our Righteous Dark camp?"

Hearing Qige's question, Ivy bit her lip and shook her head firmly:

“My lord I imagine this may be difficult.

If those half-ghosts were forced by the Evil Shadow to join the Evil Shadow, that would be okay, but I guess they most likely did it voluntarily.

This has to do with the history of our world.

There is a legend that has been circulating in our world.

A long time ago, the ancestors of our world controlled the power of shadow. Darkness and shadow were not hostile to each other, and there was no such thing as justice and evil.

But for reasons no one knows, our world has been rejected by the gods.

After being abandoned by the gods, the world has undergone many changes. The environment has become harsh, the previous food can no longer provide energy, shadows will turn into monsters, and so on.

The first evil shadows were those monsters born from the shadows of our race that had experienced God's abandonment but still survived.

But no matter how bad the world becomes, the surviving races still need to survive.

The survivors banded together to form Righteous Darkness.

The Darkness of Justice fights against the shadow of evil that split from our bodies, studies how to improve the environment, and grows plants that can thrive after the upheaval... all in order to survive.

However, every living thing must die, so if the meaning of survival lies in immortality, then all strategies are doomed to failure.

Survival is just to ensure that our righteous darkness continues to multiply, and we are waiting for the slim hope that we don’t know whether it will come.

The 125th Great Guardian has resisted the shadow of evil for countless years, but the disaster has become more and more serious.

All the successive Great Guardians can do is to try their best to hold on to the Darkness of Justice and hand over a heavier burden and slimmer hope to the next generation.

Despair and suffering inherently corrupt the soul and breed fear.

And we halflings are disliked by other survivors because of the uniqueness of our ability to freely change our alignment.

This has led to countless halflings in the long history of completely losing hope in the world and choosing to join the shadow of evil to avenge the suffering they have suffered.

They voluntarily become shadow-generating machines without any emotion or thinking ability, providing a steady stream of troops for the evil shadow.

More and more halflings defected, causing the resistance front that was already at a disadvantage in the just war to gradually collapse, and eventually collapsed thousands of miles away.

This has resulted in the current desperate situation of only two remaining cities in the Darkness of Justice.

Therefore, even if you save those half-ghosts, my lord, I don't guarantee that they will still side with the Darkness of Justice like me. "

After Qige listened, he thought for a while and said:

"I generally understand, but I still have many questions that I would like to trouble you to answer.

What kind of god are you talking about?

Why did God abandon your world?

Why are halflings different, with the ability to transform into halflings and join the shadow of evil? "

Qige asked three questions in one breath, but Ivy lowered her head in shame:

"Sir, I don't know any of the three questions you asked.

But, I know someone who might know! "


"My mother!" Ivy patted her chest proudly:

“My mother is the secretary of the 127th Grand Guardian.

The original Great Guardian was the great priest of the gods, the most knowledgeable person in our world.

The knowledge of the Great Guardian is passed down from generation to generation. My mother learned a lot when she served as the secretary of the Great Guardian.

She must know the questions you are asking. "

Qi Ge touched his chin and asked, "Then why don't I just ask the 128th Great Guardian?"

The smile on Ivy's face faded little by little:

"The 128th Great Guardian is dead. Not long ago, he failed to leave a legacy.

We, the Dark of Justice, no longer have a great guardian. "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge patted Ivy on the head and comforted:

"I see.

It doesn't matter, I'll do it when I come.

Since the creatures in this world are in despair because of the abandonment of gods, let me bring hope to them again. "

Since I want to ask Ivy's mother, I have to leave this city.

In order to have the strength to leave the city as soon as possible, Qi Ge increased the training intensity and extended the training time.

As for the rest of the shadow creatures...

The less the shadow creature rests, the more training time it takes.

The more training time increases, the more the quantity and quality of coaches improve.

The more the quantity and quality of coaches improve, the better the ingredients will be.

The better the ingredients, the better the food.

The better the food, the less the shadow creature needs to rest.

Therefore, the less the shadow creature rests, the less it needs to rest.


I, Qi Ge, haven’t slept for a whole day, and you guys are not allowed to sleep for a whole day, so roll them up for me!

Under the elite education of Qige, the shadow creatures fully experienced the last ten days of the college entrance examination sprint.

In just ten days, the total combat power of the forty shadow creatures rose to 120,000.

Coupled with Qige's LV100 command, their combat power has reached a terrifying 720,000!

The crouching dragon emerges from the mountain and reflects the red cliff, and the dangers of thousands of miles are dyed with flowers.

The phoenix dances in the sky and the clouds rise, the dragon sings in the sky and defeats Cao's army.

We have enough troops and the sweep begins!

All the shadow creatures and Ivy gathered at the entrance of the dungeon to wait. Seven Pigeons and Shadow Lizards separated to attract the monsters.

After patrols were wiped out one after another, Seven Pigeons' army was able to run amok in the castle.

The team of seven pigeons, including the seven pigeons, has a total of 43 units.

Each unit carries a cage.

As soon as the Chaos troops in the castle showed signs of swarming over them, they immediately got into the cage, and their hatred was instantly lifted.

Therefore, they can rely on the advantage of initiative to defeat the troops in the castle one by one.

Halls, chapels, auditoriums, treasuries, weapons depots, gardens, courtyards... areas are constantly falling under the sweep of the seven pigeons.

Even some chaos monsters flying in the sky had to fly down to die under Qi Ge's ridicule.

Finally, only two positions were left.

The great hall where the half-ghosts are imprisoned, and the city gate guarded by the Eye of Moses.

Qige calculated with his fingers and decided to hit the auditorium first.

The two agreement mechas only have a total combat power of 80,000, which is vulnerable to Seven Pigeon's army of 720,000 combat power.

In the billowing smoke and dust, the parts of the agreement mecha were scattered and beaten to pieces.

The moment the seven doves penetrated the great hall, the Eye of Moses that had been guarding the city gate suddenly moved.

They kept flashing like ghosts, their bodies trembling to summon a large number of eyeballs, and they rushed into the auditorium.

After summoning the eyeballs, the total combat power of the 10 Eyes of Moses reached a full 600,000!

Unfortunately, they are still no match for the Seven Pigeons Army.

At the moment when the Eye of Moses died, the cage on the ceiling suddenly opened.

One after another, the half-ghosts fell from the cage to the ground. Like zombies, they staggered up from the ground and drooled at Qige and the others.

"Ivy, leave it to you!"

Qi Ge patted Ivy on the shoulder. Ivy's little body was trembling and she was obviously nervous.


Ivy responded and cheered herself up.

"Come on Ivy, as long as you succeed, you can go see your mother with the adults.

In the future, maybe I can stay with you all the time and live until the end of my life without shame! "

Her body suddenly changed and she turned into a terrifying half-ghost again.


Ivy let out a low growl and drove away the other half-ghosts who were trying to get closer.

Her voice was still sharp and hoarse, but it was a little less hellish and a little more energetic than before:

"Fellow people, have you seen this person next to me?

He is a god from other worlds who came to save our world.

Just like the sun shines through the night, the gods cross the horizon and descend here.

His figure traveled between reincarnations and saved countless worlds.

The road to the future is at our feet. Don't be sad or afraid, but be confident and look forward to tomorrow.

New gods have appeared, how can you stand still.

The sufferings of the past will be over, and the dream of halflings and other races living together as equals will come true and will not be far away. "

In Qi Ge's expectation, even if Ivy's words could not make all the half-ghosts wake up on the spot, they would still make them hesitate or stop attacking.

But Qi Ge didn't expect that they showed no signs of stopping at all, and still rushed towards them with their teeth and claws bared.

Ivy sighed and slowly changed back to her original form.

She murmured: "Sir, they have completely fallen into the pain of forcibly stripping off their shadows for a long time. They have long lost their minds and are just a group of mindless monsters.

Words alone cannot save them, so we might as well let them rest in peace. "

"Hey. Well, Ivy, I allow you to lead the troops to relieve their pain."


Ivy waved her hand and led a large group of shadow elites and half-ghosts to fight together.

Dark: 72000VS Shadow: 34000

Smoke and dust rose, and the sound of fierce fighting came from the smoke.

Soon, the battle was over, and all the half-ghosts were lying on the ground, unconscious with relieved expressions...

The last guarding force of the evil shadow died, and the ghost lamp that had been emitting purple light flickered a few times and turned into a shadow lamp that emitted dark golden light.

[System prompt: You successfully captured the city [Prisoner Pigeon City]. 】

[System prompt: Evil Shadow’s troops have set out from the surrounding cities to try to recapture [Prisoner Pigeon City]. 】

[System prompt: You can choose:

1. Join the Darkness of Justice and transform [Pigeon City] into the Darkness of Justice camp.

2. Set up a separate force with [Prisoner Pigeon City] as the core.

If you choose option 1, Darkness of Justice will know about your escape and send reinforcements to [Prisoner Pigeon City].

If you choose option 2, the Darkness of Justice will not be able to learn about your escape, you will not be able to receive support, and the number of troops sent by the Shadow of Evil to [Prisoner Pigeon City] will be doubled. 】

"Huh?! Do you even need to think about it? Of course it's choice 1."

Qi Ge was about to confirm when a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind.

“No, that’s not right, it’s a bad choice.

[Prisoner Pigeon City] is located in the center of the Shadow of Evil camp. If the strategy team that is entering the strategy copy now has the ability to reach here, they will hit it here if they have any news about my escape.

If they don't have the ability to attack here, the news of my escape will force them to attack Prisoner Pigeon City.

The battles in this world are purely based on combat effectiveness. In a corps battle, if a corps with insufficient combat effectiveness fails, the entire army will be annihilated.

Rather than letting them take that risk, I should take the risk.

At least, my troops and I have small targets and are flexible enough. "

"I choose 2! Independence!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on your newly established power. Please select a force name:

The Neutral Dove or the Land of Asa. 】

"These two names... seem to imply something..."

Qi Ge did not have time to think carefully and directly chose [Land of Asa].

[System prompt: You have established a new force [Land of Yasha].

Should we rename the capital city of [Land of Asa]? 】

"Yes! It turns out that Prison Pigeon City is too ugly, compared to Luofengpo.

Well, let’s change the name to Bisheng City!

The land of Asa, the city that must win, Asa must win! "

[System prompt: The city name has been modified. 】

[System prompt: You currently own Bisheng City. 】

[System prompt: Your city currently has forty-two residents, and there is a serious shortage of residents.

Only shadow lights work properly.

Please recruit residents as soon as possible to develop the city. 】

[System prompt: Please choose the representative color of your force. Black and gray are currently unavailable. 】

"Then of course I choose yellow."

[System prompt: You have selected yellow. 】

"Sir! You have created a new force!!"

Ivy looked at her hands and was extremely surprised.

She could clearly feel that her current self was completely different from her previous self.

There was a mysterious connection between her and Qi Ge. Even if she closed her eyes, she could feel Qi Ge's position.

"This must be the connection between gods and believers! It's true, sir.

He could clearly rule the world directly, but he had to hide his identity and mingle among mortals.

It’s so easy-going! "

Qi Ge studied the city's construction system for a while and understood it immediately.

Whether it is a weapons depot or a kitchen, all logistics equipment requires [manpower] to activate.

A shadow creature or a normal creature counts as a [manpower].

Compared with normal creatures' desperate reproductive capabilities, using shadow lamps to produce [shadow creatures] is the best way to quickly obtain [manpower].

If Bisheng City is in a safe state, what Qi Ge has to do now is to catch normal creatures everywhere and convince them to let their shadows produce shadow creatures.

However, the situation is different now.

Qige took a breath and said to Ivy who was smiling for some reason:

"Go to the weapons depot, kitchen, study... and search for everything we can. We abandon the city!"


Ivy people are stupid.

In the endless desert, brown and black sand form a black ocean.

The sky was so dark that not even a single white cloud could be seen drifting by.

The air was so hot that Qi Ge's skin was as red as if it had been burned with a soldering iron.

The air here is filled with heat that comes from nowhere, as if it can scorch everything.

Seven Pigeons carried seven cages stacked in a line and walked at the front of the team.

Behind him, Ivy and the shadow creatures lined up in a long line, each of them carrying at least one cage and other more or less things.

Qige and the others have been walking for three days, and the corpses of the evil shadows carried by the team have been exhausted.

[System prompt: Your victory city is being attacked, please support the defense in time. 】

[System prompt: Your must-win city has been captured, please defend in time.

[System prompt: In the land of yellow power Yasha, you have lost the last city.

Please obtain a new city within 7 days, otherwise you will be forcibly defeated and all units belonging to the force will be wiped out. 】

The name of the city Bishengcheng has a good meaning, but its fate is obviously not very good.

In just three days, Bisheng City fell.

When Qige heard the last system prompt, the team suddenly stopped.

Although Ivy and the others couldn't hear the prompt, they could feel that a piece of their hearts suddenly lost, and they felt empty and wanted to cry.

They immediately realized what was happening.

"Sir...our only home is gone."

Ivy pulled Qi Ge's sleeve, feeling a little aggrieved.

Qi Ge turned around and licked his somewhat dry lips.

"I know. Don't worry, we'll be at another home soon."

Qi Ge stretched out his hand, pointed at the high sand dunes and said:

"Bisheng City is very good. It was our first home and the place where we met. I also have great feelings for Bisheng City.

However, we cannot hold on.

When attacking the city, the forces of the Shadow of Evil will swarm forward and will not give us a chance to defeat them one by one.

So Bivi City does not belong to us now, so we must retreat.

If you save people and lose land, everyone and all land will be lost. If you save land and lose people, everyone and land will be gained.

What we have to do now is to increase our combat effectiveness as much as possible within a limited time!

As long as you climb over the mountain, you can see the new city.

That is our new home, and new companions are waiting for us.

The cities around Bisheng City will send troops to Bisheng City, which means that the troops inside their cities will become empty.

With the current strength of our team, as long as we operate it well, it will not be a problem to capture the city without damage.

Conquering the city means that we will rescue new prisoners, get new rewards, and strengthen our team.

As long as we have no losses and can keep getting stronger.

One day, we will fight back and take back the must-win city. "

"Yes! We understand, sir!"

After hearing Qige's explanation, the morale of Ivy and the shadow monsters in the team instantly recovered a lot.

This is why Qi Ge chose to explain to them now.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Qi Ge did not want to waste the precious opportunity to boost morale on their escape route.

The siege is about to start now, so it's just right.

Although the battles in this world are based on combat effectiveness, their will and morale can ensure that they will not retreat or rebel.

After climbing over the sand dunes, Qige and the others could already see the city.

This is a very large city that is six times larger than Prisoner Pigeon City. There are four gates alone, and each gate is guarded by more than a dozen Eyes of Moses.

Only then did Ivy realize a key issue:

"Sir, if we want to attack the city, we must also attack the city gate.

Even with you here, our total combat power cannot knock down any city gate.

This is how to do ah. "

"Don't panic, I've expected it."

Qi Ge smiled slightly, and a light of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

Half an hour later, Ivy and the shadow creatures sat sluggishly in the cage on the sand dune.

They watched in shock as Qi Ge made more than a dozen trips back and forth, moving more than forty empty cages one after another to the city wall.

Then he used the cages to build a large ladder at different heights, and climbed up the big ladder to the city wall.

The guards on the city wall are LV55 stick monsters, and their reconnaissance capabilities are far inferior to those of the Eyes of Moses.

Qi Ge's stealth level of LV32 made them completely unaware of Qi Ge's personal dance in front of them.

After confirming that there was no problem, Qi Ge began to carry the cages containing his troops one by one.

Ivy sat in the cage with a confused look on her face, and said hello to the sticky monster who also looked confused:

"What, hello?"

The clinging monster doesn't know how to behave at first sight.

Not only did he not politely reply to Ivy's greetings, he also locked the cage with an expressionless expression.


Ivy: ...(End of chapter)

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