Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 779 A shocking change in Avili

"Luna, Luna, wake up, get up."

Luna opened her eyes drowsily.

When she saw Qi Ge's handsome profile, she realized that she was actually being held in Qi Ge's arms, and the posture was very inelegant.

"Hey, Your Majesty Luna, welcome back to Asa. Let's go save the world together."

Qige patted Luna on the back.

Luna woke up from a dream. She hurriedly pushed Qi Ge and stood up.

"Sorry, I'm a little confused after what I just experienced."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter. Your body is very warm, Luna, and it's very comfortable to hold you."

"Ah, this. Maybe it's because I'm good at fire magic..."

Luna was a little shy.

She held Qige's hand with one hand and untied the hairband on her head with the other hand. Pass the hairband through her and Qi Ge's clasped hands, twist it twice like tying hair, and tie their wrists together tightly.

Luna smiled: "I suddenly thought that as long as I stay busy like this, I won't be afraid of separation."

Qige looked at the two people's hands tied together and laughed in her heart.

Luna no longer resisted physical contact.

This is really good news.

This shows that Luna did not take the collective slander against me by those old gangsters seriously.

Qi Ge smiled and said: "Your Majesty Luna, we don't need to hold hands tightly anymore. Look outside the window, the sun god has risen."

Only then did Luna realize that the warm sunshine was already shining directly into the wooden house. The gift of the sun god had already come down to protect her, bringing her a long-lost sense of peace of mind. However, her attention had been focused on the seven pigeons. Just don't know.

Luna blushed and said quickly: "Then I will untie it now."


She hurriedly tried to take off her hairband, but Qi Ge interrupted her movement with a strong pull.

"I just said there was no need to tie him up, but I didn't say I didn't want to tie him up.

Just tie it up like this, it's fine.

Your Majesty Luna, you could have returned to the Worm of Time and enjoyed the eternal past, but you were pulled back by me, and I have to be responsible for you no matter what.

Don’t worry, I will tell you with actions the beauty of the future. "

Seeing the faint smile on Qi Ge's lips, Luna felt a little flustered for some reason.

With a move of her fingers, a flame burned off her hairband, and she took the opportunity to break away from Qi Ge.

"I don't believe you. You'd better deal with that evil lord first and then take care of me."

"Haha, don't worry. Didn't you see that we are in the house now?

When I woke up, Gru, Jenny, and Marodia were beside me.

They have already begun to deal with those scattered Pandora's boxes. "

Qi Ge walked to Luna and whispered:

"When it comes to intelligence warfare, we, the Gods of Yasha, are the professionals."


Four legendary heroes from different forces are fighting for the newly emerged Pandora's Box.

In the battle space, an endless stream of miraculous arms, powerful magic, and treasures and special skills come and go, refusing to give in to each other.

Fire, frost, thunder and lightning... all kinds of elements are intertwined with each other, vowing to distinguish themselves.

At this moment, a fifth force suddenly rushed out on the battlefield!

Another expert is here?

The four legends looked back at the same time.

I saw a confused elf ranger squatting in the corner shivering with seven centaur leaders.

"Elf? You, an ordinary hero, dare to rush into our battlefield. Are you tired of living?!"

The impatient barbarian hero scolded directly:

"Get out of here, this is our legendary battlefield. Ordinary heroes like you should just go home and hide."

"Boys! Stop fighting, stop fighting now!"

The elf hero shouted loudly:

"I am the fat old elf chosen by Yasha God. The gods have jointly issued a statement that Pandora's Box is not a creation of Yasha's mother, but a trap of Chaos.

After a male hero opens Pandora's Box, he will completely lose his fertility and transform into a woman bit by bit.

After a female hero opens Pandora's box, she will soon turn into a wrinkled old woman. "

"Ah, there is such a thing." The stronghold legend was shocked:

"It would be terrible to become a pussy. I don't want to become a pussy. My brothers will kill me every day."

"Chaos is going to destroy the inheritance of legendary heroes like us at the root?"

"The joint statement of the gods is unlikely to be false."

The three legendary heroes all flinched for a moment, leaving only one tower djinn still hesitant.

“If Pandora’s Box is fake, what’s with the strange map?”

"Hey, boss!" the fat old elf shouted anxiously:

“Have you ever seen our legendary demigod from the elves steal Pandora’s Box?

If the obelisk can really be found in this Pandora's box, why don't we, the legendary god of war in Avili, snatch it?

We have been warned by the God of War Tanan that there is a scam in this Pandora's box!

It’s just that we have never understood what Pandora’s Box is, so we have not spoken out.

Now that we've figured it out, we're here to let you know.

Stop fighting. What you are fighting for is not the miracle leading to the Tears of Asa, but the endless disaster. "

When the four legends heard this, they all looked at each other and chose to separate.

They all wanted to go to the Church of the Gods to confirm whether what the elf said was true or false.

But no matter which church they go to, they will get the same answer:

This is true, it is true, and it is even more serious.

This similar scene happened in every corner of Avili.

It is not easy to break into the battlefield of legendary heroes. Even the aftermath of the battle will easily kill heroes who are not yet legendary.

Especially those large-scale group attack magic, each of which is like a destructive existence.

But facing players who are not afraid of death, these dangers are not a problem at all.

Players rushed forward and used their lives to build an intelligence network called "Pandora's Box is a Chaos Trap".

In addition to going deep into the battlefield to make announcements, there are also countless low-flying Pegasus cavalry, using loudspeaker magic stones to repeatedly play various slogans:

"Pandora, created by chaos, is sinister and vicious, harboring evil intentions.

Heroes, you must not take any chances and try. "

"The maps are all fake and the runes are cunning. If you touch Pandora, your whole family will be killed instantly."

"Pandora, destroy Yasha, never open it."

"Joint statement of the Church of the Gods, joint statement: Pandora's Box is a trap of Chaos and has nothing to do with the Obelisk Asa's Tears.


One by one, catchy ballads and jingles. It was spread widely by Pegasus cavalry all over the country.

It's like pouring cold water on the fiery heads of legends and demigods.

As long as there is doubt in their hearts, the legendary demigods will no longer fall into the frenzied fighting mood.

And as long as they do a little investigation, they can quickly find that there is indeed no one who has snatched Pandora's Box with an elf legend.

Qige's backhand is not over yet.

Soon, a troupe of bards composed of player bards arrived in Avili.

With their beautiful voices and beautiful melodies, they sang the Yasha version of the real-life Pandora story to every legendary hero who passed by.

In this story, Pandora's Box once appeared in the world of Yasha. It was precisely because of the appearance of Pandora's Box that the once glorious Elf Empire quickly collapsed.

Soon, the legendary heroes who learned the news found Jenny and Malodia, the survivors of the Elf Empire, for verification.

Naturally, without exception, they received a positive answer.

"Yes. Our elven subcontinent was destroyed by Pandora's box."

Malodia was about to cry:

“The male elf who opened Pandora’s box became inhumane, became more and more effeminate, and finally became a woman.

The female elves who opened Pandora's Box lost their ability to live long and stay young, and soon became old.

Our elves have a weak ability to reproduce because our people have opened too many Pandora's boxes and have been cursed by Chaos.

All these have led to the rapid decline and eventual destruction of our elven empire. "

Now, everyone had to believe it.

The elves have already unified their opinions. Even if the legendary heroes don't ask Marodia Jenny and ask other elven elders, they will get the same answer.

The diffusion of information and the formation of consensus originally take time.

If you want one thing to be recognized by everyone, you need terrible intelligence operations capabilities to let everyone know the same news and confirm it to be true. This is very difficult.

But Qi Ge happens to have the manpower needed to conduct this level of intelligence warfare.

The entire Avili Pegasus Cavalry, as well as countless players, have become missiles for Qige's public opinion bombardment.

First, broadcasting casts a wide net to popularize public opinion, then experts appear to give their own opinions, and finally a celebrity (Malodia) is used to endorse it, using the celebrity effect to deepen the impression.

The intelligence bombing from another world finally blew up the world of Yasha.

Thanks to various powerful measures taken by Qi Ge and the elves, the situation finally improved.

Faced with Pandora's Box that could lead to the destruction of an entire elven empire, everyone's expression changed.

For a time, the Pandora's Box floating in the air changed from a delicious food that everyone was scrambling for to a scourge that everyone avoided.

Those legendary heroes who had been exposed to Pandora's Box were even more frightened and asked the elves for rescue methods.

Under Qi Ge's order, the elves collected a full tip of 2,500 gold coins before reluctantly telling them:

"Heroes who have opened Pandora's Box need to go to the major true god temples to be baptized and eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

This is news I spent money to get, how can it be false? ?

Each legendary hero seemed to have received amnesty, and they used various teleportation magic to find the temple.

It wasn't until they saw the dark things in their bodies being pulled out by the priests of the temple that they felt relieved.

"In just two days, no one has touched all Pandora's boxes. Qi Ge, your power is so powerful."

Malodia stood beside Qi Ge, her eyes filled with brilliance.

Luna also stood on the other side of Qi Ge, looking at Qi Ge with admiration as well.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

"This is not my power. This is the common power of all the elves and the chosen ones of Yasha.

I just made a plan, and they are the ones who actually implement the plan. "

"Leon Hart, the founding king of Erathia, once said that 10 million troops can be easily obtained, but an excellent general is nowhere to be found.

A weak soldier will only destroy himself, but a weak general will destroy an entire army.

Qige, please stop being modest.

It is all your credit that we at Avili have successfully overcome this difficulty. "

"It's still very early to cross."

At this moment, Jenny hurried over from behind them.

She frowned, and there was a gloomy air pressure surrounding her body.

Malodia asked doubtfully:

“Sister Jenny, why are you hungry?”

Jenny glanced at Qige with complicated eyes, sighed and said:

"Qi Ge, this time we, the elves, are sorry for you.

Your previous plans may be in vain.

There is a traitor among us elves.

At least ten legends registered with the Senate suddenly changed their tune and told the heroes who asked them that Pandora's Box was the key to the obelisk.

There are even some legendary and master-level heroes who came to the front line and opened Pandora's Box in front of other legendary heroes. "

Malodia's beautiful face has lost its beauty, and her soul has been greatly lost:

"How could this happen?! Elf?! Or an Elf legend registered with the Senate?!

How could they do this? ! How could they do this? ! "

Qige frowned, patted Marodia on the shoulder, and asked Jenny:

"Exactly how many elves rebelled?"

Jenny shook her head bitterly:

"I don't know. I'm sorry, they are all the middle class of our Avili and have always played a connecting role in our country.

Their rebellion caused those of us at the top to lose our source of intelligence and become blind and deaf.

So we have no way of knowing exactly which guys rebelled.

The reason why I say at least 10 is because these 10 are all legends with military power, and they all have their own elven legions.

They even ordered their troops to disperse to persuade the legendary heroes of other forces to open Pandora's Box.

Therefore, their rebellion was confirmed by us. "

Malodia asked anxiously: "Where are Lord Gru and Lord Cronis?"

Jenny said seriously: "Gru only said one sentence: 'It's just a bastard, lawless.', and then set off with the Phantom Archer Army.

Before he left, he put on the [Phantom Divine Bow] and took [Sacred Blood Bottle] and [Archer's Dream] with him.

Those ten traitors will soon receive their due punishment.

And Lord Cronis is helping us initiate the emergency dictatorship bill. Your Highness, Princess, next, you need to completely take over the command of the Senate and all elven forces.

Your Royal Highness, you must not be merciful this time.

You must raise the butcher's knife, even if you are facing one of our own kind. "

Marodia's body swayed, and her expression was a little dazed:

"How could this happen...Why would they betray? They are all elves.

Having betrayed us, where in the world of Yasha can accommodate them? "

Qige closed her eyes, thought for a moment, and asked again:

"Jenny, are the 10 legendary heroes who have been confirmed to have rebelled all pseudo-legends? Or are most of them pseudo-legends?"

Jenny was a little surprised:

"Yes, how do you know?"

"As expected, it's no wonder. It seems that her penetration into Avery is deeper than I imagined."

Qi Ge looked at the shocked Marodia and felt a little unbearable. However, he still wanted to tell her the most critical information he had obtained.

This information is related to the life and death of Aveli, a country in turmoil.

“Marodia, Jenny, I have something to tell you.

It’s about your biological mother, Marodia, and the former princess of your Elf clan, Elaine Lan. "

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