Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 807 Summoning the Dragon Mirror

"Hoist sails, full left helm!"

"Hurry up, little guys, don't keep the lord waiting for too long."

"Report, there is a school of fish in the inland sea on the port side, please apply for fishing!"

"Get it! You can get it all, we'll get it all the way. Then we'll give it to Longgue Port City, make it into spiced dried fish, and take it to Bracada. You can sell it for more than ten times the profit."

On the Sea Elf, Ke Ruoke led a group of goblin crew members and rushed to the Dragon Bone Sea along the maelstrom, preparing to join Qi Ge.

On the vast sea, the waves rolled like a group of cheerful children playing.

The sun shines on the sea, making the waves sparkle and shine brightly.

The sea breeze caressed Keruoke's face, bringing a bit of coolness and refreshing her mind.

At the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance, the sky and the ocean merge into one, like a magnificent picture.

Clouds float leisurely in the sky like sheep, sometimes gathering into groups and sometimes spreading out into pieces.

Looking at this scene, Ruoke's originally sad mood felt much better.

A while ago, Bracada entered a period of rapid economic recession.

Factories and shops closed down in large numbers.

Many goblins living in Bracada have lost their livelihoods.

The water in the Spring River is warm, but the duck is hot. The fish is hot.

When hard times come, those at the top are always the first to know, but the first to suffer are always the bottom.

When they had jobs before, although the goblins had a hard life, they were still alive.

But now, they were dismissed from factories and shops and had lost any value. They were not allowed to stay in the city at all and were all driven out of the city.

Therefore, the difficulty of rescuing the goblins suddenly increased. At the same time, the goblin intelligence network they finally set up also suffered a devastating blow, which made Koroko heartbroken.

"Uncle Ruoke, the lord said he would meet us at sea. However, the lord did not bring a battleship to sea. How will he come here?"

Clarence, the Christmas elf, held a telescope and asked Koroko doubtfully.

"Don't question the lord, the lord must have a way."

Ke Ruoke patted Clarence on the shoulder.

"Perhaps we will see the lord descending from the sky on colorful auspicious clouds soon."

At this moment, strong winds swept through and the sky darkened instantly.

"what happened?"

When Ruoke and Clarence looked up together, the thick clouds suddenly shattered, and an ice-blue dragon slowly fell from the air.

Its huge shadow encompassed the entire battleship.

"Oh my God! Such a big dragon?!"

"Look! Lord Lord!"

Sharp-eyed Clarence pointed excitedly to the sky, but only then did Ruoke see a handsome half-elf standing above the dragon.

"It's really Lord Lord! Lord Lord has obtained another powerful dragon?!"

The ice-blue dragon slowly shrank in the air, and finally turned into a human girl in mid-air, and was carried by Qi Ge and landed on the battleship.

"Wait a minute, isn't this Her Majesty Adela?"

Ke Ruoke wiped her eyes to confirm that she saw it correctly.

"Adela turned into a dragon?"

After carrying Adela down, Qi Ge was keenly aware that Adela's face was a little pale.

He wiped her sweat distressedly and said:

"How's it going? Are you tired? I just told you, don't force it."

"Ugh." Adela shook her head:

“It’s just that I’m still a little uncomfortable with it.

After I train for a while, I should be able to master the dragon transformation magic. "

"Don't be in a hurry. You've just become a demigod, so you still have to adapt."

Qige comforted him:

"After all, you are different from other demigods. You were pulled up by the holy dragons with their divine power, and your foundation is unstable.

It’s better to familiarize yourself with your own strength first and then consider other things. "

"Yes." Adela nodded obediently and agreed.

Qi Ge looked at Keruoke, took out a sea chart, and said to Keruoke:

"If you can, then follow this route and head to the Dragon Bone Sea."

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

Ke Ruoke agreed first and then reminded:

"Lord, this sea area is a dangerous sea area that is not on the normal route, and the danger level is the highest level of red.

Our warships have insufficient performance and it may be dangerous to enter this sea area rashly. "

"Of course I know."

Qi Ge laughed:

“I will risk my life, but I will never risk yours.

I specially found a bodyguard to protect us in the Dragon Bone Sea. "

Qi Dove pointed to the sea and said to Keruoke:

"Look, our bodyguard is here!"


The waves in the distance exploded, and a column of water shot straight into the sky.

In the water column, a group of sea dragons held their heads high and headed towards Qige's battleship.


Amidst the buzzing sound, an elegant old man wearing dark blue clothes fell from the sky and landed on the deck of Qige.

The dragon horns on his head indicate that he is not human.

"Ho ho ho, Your Majesty the Sea King, long time no see, I miss you so much."

"Your Majesty Olifal!"

Qi Ge smiled slightly.

"I'm going to trouble you again this time."

"Hoho. It's my turn to trouble you.

If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that there was a holy dragon from ancient times buried under our dragon ocean.

We, the creatures in the vast sea of ​​dragons, all benefit from those holy dragons.

For example, I was once a seal. Because I was in the Dragon Ocean, I was able to stand out and awaken the blood of the sea dragon.

We can only hope for a chance to repay their kindness. "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Then the rest of the voyage is up to you."


Holy Sea Dragon Olifal waved his sleeves, and the vast sea surface suddenly rippled.

A whirlpool slowly emerged on the sea surface, and amid the loud rumbling sound, the splashing seawater shone with dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, the sea dragons formed an array and escorted the Sea Elf as it approached the whirlpool.

After entering the whirlpool, the Sea Elf, escorted by the sea dragons, headed towards the deepest part of the Dragon Bone Sea.

[System prompt: You have entered the level 50 hidden map. The ocean of dragons. 】

The ocean of dragons!

Coming here again, Qi Ge was very happy.

The last time he came here, his troops successfully upgraded into two powerful units: [Dragon Vein Fairy] and [Dragon Meow Shark].

It can only be said that the dragon energy of the holy dragon is so terrifying.

This time, he asked Koruoke to bring over all the fairies stuck at level 3 and full experience in the territory, ready to take advantage of the dragon's aura.

However, his most important purpose is to resurrect the Holy Dragon.

Qi Ge quietly scratched Adela's palm and asked:

"is it here?"

Adela nodded affirmatively:

"Yes, it's right here. I have already felt the call in my blood. I can even feel the specific direction clearly."

"Then, I'll leave the fleet to your command."

"no problem."

Qi Ge temporarily separated from Adela and winked at Keruo Ke.

The witty Ke Ruoke nodded immediately and quickly informed.

The fairy sailors on the deck stopped what they were doing, closed their eyes and began to prepare for the advancement.

The cabin of the Sea Elf was filled with goblins like pickles.

After receiving the notice, they also started to advance.

[System prompt: Your total 1,280 goblins are preparing to advance, consuming 1,280,000 gold coins, 2,560 wood, 2,560 stones, and 1,280 mercury. Do you agree?

(If you disagree, all fairies will fail to advance, and the fairies’ experience will be reset to zero, and the success rate of the fairies’ next advancement will be reduced.)]

Hiss, so expensive!

Qi Ge bared his teeth in his heart.

Powerful units always come at a price, and expensive resource consumption is one of them.

However, money earned should be spent, and no matter how expensive the investment in military units is, it will not be a loss.

【agree! 】

Qi Ge muttered silently in his heart, and then, countless advanced white lights suddenly lit up.

Because there were too many goblins advancing at the same time, the powerful white light even penetrated the hull of the Sea Elf, making the Sea Elf look like a bright incandescent lamp, attracting the sea dragons to turn around and pay attention.

[System prompt: Total advancement success rate: 12%]

[System prompt: Master training technique takes effect, Lucky Apostle profession takes effect, total advancement success rate is 65%, special advancement success rate is 2%]

Special advancement? !

Big success? !

Qi Ge was shocked.

At this moment, some of the white lights on the battleship suddenly lit up, while others dissipated, and the result was instantly determined.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, your 1080 goblins have been upgraded to dragon-veined goblins.

25 fairies are upgraded to [Fairy Dragon Warrior]. 】

【Dragon Vein Fairy

Grade 1

Rank: 4

Quality: hidden

Attack: 16

Defense: 18

Casting distance: 10

Knowledge: 14 (140 magic points)

Ability Power: 9

Damage: 9~12

Life: 60

Speed: 8


amphibious, flying

Spellcasting Troops

Immune to level 1~3 magic

Possess magic: dragon pressure, ice dragon blast

【Dragon's pressure

Level 3 magic, all departments, mind

After using it, you can make weak enemies mistakenly think that you are a giant dragon.

Enemy level 1~4 units have -1 morale, 20% chance of fear, and ignore magic immunity.

Continuous magic power*1 round]

【Ice Dragon Explosion

Level 3 magic, ice, damage

Causes ice magic damage in a 4*4 area (regardless of friend or foe). The damaged object will be affected by Dragon's Pressure regardless of level for 3 rounds.

The damage value is spell power *number of soldiers. 】

【Fairy Dragon Warrior

Grade 1

Rank: 5

Quality: Miracle

Attack: 55

Defense: 45

Damage: 39~52

Lives: 260

Speed: 5


Goblin Invigoration: own morale is at least +1, immune to fear

Fairy Courage: After attacking and killing an enemy unit, the morale of all friendly units will be +1 and the morale of all enemies will be -1.

Fairy Dragon Roar: Can only be released when the enemy has a unit with negative morale. Reduce the morale of all enemy units with negative morale to 0 and stun them for N rounds.

N is its negative morale value.


When the total number of its own is less than half, it will automatically transform into the dragon form.

In this battle, gain +250 health, +15 speed, flight, dragon breath attack, and immunity to level 1~4 magic. 】


Qi Ge was shocked.

"This is the core unit of morale flow!"

Morale style, a very famous style in the previous life.

In the world of heroic souls, morale plays a very powerful role.

Depending on the positive or negative morale, a unit may experience high morale or low morale for two weeks.

Troops with high morale will get an extra chance to take action, while troops with low morale will lose the chance to take action.

If the morale difference between the two sides can be reduced to 16, it may even happen that only our troops can move, while the enemy's troops cannot move at all.

At this time, the gap in military strength can be ignored.

As long as there is a unit that does not fight back, it can easily kill enemies with a hundred or even a thousand times its own strength.

Therefore, there is a morale flow that uses creating morale differences as a combat method.

Because morale is precious, treasures that can increase one's own morale and reduce the enemy's morale are rare.

At this time, units that can affect morale become particularly important.

In Qi Ge's eyes, even if all other special skills of the Fairy Dragon Warrior disappear, except for courage, they are all top-notch soldiers.

"Our side is +1, the enemy is -1, and there is a two-point morale difference every time we go back and forth.

Triggering it eight times can create a 16-point morale gap.

Moreover, the triggering condition for this effect is [after the attack kills the enemy] rather than [after the attack completely kills the enemy].

This means that as long as the attack results in a kill, even if the team is not destroyed, it can trigger the effect.

This is awesome.

There is also [Fairy Dragon Roar]. For some units that are not affected by morale, [Fairy Dragon Roar] can also be used to forcibly stun.

Troops in a dazed state are unable to fight back when attacked, and will not wake up after being hit.

Being able to produce such a powerful unit shows that the compatibility between goblins and holy dragons is really good.

It’s interesting. The strongest holy dragon and the weakest goblin are so compatible. I won’t create a goblin holy dragon knight in the future, right?

I remember that I seem to have some morale-type troops, and maybe I can create a lineup with the Fairy Dragon Warrior as the core. "

While Qi Ge was thinking, his palm was suddenly held by another cold palm.

"Seven Pigeons, we're here."


Hearing Adela's voice, Qi Ge quickly raised his head.

Many sea dragons have stopped moving forward and are constantly rotating around the Sea Elf.

Qi Ge walked to the railing and looked down.

Through the magic bubble protecting the Sea Spirit, Qi Ge saw an extremely beautiful ice-blue seabed.

This seabed is in the shape of a giant dragon, and its surface is as smooth as a carefully polished mirror. Corals and anemones grow around the seabed, but the seabed is spotless.

"Is this really where it is?"

Saint Hailong walked to Qi Ge and Adela and said with emotion:

“This is the holy land of our Dragon Ocean, called the Dragon Calling Mirror.

The probability of dragon awakening is highest when the troops advance here.

The color of the Dragon Calling Mirror will continue to deepen over time. When the Dragon Summoning Mirror turns into the same dark blue as the sea water, if you advance on it, you will be able to awaken the Dragon Transformation 100%, and you will definitely have some powerful special skills.

If the talent of the unit itself is outstanding enough, it can even be awakened into a mythical unit.

Ahem, for example, I am. "

Seven Pigeons’ eyes are burning:

"The Dragon Calling Mirror is the tomb of the Holy Dragon.

It seems that the most powerful dragon in ancient times is about to awaken in my hands. "

Qige grabbed Adela and jumped onto the Dragon Calling Mirror with a group of goblins.

[System prompt: Congratulations on discovering a natural wonder: the Dragon Calling Mirror. 】

[System prompt: The Holy Dragon Girl Adela has been detected, and the Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff quest line has started. 】(End of this chapter)

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