Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 769 Emerald Battlefield

[System prompt: Historical echo stage 4 has been opened.

The elven subcontinent has long been destroyed. The Emerald Islands guarding the Emerald Sea are also crumbling under the siege of Chaos.

For a long time, the Emerald Islands have been at odds with the Ancient Islands, struggling to survive in the sea of ​​chaos.

Once the Emerald Islands fall, the Ancient Islands will also be left alone.

You will retain your progress in Stage 3 Historical Echoes into Stage 4 Echoes.

When Echoes begins, you can choose from one of two rewards, choose:

1. Initial possession of special skills: strengthened dragon scales (gain level 7 magic immunity)

2. Initial special skill: Powerful Dragon Breath (Dragon Breath Range +1)]

Qi Ge, who was in the blank space, looked confused.

"Why is this historical echo so different? You can also choose rewards at the beginning?

Does this mean that this historical response is particularly difficult?

Well, two bonuses.

Although the second reward looks good, the main unit on the Emerald Dragon Island I entered is definitely the Emerald Dragon.

Adult emerald dragons are basically giant soldiers, and the effect of increasing the range of my healing dragon breath is only average.

And strengthening dragon scales can make me directly immune to demigod-level magic.

Let’s choose 1. "

Qi Ge chose option 1.

In an instant, Qige's figure suddenly grew larger, and the jade-white scales on his body grew and thickened instantly until they were as big as a tombstone.

The seven doves turned into light and quickly broke through the white space and entered new fragments of time and space.


boom! Boom!

The dull sound of thunder rang in Qi Ge's ears, waking Qi Ge from his sleep.

He shook his head and raised his head.

Around him, there were hundreds of emerald dragons of all sizes lying on the ground.

They were all sleeping very deeply, very deadly. If their bodies were not still rising and falling slightly, Qi Ge would have thought that they were all corpses.

Above Qige's head, a thick fog of chaos has covered the sky, and no sunlight can shine through.

A layer of emerald green magic shield forms a dome, isolating the mist of chaos. The rich air and water elements gather inside the dome, forming thunderclouds and lightning, and raining down to maintain the ecology of the Emerald Islands.

The clear raindrops fell on Qi Ge's face, and Qi Ge stretched out his tongue and licked it.

"This... this rain actually contains divine power that has not yet been completely transformed.

Could it be said that the entire thundercloud is composed of divine power? "

While Qi Ge was talking to himself, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Yes, it's all made up of my divine power."

Qi Ge was shocked and quickly turned around to look.

Silena, the leader of the Emerald Dragon Clan, stood behind Qi Ge with his hands behind his back and smiled at Qi Ge.

Although her appearance is a bit old, Qi Ge will never mistake the gentle tear mark on her face.

"Chief Silena?"

"It's me." Silena said softly.

[System prompt: The main task has been triggered.

Players are asked to listen carefully to the background introduction.

The timing of the third Chaos invasion was very bad, at least, very bad for the Emerald Dragon.

Silena, who was exploring new ways of fighting and the power of the earth, preparing to become a true god, was disrupted by the invasion of Chaos.

His divine kingdom has become one with the Emerald Sea, unable to evacuate and can only resist the invasion of Chaos.

After the Elf Subcontinent and the sea areas near the Elf Subcontinent were swallowed by Chaos, Silena's Kingdom became the only one in the Chaos Sea.

He has no way to obtain energy through the world of Yasha, nor can he obtain energy from the void. He has no way to rely on sufficient contributions to become a god. He can only be trapped in the chaotic sea, and is constantly consumed by chaos.

But Silena is a false god after all. He cannot defeat Chaos, and Chaos cannot defeat him that easily.

Chaos' several general attacks on Silena's kingdom were completely defended by Silena, and Silena's kingdom even nearly conquered the Chaos Sea.

In desperation, Chaos could only use the evil sea of ​​swarms to surround Silena's kingdom without attacking.

In order to maintain the balance of rules in God's country, Silena has to constantly consume divine power to simulate a Yasha-like environment, which is a big burden on himself.

As time goes by, Silena will eventually run out of power.

However, Silena also has ways to deal with it.

Unable to obtain energy from the void and Yasha, Silena grabbed it from Chaos!

After ten years of long research and development, Silena used its own rules and the Emerald Dream to forcefully open up a special Emerald battlefield.

The chaos monsters killed in the Emerald Battlefield will be dissolved by Xilai's divine power and gradually transformed into Yasha energy.

Relying on the Emerald Battlefield, Silena and Chaos formed a stalemate that continues to this day.

If an emerald dragon participating in the Emerald Battlefield is injured or overworked, it will return to the Emerald Islands to rest, with other emerald dragons taking over.

Before you, countless compatriots have tried their best, exhausted, or died in battle.

Now it is your turn.

As Silena's most trusted emerald dragon, you will fight for Silena on the Emerald Battlefield.

Mission requirements: Defeat at least 300 chaos monsters in the Emerald Battlefield, with no upper limit.

The more chaos monsters defeated, the higher the recognition of the heroic soul. 】

"Huh?! Fighting! I'm good at this! God, I've worked all the way through this dungeon, and I've finally reached the point where I'm good at it."

After Qi Ge finished listening to the system prompts, time resumed flowing.

Silena gently stroked the scales of Seven Doves and said softly:

"Qi Ge, you are the last living male dragon in the dragon group. If it is not a last resort, I don't want to send you up.

I woke you up this time because we have reached the most dangerous time.

Look outside. "

Following Silena's voice, Qi Ge turned his head involuntarily.

Outside the emerald-colored protective shield, a strange [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] was drooling at the protective shield.

Its huge and ferocious mouthparts constantly spit out disgusting [tiger beetle maggots].

Silena explained to Seven Pigeons:

"It is a kind of chaos monster that can corrupt the power of the earth into chaotic energy.

This is a new species that the evil sea of ​​​​insects has continuously upgraded in the confrontation with me, and finally evolved.

If the droplets they emit enter my Kingdom of God, they will quickly decompose the power of the Kingdom of God and are my nemesis.

Originally, the Emerald Battlefield could completely make up for the energy I need to consume to maintain the Kingdom of God, and there would still be some surplus.

But since they appeared, I have had to invest a lot of divine power in maintaining the protective shield.

Because of them, my magical powers have been unable to make ends meet in the past few years.

If I don't wake you up, I might not be able to hold on anymore. "

Silena said sadly:

"Qi Ge, you have to kill as many enemies as possible in the Emerald Battlefield to buy time for me so that I can take my hands off to deal with these hateful [Tiger Flies]."

Qi Ge blinked and suddenly realized.

"Oh~ It turns out that the evil sea of ​​insects that attacked the Immortal Forest was mainly to deal with the Emerald Islands.

Silena controls the rules of the earth, and the evil sea of ​​worms has the strange power to devour the earth, which just restrains him.

The evil sea of ​​insects attacking the Immortal Wood may just be raking the grass and hunting rabbits at first. "

Qi Ge carefully recalled the stunts of those [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Flies].

Resurrection, invincibility, insect bombardment...

[Insect Bombardment: Consume one grid of [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] to launch an infinite distance insect bombardment.

Targets hit by artillery fire will enter the fifth layer of [Insect Parasitism] state while receiving damage.

The layers of [Insect Parasitism] state can be continuously stacked, up to ten layers.

Each layer will cause the unit to lose 10% of its quantity each round, with a minimum of 1 unit.

At level 10: 100% of the amount lost each round.

Because of [Evil Insect Parasitism], all troops that die will generate a [Insect Swarm Sea] in place and engulf the corpses. 】

[Tiger Fly] The special skills of a series of soldiers are indeed very powerful against the Emerald Dragon.

Especially pest parasites.

This instant death effect, which does not cause damage, will not give the Emerald Dragon a chance to trigger the Emerald Dream.

However, Seven Pigeons have already defeated these evil seas of insects once.

Facing the defeat of his subordinates, Qi Ge was not worried at all.

"Even the source of the evil sea, the last weapon of the insect swarm, was killed by me once. What should I be afraid of?"

Qi Ge patted his chest confidently on the spot and said to Silena:

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I promise to complete the mission."

"Then it's up to you."

Silena pointed her finger at the center of Qi Ge's eyebrows. Qi Ge's head buzzed, and his consciousness suddenly flew up to the clouds and merged into the protective shield.

The Emerald Dream came instantly, wrapping up the Seven Pigeons and the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle] outside the protective shield.

In a daze, Qi Ge suddenly discovered that the space of the Emerald Battlefield was extremely small and could only accommodate a total of 2 units of similar strength for a 1V1 battle.

"Wait, wait! I'm a milk dragon! How can a milk dragon fight 1V1?"

boom! !

Qige's eyes were filled with emerald green, and the emerald battlefield instantly unfolded.

He suddenly discovered that neither he nor the [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] entered the battlefield, but were suspended high in the sky.

In his hand, he held three cyan coins, and in [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly]'s hand, he also held three black coins.


Qige was stunned for a moment.

"What does it mean?"

[System prompt: [Emerald Battlefield] begins.

Emerald Battlefield is divided into preparation phase and combat phase.

Preparation Phase:

You initially have 3 [Emerald Token Maximum], and one [Emerald Token Maximum] will be added at the end of each round.

The unused [Emerald Tokens] in the current round will be deemed to be abandoned. At the beginning of the new round, [Emerald Tokens] will be obtained according to the [Emerald Token Upper Limit]

Every 3 [Emerald Tokens] can recruit a soldier to [Emerald Battlefield], and you can get 1 [Emerald Token] by selling a soldier.

When there are two identical units, they will be automatically combined and advanced to level 1. Afterwards, all the [unrecruited arms] of [this type] that appear on the Emerald Battlefield will automatically change to this advanced state.

You can spend your Ashar energy to increase the level of Emerald Battlefield.

The levels of troops you can recruit are the same as those of Emerald Battlefield.

Combat phase: After the preparation phase, the recruited troops on both sides will automatically fight until one side's troops are completely dead to determine the winner and loser.

If all troops on both sides die, it will be considered a draw.

The victor can cause one damage to the defeated party, and the damage value is the sum of [Level*Stage] of the troops on the field.

After the start of a new round, all units that died during the combat phase will be resurrected. 】

[System prompt: According to your own attributes, your basic blood volume is: 600.

The enemy Chaos Monster’s basic HP is: 3600]

[System prompt: All your special skills are currently blocked. Please upgrade the Emerald Battlefield level as soon as possible to obtain special skills. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

"I understand, isn't this an auto-chess war game?!

The Dragon King Temple has the ability to simulate battlefields. After ten years of research, Silena developed this?

Hiss, don’t tell me, this one is really good at restraining Chaos. Chaos with a brain has never been able to defeat Yasha. No matter how strong the Chaos monster is, they are all fools. "

The time in the preparation phase was limited and the rules were too long. Qi Ge quickly understood it and quickly jumped into the Emerald Battlefield.

He glanced at the Emerald Battlefield, and there were three types of soldiers appearing in front of him.

Goblins, Centaurs, Lancers.

There is no doubt that the spearmen must be the strongest and the goblins must be the weakest.

"Everything you buy costs 3 emerald tokens. Logically speaking, you should buy spearmen, but the fairies are my die-hard loyalists!"

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

"Partner, will you come to me even in the echoes of history?

Then let us fight side by side. "

Qige threw the jade token in his hand at the goblin without hesitation!

The emerald token turned into light and merged into the goblin's body.

The small, weak-looking, but actually very weak goblin came to life in an instant.

[System prompt: You have recruited: Goblin, Level 1, Level 1, Special Skill: Mechanical Repair. 】

[The preparation phase ends and enters the combat phase. 】

There was a flash of light, and the centaurs and spearmen disappeared.

Opposite the Seven Pigeons, the black mist of chaos suddenly dispersed, revealing a ferocious Chaos Evil Insect (Level 1, Level 1).

The Chaos Evil Insect looks like a centipede with human legs. The moment the battle phase begins, it rushes towards the goblin at high speed.

"Yeah!!" The goblin raised the hammer in his hand and fought back without hesitation!


The Chaos Evil Insect collided with the goblin and knocked it away. It stepped on the goblin with its eight human legs and bit it with a bloody mouth!


"Hiss!" Qi Ge closed his eyes and couldn't bear to watch, but the goblin's wailing sound still reached his ears.

[System prompt: You have been defeated. 】

"Quack, quack, quack."

[Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] let out a wild laugh like leaking wind. It suddenly opened its mouth and spat a cloud of black mist into Qi Pigeon's face from the air!

[Your health value is -1, currently 599. 】

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Qi Ge glared at [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] angrily and vowed to take revenge.

[System prompt: The second round begins. Your Emerald Tokens have been increased to 4.

The current Emerald Battlefield upgrade requires tokens: 4. The tokens required to upgrade the Emerald Battlefield will be reduced by 1 each round. 】

"You can upgrade the battlefield! You may get special skills after upgrading, and level 2 soldiers will be refreshed next round.

There are exactly 4 emerald tokens. It takes three tokens to buy monsters. If you don't upgrade and choose to buy monsters, you will lose 1 token.

If I upgrade and [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] also upgrades, the goblins will definitely still be unable to defeat the Chaos Evil Insects in the next round, and I will lose a little more blood.

But the blood volume decreases more in the later stages. Even if you lose in the early stage, you won't lose much blood.

You have to sell some blood in the early stage, but also upgrade your technology as soon as possible. "

Qige was just about to upgrade the battlefield, but when he glanced at the battlefield, he was stunned for a moment.

One, two, three...three goblins!


Qige's heart suddenly jumped.

For a true duelist, every card draw is inevitable!

His partner responded to him!

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