Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 804 Infinite Loop

Round 199.

The undead in the seven pigeon fields have all grown to 159200+/159200+.

Due to their excessive size, even the skeletons of the skeleton soldiers emitted an eye-catching black light, making them look particularly handsome.

Taking out a skeleton soldier at random can kill a thousand void wandering souls without even taking a breath.

The most outrageous thing is that there are a total of thirty-six such powerful skeleton soldiers in the Seven Pigeon Fields.

If it weren't for the obstruction of the stone wall, [Void Wanderer], which was not immune to melee attacks, would have been killed by all the skeleton soldiers long ago.

Seeing that the time was right, Qi Ge and Sheng Long looked at each other.

Shenglong said to Qige with firm eyes:

"Just go ahead and do it, we believe in you."


Qi Ge responded, took a deep breath, and a war chess piece exuding a thick and ominous aura emerged from the void in his palm.

"The knight who originates from death but transcends death, use your pale sword to carry out your noble justice!

I offer 30 stone walls as a sacrifice, summoned by superiors!

Come out! Pale Knight! "

【Pale Knight

Level 6 Level 6

Properties: 100/100/20

Special skill: Sacrifice 30: Sacrifice 30 war chess pieces to summon

After appearing on the stage, immediately obtain all [undead] attributes [half of the total attribute value].

Ignores the terrain when moving and returns to the original place after attacking.

Penetrating attack: Attacks all enemy war pieces on the movement path when attacking. 】

Following the orders of the Seven Doves, groups of pale flames suddenly rose from the stone wall.

The temperatureless flames melted the stone walls, gathering into pale white smoke and blending into one.

In the smoke, a ghost knight riding a skeletal horse stood proudly!

He had no body, only a broken armor, and in his hand, he held a rusty long sword without a scabbard.

A powerful war chess that will produce powerful battlefield effects the moment it appears!

The pale knight's armor raised the rusty sword in his hand high, and an ominous black aura instantly filled the air!

Pale flames erupted from the undead bodies at the rear of the battlefield, constantly gathering towards the Pale Knight!


The skeleton soldiers held bone blades and roared to the sky. The ferryman of dead souls and the lord of dead souls shouted in unison to celebrate the arrival of the king!

From this moment on, the attributes of the Pale Knight began to soar crazily!

The holy dragon stared at the attributes of the pale knight with wide eyes.

"Ten thousand, thirty thousand, one hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, nine hundred thousand, one million, one and a half million, two million, two million eight hundred thousand, three million!!!"


When the attributes of the pale knight were fixed, even the ghost of the void, who didn't know what fear was, was trembling.

"What ghost of the void is worthy of you?

Have you seen it? Using the body of the undead to carry out pale justice, this is the real ghost!

Pale Knight, judge your enemies! "

The sacrifice of the seven doves was just right, leaving a path for the Pale Knight between the stone walls.


The skeletal horse neighed, and the pale knight turned into a pale will-o'-the-wisp and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the afterimage, a soul passed through the body of the Void Ghost, and then quickly returned to its original place.



With just one blow, the Pale Knight reduced the Ghost of the Void to nothing.


The Tianlu battlefield, which was already on the verge of shaking, has regained stability.

The light of victory rose and blasted from the world of Yasha into the mist in the sky.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a blast in the sky, and the huge sonic boom made Seven Pigeons and the others cover their ears involuntarily.

"what happened?!"

Qi Ge raised his head and saw that the entire sky was trembling and trembling. The dark clouds and mist in the void suddenly shrank by a large circle under this blow! !


The holy dragon looked up to the sky and roared, extremely excited:

“That’s it, that’s it!

The damage we can cause to the Void Incarnation after winning the battle is determined by the permanent attributes of the remaining war chess on our field.

Those undead with hundreds of thousands of attributes have permanent attributes. This is an absolute blow to the incarnation of the void!

This blow should have knocked out one-tenth of the Void Avatar's health. "

Only one tenth...

Qi Ge raised his eyebrows.

The attributes obtained by the Pale Knight after appearing on the scene will not affect the attributes of the undead itself. They are attribute values ​​that are increased out of thin air.

But the attributes he gains are temporary attributes and will disappear after the battle.

All other odds and ends are removed, and the total attributes of the undead are about six million, which can only take down one-tenth of the blood volume of the Void Incarnation.

This means that in order to kill the Void Incarnation in one wave, you have to create a war game with a total attribute of over 60 million.

Tianlu battlefield is not the Yasha world, and permanent attributes are not so easy to obtain.

The undead growth flow is already the most efficient method among all the methods Qi Ge can think of.

"The incarnation of the Void is not weak in strength. He can create the Void Forbidden Zone in this battle. I don't know what tricky things he can create in the next battle.

So the sooner the fight is resolved, the better.

There are three options.

The first plan is to find new ways to create a big BOSS of 60 million/60 million in one wave.

This is more difficult and requires careful planning.

The second plan is to simply create a growth stream of 10 undead and end the battle in one wave.

The problem with this plan is that the core of the undead growth stream, the Lord of the Undead, has relatively high attribute values.

The next wave of void troops will be very powerful and the risk is high.

The third option depends on the situation.

It is impossible for me to keep these undead with super high attributes until the next round. I must use the [Undead Treasure Chest] to eat and hide them.

I wonder if the undead summoned by the [Undead Chest] can cause damage to the Void Incarnation.

If possible, you can use the Undead Treasure Chest to store undead, save a little in each wave, and then collect the remaining amounts to kill the opponent with 60 million.

The risk of this plan is relatively small, but it depends on whether the undead in the [Undead Chest] can cause damage to the Void Incarnation. "

Shenglong thought for a while and said:

"It should be possible.

The special skill of the Undead Chest is [it disappears when attacked and summons the sacrificed undead war chess. 】

After the effect of this special skill is triggered, the undead chest itself is equivalent to disappearing, and the previously sacrificed undead becomes independent. "

"That'll be easy."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, let's start with the first method and give it a try."

The seven pigeons gathered Adela and Agede together to brainstorm ideas.

After listening to this, Agaide touched his beard and asked solemnly:

"Qi Ge, you come to ask me about something you can't even think of?

What, do you think I'm more talented than you?

If you can't think of it, can I still think of it?

Can you be a little better as an apprentice? I don’t know my teacher at all. "

Qi Ge:......


Adela didn't react at first, but when she figured it out, she laughed out loud.

"Why can you, Your Majesty Aqed, say such things in such a confident tone?"

"Is it strange? If you knew how talented Qi Ge was in the echoes of history, you wouldn't find it strange."

Agaide grimaced:

"Your Majesty Adela, as long as I have some confidence that I can help him, I won't have no confidence at all.

If he can't find a solution to Qi Ge, then there must be no solution at all. "

Qi Ge smiled bitterly:

"Teacher, you are too modest. Teacher, you have been studying for so long and you don't have any plan?"

After hearing what Qi Ge said, Agaide hesitated and said:

"I do have a few lineups, but let alone your Revenant Soul Growth Flow, even your [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] can't compare.

It’s not that I don’t want to say it, it’s mainly that I’m afraid that if I say it, it will affect your thinking.

There is a saying in Bracada that talking about magic with barbarians will only make you stupider the more you talk. "

"Teacher, please don't say that.

If you have any ideas, just let me know and let me know if you can.

Even if it doesn't work, it can still give me some inspiration. "

"Okay, then I'll show you."

As Agaide said, he showed three lineups.

【Sky Fortress

Level 6, Level 3



Stunt: Flying.

Riding: Can load up to 100 war chess pieces. 】

【Explosive elements

Special skill: Self-destruction 20: Disappears and causes 20 points of damage to all surrounding battle chess. 】

【Star Dragon

Level 6, Level 1


All units gain self-destruction 10.

All self-destruction effects trigger 3 times. 】

Qi Ge understood clearly that this system uses a flying fortress as a cover, loaded with explosive elements and astral dragons.

Allows slower explosive elements to enter enemy positions and cause massive damage.

The lineup is not bad, but it's a pity that it can't help myself.

Qi Ge looked at the next lineup.

【The eldest daughter of the forest

Special skills; growth: all our war chess pieces permanently gain +3+3]

【Mori's second daughter

Special skill: Growth: All our war chess pieces permanently gain +2+2]

【Mother of the forest

Special skill: Whenever our war chess gains attributes due to growth, it will permanently gain +5+5. 】

【Elf of the Spring

Special skill: Growth is triggered twice. 】.

Qi Ge:......

How to say, very simple and easy to understand growth flow.

The growth rate is relatively limited.

【Flower Fairy

Special skill: When a friendly war chess activates the appearance effect, the growth stunt of the front war chess will be triggered immediately. 】

【Earth Warrior

Special Skill: Growth: Gain a layer of sprouts.

Germination: Growth: Gain +1/+1/+1. 】

"Wait a minute, this!"

Qi Ge’s eyes lit up!

"This is it! The Flower Spirit"

"The entry effect, that is, the effect triggered by the war chess the moment it enters the battlefield, can only be triggered once.

The most important thing about the appearance effect is that it can be triggered in the preparation stage before the battle begins.

Growth is an effect that is triggered once every round in combat.

Using the Flower Elf, you can make the growth effect that can only be triggered in combat become triggerable outside of combat.

Now as long as you find a suitable starting battle chess, you can directly start the undead growth flow during the preparation stage.

There is no limit on the number of rounds, and the upper limit of the undead growth flow is unlimited!

Let alone 60 million, I can do it with 600 million.

Teacher, you are really a genius! "

Agaide was confused when he heard this.

What the hell? What is the preparation stage? Is this war chess very powerful? Why do I feel so normal?

No matter, if my apprentice praises me, that’s because I’m awesome!

Thinking of this, Agaide nodded with peace of mind:

"Apprentice, you are right, teacher, I am such a genius, hahaha."

"Come on to the war chess, come to the war chess..."

Qi Ge closed his eyes and searched for debut war chess from tens of thousands of war chess.

There is a limitation to the debut war chess. Once the debut war chess is used, it will disappear. After that, the debut war chess is likely to become a burden on the battlefield.

Like the Pale Rider.

Don't look at the three million tyrants in the Pale Knight's cool attributes during the battle. Once the battle is over, he returns to his original form and can only be used as a stronger unit. Moreover, he has to eat it with the Soul Treasure Chest, otherwise it will affect the formation.

Fortunately, Qi Ge also has the skill of sacrifice.

"Yeah! Found it!"

Qi Ge opened his eyes, flames burning in his pupils.

He took a deep breath and immediately started operating.

Qi Ge placed a [Flower Elf] behind the already raised Lord of the Dead Souls.

In this way, every time a debut battle chess appears, the Lord of the Dead can grow.

[Growth: Make all undead war chess pieces within 5 blocks of yourself gain undead enhancement.

Undead enhancement: Grow, gain +2+2, and keep it permanently. 】

Lord of the Dead was originally a core war chess game that allowed all undead to strengthen together.

However, the Lord of the Undead is also an undead himself, and he can also enjoy the growth effect of the undead enhancement.

Although it is the core, it also has the potential to become a super big brother!

Qi Ge will make the Lord of the Dead Souls into a super big brother!

The chess piece that Qi Ge chose to play on the stage was, Charge Trumpeter!

【Charging Trumpeter

Level 4 Level 2


Sacrifice 10.

Appears and then disappears.

Appearance: Gives a friendly war chess courage 1. 】

Sacrifice 10 Earth Walls to summon the Charge Horner.


A half-dragon appeared on the battlefield, spreading his wings and blowing his horn.

The Lord of the Dead flashed with light, and at the same time, a green light emerged from the [Flower Elf] behind him and sank into his body.


With the spirit of the spring, the dead soul effect on the dead soul master is triggered twice, instantly gaining 1600 points of damage and health.

At this time, another war chess piece that Qi Ge had just played on the battlefield flashed with light, causing Qi Ge's hand to suddenly have 10 more light balls.

[Guide of light:

Level 5 Level 5

Special skill: Whenever a war chess piece is sacrificed, you will get a ball of light. 】

【Bright ball

Level 1 Level 1

Special Skills: Unable to sacrifice.

Attach: Make a friendly war piece gain +1+1]

Qi Ge played a new game and attached all the balls of light to his body.

【Gold Adjuster

Special Skills: Whenever you are attached, gain a gold mine. 】

【Gold Mine

Level 1 Level 1

No stunts. 】

In one round of operation, the wall of the earth turned into a gold mine.

After the gold mine is sacrificed, it can also turn into a ball of light, and then continue to turn into a gold mine.

Infinite loop!

Qi Ge had already thought of this routine before, but the only benefit of this routine was that the gold adjuster received a weak bonus, which was a bit tasteless.

But now, with the combination of Charging Trumpeter and Flower Elf, this infinite sacrifice routine has come alive.

The second half-dragon, the third half-dragon...

Qi Ge kept repeating the process of sacrificing gold mines to summon half-dragons, allowing the Lord of the Dead to grow rapidly.

From the beginning to the end, the green light on the Lord of the Dead never stopped.

The Holy Dragon watched the Lord of the Dead's attributes getting higher and higher, and his body trembled with excitement.

"The Lord of the Dead. The Spirit of the Spring, the Spirit of the Flowers, the Charge Trumpeter, the Gold Mixer, and the Guide of Light.

This is it! This is it!

Use the special skills of the troops to make the impossible possible. This is the true meaning of creation!

Seven Pigeons, there is no upper limit to the growth of your war chess, and you can even surpass the terrifying incarnation of the void.

Your only enemy now is time,

We can win, this time, we can really win! "

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