Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 756 Emerald Islands

Next to the ancient archipelago, there is a mysterious archipelago surrounded by emerald waters, where a group of ancient and beautiful creatures live - emerald dragons.

These emerald dragons have emerald green scales, but their scales are not as shiny as other dragons, but appear a bit dull.

This is because the scales of the emerald dragon are covered with sandy soil all year round.

These magical sandy soils allow the emerald dragon to have the ability to be immune to level 1~4 magic.

The Emerald Islands are surrounded by colorful coral reefs, and strange fish of various colors swim among the corals, forming a beautiful picture of the underwater world.

The reason why there is such a unique ecology is that the Emerald Islands are actually made of the corpse of the Emerald Dragon.

As a semi-elemental dragon, the Emerald Dragon is not a perishable carbon-based creature, but a noble silicon-based creature.

After the death of the emerald dragon, the body will not melt into the sea water, but will be deposited in the sea and become sedimentary rock. The body of the emerald dragon, rich in magic and nutrients, can support a large number of marine life.

These marine creatures will provide abundant food for the Emerald Dragon on the Emerald Islands.

The skeleton of the Emerald Dragon contains a lot of silica material that is difficult to decompose. These silica materials gradually accumulate and become islands above the water surface.

The body of the emerald dragon that dies on the island will turn into a feast of moss and plants.

The increase in bryophytes will attract birds and herbivores...

Each dead old jade dragon can become a separate ecological circle. It will take at least two hundred years for other creatures to completely decompose their bodies.

All things raise dragons, one dragon falls, and all things arise.

The cycle goes back and forth, endlessly, this is nature.

Seven pigeons lay furtively on the coral reef near the Emerald Islands, looking around.

The trees on the Emerald Islands grew very tall and lush, blocking Qige's view.

He has circled the Emerald Islands several times and cannot find where the Dragon King Temple is.

Qi Ge originally wanted to find the silver core secretly and try not to be discovered by the female dragon on the island, but the current situation seemed to have no way around it.

"If a man dies, a bird will look up to the sky, and he will not die for tens of thousands of years. The brave will be starved to death, and the coward will starve to death.

No matter, just go ahead. "

The seven-dove dragon spread its wings and flew towards the largest island in the center of the Emerald Islands.

Qi Ge originally thought that as soon as he approached the Emerald Islands, he would be surrounded by many female dragons, but as a result, he hovered over the islands for a long time without encountering even a single dragon.

"What's going on? Where's the dragon?"

"Ouch!! Sisters of the Emerald Dragon, where are you?"

Qi Ge was howling for a long time over the Emerald Islands, startling the birds, but there were still no other Emerald Dragons approaching, which made Qi Ge feel a little uneasy.

He mustered up his courage, folded his wings, and landed towards the lush emerald forest.

As soon as he entered the forest, Qi Ge felt his eyelids fighting up and down before he even took two steps. He staggered a few steps forward, then with a pop, he fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep...

【Well? My head hurts. What's going on? 】

"He's so handsome."

"I've never seen such a handsome dragon."

"In myths and legends, the purple dragon with all the beauty in the world should be nothing more than this."

[Who, who is speaking? 】

"This is not the emerald dragon of our clan. I don't know where he came from."

"Not only does he look handsome, he is also very handsome here...ah~~"

【Um? ! I remembered, I was on the Emerald Isles. Hiss...I passed out on the Emerald Islands. Wouldn't that be fatal?

Wake up, wake up quickly!

Ouch, don't eat me, I don't taste good! ! 】


"Don't move around. His body hasn't expanded yet. He's still a young dragon who has just grown up. Don't let him spoil it."

"Hehe, I'll just try it."



Qi Ge felt like he was wrapped in colloid, surrounded by slime, and he couldn't use any force at all.

He swayed his body from side to side and struggled hard!


The sound of a bubble bursting exploded in Qi Ge's head. He opened his eyes suddenly and woke up instantly.

"Ah, you're awake?"

Along with the gentle voice, Qi Ge gradually came back to his senses.

In front of him was a woman looking down at her.

The huge round ball blocked half of her face, and Qi Ge could only see her delicate white forehead and her curved eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

Under the corner of her right eye, there was a tiny mole of tears.

Qi Ge immediately realized that he seemed to be lying on a woman's lap.

The other party's body is full of flesh, but it doesn't look fat. When you lie down on it, your thighs are as soft and warm as if they were stuck in cotton.

Qi Ge couldn't even imagine how comfortable it would be if it were carried on the shoulders.

Qi Ge quickly turned over and rolled down from between the opponent's thighs.

Qi Ge originally wanted to ask the other party directly if she was the Silver Core Witch Zhu, but her hair and pupils were both emerald green, which was obviously inconsistent with the Silver Elf.

Her figure doesn't look like the emerald dragon transformed into a dragon-human form. She doesn't have any dragon characteristics, and is more like a complete human being.

Qi Ge looked around and found that he and the woman in front of him seemed to be the only two people here, but he had clearly heard the voices of several women in his sleep just now.

"Perhaps I was too afraid of being drained by the female dragon after entering the Emerald Islands, so I had nightmares.

Strange, why did I fall asleep directly? "

Qi Ge's thoughts moved and he respectfully said to the woman:

"Did you help me? Thank you.

I am the Emerald Silver Dragon and the Seven Doves, the messenger of the goddess of peace. I am burdened with a great mission to find the Silver Core Witch Zhu.

But when I entered the Emerald Islands, I fainted for some reason.

Is this the Emerald Isles? Where is the Silver Core Witch Zhu? "

Hearing Qige's question, the woman squinted her eyes and responded with a smile:

"This is the Emerald Islands, yes, but this is the dream world of our Emerald Dragon."

"Dream world?"

Qi Ge tilted his head, looking confused.

“The dream world is the collective subconscious of our Emerald Dragons.

Through the connection with the Dragon King Temple, our Emerald Dragon can survive in the dream world and help the Goddess of Peace deduce the changes in the battle space.

Some problems occurred in the Dragon King Temple a while ago, which hindered the closure of the Dream World.

Yinxin Wuzhu is helping us repair the Dragon King Temple. It may take some time before we have time to see you. "

Qige was panicked.

"This is terrible. If I can't see the silver core quickly, I will be in danger if I stay here for one more second."

The beautiful woman squinted her eyes and said with a smile:

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself.

I am the current leader of the Emerald Dragon, [Emerald Forest Dragon] Silena. "

"Silena...comes from the forest...a beautiful name that goes well with your beauty."

Qi Ge praised from the bottom of his heart.

Silena smiled and narrowed her eyes. She was very beautiful, charming but not coquettish, touching. Even the tear mole at the corner of her eye looked charming.

She smiled and said:

"Thank you for your compliment, your name Qige is as handsome as your appearance.

I can see that you seem to be worried. Can you tell me what you are worried about? "

Of course I was worried about turning into a dragon, but how could I tell you.

Qige opened her mouth. She originally wanted to tell a lie to cover it up, but for some reason, her words changed as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm really worried.

When I was outside, I heard from my elf friends that the male dragons of the Emerald Islands had made huge sacrifices in the fight against Chaos. There were a large number of female dragons on the island who could not find mates and were in a crisis of survival.

Therefore, I am very worried that I will be besieged by the female dragons and squeezed into pieces.

Ah, of course it’s not that I’m unwilling to contribute to the reproduction of our emerald dragons, it’s just that I am a more dedicated person and a firm supporter of the one-male-one-female system.

I still hope to find a female dragon that I love and stay with for the rest of my life, rather than force breeding for the sake of the reproduction of the race.

This is unfair to me and the female dragons. "

"Uh-huh, hehe."

Hearing Qige's words, Silena covered her mouth and laughed.

"Qi Ge, you are really cute, you will believe whatever the elf says.

Don't worry, I can assure you that there will be no forced breeding.

It is true that the male dragon suffered heavy losses, but this does not mean that the female dragon on the island will force the remaining male dragons.

At present, the number of males and females in our Emerald Dragon Clan is still within a safe range, and it is not yet time for forced breeding. "

"That's good."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Silena approached Qi Ge and held Qi Ge’s hand very naturally:

“You should be a member of the tribe who grew up outside the island.

This is your first time coming to the Emerald Dream. Let me show you around.

Anyway, it will take time to wait for Yinxin Wuzhu to repair the Dragon King Temple, right? "

Qige originally wanted to refuse.

But Silena's language seemed to have a magical power that made Qi Ge relax instantly.

She had a fragrance like burning pine resin, which made Qi Ge feel comfortable.

Being held by Silena and feeling the strong affinity in her body, Qi Ge couldn't say no.

"It makes sense, then I'll trouble you."

"Come with me."

Silena pulled Qi Ge and looked back with a smile. This smile seemed to draw Qi Ge's soul away. He couldn't resist at all and could only follow Silena forward step by step.

The green grass was swaying, dewdrops were hanging low, and the clear chirping of birds passed through the shadows of the leaves and surrounded them in the breeze.

Silena's long hair kept swaying with the breeze, and from time to time it drifted playfully onto Qi Ge's face.

The refreshing aroma playfully caressed the tip of Qi Ge's nose.

Although the two of them were holding hands, Silena still seemed worried that Qi Ge would not follow, and would look back at Qi Ge every time they walked.

Those worried eyes, as deep as autumn water, made Qi Ge's mind sink into them.

Qi Ge even had a feeling that he hoped that this road in the forest would never end.

But the roads were limited after all. As the sun shone from the vines, Silena finally led the seven pigeons through the forest.

A group of pink kingfishers flapped their wings and rose into the sky. Dense green vines wrapped around a mountain like a giant dragon. All the way up, it looked like a green waterfall climbing to the sky, with no edge visible.

On Longxing Mountain, there are trees of all sizes.

Each bush is in the shape of a ring, with staggered heights, just like a bird's nest.

In each bird's nest lies a dazzling emerald dragon.

Their bodies appear vibrant in the sun, exuding youth and vitality.

Immediately afterwards, in Qige's eyes, these tall emerald dragons began to flash and gradually transformed into human shapes.

There are beautiful women with various styles, some are petite and cute, some are graceful, some are graceful, some are fair and charming...

The sun is slightly warm, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance.

This seems to be a paradise for beautiful women.

They play and talk here, like flowers in a garden, blooming separately, but together they form a gorgeous picture.

Several girls with similar looks were dressed in gorgeous silk clothes, as colorful as the lilies in the courtyard.

A mother and daughter were wearing rose-red dresses of similar styles, with their white jade feet slapping against the clear stream.

A woman wearing a golden short skirt sat on the canopy of the tree, smiling and waving to the seven pigeons.

Most of the women are wearing emerald-green tunics with complex and beautiful patterns embroidered on their clothes, like princesses coming out of stories or elves in dreams.

Their faces are as beautiful as picturesque porcelain, white and delicate.

Some women have big eyes, like the night sky with stars, some women have straight noses, like jade in the mountains, and some women have delicate red lips, like dewdrops in the morning.

Every smile and every blink of their eyes is like a beautiful poem, exuding the unique tenderness and charm of women.

The surrounding scenery also seems to add to their beauty.

The flowers in the forest are blooming, the green leaves are shining in the sun, and the birds are singing happily on the branches.

Seeing Silena coming with seven pigeons, they gathered together curiously, discussed enthusiastically, and talked and laughed.

Qi Ge couldn't understand what they were saying, but the gathered voices seemed to be the melody flowing from the strings, beautiful and harmonious.

Their laughter came and went, like wind chimes in the courtyard, swaying in the wind, tickling the seven pigeons' hearts.

"You see, the clan members welcome you. They are all smiling at you."

Silena squeezed Qi Ge's palm, waking Qi Ge up from his sluggish state.

Qi Ge smiled awkwardly and asked strangely:

"Indeed, I can feel everyone's enthusiasm. But why have they all turned into human forms?"


Silena glanced at Qi Ge in confusion and showed a teasing smile:

"Of course it's because this is the Emerald Dream.

The world will change according to your aesthetic.

In my eyes, you are still the handsome emerald silver dragon. "


Qi Ge suddenly realized.

The emerald dragons have not changed, but in his own eyes, they have changed.

Because he is essentially a human being, he naturally treats them as human beings.

Silena covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"It seems that you prefer humanoid creatures.

Ah, don't worry, I won't laugh at your quirks. Every dragon has its own preferences, I can understand that.

But, compared to the cute emerald dragon, you actually prefer..., ahem, it really surprises me. "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge was stunned!

He discovered a big problem!

Now that he is an emerald dragon, he likes humanoid creatures just like humans like cats and dogs.

It is normal for humans to like cats and dogs, but it is extremely abnormal for humans to regard cats and dogs as spouses!

No wonder Silena looked at me so strangely. She must have thought I was a pervert who fucked cats and dogs!

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