Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 768 Doomsday Blade

As Malodi's body slowly fell, a black air spurted out from the silver hole in his body, converging into a huge magic dragon in the air.

[Ark of Destiny] The rainbow gem on the hilt suddenly flashed, sucking the cursed dragon into it.

Malody's body shriveled up like a lamp, and lay in the mud like human skin.

Elian Yue took action and killed Malodi.

For a moment, all the elves present were shocked and dumbfounded.

Next, Yi Lianyue will inevitably encounter a lot of troubles, but these troubles have nothing to do with Qi Ge.

The moment the cursed dragon died, the system prompt rang.

[System prompt: Historical echo phase 3 is completed. 】

For a moment, the world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and everything was frozen in place.

The stunned and panicked expressions of the elves, the sparks still in mid-air, the sunlight piercing the dark clouds...

In the entire still world, only seven pigeons and one dragon are moving.

The seven pigeons suddenly took off, flying higher and higher.

His vision gradually expanded until it encompassed the entire echo of history.

Immediately afterwards, everything around him began to go backwards, and the time of the entire elven subcontinent returned to the time when the Seven Doves had just arrived.

No, earlier than before the arrival of the seven doves.

Qi Ge's eyes blurred, and when he opened them again, he had already possessed a baby.

She was staring blankly into the mirror, holding a silver elf baby in her right hand that looked very similar to herself.

The exquisite facial features in the mirror made Qi Ge suddenly realize that he had possessed Elian Lan.

Qi Ge wanted to move, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"Yue, Lan."

Elaine Xin, who was still young, came over and gently touched the faces of the two little girls.

"Well, well." Yi Lianyue smiled happily, and kept stretching her hands towards Yi Lianxin, wanting to be hugged by Yi Lianxin.

Admiration, nostalgia, liking...all kinds of emotions emanate from the young Elian Yue.

And from Yi Lianxin, there was also a stronger love that was far better than that from Elian Yue.

This made little Elaine Lan feel extremely relieved.

"Yeah, you're so good, come and give me a hug."


At this moment, a bearded and haggard-looking golden elf walked in.

"Why are you here again?"

Elianxin was unhappy, but she still turned around and looked behind her.

She looked serious and said dissatisfiedly:

"Joseph, I remember I warned you not to come to me again."

" always let me see the children, they are also my children."

Joseph prayed humbly.

"Joseph, it's all over. Our love was originally just an accident.

You will be your Elf King, and I will be my Witch Zhu. We don’t owe each other anything.

You don't want to make your wife sad. "

Yinxin said without looking back:

"Remember, they are not supposed to be your children."

Joseph frowned, pursed his lips, and had a complicated expression.

Qige:? ? ?

Wait a minute, is this amount of information so huge?

Elian Yue and Elian Lan, are Joseph's children? That is to say, in terms of seniority, Elian Yue and Elian Lan are the aunts of Malodi?

Is the relationship between your elf royal family so chaotic?

Before Qige could think about it, the scene changed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Elian Yue and Elian Lan both grew up into children.

Elaine Lan walked on the street, and the noisy sounds around her kept flooding into her mind.

"These two children are so lucky to have Yinxin Wuzhu as their mother. It would be great if I also had an architect mother."

"Silver Core Witch Blessing..."

"Silver Core Witch Blessing..."

All kinds of noise entered Elian Lan's ears, making Elian Lan very uncomfortable.

The elves around her were very respectful to her and her sister, but their respect was all because of their mother.

They were kind to her, but their love came at a price.

However, the price is not paid by them, but by Yinxin Wuzhu.

"Lan, what are you thinking about?"

"Mom...I'm not thinking about anything."

"You kid, you've been thinking a lot since you were little. If you have anything unhappy, remember to tell your mother.

Mom is not as good as you. You can know how others feel without them opening their mouths.

Because of this, we need language to express our thoughts and understand each other. "

"Yeah, I get it, Mom."

Unlike the optimistic Yin Yue, Yin Lan understood from an early age that only Yin Xin's love for her in this world was selfless.

Being able to see other people's thoughts and emotions means that all lies and disguises are invalid in front of Lan.

The good intentions and the malice hidden behind the good intentions were nakedly spread out in front of Elaine Lan.

The elves' negative emotions and positive emotions intertwined to form an emotional maze, locking Elian Lan inside.

And Elaine Core is the only light in the maze.

"Baby, sleep well and you can see your mother tomorrow."

[Children, mom is going to complete the mission of Yasha’s mother. For you, I will try my best to come back alive. 】

"Well, good night, mom."

Without any doubt, Elian Yue quickly fell into a deep sleep, but Elian Lan held onto Yin Xin's hand tightly and refused to let go.

"Mom, can you not go? I don't want you to do dangerous things."

"Silly boy, mom is the only architect of the Silver Elf, so she must do it."

[I don’t want to think about it either, but I haven’t entered the Historical Echo for three weeks. If I don’t enter the Historical Echo, I will be punished by the Mother Goddess.

It is the unshirkable responsibility of every architect to awaken the sleeping souls of heroes, maintain the existence of historical echoes, and prevent the fragments of time and space from being forgotten by time. 】

Elaine Lan obediently let go of her hand, closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

After Elian Xin left, Elian Lan silently opened her eyes, looked into the air, and whispered:

“Mother Goddess Asa is really annoying.

She is the Mother Goddess, why is her love for her mother not selfless and requires her mother to constantly pay the price? "

Qi Ge followed Elian Lan all the way, watching her grow up little by little.

When she was 7 years old, she had a secret teacher that even her mother didn't know - the great elder of the golden elf, Joseph.

I don’t know whether it was out of compensation or because he really liked his daughter, but Joseph taught Elaine Lan almost every detail.

Joseph sent books full of annotations to Elaine Lan through various means through letters.

From politics, military, strategy, magic... everything Elian Lan wanted to learn, he tried his best and never kept secrets.

Even in the golden and silver years, when the confrontation between the golden elves and the silver elves was at its fiercest, Joseph never stopped educating Elaine Lan.

The rich reserve of knowledge gives Elian Lan a clearer understanding of the world of Yasha.

She was surprised to come to a correct but very dangerous conclusion - the elves, as a race, have been part of the gods' plan from the very beginning.

The elven subcontinent is a weapons factory to fight against chaos. All elves have [specific weapons] specifically against chaos.

This discovery made Elian Lan even more puzzled by Mother Goddess Asa.

Elaine Lan is 16 years old.

Yinxin Wuzhu died in the echoes of history.

Elian Yue didn't know the real cause of Yin Xin's death, but Elian Lan knew it very well.

Yinxin Wuzhu is anxious to enter the Holy Dragon Historical Echo because the Holy Dragon Historical Echo has been in a state of extinction for too long without an architect.

In order to prevent the time and space fragments of the Holy Dragon from disappearing, Yinxin Wuzhu chose to take risks.

But this adventure cost her her life.

Mother Goddess Yasha did not force Yinxin Wuzhu to enter the nightmare difficulty level of time and space fragments. This was Yinxin's own choice.

However, Elaine Lan did not understand.

She blamed all of Yinxin's death on the world of Yasha.

“My mother’s death was not surprising.

The Holy Dragon is a powerful heroic soul soldier. My mother went to Echo of History to keep the Holy Dragon behind.

The ultimate goal is still for the world of Yasha to have more powerful weapons that can be used to fight against chaos.

In the second Chaos invasion, although the elves won the final victory, they suffered losses of more than 30%.

On average, every family of three will lose a father or a mother.

In order to fight against chaos, too many elven families were destroyed, but now, it was mother's turn.

Treat your people as weapons to die with Chaos, and turn their flesh and blood into firewood.

Is such a god and such a world really worth the sacrifice of my mother?

How long will the elves continue to be used as weapons? How many more victims like my mother will appear?

Mother Goddess Asa, this is too much. "

Elaine Lan finally made up her mind and embarked on another path, a path to resist Yasha. She wanted to try to separate the elven subcontinent from the world of Yasha, become the god of the elves, and lead the elves away from Yasha.

Genius has two sides.

If a genius goes against the world, the greater the genius, the greater the damage to the world.

From Qi Ge's point of view, there is no doubt that Elian Lan is on the wrong path, but now that Elian Yue is dead, no one can stop her.

The marriage contract between Elaine Yue and Malody was made by Elaine Xin and Joseph together.

However, it was Elian Lan who persuaded Joseph to choose Malodi as the next generation of Elf King. It was Elian Lan who instigated the relationship between Elian Yue and Malodi. It was also Elian Lan who had been brave enough to marry Malodi...

Before Yi Lian Xin died, Yi Lian Lan had already started planning.

The moment Yi Lianxin died, she launched all her preparations without hesitation.

Elaine Lan, who successfully became the princess, has the supreme power of the elves.

While she was trying to conquer Malodi and make Malodi feel more guilty about herself, so as to gain more power, she was also cultivating party members and subordinates, establishing an organization, plundering resources, and preparing for her own godhood.

Originally, if she had followed Elian Lan's plan, she should have successfully become a god and then transformed the entire elven subcontinent into her own divine kingdom.

But unfortunately, she encountered Chaos.

Chaos is unreasonable, and so is the Lord of Evil.

A small unintentional mistake by Elian Lan ruined all her previous plans.

She became a descendant of the devil.

After becoming a member of the devil, Elaine Lan's dislike of Chaos gradually decreased without realizing it.

In the end, her plan changed from "Become a god and lead the elves out of Yasha" to "Let all the elves join Chaos".

She fed Malodi the evil eyeballs and cursed dragon mud, and cultivated the foundation for the survival of the cursed dragon in Malodi's body, and then cooperated with Chaos to make Malodi become the [Sacred Tree of Peace] and the evil devil. connected in between.

This ultimately led to the self-destruction of the Peace Tree and the weakening of the Goddess of Peace.

Immediately afterwards, she used the curse foundation in Malodi's body to lead the cursed dragon to the Elf Empire, starting the third Chaos invasion.

Later, she and Malodi acted together with Elian Yue and participated in the crusade against the cursed dragon.

At the beginning of the crusade, she used the chaos nodes planted in the garden to summon a large number of chaos monsters to the Elf Capital, forcing a large number of main forces of the coalition to come back for rescue.

Then she and Malody were deliberately devoured by the demon, which made Elanyue nervous and at a loss.

But Yi Lianyue, who was holding the Ark of Destiny, was too powerful in combat. In the end, she still managed to kill the cursed dragon despite all the unfavorable factors.

But when the cursed dragon died, lying in front of Yi Lianyue was Fa Xiao and his sister in danger.

Not knowing the truth, Yi Lianyue chose to use her body as a container to seal the curse dragon and save the two people. She also had to rely on the power of the Ark of Destiny to go to the [Dream World] to cultivate.

Thus, Elian Lan's last obstacle disappeared.

Elaine Lan, who returned to the capital, announced the victory of the crusade and held various gatherings to accelerate the spread of the evil.

If the number of elves infected by the evil demon reaches a certain level, the evil demon lord will use the elven subcontinent as nourishment, bypass the battlefield of the gods, and come directly to Yasha.

This will bring irresistible horrific damage to the Yasha world and lead to a great increase in vulnerabilities in the Yasha world.

The troops of Chaos will completely break away from the shackles of the battlefield of the gods and enter the world of Yasha to destroy wildly. This is something the gods cannot tolerate.

As a result, the Dracolich came to the rescue, and the natural disaster of the undead broke out in the elven subcontinent.

At this time, Elaine Lan, who had already faked her death and escaped, had completely killed the useless Malodi, and used the curse foundation left in Malodi's body to cultivate the props to curse the elven subcontinent.

As long as this prop exists, the Elven Subcontinent will inevitably move closer to the Chaos Zone that has fallen in the third Chaos Invasion.

After that, Elian Lan hid in the Chaos Zone.

Although Yasha World has implemented the undead natural disaster plan, there is nothing that can be done about this curse in the rules.

In the contest between Elian Lan and the Yasha gods, Elian Lan actually won by a small margin.

In the end, the goddess of peace, realizing the danger of the evil spirit, chose to sacrifice herself and fall into sleep, and arranged a barrier to defeat the evil spirit.

The warriors of the gods cut off their arms and brought the remaining elves that were not infected by the evil spirits to Avili.

Without the protection of the elves, the elven subcontinent was inevitably swallowed up by chaos and completely fell.

And Elian Lan also disappeared from the sight of the Yasha world.

After watching Elian Lan's magnificent life, Qi Ge, who was out of Elian Lan's body, subconsciously touched his chin.

“It’s…difficult to evaluate.

On the surface it is a 7:30 family soap ethics drama, but in fact it is Chen Sheng's uprising.

Elianlan's original intention was to rebel against the Goddess Asa and establish her own business.

Theoretically, each divine kingdom is independent from Yasha, has its own complete rules, and can also absorb energy from the void. It is indeed no different from a world.

Elian Lan's idea turned out to be feasible.

But unfortunately, Elaine Lan, who was possessed by the evil spirit, is no longer the same person she was before.

Now she and I will fight to the death.

This historical echo was not in vain, at least it made Elian Lan's mentality clear. "

Just as Qi Ge was thinking, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, returning to the time after Yi Lianyue sealed the cursed dragon.

At the place where Yi Lianyue and the others fought the cursed dragon, there was an elf that Qi Ge was very familiar with, who was looking for something with a weird instrument.

"Huh? Isn't this Uncle Kalunda who built the Ship of Destiny?

What is he doing here? "

"Hahaha! Found it!"

Kalenda suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled hard from the charred soil!

Under Qi Ge's surprised gaze, he pulled out a dark dragon horn from the soil.

Kalenda knelt on the ground and shouted fervently:

“This is the true power of the Cursed Demonic Dragon, the resentment generated by living beings when countless worlds were destroyed.

With this horn, I will definitely be able to create the most powerful weapon.

It will be the horn of destruction of the world, the artifact that brings destruction!

Just call it, Doomsday Blade. "

Qige:? ? ?

What? !

In the blink of an eye, the world suddenly turned white, and the system prompt rang in Qi Ge's ears again.

[System prompt: Entering stage 4...] (End of this chapter)

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