Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 757 Emerald Dream

Qige looked at Silena and moved her lips, trying to explain to her that she was not a pervert, but a healthy young man with normal orientation.

But he looked at Silena's tearful smile and still didn't speak after all.

Whatever, it’s just a misunderstanding.

There should be no female dragon that would have a relationship with a male dragon with a strange XP. To me, this might actually be a good thing.

The top priority now is to find a way to see the silver core as soon as possible.

Qi Ge did not forget his original intention and continued to fight:

“Chief Silena, can you take me to the Dragon King Temple?

To be honest, I also have some research on architecture. Maybe I can help Yinxin Wuzhu and help you solve the problem of Dragon King Temple as soon as possible. "

Silena seemed to have seen through Qige's idea of ​​leaving as soon as possible, and refused with a smile:

"Don't be in a hurry, we're here, let's say hello to the clansmen first.

I believe they must be very curious about you, a handsome young dragon from far away. "

Qige's heart thumped, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

But before he could stop him, Silena clapped his hands and shouted:

"Sisters, come and meet our distinguished guest."


A large group of warblers and swallows' female dragons suddenly swarmed towards the seven pigeons.

The mature female dragons were more reserved and looked at them with smiles, but the young female dragons were much more enthusiastic.

They quickly gathered around Qi Ge and exchanged greetings.


Qi Ge was surrounded by a group of white grandma's flowers and was at a loss.

"My name is Qingteng, brother, what's your name?"

"Brother, where are you from?"

Amitabha, the seven pigeons of the Tang Dynasty, came from East Tuyasha and went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

"Brother, why do you have silver hair on your scales? You look so unique."

"Brother, can I touch your silver hair?"

Um? Tell me again what do you want to touch? Hey hey, let go. Female donor, Pindao hasn’t agreed yet!

Don't pull it out, don't pull it out, it hurts!

"Okay, everyone spread out, don't scare others."

The emerald dragon wearing golden clothes came over. She opened her hands and separated everyone with a gentle stop.

For a moment, even though the girls were still eager to try, they still suppressed their excitement and stood aside with fiery eyes.

Qige could tell that the emerald dragon in golden clothes had a high status among the girls.

"Wandering dragon from afar, welcome you back to your hometown.

I am Ysera, deputy chieftain of the Emerald Isles.

On the Emerald Isles, all sorrow and pain disappear, leaving only eternal joy.

After a long journey, you must be hungry. Eat some food first. "

The emerald dragon in golden clothes took Qi Ge's other hand, and together with Silena, took Qi Ge to the foot of the Dragon Mountain.

For a time, flowers were in full bloom, birds and animals were singing, and countless fruits were rising among the flowers.

The colorful fruits are like a beautiful picture, which is mouth-watering.

The crystal clear grapes are closely arranged together like a string of purple pearls.

Plump and juicy oranges, with a thin layer of fruit wax remaining on the peel, exude a magical scent.

The red apple is plump and elastic. When Qi Ge takes a bite, the flesh is crisp and juicy, sweet but not greasy.

After eating the fruit, the emerald dragons surrounded the seven pigeons again.

There is a dragon serving wine and pouring water, a dragon massaging and beating the legs, a dragon asking for help, and taking care of the seven pigeons meticulously.

The seven pigeons were fed alcohol and were made dizzy.

He couldn't help but feel a little moved.

“I have to say that the Emerald Dragons were very kind to me and entertained me so warmly.

They didn't force me either.

What those elves said was too exaggerated. "

Qi Ge was thinking about it when suddenly, a shout came from the distance:

"A male dragon has escaped!"

Qi Ge looked up and saw an emerald dragon flying with all its strength in the sky, its hands and feet tied by ivy.

He was as skinny as a stick, and his scales were dull and dull, making him look particularly miserable.

Behind him, a group of female dragons were quickly pursuing him.


A female dragon jumped on the male dragon's back and pushed the male dragon down.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen female dragons swarmed up and surrounded the male dragon.

The dragons flapped their wings and flew leisurely into the distance.

"Ah this..."

Qi Ge was in a daze when Ysela suddenly took a step and blocked Qi Ge's sight.

She raised a bottle of wine and said quietly:

"Angel, don't look over there.

That was the Sin Dragon that escaped during the Chaos War and was caught by us to be punished. "

" that so?"

Qi Ge was about to retort when Silena suddenly held Qi Ge's shoulders and whispered in Qi Ge's ear:

"Of course it is. Seven Dove God Envoy, just enjoy it and don't worry about that."

"oh oh."

Qi Ge's eyes lost their brightness, and Ysera took the opportunity to pour the wine into Qi Ge's mouth.


Wine and delicacies are in the mouth, beauties are wrapped around the knees, the seven pigeons are so happy, and they are so happy that they don’t miss Shu.

After having enough wine and food, Qi Ge was dizzy, but he didn’t want to delay any longer, so he made another request:

“Chief Silena, that scripture, ugh.

That Dragon King Temple, can you take me there? "

Silena glanced at Qi Ge with a charming look and said with a smile:

"of course.

Sisters, take our envoy to the Dragon King Temple, and remember to take good care of him on the way. "

"Follow your orders~~~"

A group of female dragons gathered around and pulled the seven pigeons away.

Qi Ge was swaying between her plump buttocks and fat breasts, feeling quite dizzy.

Soon, under the leadership of the female dragons, the Seven Pigeons arrived under a giant tree that looked like a dragon head.

The seven pigeons are overjoyed:

“Oh, this tree is tall and majestic, with its single shade tree, it’s so spectacular.

Could this be the legendary Dragon King Temple? "

The female dragons laughed in unison:

"No. This is the Dragon Pillar."


Qi Ge was puzzled: "What does Dou Long Zhu do?"

"It's a simulated battle space. It's a little difficult to explain. You'll understand after taking a look."

Ysera smiled and stretched out her finger.

The Dragon Fighting Pillar shook, and many ghost crows suddenly appeared on the treetops!

"Ah! Chaos monster!"

Qi Ge was shocked, and his drunkenness suddenly dropped by three points.

He immediately tensed up and prepared for battle.

But those ghost crows did not pounce, but stayed quietly on the treetops.


Ysera pressed her finger again, and a group of wood elves carrying bows and arrows appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a battle space opened up instantly, and both the wood elves and ghost crows entered the battle space and began to fight.

"Is this... a simulated battle space?"

Qi Ge was a little surprised.

"Yes." Ysera proudly introduced:

“The biggest function of the Dragon King Temple is to store information on all the Chaos arms that have appeared in the Yasha world.

Through the compilation of these data, the corresponding Chaos arms can be embodied in the Emerald Dream.

Then through the battle space created by Dou Longshu, a simulated battle space can be generated.

By simulating the battle space, we can record the performance of various arms in the battle space against Chaos monsters and provide combination suggestions for arms in the Yasha world.

Take this battle for example.

200 wood elves fought against 300 ghost crows, and finally lost 120 wood elves. Although they won, it was a miserable victory.

But with the same force, if replaced by 100 wood elves and 20 deadwood guards, the final loss would be only 2 deadwood guards, and there is no doubt that they will win.

Of course, this is just the simplest use of Dragon Tree.

If there are enough Emerald Dragons, we can even simulate a complete Chaos Outbreak.

From the generation of chaos nodes to the arrival of true chaos troops, everything can be simulated.

This allows our troops to engage in simulated battles with each other at any point in the entire process of Chaos Eruption.

Master Mu Xin originally used this simulated combat system to discover the loopholes in our Yasha battle space and improved it, thus successfully accumulating enough contributions to becoming a god. "

This...isn't this a holographic simulation actual combat exercise system? !

The Temple of the Dragon King is an information recording and analysis module, the Locking Dragon Vine is a projection device, and the Dragon Fighting Tree is a battlefield simulator.

The Emerald Dream is the operating space and foundation for everything, and is the underlying framework of the actual combat exercise system.

Amazing, amazing!

Seeing the admiration on Qi Ge's face, Ysera smiled and said:

"As I said before, the Dragon King Temple is responsible for recording the data of Chaos arms.

The Dragon King Temple only records data. To materialize the data into chaos arms, the power of the Emerald Dream is needed. Both are indispensable.

The Emerald Dream is the collective subconscious of our Emerald Dragons, and its intensity is determined by the number of our Emerald Dragons.

The more emerald dragons there are, the more detailed the simulation can be. "

Qi Ge understood.

Emerald dragon individuals are equivalent to advanced computers. By connecting these individuals in series to form an Emerald Dragon array, this wonderful Emerald Dream can be generated.

This is the advanced magic technology from Yasha, biological intelligent space, another path completely different from machinery.

Ysera continued:

“When Chaos broke out last time, a large number of our Emerald Dragons died in battle, which directly caused the intensity of the Emerald Dream to drop significantly.

As the intensity of the Emerald Dream decreases, the simulated battle cannot proceed smoothly, and the Goddess of Peace cannot conduct improved deductions in the battle space.

Therefore, [restoring the number of emerald dragons] is a major matter related to the life and death of the entire Yasha.

It is urgent and vital.

Seven Pigeon God Envoys, can you now understand our urgency to restore the population? "

Qi Ge:......

This, this, this, why does this involve Long Gan?

Qi Ge pretended not to see Ysela’s bright, expectant eyes, and said solemnly:

"It is indeed important! Deputy Patriarch Ysera, don't worry, I will report this issue to the goddess as soon as possible and provide assistance to the goddess to the best of my ability.

If you have any comments or suggestions, you can tell me truthfully. I will listen carefully, understand your needs and expectations, and try my best to meet your requirements.

Of course, I will continue to learn and improve my abilities to serve you better. "


Ysera snorted quietly, but did not continue to bring up the topic.

She changed the topic and said:

“The problems that occurred in the Dragon King Temple this time are also related to the simulated battle space.

The Temple of the Dragon King can accommodate all the Chaos monsters that appear, including of course the Lord of Chaos, the Sky-Swallowing Beast, during the last Chaos invasion.

Although the Sky-Swallowing Beast was defeated and killed by the Goddess of Peace, it was an out-and-out divine being after all.

All information about Him carries powerful rule disturbances, and the existence of its information itself has powerful power.

The Dragon King Temple could not record His information at all, and it was completely destroyed.

If you want to repair the Dragon King Temple, you must slowly eliminate all the information about the Sky-Swallowing Beast from its body.

This will be a very long and complicated job, even if it is a silver core witchcraft, it will take a long time. "

Ysera stared at Qi Ge closely, and the meaningfulness in her eyes made Qi Ge's back feel cold.

Qi Ge quickly patted his chest and said openly:

"That's why I'm here. When I get to the Dragon King Temple, everything will quickly return to normal."

Ysera hinted that there was plenty of time and there was no need to rush to the Dragon King Temple.

Qi Ge made it clear that he had to go and was in a hurry.

The two sides fought each other for a round, but neither of them got through what they said.

Ysera raised her eyebrows unhappily, but still did not force Qi Ge.

She, the other emerald dragons and the seven pigeons once again set foot on the road to the Dragon King Temple.

“The fountain looks like a giant dragon splashing water, soaring into the sky.

Is this the Dragon King Temple? "

"No, no, that's the Jade Dragon Spring, where the sisters bathe.

It can wash away the dirt in the sisters' subconscious and make the Emerald Dream clearer. "

Oh, it turns out to be junk cleaning software.

"Do you want the Seven Dove God Envoy to experience the use of the Jade Dragon Spring with us?

Very comfortable.

Although the spring water may be a little cold at first, I promise, we will warm up in no time. "

"No, no, no, no, no, let's talk about it next time, let's talk about it next time."

"That piece of grass is like a pavement of gold. The golden light is shining and dazzling. Is that the Dragon King Temple?"

"No, that's the Broken Gold Grassland. Lying on the grassland, the Broken Gold Grass can automatically rise and fall, which saves effort."

"Hiss... what you mean by saving effort is..."

"Want to try?"

"No no no no……"

"Oh, what a pity."

Qi Ge followed the Emerald Dragons around the Emerald Dream, passing by more than a dozen places, but none of them were the Dragon King Temple.

On the way, the Emerald Dragons were tempted many times, but even after being rejected by Qi Ge, they didn't stalk them, and they seemed like a gentleman who "starts with love, ends with etiquette".

It was making Qi Ge relax a little.

Soon, Qi Ge, accompanied by the Emerald Dragons, arrived at a new location.

This place is somewhat similar to the Emerald Dragon Nest that Qi Ge has seen before.

On the huge Dragon Mountain, dragon nests composed of oval-shaped forests are distributed in an orderly manner.

It's just that unlike the previous dragon's nest, the dragon's nest here is not open-air, but has layers of roofs, and the size of each dragon's nest is also much larger.

"here it is?"

Seven Pigeons looked at Ysela.

Ysera winked at Qi Ge mischievously:

“This is the wedding nest of our emerald dragon.

The successfully paired emerald dragons will work hard here to get the female dragon to conceive the emerald dragon eggs.

The female dragon with eggs will also rest here until the eggs are laid. "

"Wait a minute." Qige was stunned:

"This is the Emerald Dream, right? What's the use of laying eggs here?"

Ysera looked at Qige strangely and showed a sympathetic expression:

“As expected, you are an emerald dragon who has been away from the rest since childhood.

We, the Emerald Dragon, are the dragons of dreams, and giving birth in dreams is a normal thing.

When the emerald baby dragon in the dream grows up, it can leave the dream and return to the real world just like a normal baby dragon.

Think about it, if a real female dragon were pregnant, would she become very weak?

It is difficult for a weak female dragon to protect her cubs, so she will need a male dragon to accompany her at all times.

In this way, the male dragon will have no way to leave and help other female dragons get pregnant.

Pregnancy in a dream does not have this problem.

The cubs are very safe, and the female dragon can also take care of the cubs by herself. The sparse number of male dragons can play a greater role. "

Qige:? ? ?

Qi Ge's outlook on life was greatly impacted.

No, is your emerald dragon female dragon so open-minded?

Ysera held the seven doves' hand and invited warmly:

"The breeding dragon's nest is very spacious and comfortable. Seven Pigeons, let's take you in for a visit."

Qi Ge was suddenly startled and quickly refused:

"No, no, I'll just take a look outside."

But this time, Ysera did not let go of her hand like before.

With a strange smile on her face, she continued:

“You’re already here, it would be a pity not to visit the breeding dragon nest.

I guarantee that after visiting, you will have a better understanding of the power of dreams.

As an emerald dragon, he would be ridiculed by other races if he could not use the power of dreams.

Whatever you lacked when you were a child, let me, sister, make up for you. "

Qi Ge panicked and wanted to run away, but just as he was about to struggle, he realized that before he knew it, he had been surrounded by the female dragons and there was no way he could leave.

The female dragons are surrounded by three and one is missing, and the only exit is the breeding dragon's nest.


Qi Ge yelled in his heart, suddenly feeling something bad.

At this moment, the door of the breeding dragon's nest suddenly opened, and Silena, who had changed into a pair of yellow silk pajamas, walked out of the dragon's nest.

Qi Ge's eyes lit up, as if he had seen a savior, and he shouted loudly:

"Chief Silena, please help me."

Silena smiled slightly, walked over, took Qi Ge's hand, and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

"Chief Silena, thank you so much! Thank you so much."

"Stop talking and follow me."

"Hey, okay!"

Qi Ge's smile was dull, and he was led into the breeding dragon's nest by Silena.

"Hehe, this silly dragon is so silly and cute."

"He became so stupid after drinking the intelligence reversal potion. In other words, he should have been a very smart dragon."

"What a pity. The smarter the dragon, the dumber it becomes now."

"I knew the good dragon must be behind. Fortunately, I let the other male dragons out."

"Don't worry, daughter, mom will try his level first."

A large group of female dragons opened the dragon's nest one by one and rushed in...

one year later.

The seven pigeons left the thirteenth breeding dragon's nest in a daze.

His head was so dizzy that he could no longer remember what had happened during the past year.

All he knew was that, for some unknown reason, he had lost 120 pounds in a year and was almost as thin as a young dragon.

Yinxin Wu Zhu gently picked up Qi Ge and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Your Highness Silena, you have gone too far. Look at what it has become."

Silena touched her belly, her tear mole drooped down, and she felt a little embarrassed:

"Sorry, we didn't want to do this originally, but he was so capable and made us all feel comfortable, so we accidentally lost control.

Even the most picky Jade Dragon was full of praise for him.

He must be a gift from the goddess of peace to us. "


Yinxin sighed:

"I hope his spirit isn't broken yet. I'll take him out first."


"Ah! Don't sit up. I can move by myself. I like to find my own rhythm and take my time."

"It won't work, it really won't work. No matter how much water you soak it in, it won't make the sponge hard."

"Stop rubbing it, your skin will be broken."

"That's wrong, that's the tail. The tail can't spray anything."

Seven pigeons lay in the forest, murmuring unconsciously.

It wasn't until Yinxin flicked his forehead with his finger that he suddenly woke up.

Qi Ge wiped his face and breathed quickly.

Silver core, silver hair and silver eyes, she has a mature big sister temperament, but her figure is a bit slender.

Qi Ge knew at a glance that Elian Yue and Elian Lan must have suffered a lot of hunger when they were young.

Elianxin gently touched Qi Ge’s forehead and asked softly:

"Are you okay? Do you still remember who you are?"

Upon hearing this question, Qi Ge was instantly flooded with memories.

His dull eyes gradually regained their brightness.

"Yinxin Wuzhu, are you Yinxin Wuzhu?"

Qi Ge suddenly turned over and sat up, wagging his tail excitedly.

"It's me."

Yinxin smiled and said:

"It seems that you still remember your mission and have not completely become a breeding toy for the female dragons.

Well, I'm sorry, the emerald female dragons are like this during the breeding season. They can't control themselves and make you suffer. "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as I can see you, I am willing to suffer no matter how much I suffer."

Qige said excitedly:

"Yinxin Wuzhu, I have a very important question to ask you.

If, I mean if.

Suppose that one day in the future, the goddess of peace fell into a deep sleep and could not wake up because of something.

The statue you built to protect the soul, the Tree of Peace, is shattered, leaving only a base.

Someone built a battleship using the base, and wanted to rely on the battleship to retrieve the bases of other spiritual guardian statues.

At this time, the battleship awakened its ship spirit, and a new Silver Flower Demon was born.

This life comes from the sacred tree of peace, which has the same origin as the goddess of peace, but is a completely different individual.

She is both the goddess of peace and not the goddess of peace.

Once the goddess of peace awakens, she dies.

In this case, is there any way to revive the goddess of peace while preserving the newborn Silver Flower Demon? "


Yinxin tilted his head, a question mark appeared on his forehead.

"Wait a minute, your question is a bit confusing, let me clear it up."

She fell into deep thought and thought for a while before suddenly reacting.

"Qige, what do you mean by asking this?

Could it be said that Mu is mentally in danger? "

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