Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 805 Holy Dragon of Courage

Sacrifice, enter, trigger growth.

Qi Ge is becoming more and more skilled in operation.

After becoming familiar with the entire process, Qige began multi-line operations.

At first he could only play one [Charging Horner] at once, but now he can play ten at the same time!

This means that the growth efficiency of the Lord of the Dead is ten times higher.

"Ten, thirteen, fifteen...the seven pigeons are still accelerating!"

The holy dragon howled excitedly:

"The Lord of the Dead Souls has grown to a size of ten million!"

Adela was a little worried:

"There are only twenty minutes left, and there is still a long way to go before 60 million.

Can the Seven Pigeons complete the layout before time runs out? "

Aguede said:

"It works!

The special skill of the Lord of the Souls is to grow and obtain the Soul Enhancement*2.

The effect of the soul enhancement is growth and gain +2/+2.

Cooperating with the spring water elves, it can produce the effect of ladder growth.

The further you go, the more attributes you gain each round.

The first growth is +8/+8, the hundredth growth is +800/+800, and the thousandth growth is +8000/8000.

The Lord of the Dead Souls has now grown 2,000 times, and the attributes of the Lord of the Dead Souls are 16 million.

After growing up less than two thousand times, the Lord of the Dead will have more than 60 million attributes!

With Seven Pigeons' current efficiency, ten minutes is enough. "

"No, it won't take ten minutes at all."

Shenglong’s eyebrows were dancing with joy and his voice sounded very cheerful:

"As we speak, he can already summon 20 [Charging Buglers] at the same time, and this number is still increasing.

And it only takes three seconds for him to complete a wave of summons!

Just two thousand times, five minutes is enough.

As the chess pieces grow, so does the chess player himself!

The advantages and disadvantages are so powerful. This is the unparalleled talent of Qi Ge! "

Chi la~~~

"Seven pigeons, enough is enough, it's completely exceeded!"

Agaide slapped Qi Ge hard on the shoulder, waking Qi Ge out of his concentration.


Qi Ge, whose brain was almost smoking after being operated, took a deep breath and looked at the Lord of the Dead on the battlefield.

At this time, the damage and health of the Lord of the Souls had exceeded 72 million.

"Okay, that's enough."

Qige nodded and asked:

"Teacher, how much time do we have?"

Agaide replied with a smile: "Thirteen minutes left."

"Thirteen minutes?"

Qi Ge looked at the battlefield and made an estimate in his mind.

"It should be in time."

On the battlefield at this time, because the attributes of the undead were too exaggerated, the dense aura of death had completely enveloped the battlefield.

Even the mindless stone elements were trembling under the cloud of undead.

"I will sacrifice all the skeleton soldiers, the Lord of the Dead, the Ferryman of the Dead, and the Pale Knight on the battlefield to summon the Treasure Chest of the Dead!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Broken treasure chests that looked fragile appeared out of thin air one by one. They opened their bloody mouths and swallowed all the undead on the battlefield.

With a whoosh, all the clouds disappeared, leaving only a bunch of small treasure chests harmless to humans and animals on the battlefield.

The Undead Chest is made of black iron, and its surface is covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, as if it has been forgotten for a long time.

Each of their corners is carved into a twisted face whose expression is filled with pain and despair.

These pain masks must be prepared for the Void War Chess.

Qi Ge could already imagine the terror and despair those void war chessmen would face after attacking the Undead Treasure Box.

After finishing devouring the undead, Qi Ge placed a few war chess pieces of unknown meaning on his own position, and then used the few remaining [Earth Walls] to rebuild the city wall defense line.

After all preparations were completed, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and waited quietly for the enemy's attack!


The time has come, the war begins!

The Tianlu battlefield reopened, and the thick clouds of void gathered again.

Amid the surging clouds, Qi Ge vaguely seemed to see a slender dragon.

"What's this?!"

Just when Qige was puzzled, the clouds suddenly dispersed.

A long dragon occupying ten squares was exposed in front of Qi Ge and the others.

【Dragon of the Void

Level 7 and Level 8

Properties: 850/860/0

Special Skills: Unable to move

Growth: Gain +50/+50 each turn.

Ranged attack 80.

When attacking, it must cause damage equal to the opponent's health.

When all your own war chessmen are attacked, you will gain the health value of that damage. 】

"Huh? When you attack, you cause damage equal to the opponent's health. All friendly war chessmen are injured, and you gain the health of that damage?

Isn't this just killing whoever you beat, but you will never be beaten to death? "

Agade was shocked:

"How could there be such a cheating chess game?"

"No, if you only have these two stunts, you can still deal with it."

Qige frowned and said:

“For example, [The Scarlet Lord]’s Death Gaze, [can directly kill the opponent’s war chess after taking the initiative to attack] can kill it.

The guard's shield can also negate its attacks.

It seems that the Incarnation of the Void has noticed our actions and knows that if we compete in terms of attributes, we will definitely not be our opponents, so we have begun to use this powerful war chess with super special effects.

It will use twice the attribute quota to summon this war chess, which is undoubtedly a very dangerous behavior.

It looks like we cornered it.

The biggest problem now is actually the Void Dragon's immobile stunt. "

Qi Ge took a breath and asked the Holy Dragon beside him:

"Brother Holy Dragon, all our troops cannot move now, and neither can the Void Dragon.

If we don't get over, he can't hit us, and if he doesn't get over, we can't hit him.

What to do? "

Shenglong grimaced and shook his head:

"Unless we use sacrifice to summon movable war chess pieces, we have no choice but to wait until 200 rounds and both sides start to add troops.

At that time, there will be no attribute value restrictions.

Both the Void and we can send unlimited troops to the battlefield.

The Void Incarnation needs to consume its Void Origin to make war chess, and our Yasha World’s manufacturing of war chess also needs to consume the Yasha Origin of our Yasha World.

It would be a very cruel and bloody fight, and it would probably destroy all the foundation of our entire Yasha world. "

"I understand."

Qi Ge’s eyes narrowed:

"We in the Yasha world can't afford to fight, right?"


Shenglong said helplessly:

“After all, this is a space-time fragment. If it reaches that point, the space-time fragment may not be able to maintain.

And we have no chance to restart. "

Qige closed her eyes and thought for a moment.

He opened his eyes and clenched his fists tightly:

"Then let us completely eliminate the void in this wave."

"I offered fifty stone walls as a sacrifice and summoned [Crimson Lord] from the war chess library!

Red God of Death, use your Blood Scythe to cut off the fate leading to destruction. Answer me, Red Lord! "

50 stone walls turned into dust with a bang, and the scarlet lord holding a short sword and wearing a red cloak stood proudly on the battlefield!

【Red Lord

Level: 6

Rank: 7


Damage: 120


Speed: 50


Sacrifice 50: Sacrifice 50 war chess pieces to appear.

Suck blood.

Death Gaze: After taking the initiative to attack, you can directly kill the opponent's war chess. 】

The Void Dragon's range is 80, and the 50-speed Scarlet Lord will be killed by it before it attacks the Void Dragon.

Therefore, Seven Doves must buff the Scarlet Lord.

“The fertile soil is rich in virtue.

The foundation among the foundations of the world of Yasha, the earth that lasts forever, wake up here!

I activate the special skill of [Root Element] to add 3 layers of protection to the scarlet lord!

[Elements of origin

Level 5 Level 5

Special skill: Growth: The follower in front gains protection 3. 】

"it's not finished yet!

Burn all the fire of courage, burn sin, illuminate hope, and annihilate this shadow from the void!

I activate the special skill of [Root Fire Element] to add 3 layers of courage to the Blood Lord.

[Root fire element

Level 4 and Level 5

Special skill: Self-destruction: Disappears after self-destruction, and all followers gain Courage 3. 】

"Come again! Sacrifice 30 Earth Walls!

The air of the invisible world that fills the world, please give the bright red lord transparent wings, so that he can fly around the world without restraint!

Come out, root air element! "

[Root Qi Element

Level 2 and Level 5

Special skill: Sacrifice 30

When appearing on the stage, all friendly war chess will gain flight and speed +20]

"The last wave!

The sacred water that heals everything and purifies pain, bestows noble blessings on the warriors who are about to go out for battle.

Wash away the darkness, root the water element! "

[Root water element

Level 3, Level 5

Special skill: All friendly war chess gain +20/20 when they kill an enemy war chess, and all friendly war chess share the killing effect. 】

The powerful war chess of unknown meaning that Qi Ge had already arranged has taken effect one after another.

The four elements of earth, fire, water and wind surrounded the scarlet lord.

At this moment, it seems as if the future monarchs of the four elements in the Yasha world have gathered together to cheer for the most ferocious and powerful undead!

Surrounded by the four elements, the body of the scarlet lord shines extremely brightly.

"it's time!"

Qi Ge’s eyes focused:

“I will definitely end the battle in this wave, so I have no need to hold back, and I won’t hold anything back!

I offered up all the remaining stone walls on the battlefield and all the earth walls in my hand as sacrifices.

The spirit of the world in desperate situation will sound the horn of counterattack. I summon the Holy Dragon!

【Holy Dragon

Level 8, Level 3

Properties: 1100/1200/250

Special skill: Sacrifice 100.

Holy Dragon Inspiration: Appearance: All our war chess pieces gain courage 1.

Aura of Courage: The effect of Courage is changed to: one additional action per level. 】


The ice-blue sacred dragon roared up to the sky, and all the war chess pieces in the Seven Pigeon Fields overflowed with blue light.

With the blessing of the Holy Dragon's courage aura, the Scarlet Lord can rush in front of the Void Dragon and kill it in one turn.


The first one to rush out was not him, but a thin and jumping treasure chest!

The seven doves were sacrificed, not randomly, but carefully selected.

Those stone walls that blocked the road, the only war chess piece released was this undead treasure chest!


The Void Dragon raised its head and fired a jet-black ray at the treasure chest that came within its range.

The treasure chest was hit by the ray, and it was immediately pulled out on the spot, and then shattered!

There was no time to mourn the passing of the treasure chest. The first one to enter the battlefield was the invincible Lord of the Dead Souls!

【Lord of Dead Souls

Properties: 72607560/72607560/40


This string of phone numbers is enough to blind you.

But the gorgeous attributes of the Lord of the Souls are useless. No matter how high his attributes are, he can't kill the Void Dragon, and he will be instantly killed by the Void Dragon in one blow.

Qi Ge’s real trump card is the Scarlet Lord!

Agaide looked at the battlefield and his pupils shrank:

"Details, too many details!

All the war chess pieces that were faster than the Scarlet Lord were surrounded by the pile of [unmovable] war chess pieces by Qi Ge.

Their attacks cannot kill the Void Dragon, and they will be killed by the Void Dragon's counterattack.

So they were all exquisitely protected by the Seven Pigeons.

Therefore, the first one to fight must be the Scarlet Lord! "

70-speed bright red lord, courage level 4!

He charged 4 times in a row and rushed directly in front of the Void Snake!

Compared with the huge Void Snake, the Scarlet Lord is like an ant.

But at this moment, the ant holds the sickle high, and death is coming!


Red light flashed, and the Void Dragon screamed in pain!

The Scarlet Lord's attack caused infinite damage to it, and it was trying to recover infinite health.

The invincible spear pierced the invincible shield.

The result is that the shield is broken and the spear is saved!

boom! !

In the face of such a powerful stunt as [Direct Kill], the Void Dragon shattered into pieces and disappeared into smoke.


With a roar, the entire void battlefield began to tremble.

The four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, the holy dragon, and the scarlet lord have completed their missions, and the rest must be handed over to the Lord of the Dead!

In order to create the Lord of the Dead Souls, Qi Ge sacrificed too much, and countless soldiers were sacrificed.

But it's all worth it!

"Void Incarnation! You are an eternal existence, and you are the final destination of a world.

In your endless life there has never been a thought of death.

And if you come to invade Asa, we will teach you what death is!

Go, Lord of the Dead! "

The Lord of the Dead raised his skull, and a terrifying black light emerged from his body.

The black light was like a rising black sun, expanding to nearly the size of Yasha World, and then crashing into the dark clouds over Yasha World!

Boom! ! !

Violent explosions resounded, the sky was shattered, and the void was churning!

The entire Tianlu battlefield shattered into pieces!

Qi Ge was dizzy and couldn't see clearly what was going on around him.

"Did you win? Did you win?

Ten minutes passed, and the buzzing in Qige's ears finally eased.

He raised his head and looked to the sky.

Above the sky, the unpredictable clouds had disappeared, replaced by a mysterious and unpredictable creature.

Its color is indescribable, black and white, and colorful.

Its appearance looks like a dragon, a snake, or an worm, and is extremely smooth without any bulges.

Just looking at it, Qi Ge felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't be afraid, kid."

The Holy Dragon stood in front of Qi Ge.

“We have achieved victory, this is just the final struggle of the Void Incarnation.

We have defeated him in this form countless times.

It's just that every time before, we were forced to have no choice. Even if we won, we could only restart time.

But this time it's different.

We, the holy dragon, will follow the courageous holy dragon Wang Ala and give it the final blow.

All suffering will end here. "

"Holy Dragon of Courage, Wangara! The hero who ended the first chaos invasion?"

Qi Ge looked around:

"where is he?"

"Thank you for your hard work, my dear."

At this moment, Adela walked past Qi Ge and stood in front of all the holy dragons.

The holy dragons all bowed their heads to Adela and shouted:

"Chief, please lead us to victory!"

"We will win!"

In the shocked eyes of Qi Ge, Adela raised one hand high, and the ice blue wings behind her suddenly spread out! (End of chapter)

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