Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 780 The turmoil begins

"My mother is a traitor to the elves and even the entire Yasha world..."

After learning the truth from Qi Ge, Marodia looked desperate and obviously couldn't believe it.

“But I have always thought that my mother was the hero who fought against the cursed dragon.

She herself, my father, my elders, my friends, they all told me this.

After my mother returned from slaying the cursed dragon, she only had a few years left in her life.

I stayed with my mother during the last period of her life, and finally buried her with my own hands.

If she had betrayed Yasha long ago, then she had countless opportunities to kill me, but why didn't she do that? "

"It's very simple, if she hurts you, she won't be able to leave.

Besides, it's not as simple as you think.

You have the gaze and protection of the goddess of fate, and any behavior that is harmful to you personally will be noticed and deflected by fate. "

Qi Ge said softly:

"Your Highness, I have no reason to deceive you, right?

It's very simple to prove it. Just enter the princess's tomb and see if the princess is still inside. Isn't it obvious at a glance? "

Marodia was stunned, and she was in a trance for a moment.

Yes, the verification method is very simple, but why couldn't she think of it?

Soon, Elian Lan’s tomb was opened.

When Malodia saw the empty coffin, she finally understood everything.

"No wonder they rebelled... The disaster that once destroyed the elven subcontinent has struck again."

Before confirming the authenticity of what Qige said, Malodia had been in a state of wavering unwilling to believe it.

But when she confirmed the result, her whole mentality suddenly changed.

Marodia cried heartily, wiped away her tears, left the tomb, and headed to the Senate.

The princess ascends the throne and becomes an iron-blooded dictatorship.

Malodia ordered on the spot that Aveili entered a state of total war, depriving the Senate of all political power of the senators, and the two demigods of Aveili conducted a secret review of all senators in the Senate.

Before the review is completed, senior political officials and military generals were recruited from the Yasha God to temporarily maintain the stability of Avili.

Open the top of the Golden Dragon Cliff and the sacred land in the forest, and recruit the Golden Dragon tribe and unicorns to provide military support for her decree.

Then, an announcement was made to the entire Yasha world, announcing the news of former Elf Queen Elaine Lan's betrayal of Yasha.

From this moment on, Marodia is no longer the protected little princess, but the queen who holds the future direction of the entire Avili.

Leaders of other forces need to walk on thin ice and take huge risks to make decisions, but Manodia does not need to.

With the blessing of the goddess of fate, she can rely on divination again and again to choose the national policy that is most beneficial to the entire Avili, just like cheating.

From the moment she ascended the throne, fate was on Avili's side.

However, those who cheat often have to face cheating enemies.

While Avili was cleaning up, a large group of master heroes and legendary heroes from various forces also poured into Avili from all directions.

Under a floating Pandora's Box, two lizard heros from the fortress were having a heated discussion.

"Haas~ Can this Pandora's Box be opened? Why did I hear that there are legends from the elves starting to snatch Pandora's Box?"

"I heard about it too, Haza~ Do you think those long-eared people lied to us that this Pandora's Box has nothing to do with the obelisk, and then secretly took Pandora's Box as their own?"

"Has~ If that's the case, why didn't they wait until we left before taking action? If they take action so early, wouldn't they be directly exposed?

I see, there must be something fishy in this.

I've also heard that some elves go around trying to persuade other legends to grab Pandora's Box.

Perhaps Pandora's Box is indeed bad, but those elves want to let the legends of other forces step into the trap and die.

I can trust Princess Malodia, but I can't trust other elves. "

"Hey, from what you said, it's really possible."

While the two lizard-men legends were having a heated discussion, a burst of exaggerated laughter suddenly came from beside them:

"Hahahaha! You idiots, you actually believe those damn elves' lies.

Since you don’t want this Pandora’s Box, I’ll accept it. "

A barbarian hero with a heavily painted face suddenly came out holding a pair of axes and headed straight for Pandora's Box in the sky.

"Kellens!" A lizard man's pupils suddenly tightened, and he immediately recognized this stronghold barbarian who had a deep hatred against him.

At this time, Pandora's Box is no longer important, and the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

The lizard man immediately bent his bow and arrows to kill this bastard.

The barbarian held his hands in vain, turned around and split two air waves with his axe, forming a barrier to block the two lizard men behind him, and at the same time block the arrows fired at him.

The battle was triggered, and the battle space immediately unfolded between the three people.

After a fierce battle, they quickly decided the winner.

The barbarians were superior and won by luck.

But then, another battle quickly started.

A new legend was attracted by the sound of fighting and began to snatch Pandora's Box.

These legendary masters who entered Aveili not only grabbed Pandora's Box with their own tentacles, but also deliberately provoked disputes among other legendary heroes.

There were even some despicable ones who directly led troops to attack the elven villages.

For a time, Avery was in flames.

At this time, the two demigods of the elves were busy quelling the civil strife, and it was difficult to spare manpower to solve the situation of the legends.

The situation that Qige had finally stabilized became chaotic again.

"Your Highness, at this point, we can only adopt Plan B."

Qi Ge said in a deep voice.

"The sacred covenant connects you and me. When the elves are in trouble, our allies should help us."

Malodia nodded heavily:

“We elves have made many mistakes.

But thankfully, we have never broken a covenant, no matter who. "

The former Elf Empire was a strange country with extreme militarism and xenophobia.

It is ruthless to its enemies and is willing to exterminate their entire species, and it is also very kind to its allies.

Avili, on the other hand, has always inherited the fine traditions of the Elf Empire and has friends all over the world.

So, when Aveili's letter for help spread to all directions, its terrible influence suddenly exploded!

Erathia, an allied force composed of griffons, knights and angels, led by Sir Mrak, crossed three forests and arrived in Avili within twenty minutes.

When Sir M'rak drew his long sword and the resistance cavalry raised its head and roared, not even the demigod dared to ignore its edge.

At sea, three Sea King Turtles from the Poseidon Church, carrying thousands of sea tribe reinforcements, were docking at the port of Avili.

In the nameless forest, the reclusive druids packed their bags and turned into ferocious bears, dragons, or elk, and they all gathered towards Aveili.

At the Leaning Tower of Pantal, some witches in red skirts and black robes mounted broomsticks, and some turned into goshawks and headed straight for Aveili.

In the Sea of ​​Chaos, the World Tree in another dimension opened its eyes. The creatures in the Senluo World and the rejuvenated Wisdom Tree all woke up and looked at the sky.

Looking at the battle reports that read about the arrival of reinforcements, Qi Ge couldn't help but feel excited.

Among the nine major forces, the Elemental City is the most mysterious, the Tower has the strongest paper strength, the Cemetery is the deepest hidden, and Avili has the most terrifying potential for a decisive battle.

No one knows how many allies the elves will be able to draw out when the last resort comes.

And now, this terrifying army of allies has broken through to the tip of the iceberg.


A dreamlike arrow reverberated in the air, killing all the dozen or so high-level vampires under Degar in the blink of an eye.

Gru held the phantom bow and warned Degar:

“Avili has implemented territorial isolation, and all non-Avili camp heroes must leave Aveli immediately.

This is my last warning, if you don't want to die here, get out of here. "

Facing Gru's threat, Degar glanced at him with a sinister look:

"Gru, I am not your opponent, I will leave, but if you use national war-level power to deal with me, it will be a bit overwhelming.

I will be back soon. Next time we meet, I will bring all my troops. "

Degar turned into a bat and spread out in the air, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Gru looked ahead of him worriedly. A Pandora's box had been opened and was slowly disappearing.

"Time is getting tighter."

Gru looked to the sky.

"If it doesn't work, I can only go to the north."

With an excessive amount of troops gathered, under the leadership of Gru and others, Avili used physical means to forcibly expel all the legends and demigods in the territory.

This is not a good idea.

Such a huge military operation is likely to lead to an early outbreak of hegemony among all races in Avili.

But right now, this is indeed the fastest way.

In less than three days, all foreign heroes in Aveli were expelled.

With the support of many heroes in Erathia, Avili's work of tracking down the traitors has also made significant progress.

Especially, after the arrival of Saint Adela.


The wooden door of the cell slowly closed, and Adela, dressed in plain white, slowly walked out of the cell.

She looked back and admired the young elf who closed the door for her:

"As expected of your Avili cell, you cleverly used the hole at the root of the Devil's Tree.

Soaking the hero in the sap of the devil tree will prevent the hero from opening a fighting space and making it impossible to use magic.

Although the process is a little painful, it is efficient enough.

The security of this cell is higher than that of our Erathia cell, and the construction cost is much lower. It is of great reference value. "

When the two elves heard this, their faces turned pale and their lips trembled.

They didn't dare to look directly at Adela, they only dared to lower their heads and replied:

"If Your Majesty the Holy Maiden likes it, we can send you two devil tree seeds, as well as a complete set of planting methods."

"Ah, that's great, thank you very much."

Adela nodded to the two elves, turned around and left without paying attention to their rudeness.

The two elves with their heads lowered looked at where Adela walked.

Whether it was stones or grass, blood could be seen so thick that it formed a path that frightened them.

"Seven pigeons!"

Hearing Adela's return, Qi Ge, Marodia, Jenny, and Luna, who were discussing tactics, all turned their heads.

Jenny couldn’t sit still the most, so she immediately stood up and asked eagerly:

"Your Majesty, how is the situation?"

Adela shook her head.

She handed Jenny a [Photography Crystal] and said:

"This is the entire interrogation process. You can take a look at it when you are free.

But I don’t suggest you watch it now, well, the process is a little cruel.

Qi Dove knows that I have the ability to identify lies. This is the blessing given to me by the Holy Spirit.

However, this power does not work on them. Even if they do not speak, my Holy Spirit will always remind me that they are lying.

This shows that their inner thoughts are very noisy and their spirits are extremely chaotic.

Let me tell you the conclusion directly.

Those heroes who used the Master Order and Legend Order given by Her Royal Highness the Princess all had strong traces of chaos on their bodies.

After dissecting their bodies, it can be clearly seen that their brains and internal organs have been replaced by some black plants.

The Holy Spirit told me that the heroes imprisoned in the cells are no longer creatures of order.

There is no other solution but to kill them and end their suffering. "

Jenny and Marodia took a deep breath together.

They had expected such a result, but when the facts were revealed, the two of them were still shocked.

Qige closed her eyes.

Sure enough, there is no way that the Master Order and the Legend Order given by Elian Lan are without traps.

The heroes controlled by Elaine Lan reminded him of demonic parasitism.

But this method of control is simpler and more crude than demonic parasitism.

Some of the controlled heroes were tempted by the Master Order and the Legend Order and voluntarily became the lackeys of Chaos. They deserved their punishment and deserved their death.

But there are still some heroes who were deceived by others into using Elian Lan's parasitic token, which is very pitiful.

Seven Pigeons asked Adela:

"Adela, have you found a way to identify it?"

"Of course." Adela looked at Qi Ge and smiled sweetly.

She reached out and took out a beating tree vine from her space backpack.

The material of this tree vine is very strange, it looks like a plant or flesh, and its black trunk is covered with fine barbs.

When Adela put it on his hand, Shuvine kept trying to pierce Adela's palm with barbs, but was unable to do so due to the isolation of magic power.

Adela said: "This is the plant that controlled those heroes. I can basically confirm that all the plants in those heroes come from the same seed.

The plants are mutually attractive. "

Adela took out another plant branch.

The two plant trunks raised their heads like cobras, reaching towards each other, wanting to make contact.

"Relying on this mutual attraction, the controlled heroes can quickly recognize each other when they meet, even if they have never met.

And we can use this mutual attraction to quickly find the parasite.

As long as you hold a branch within 10 meters of the parasite, the branch will explore it.

However, this plant is very dangerous. You must first find a transparent container that can completely isolate it. Otherwise, once ordinary heroes receive it, they will soon be parasitized by it. "

Seeing the way this plant danced, Qi Ge suddenly thought of the scene echoed in history. He took a deep breath and said:

"Shexianghua... This is the Shexianghua that was transformed by Elaine Lan!

It's not a plant at all, but a kind of chaos monster! "

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