Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 764 Goodbye Silver Spirit

Seven doves soared in the sky, staring at the ground. At this time, the Elf subcontinent was in terrible shape under the ravages of Chaos.

In this land engulfed by war, everything has become torn to pieces.

All that was left of the once lush forest was scorched earth, and raging mountain fires jumped in the night sky, igniting dry grasslands one after another.

Various grotesque Chaos monsters are raging on the battlefield, and their roars come and go, making people shudder.

They mercilessly devoured all life, and neither the soldiers of the elves nor the elves' allies could escape their clutches.

In front of these strange and unpredictable chaos monsters, the elven soldiers seemed so fragile and helpless.

Qi Ge saw in the sky that the defeated elven army was like a flock of frightened birds, fleeing the battlefield in panic.

Their armor was shattered and their scarred bodies were crumbling as they fled.

Their eyes were full of fear and despair, with no hope of victory in sight.

There is no hero to lead, and there is no organization at all.

Morale was destroyed, souls were replaced by demons, and wills were destroyed by chaos monsters.

These defeated soldiers had completely lost their combat effectiveness, and were no different from the beasts trembling in the flames.

The noose of death has been tied around their necks, and it is only a matter of time before they are strangled.

“It seems that at this point in time, the third invasion of Chaos has broken out.

The mission requires me to defeat the Cursed Dragon together with Elian Yue.

I don’t know if killing the cursed dragon by myself counts.

Forget it, never mind.

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

I already have the advantage of being a prophet, so it would be stupid to follow the process stupidly. "

Qi Ge decided to descend on the Elven King's capital with divine weapons, directly exposing Elian Lan's true face and preventing her from joining Chaos.

Let’s get rid of the most troublesome guy first.

"But before that, I have to make some preparations."

The seven pigeons flew in the sky, looked around, and finally found a stone of just the right size and put it under their tongue.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ge quickly discovered the target - hundreds of [Pegasus Cavalry] who were being chased by 40 [Chaos Hairy Dragons] and collapsed.

The seven pigeons descended quickly, aiming at the [Chaos Hairy Dragon] that was chasing the elves, and knocked them all away like Galio falling from the sky!


In the smoke and dust, seven pigeons raised their heads to the sky and roared:

“I am the Seven Doves of the Emerald Divine Dragon, and I have come to support you on orders from the Emerald Islands!

All elves, please hide behind me! "

"Emerald Dragon?! Sir, please save us!"

"Saved! Finally saved!"

The remnants of the elves, who had long since lost their morale, were filled with gratitude for the timely appearance of Qi Ge. The joy of coming back from the dead even made them ignore the fact that Qi Ge was just an ordinary emerald dragon.

And this is exactly what Qi Ge is trying to achieve.

[Chaos Hairy Dragon], which was knocked away by the seven pigeons, quickly flew over angrily.

The hair on their bodies was as fine as needles, dark and shiny, and covered with toxins that would seal their throats when they see blood.

Every time they attack, they will spray hair in the middle, causing damage and poisoning to surrounding creatures.

Reflected in special skills, it is ring attack + poison attack.

40 [Chaos Hairy Dragons], if played normally, Qi Ge would definitely not be an opponent, but Qi Ge was already prepared.

The moment [Chaos Hairy Dragon] pounced towards him, Qi Ge closed his mouth and pressed down hard with his tongue!

With a whoosh, a ray of emerald light flashed around Qi Ge, and he disappeared instantly.

[Chaos Hairy Dragon]'s attacks all fell into the air, and the poisonous needle that was ready to go was not successfully launched.

A few tenths of a second later, Qi Ge appeared in the air and sprayed three emerald dragon breaths at the confused [Chaos Hairy Dragon], killing most of them at once!

Immediately afterwards, beside Qi Ge, a large group of small green dragons about the same size as the [Chaos Hairy Dragon] turned from virtual to real, charged forward, and fought with the [Chaos Hairy Dragon].

In the horrified eyes of the elves, Qi Ge entered the magic tunnel again.

The dreamlike emerald dragon's breath swept past, ruthlessly harvesting the remaining [Chaos Hairy Dragon].


Seven doves landed on the ground with their wings. Spread your wings as much as possible and straighten your body to make yourself look taller and more powerful.

His beautiful emerald dragon scales sparkled in my sunlight, like a god descending from heaven.

In just a few seconds, the group of [Chaos Hairy Dragons] that chased the elven troops and fled were all killed by Qi Ge.

The elves looked at the glorious and huge figure of the Seven Doves and were shocked.

They exclaimed with great excitement:

"The Emerald Dragon! It's really the Emerald Dragon!"

"Lord Shenlong! We are saved, we are finally saved."

Qi Ge chuckled.

【Emerald Dream:

The Emerald Dragon cannot fight back when attacked.

When the Emerald Dragon is damaged, if it is not dead, an Emerald Dream will be triggered, and one of the following three effects will be randomly selected to trigger.

1. Summon level 4 and level 3 small green dragons equal to 5 times the number of yourself as guards.

2 The Emerald Dragon gets an extra chance to take action.

3 The emerald dragon entered the magic channel and disappeared from the battlefield.

After two rounds, select an enemy unit. The Emerald Dragon will appear anywhere around it and attack it three times in a row. The enemy cannot counterattack after these three attacks. 】

The Emerald Dragon's Emerald Dream special ability makes the Emerald Dragon become stronger after being damaged.

But this stunt never stipulates that the source of damage must be the enemy.

Damage caused by allies, or even damage caused by yourself, can trigger this stunt.

In a real environment without entering the battle space, summoning the little green dragon and entering the magic channel are triggered normally, and one more opportunity to act will increase Qi Ge's movement and attack speed.

The sharp stone Qi Ge holds under his tongue can only cause 1 point of damage to him.

This 1 point alone is enough to trigger [Emerald Dream].

Qi Ge's dexterous tongue cannot even withstand the strength of the strongest female Emerald Dragon. It can lick off eighteen points of blood from itself in one second, which is to trigger the Emerald Dream 18 times.

The stunts triggered so frequently brought extremely exaggerated results to Qi Ge, and also completely shocked the elves behind him.

A golden elf who looked like a small captain, saw Qi Ge being so brave, and immediately shouted loudly and overjoyed:

"Lord Shenlong! Please save our troops.

Our troops were dispersed, and Commander Kyle Roland also disappeared on the battlefield. "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge knew in his heart that his little tricks could only be used to show off in such a small-scale battle.

He really entered a large-scale battle, and his fighting power could not even make a splash.

But you can’t say that.


Qi Ge snorted coldly and said in a deep voice:

"I just happened to be passing by here, and out of my obligation as an ally, I wanted to help you.

I am not one of those emerald dragons who enjoy the worship of your elves. You are not qualified to order me to do anything for your elves.

Make no mistake, understand? "

Qi Ge glared at the other party fiercely, causing the golden elf captain to take several steps back.

"Yes, Lord Shenlong, I was the one who offended."

"Hmph! Remember, there has never been a savior, nor can we rely on the Emperor Shenlong. The home of your elves must be saved by yourself."

Qige said coldly:

"I'm going to your royal capital. Tell me, where is your royal capital?"



Qi Ge saw that the elves were obviously shaken when they heard that they were going to the royal capital.

It was obvious that they had been frightened by the Chaos Monster, and their retreat direction was different from the direction Qi Ge was going.

Therefore, they are now very afraid that Qi Ge will leave and cannot protect themselves.

The golden elf team leader was still smart. He just thought about it for a moment and immediately reacted and shouted loudly:

"Master Emerald Dragon, the Elf King's capital is not far from here, but the road is complicated. I'm afraid you'll find the wrong way and waste time.

All members of our team are willing to be your guides and lead the way. "

Hey, recognition.

Qi Ge glanced at the golden elf with admiration and said:

"Okay, lead the way. I will watch you from high in the sky, and you just need to move in the direction of the royal capital."

"Yes! Sir!" The captain was also very happy.

If they can bring the noble emerald dragon back to the royal capital, they will not be deserters who were defeated on the battlefield, but heroes who were ordered to face danger!

After three stages of historical echoes, Qi Ge has long been familiar with the map of the Elf subcontinent and does not need the elves to lead the way.

He specifically asked the Pegasus cavalry to lead the way, just to let them support himself.

It is better for these Pegasus cavalry to publicize the name of [Emerald Dragon] than for him to howl everywhere by himself.

Soon, Qige followed the Pegasus cavalry back to the Elven Capital.

Before entering the city, before Qi Ge could speak, the Golden Elf captain shouted loudly:

"Inform the whole city that the envoy of the Emerald Islands, the Emerald Divine Dragon Seven Doves, has arrived in the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees!"

This loud howl is no less than the one in front of Changban Slope, "Zhang Fei from Yan is here!"

Suddenly, the defenders of the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees were stunned.

Fortunately, this golden elf was somewhat famous in the capital, so the defenders quickly confirmed his identity and immediately let him go.

Seeing this, seven pigeons fell from the sky and landed in the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees.


The seven pigeons looked up to the sky and roared loudly:

"Elven King Malodi is here. I am here on behalf of the Emerald Islands. I have something important to discuss."

There was a sudden panic at the city gate, and after a while, a heavily armed golden elf hero strode out.

"Lord Shenlong, Your Majesty is not in the palace right now.

Chaos invaded, and strange evil dragons slaughtered countless people. Your Majesty has already marched to the front line to fight against the evil dragons. "

Malody is gone?

Qi Ge frowned and then asked:

"Is Princess Yilianlan here?"

"The princess is accompanying your majesty on the expedition."

Qi Ge:! ! !

Malody and Elaine Lan go on an expedition together?

Qi Ge frowned and immediately asked:

"How is your battle with the Cursed Dragon?"

"The cursed dragon?"

"It's the weird dragon you mentioned."


The golden elf hero hesitated to speak.

Qi Ge glared: "Speak quickly! It is about the life and death of the Elven Subcontinent. Why are you hesitating here?"

The golden elf hero gritted his teeth and approached Qi Ge.

Qi Ge quickly took a step back.

"Don't come over here. I have mysophobia. Don't get too close to me. This location is fine. Just stand still."


The golden elf hesitated for a moment and whispered:

"Lord Shenlong, to be honest, the situation of the battle is very bad.

We have organized a total of twenty-six legions, and eighteen legions have been basically destroyed.

But we still couldn't even penetrate the outer troops of the strange dragon.

That's why His Majesty and the Princess came to the front line in person. "

More than 50% of the battle damage was lost, but not even a drop of blood of the strange dragon was killed...

Qige's eyes narrowed.

After going through the previous stages, Qi Ge was very aware of the fighting power of the elves.

The elves in their heyday were almost invulnerable except for a slight lack of high-end combat power.

One legion of the elves has a strength of one million. Twenty-six legions, that is, a total of 26 million troops, which is enough to deal with a very large-scale chaos outbreak.

Regardless of quantity, strength, or diversity, the elves at this time are well-deserved to be at the top of Yasha.

The opponent they faced was just a cursed dragon, part of the third Chaos invasion.

According to common sense, it is impossible for the elves to be beaten so badly.

"It seems that the influence of evil spirits is greater than I imagined."

Qi Ge couldn't help but think of Emma's evil plan to transform all black dragons into shadow dragons.

"The black dragon that is transformed into a shadow dragon will be planted with ghost butterfly eggs.

During the civil war of order, the shadow dragons performed more outstandingly than the black dragons, but once they faced Chaos, all the shadow dragons turned into soft-footed shrimps and were even eaten by ghost butterflies on the spot.

I'm afraid the same principle applies to elves parasitized by evil spirits.

When not facing Chaos, these evil demon hosts are no different from before when they were alive, but when facing Chaos, they will have no fighting power, and even become a burden to normal troops. "

Since Malodi and Elian Lan are no longer in the capital, Qi Ge can only do the next best thing and find Elian Yue first.

He leaned down and asked: "Is Elian Yue Wu Zhu in the royal capital?"

"Elaine Yue Wu Zhu!"

When Qige mentioned this name, the golden elf guard felt as if he suddenly understood.

"Elien Yue Wu Zhu is in the royal capital. She is heading to Shenmu Port with Her Royal Highness Princess Malodia and Tutor Jenny."

Qi Ge:! ! !

with who? !

Jenny? !

Suddenly hearing this name, Qi Ge felt like traveling through time and space.

Wait, what time is it now? Has Jenny entered the stage of history so early?

"I'm going to find Elaine Yue Wu Zhu!"

The seven pigeons flapped their wings and flew high, heading straight to Shenmu Port.

Behind him, the golden elf captain lay on the Pegasus and shouted loudly at the top of his lungs:

"Shenlong! Lord Shenlong! Wait for me! I will lead you!"

Qi Ge turned around and saw that his Pegasus wings were shaking so much that sparks almost appeared. It was really not easy.

His heart softened and he slowed down a little, but still kept a certain distance from the other party and did not dare to get too close.

God knows if he is the host of the evil spirit. What if he is infected?

Needless to say, the golden elf boy was quite up to date and managed to keep up with the seven pigeons, but the Pegasus was a little aggrieved.

When it arrived at Shenmu Port, it barked twice and then lay on the ground and stuck out its tongue.

Seeing the golden elf put away his pegasus in distress, Qi Ge said:

"Wait for me here and don't wander around."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party's answer, he spread his wings and flew towards Shenmu Port.

"Stop! Shenmu Port is closed, no one is allowed to approach!"

As soon as the seven pigeons flew into the sky, dozens of the most authentic Silver Elf Pegasus cavalry surrounded them.

They held silver snow knives and wore lightweight armor like bikinis. They kept a certain distance from Qi Ge and watched Qi Ge warily.

"Roar!! My name is Qi Ge, from the Emerald Islands, and I am the envoy of the Emerald Islands.

Notify Elaine Yue Wu Zhu immediately. "


As soon as Qige finished speaking, a loud neighing sounded from the Shenmu Port.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light as sharp as a sword shot straight into the sky, suddenly shattering a cloud in the sky.

Elian Yue rode an extremely handsome [Valkyrie Pegasus] straight into the sky, standing proudly in front of the seven pigeons.

She glanced at Qige warily and asked:

"Emerald dragon? You're a little strange.

On my body, I cannot feel the tenacity of steel and the will of iron, nor can I feel the holiness of emerald.

Your destiny seems to be shrouded in the mist of destiny.

Who sent you here? "

Qi Ge quickly said: "I was sent by Deputy Chief Ysela. Elian Yue Wu Zhu, we have figured out the identity of the strange evil dragon that attacked the elves."

"The identity of the strange evil dragon? Tell me."

Qi Ge immediately said:

"This weird evil dragon is called the Cursed Demonic Dragon, and it is a level 3 and 9 true chaos troop.

As long as the Cursed Demonic Dragon exists, it will constantly emit waves of doom to its surroundings.

As long as it exists in Yasha Yasha for a moment, the fate of Yasha World will inevitably shift towards destruction. It is an almost rule-like existence.

If the cursed dragon is not eliminated in time, the power of the cursed dragon will harm the entire world of Yasha. "

"Is that all?" Elian Yue looked a little disappointed: "We already know these.

Please go back and tell Deputy Chief Ysera and Chief Silena to reassure them that Malodi and my sister Elaine Lan have joined forces to go to the battlefield.

As long as they are here, the cursed dragon will not be rampant for long. "

Qi Ge:......

No, I can guarantee that Malodi and Elaine Lan will never be able to solve the cursed dragon.

But Qi Ge had no way to directly tell Elian Yue what he knew about the future, otherwise it would violate the taboo of architects.

If you have to say it, you must disguise yourself as a magic stick and use prophecies and other methods to make Elian Yue believe it.

But this brings up another problem.

Yi Lianyue herself is the witch of the goddess of destiny. How could Qige predict something that she didn't even predict?

So Qi Ge did not show it, but said calmly:

"I understand, then I will return to the Emerald Islands first."

After finally seeing Yi Lianyue, Qi Ge didn't feel it was a pity at all to leave like this.

Retreating is for a better attack. The further you retreat, the deeper you go in.

This is called energy storage.

Before leaving, he glanced at Mugang and saw a touch of silver.

His heart sank, and he immediately realized that it was the future Silver Spirit.

“No wonder these silver elves are so careful.

It turns out that Shenmu Port is currently implementing the Mithril Fleet plan. "

After leaving Shenmu Port, Qige did not leave the city immediately. Instead, he used the excuse to rest and found an uninhabited giant tree in the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees. He made the canopy of the giant tree his home and lay down on it to rest.

“If I remember correctly, this time should be the most dangerous time in the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees.

That thing is going to happen soon. "

Sure enough, Qi Ge didn't even wait two days before things happened!

[Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon], [Lord of the Ghost Nest], and [Blood Curse Warlock], the three high-level true chaos arms, join forces to attack the City of Ten Thousand Trees!

They brought a large number of Chaos troops and poured into the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees like a tide!

Qi Ge knew that his abilities were limited, so he avoided the first wave of chaos and chose to enter the scene in the second wave.

After confirming the position of the little druid who could restore blood, Qi Ge started his tongue and licked eighteen times a second.

He summoned the little green dragon, accelerated, sprayed the magic tunnel three times, and quickly evacuated. When he ran out of blood, he found the little druid to restore health, and repeated the above process.

Relying on their unique advantages, Qi Ge and a level 2 emerald dragon managed to achieve exaggerated kills that were comparable to those of mythical soldiers!

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that the Seven Pigeon Thieves are clever and only bully the weak, never touching the powerful chaos monsters.

In such a battle, Qi Ge knew that with his own personal strength, what he could do was already the limit.

If you want to do more and better, you must find a way to gain command.

But in this historical echo, he is just a poor emerald dragon, not even a hero. It is almost impossible to get command.

However, Qi Ge was not too panicked.

In real history, the City of Ten Thousand Trees has never fallen, and now that he is here, it will never fall.

What he has to do is to kill as many enemies as possible in the battle to gain experience and advance, and to show enough combat effectiveness to attract Elian Yue's attention.

Sure enough, not long after the second wave of fighting started, Elian Yue Wu Zhu came from Shenmu Port.

In addition to the Silver Elf army, there was also the Elven Queen piloted by Jenny.

Immediately afterwards, one of the elf prime ministers [Kyle Roland] who had returned from gathering the defeated troops on the front line also attacked from behind the Chaos Monster.

Later, Lin Yueya, the priest of the goddess of peace in the Blossom Forest, also arrived with an army of wood elves.

Wave after wave of reinforcements quickly suppressed the Chaos Monster's offensive.

In just two days, the elves successfully defended the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees.

But amid the cheers of victory, there is also a deep gloom lurking.

These chaos monsters that attack the Capital of All Things are all subordinates of the cursed dragon.

Their appearance here means that Malodi and Elaine Lan have been defeated.

Soon, an urgent report from the front line came, shattering the excitement that had just arisen among everyone in the Capital of Ten Thousand Trees.

[The front line was defeated, and only the last ten of the Elf Legion were left.

King Malodi and Princess Elaine Lan are missing. 】

When many elves were at a loss, Elian Yue stepped forward!

She was flying in mid-air on a Pegasus, the silver light shining brightly.

"Compatriots! Our king and princess fought bloody battles for us and have disappeared.

But this does not mean that our Elf Empire has no hope.

And I, Elian Yue, am here, mentor Jenny is here, and little Princess Malodia is here...

We are with you!

Chaos is powerful, but we elves will never be weak and can be bullied.

I will gather all our allies to defeat the dragon as quickly as possible and regain our glory!

Fellow citizens, take heart!

The king and princess fell for us, then it's our turn! "


Qi Ge looked at Elian Yue in the sky, who was re-invigorating the elves' morale, and felt a slight movement in her heart.

If his guess is correct, the hero of defeating the Cursed Dragon, Yggdrasil, the World Tree, is coming!

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