Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 763 Evil Demon Families

The quill in Malodi's hand has been in the air for more than ten minutes. The elven government affairs that he once handled with great proficiency are now like a book from heaven, making it difficult for him to understand.

His mind was not here and he couldn't concentrate at all.

At this moment, Malody happened to catch a glimpse of a word. He closed his eyes irritably and sighed.

"Hey, forget it, I won't read anymore."

The elven characters themselves have multiple meanings. Often one word can represent more than a dozen different meanings. Among these words, there are always some words related to "pregnancy", "child", and "marriage".

Whenever Malody sees these words, he will inevitably think of Elian Yue's children, and his heart will hurt like being pricked by needles, making his thoughts confused.


Not knowing what he thought of, Malody clenched the quill in his hand tightly, and with a click, the quill broke into two pieces.

He lay back dejectedly, leaning against the back of the chair. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

Malody knew that his current state was wrong and he shouldn't think about it.

He is the king of the Elf Empire, and his princess is Elian Lan. Elian Yue is just his wife's sister and has nothing to do with him.

But emotions are like springs. The more you press down, the higher they jump and the more painful they are.

"Yue, who is it? Who defeated me? Who made you willing to give birth to a child for me?"

The more Malody thought about it, the more frustrated he became. His throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't breathe.

Da da da.

There was a knock on the door, and Malody quickly adjusted his posture and shouted loudly:

"Please come in."

The wooden door opened, and a golden elf inspector carrying a bow and arrow walked in and bowed to Malody.

"Your Majesty, I am here to report the results of the investigation to you."

Malody's breath hitched.

He knew very well what the other party wanted to report. Recently, under his orders, this golden elf had been looking for the man who made Elian Yue pregnant.

Now that he is here, it means that things have come to an end.

“Being calm may be the best outcome.

Maybe Yue just didn't want to get married and adopted a child from nowhere. "

Malody suppressed the trembling in his heart and said with hope:

"Please say."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The golden elf lowered his head, took a deep breath, and said:

“First, we met Elian Yue Wu Zhu and the child.

The child is female and named Ileana.

Its appearance is highly similar to that of Elaine Yue Wu Zhu, and has the characteristics of the Silver Elf royal family.

Therefore, we judge that the probability that Elena is the biological daughter of Elaine Yue Wuzhu is as high as 90%. "

As soon as these words came out, Malody's whole body tensed up.

"According to our investigation, Elaine Yue Wu Zhu has been with the Angel of Peace for the past two years, and there has never been any other elves around her.

Afterwards, Elaine Yue Wu Zhu disappeared with the Angel of Peace for two years. When she reappeared, Elena was already with her.

We investigated the entire Silver Elf clan, and all the male elves who might be related to Elian Yue Wu Zhu were investigated by us.

In the past two years, their whereabouts have been very clear, and the possibility of becoming Elena's father has been basically ruled out.

Detailed report here. "

The golden elf took out a thick report, placed it on Malody's desk, and then said solemnly:

"To sum up, the one who is most likely to be Elena's father is the Angel of Peace."


Malody closed his eyes in despair.

I actually lost to a dragon? I have been with Elena for seventy-nine years, but I was defeated by an emerald dragon who had been by her side for less than two years?

Even the Emerald Dragon can do it, but I can’t? !

"Okay, I understand." Malody whispered:

“After Yinxin Wuzhu passed away, Yinyue Wuzhu became the supreme leader of the silver elves.

Her reputation and innocence cannot be compromised.

You should work harder to shut down all the rumors that may be detrimental to Yin Yue Witch Zhu. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The golden elf was about to leave, but he hesitated for a moment and finally said:

"Your Majesty, tomorrow is the princess's birthday, and there will still be some time for the Elf Queen to be completed. Do you want to see if you need any other preparations?"

"I know, go ahead."


The wooden door slowly closed, blocking the last bit of light that entered the room.

Malody was a little silent, and the oppressive darkness surged into his heart, making him want to vent.

As the king of the elves, he did not use methods such as overturning tables to relieve his anger.

He just took a light breath and held the cup on the table.

When he opened the cup, the strong smell of alcohol hit Malody's face.

Since the first night of having sex with Elaine Lan, Malody has been accustomed to drinking some wine before going home.

In this way, he can comfort himself every time he wakes up from a dream. He is not sorry for Elian Lan or Elian Yue, he is just drunk.

Alcohol is a good thing, it can make mistakes that you would not dare to make when you are sober become a matter of course.

Malody looked at the translucent wine, and his haggard face was reflected on the clear surface of the wine.

In the past few years, he has never drunk until he was really drunk.

Naturally, he did not use another function of wine - forgetting.

He sat alone in the palace, drinking glass after glass.

At the end, he was almost unsteady on his feet, so he staggered out of the palace and prepared to go back to the bedroom.

"It's too late, why did you come back so late? It's already past 12 o'clock!


Elian Lan, who was playing Elian Yue with one hand on her hip, was halfway through her words when she immediately realized something was wrong with her husband.

She frowned, supported the swaying Malody, and closed the door.

"Why did you drink like this?"

Elaine Lan asked expressionlessly.


Malody opened his eyes drowsily, and a breath of alcohol gushed out.

He looked at the tall ponytail in front of him and said in a pleading tone:

"Let's have a baby. I've always, always wanted to have a baby with you."

Elaine Lan was startled by Malody's words.

She glanced at Malody strangely. Malody, who was already drunk, was in a state of confusion, and even she couldn't see clearly the messy thoughts.

She asked doubtfully:

"Malodi, have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, I've thought about it a long time ago."

Malody held Elian Lan's hand harder.

Elaine Lan leaned lightly on Malody's chest and said softly:

"If you want to have a child, you have to be stronger than me. You have to work hard."


Malody hammered the wooden door with his fist, and his mood suddenly collapsed:

"I've been working hard, I've been working hard, but how hard do I have to work for you to recognize me?"


Elaine Lan was very surprised.

Malody grabbed Elaine Lan's shoulders and shook her hard:

"What do you like? Tell me! Tell me!

Why is it that even a dragon can do it, but I can’t? !

Am I not good enough for you? Or am I not capable enough?

I love you so much, but why do you torture me like this? "

Elaine Lan's head bobbed up and down with Malody's vigorous shaking, and her expression became cold again.

She understood that Malody was not talking to herself at all, he was just talking through herself to someone who did not exist here.

Under the influence of alcohol, Malody, who had always been strong, broke down and cried. He lowered his head humbly, buried his head in Elaine Lan's chest, and begged:

"Yue, I beg you, please have a child with me.

Even if you can't be with me in this life, as long as your child is with me, I can continue to live.

I will play the role of the king of the elves, and I will also play the role of the husband of Hao Lan.

No one will know that the child is ours, and I will definitely protect him.

I just want one child, just one child. "


Qige, who was watching the cutscene, took a deep breath.

He didn't expect that he would see such a breathtaking scene.

Even Elaine Lan, who had always been expressionless, looked at Malody with resentment in her eyes.

But instead of expressing her emotions, she stretched out her hands, hugged Malody in her arms, and patted him gently like comforting a child.

This action was taken as consent by Malody.

He hugged Elian Lan cruelly, sucking and nibbling on Elian Lan's neck.

His hands wandered around while trying to take off Elian Lan's clothes.


A crisp sound!

Elaine Lan, who had always accepted Malodi's desire, actually reached out and slapped Malodi's hands away.

With a little force, she pushed the already drunk Malody to the ground.

"Uuuuuuu, Yue, why. Why do you still reject me? You have already given birth to a child, you have already given birth to a child."

Malody lay on his back, breaking down and wailing like a petulant baby.

Elaine Lan turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, silently watching Malody become drunk and crazy.

After a long time, she raised her head slightly and laughed to herself:

"Haha. It's past 12 o'clock, and today is my sister's and my birthday.

Is this your birthday gift to me? Malody.

It's really unique. hehe. "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge feels that Elian Lan’s quality needs to be improved.

If something like this happened to me, I would slap Malodi twice and kick his brother hard twice to see if he was still at his best.

That night, Malody and Elaine Lan did not close the curtains for the first time in a long time.

Fast forward time.

Everything around me swirls like a stream of light.

In the blink of an eye, it was twenty years later.

During this period, countless fragments flashed in front of Qi Ge.

Elena was born with a disadvantage and her growth rate was much slower than that of other silver elves.

Elian Yue was heartbroken for her.

In a luxurious rattan crib, two crying babies were carefully cared for by the maids.

But their mother was sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her hair by herself, not even wanting to look at them.

The little princess Malodia was confirmed by the elven elders to be a hybrid of silver elves and gold elves.

Her birth symbolized the possibility of fusion between the two strongest elves, and also meant that there would no longer be a dispute between silver elves and gold elves in the elven empire.

Countless elves cheered for joy, believing that the birth of the little princess Malodia was a gift from the goddess of fate.

The elders took the little princess and asked the fate witch Elian Yue to bless her.

Elian Yue teased the lovely Malodia and kissed her face.

In the last scene, everyone was laughing.

In the next scene, there were only two people without smiles, one was Malody and the other was Elaine Lan.

The Elf Queen was completed, and at the grand presentation ceremony, Malody held flowers in his hands and knelt to repeat his wedding vows to Elaine Lan.

Elaine Lan covered her face with her hands, looking very surprised.

Only Qi Ge knew that Elian Lan looked at Malody with particularly complicated eyes.

Even though Malodi Guan and Malodia were born, Malodi did not forget Elian Yue.

Even when he knelt in front of Elian Lan in front of everyone, he was still thinking of Elian Yue.

Elaine Lan was completely desperate.

The road to a woman's heart is the tree-lined path.

After many years of companionship, she gradually fell in love with Malodi, who originally didn't like him.

With love, there comes jealousy, resentment, unwillingness, and helplessness.

Only then did Elian Lan realize that the love she was pursuing was not actually a beautiful thing.

However, it was too late.

Just like Malody was stuck and couldn't get out, she was stuck and couldn't get out either.

Love is greedy.

Elaine Lan has obtained Malody's body, but what she wants is not just the body, but Malody's heart.

Decades of companionship made Elian Lan think that it was impossible for her to make Malody give up Elian Yue and fall in love with her through normal means, and she could only use external force.

And her choice is to create a potion that can change people's hearts.

So, with the help of her status as a princess, she began to mobilize the power of elves to conduct research on pharmacy.

In the legend of Yasha continent, the holy spirit who controls all love is named Aruch.

It is said that those who receive Aluch's blessing will love each other for the rest of their lives, and no disaster or suffering can separate the two.

The tears of Holy Spirit Aruch also have the same effect.

Elaine Lan didn't really believe in such mythical legends, but at this moment, she had no choice.

She secretly trained a group of silver elves who were loyal to her and ordered them to sneak into the continent of Yasha to look for the Holy Spirit Aruqi.

She planned to use the tears of the Holy Spirit Aruch to refine a potion that would make Malody devoted to her.

The most outrageous thing is that this thing that seems extremely unreliable in the real world is really possible in the Yasha world.

The Holy Spirit is located in the gap between the Kingdom of God and the world of Yasha, that is, in the illusory network of divine power. Even demigods cannot find the Holy Spirit, let alone a few elves.

Naturally, the elves found nothing about the Holy Spirit.

But the elves found a special kind of chaos monster in the border of chaos, called Shexianghua.

The effectiveness of Luxury Flower is very small, and it can only have an effect on low-level order 0 creatures that don't even have wisdom or rank.

Such as rabbits and mice.

The extravagant flower emits a wonderful fragrance that makes creatures of order who smell it fall hopelessly in love with it.

The creature of order will take the flower back to its nest, take care of it meticulously, and try every means to make the flower grow. In the end, even he will jump into the mouth of the flower and become the flower's nourishment.

When the Luxury Flower grows large enough, it will condense into a very common Chaos Monster - the Haunted Nest Monster that can produce Steelback Beasts, Chaos Demon Dogs and Chaos Demon Eyes.

The gathering of a large number of ghost nest monsters can cause the birth of chaos nodes, forming a wave of chaos explosion.

After Elian Lan heard about the effects of Shexiang flowers, she felt that their effects seemed very similar to the potion she wanted to make.

So she braved the disapproval of the world and secretly made a pot of extravagant flowers for research.

Another five years have passed, and Elian Lan has really developed some tricks into Shexianghua.

She successfully raised a pot of extravagant flowers that was as tall as three people.

Elian Lan was surprised to find that this pot of extravagant flowers was like a living thing, with thoughts.

She could see that this luxurious flower had been mumbling something.

She felt that these ravings might be the secret of Shexianghua's ability to make creatures of order fall in love with her.

So she recorded all these ravings.

Over time, Elaine Lan discovered that these ravings seemed to be describing something.

After careful study, she discovered that these ravings seemed to be describing a powerful master of chaos, whose name was the Lord of Demons.

When Qi Ge saw this, the dazzling silver feathers on his body began to turn black and fall off piece by piece.

These feathers are like a shield, helping Qi Ge resist the erosion of information.

Information has weight, and information about gods is even more so.

The Lord of Evil is a god-level existence, and all information about it is horribly contaminated.

And Elian Lan didn't realize this at all.

When she learned enough information about the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord's pollution entered her heart.

Her soul was unknowingly tainted and demons crept into her soul.

But she herself was completely unaware of all this.

She was even troubled by the fact that she couldn't get a love potion from this information, and felt that she had done a useless job.

Later, the extravagant flowers she raised eventually turned into ghost nest monsters, which she easily destroyed.

Everything Elian Lan did seemed to have no serious consequences, but the real terror had already arrived silently.

The evil demon that has just entered the Yasha world is fragile, and it has not yet adapted to the rules of the Yasha world.

Elian Lan is still the witch of the goddess of peace. The evil spirit did not try to infect Elian Lan for fear of being discovered by the goddess of peace.

So, ten years of seemingly uneventful life passed.

Ten years later, the demon, who had enough power, finally chose to take action.

He still did not choose to start with the Elf Royal Family.

There are too many powerful beings in the Elf Royal Family, and they are too close to the statue of the Guardian of the Soul. Almost all the elves' souls are under the protection of the Goddess of Peace.

However, the elves in other remote areas are different.

In the eyes of evil spirits, their souls are as fragile and delicious as babies.

The elves will hold a Ten Thousand Trees Alliance every thirty years.

The evil demon took advantage of the Wanshu Alliance and infected many elves.

Not long after these elves returned to their hometown, their souls were devoured by evil spirits and they became the carriers of evil spirits.

Due to the secretive nature of the demon, which showed no symptoms, other elves did not notice anything abnormal at all.

Thus, a disaster began that hit the entire Elf Empire.

After many cutscenes flashed, Qi Ge entered [Phase 3].

He had just entered stage three when he received a system prompt.

[Stage 3 mission description:

With the successful construction of the Elf Queen, the Elf Empire reached the peak of its power.

After the peak, all darkness begins.

The evil demons have spread silently in the four elven continents, and at this time the third chaos invasion has officially begun, providing cover for the evil demons' invasion and attracting the attention of the gods.

As a matter of course, the elves rushed to the front line against the third chaos invasion, even those elves who were replaced by evil spirits were no exception.

The organized army accelerated the invasion of evil spirits.

The guardian statue of the soul, also known as the Peace Tree, has three important functions.

One is to protect the souls of the elves, the other is to communicate with the Kingdom of Peace, and the last one is to deduce the battle space.

When the number of evil spirits was large enough, the power of the Lord of Evils followed the hearts of the elves and in turn invaded the Divine Tree of Peace and entered the Divine Kingdom of Peace, bringing huge consequences to the Goddess of Peace who was fighting against Chaos on the battlefield of the gods. Trouble.

When the goddess of peace woke up, she immediately activated the backdoor left by Elaine Core, blew up the sacred tree of peace, cut off the erosion of her by the evil spirits in the elven subcontinent, and retreated to the second line to clean up the remaining evil spirits in the Kingdom of God.

The gods of the Yasha world immediately began to analyze the evil spirits. However, at this time, the gods who came into contact with the evil spirits for the first time did not understand the dangers of the evil spirits.

At this time, the gods thought that the evil spirit was a disease that was difficult to eradicate, and had been trying to save the elves who had been infected by the evil spirit.

Realizing that he had been discovered, the Lord of Evil stopped moving quietly and began to violently infect the elves.

Although the goddess of destiny did not understand the specific principles of evil, she was aware of the terrifying spread of evil.

She immediately issued an oracle, which included prohibiting the elves from the Elf subcontinent from going to the sea, conducting an all-round scan of the elves that had entered the world of Yasha, etc., in order to prevent the spread of [Evil Disease].

At the same time, she was still busy using her divine power to protect some key elves in the Elf Empire who had not yet been infected.

But compared to the huge elves, the protection of the goddess of fate is only a drop in the bucket.

Chaos immediately released the cursed dragon in the elven subcontinent, continuing to divert the attention of the gods so that they had no time to take care of the invasion of evil spirits.

The Lord of Evil has accelerated his invasion, trying to use the entire elven subcontinent as an altar, and all the elves as sacrifices, so that his true form can come to Yasha.

The Cursed Demonic Dragon is a collection of resentments generated by many creatures when the world was destroyed.

Its existence itself is constantly exuding fluctuations of doom to the surroundings. As long as it exists in Yasha Yasha for a moment, the fate of Yasha World will inevitably deflect towards destruction. It is an almost rule-like existence that must not be avoided. Not processed.

A large number of elves were recruited to fight against the cursed dragon.

But those elves corrupted by evil spirits will only have a counterproductive effect on the battlefield, and will easily turn into chaos and become the minions of the cursed dragon.

Under the invasion of the cursed dragon, the elven subcontinent suffered heavy losses.

At this time, the savior who can fight against the cursed dragon has already embarked on a journey.

Mission requirements: Defeat the cursed dragon with Elian Yue.

Mission reward: Phase 4 historical echo is opened. 】(End of this chapter)

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