Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 808 The Bell of Destruction

【Dragon Summoning Mirror

Mythical natural wonder

Basic attributes: The production rate of all dragon troops increases by 20%.

Special skills: Produce 10 dragon soul points every week. Consuming dragon soul points can help non-dragon troops awaken into dragon troops.

Each dragon soul point increases the success rate by 1%.

When a battle occurs around the Dragon Calling Mirror, the morale of all dragon troops will be +5, and they will gain double-click and no counterattack.

Specialties: Dragon Blood Grass, Gentian Fish, Dragon Soul Coral, Blue Dragon Reef...]

[Mission: Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff

Task requirements:

1. Looking for the Holy Dragon Girl Adela.

2. Looking for the Dragon Summoning Mirror

3. Find the goblin*1000

Mission reward: Call the Dragon Mirror to start the construction of Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff】

[System prompt: The Dragon Calling Mirror is detected, the Saint Dragon Adela is detected, the goblin is detected, and the Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff can be built. 】

here we go.

Qi Ge nodded to Adela and called all the goblins on the battleship down.

A thousand goblins stood on the Dragon Calling Mirror, all looking at the seven pigeons.

Qi Ge closed his eyes, and he could feel the subtle connection between himself and the Dragon Calling Mirror.

The fairies under him are like a thousand energy points, communicating with the Dragon Calling Mirror and the world of Yasha.

It's just that these energy points are a bit messy, and they don't have the effect of awakening the Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff.

"I understand, arrange the goblins into the shape of a dragon."

Qi Ge opened his eyes and began to direct.

"Pinocchio, stand here, Yolanda, stand here."


Under Qi Ge's command, the goblins took their positions one after another.

The Holy Sea Dragon looked from the sea and saw a thousand goblins forming a heroic and majestic dragon, with only one eye left.

"The finishing touch. Ke Ruoke, you stand here."

"Yes! Lord Lord."

But Ruoke passed through the goblins and stood at the position of the dragon's eye. In an instant, all the goblins' bodies lit up with bright blue light.

"Is this, Fairy Resonance?!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

Without any emotional fluctuations among the goblins, they automatically had a sympathetic reaction.

In the surrounding seawater, a steady stream of Yasha energy was purified by the fairies and then directed into the Dragon Calling Mirror.

The mirror of the Dragon Summoning Mirror is getting brighter and clearer, and the appearance of a holy dragon vaguely appears on the Dragon Summoning Mirror.

Vast coercion came from the Dragon Summoning Mirror, and then, a dragon roar that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly sounded.


The huge roar penetrated the sea water and reached straight to the heart. Both Seven Pigeons and Hailong were shocked by this roar.

This roar seemed to contain infinite power, with a vast ancient aura.

"Did you make it?"

Qige clenched her fists tightly.

But at this moment, the blue light on all the fairies suddenly began to flicker.

When one lights up, the other goes dark, one after another.

Soon, the blue light on all the fairies went out at the same time.

On the Dragon Summoning Mirror, the shadow of the holy dragon that was about to emerge dimmed in an instant.

[System prompt: The construction of Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff failed. 】

"It actually failed? Why is that?"

Qi Ge was very confused.

He carefully checked the starting conditions for summoning the dragon mirror to build the Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff, and confirmed that there was no problem with his operation.

After asking the goblins in detail about their feelings, Qi Ge found no problem, which made Qi Ge particularly confused.

"Seven Pigeons, maybe it's because it's too hot here."

Just when Qi Ge was confused, Adela said to Qi Ge:

"All holy dragons were born when the world first opened. At that time, the world of Yasha was very cold, and there was no even concept of [heat].

It was the holy dragons who used the rune tablets to perfect the rules of the Yasha world bit by bit.

Therefore, what the Holy Dragon is most adapted to is the extreme cold that other creatures cannot survive at all.

I think the residence of the holy dragons should be built in an extremely cold place. "

"too hot……"

Qi Ge touched his chin.

“It is indeed possible.

In the world of Yasha, cold and heat are two independent legal concepts and can even exist at the same time.

Cold represents inactive energy, while heat represents active energy.

In the Yasha world, the less active the energy, the more stable it will be and the closer it will be to order.

Perhaps, the energy of the current Yasha world is too chaotic and active, and the Holy Dragon cannot adapt to it.

This is just like our world. If the oxygen content in the air is too high or too low, many organisms will be unable to survive. It must be just right.

We can try moving the Dragon Calling Mirror to a cooler place.

Speaking of colder places..."

Qi Ge, Adela and Holy Sea Dragon Olifar looked at each other at the same time, and the three of them said in unison:

"Arctic Ocean!"

In Yongshuang City, in the Ice and Snow Hall, a grand banquet is being held.

Those who came to attend the meeting were all former mages and celebrities from Yongshuang City.

Some of them are the heads of large chambers of commerce, some are mine bosses in mining areas, and some are the backbone of factories.

But now, they all have a common name, bankrupt.

Many mages present were still wearing gorgeous mage robes and expensive jewelry and treasures.

But if you investigate carefully, you will find that each of them is heavily in debt.

But they still work hard to maintain the superficial glamor and invest a lot of money in luxury goods.

This is not because they are vain or stupid, but because they have to do it.

If you don't maintain the superficial prosperity and give creditors a certain degree of confidence and let them believe that they have the ability to repay, they will be eaten up and wiped out one after another, completely submerged in the dust, and unable to stand up.

Even if every treasure they have has been hung up as collateral in the big treasury, they have to disguise themselves.

Elegantly dressed maids with tilted fashionable hats decorated with flowers placed fruits and tableware on the mages' tables, and took the tips from the mages with a smile.

During this process, their little hands were often rubbed by some greasy mages, but this did not affect the well-trained smiles on their faces at all.


You are all mages and the pillars of our country.

I know very well that your life is not very good right now.

We need to face up to our country, Bracada is in great difficulty right now. "

On the banquet stage, a mage wearing bright red clothes was speaking hoarsely.

The mages would look at him inadvertently while drinking wine.

They didn't seem to be listening carefully, but they followed every word of his speech.

For these frustrated people, the mage on the high platform is their last hope. "

"Gentlemen, can't you see what kind of path we, Brakada, have taken?

There are countless poor wizards and fairies all over the mountains and plains, while a few legendary masters are at the top and enjoy endless blessings.

The only way to save Bracada is to extract wealth from the upper class and improve conditions at the bottom.

But this is not about destroying the market system or stopping factories.

We will not close the shipyard outside Everfrost City, nor will we destroy the Greenhaddon Treasure Workshop, nor will we destroy the Aden Military Factory.

What I want to say is that all mages should have the ownership and income rights of these factories, and each person's income rights should not exceed 2 gold coins per week.

It's not difficult or whimsical.

The Greenhatton Treasure House Workshop alone has a week's income of more than six million gold coins. If each of the mages in Everfrost City is given 2 gold coins, there will still be a million gold coins left.

This one million gold coins can feed hundreds of thousands of goblins, making them willing to work in the Greenhatton Treasure House Workshop.

2 gold coins may not seem like much, but they are enough to cover the survival needs of all mages.

Food, clothing, and travel are all available.

When the mages no longer have the pressure to survive and will not starve to death, we can better create more value for Yongshuang City and our great Brakada.

Instead of being like now, with countless mages living without a fixed abode, living on the streets, without enough to eat.

The goblin was driven out of the city and died under the wind and snow.

Think about it, my brothers and sisters.

As soon as you open your eyes, you start to count how many debts are about to mature, where will you borrow money to pay off the emergency debts, and how long will it take for you to pay off the emergency debts?

You are injured or sick, but you are reluctant to go to a healing mage. You would rather endure the pain and carry it on your own, accumulating magic points and using healing magic to slowly heal yourself. How long will it take for you?

When you get home and your children cry out that they are hungry, but you can't get out a piece of bread, how long will you go on? "

After hearing the words of the red mage, many mages who were talking stopped talking.

They could no longer bear the emotion and clenched their fists tightly.

"Gentlemen, those factories and mines that can bring huge profits every week should not be privately owned by one or a few people. They should belong to the entire Brakada and should benefit the mages of the entire Brakada.

We should impose heavy taxes on those legends and master heroes who earn too much, and implement a progressive tax system, which means putting the burden of us poor people on the rich.

I don't mean even distribution. A legendary hero's wealth is the same as that of an ordinary mage. This is also unfair in itself.

What I mean is that a person's annual personal income should not exceed the total income of a hundred ordinary families, which is 1.4 million gold coins a year. Wealth exceeding this amount will be taxed at a 100% rate.

The combined annual income of a hundred families is enough for legends and even demigods to live a very extravagant and luxurious life.

They take out their excessive wealth so that we weaklings can survive.

Taxation must hoe the strong in order to support the weak. "

More and more mages stopped eating, and some of them had even been starving for several days.

The fragrant white bread and fruits on the table, which were originally attractive to them, were not as delicious as the words of the red mage on the stage.

“Ever since I entered the Grand Council, every Grand Council has discussed how to provide more relief to the bankrupt mages.

However, the public does not have gold coins to help others, and wealth is concentrated on those demigods and legendary heroes.

Enough wealth needs to be spread to the majority of the people so that factories and businesses can receive blood transfusions and then we in Bracada will have hope!

This is the only way, it must be like this, whether they want it or not, it must be like this! "

Sporadic applause sounded, but the hall was too quiet, and the applauding mage retracted his hands in embarrassment.

“Look at us Bracada.

Since the first magical technological revolution, we Bracada have made great progress.

Countless factories, higher production efficiency, we Bracada have achieved great development.

However, have the lives of us Bracada citizens changed for the better?

not at all.

Only a handful of people can get better!

If the development of efficiency cannot make citizens live a happier life, then such development is meaningless.

We, the citizens, are the purpose of Brakada’s development, not the tool of development!

Wake up, wake up, my brothers and sisters, Brakada, is our Brakada, not the Brakada of those legendary demigods! "

The red mage on the stage took a step forward, his chest bulged, and loudly shouted the speech he had shouted countless times:

"This power, the founding of this country, and our ancestors have all shed their blood. We have the right and should enjoy the fruits of this country's development instead of becoming their consumables!

The biggest problem in Bracada is that all those extravagant indulgences, huge joys and carnivals belong to a few people!

Most people are hungry and cold.

Especially those goblins, especially those humans without magic, and us!

When I look around this country, I see that most people are starving, but the food is rotting.

I saw homeless people sleeping on the streets and thousands of mage towers empty.

I saw that there was a shortage of troops in the Border of Chaos, but most of the troops died in obscurity.

I often think about, what kind of path are we taking? Where are we going? Is this Bracada really correct?

No one, not even goblins or wizards, should beg for food from others.

My hope and yours should not be deprived!

I am the new reserve member of the Grand Council, Sa-Aide.

My brothers and sisters, please support me in running for a formal member of the Great Council. I will make our voice heard in the Great Council! "


There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the applause that everyone had suppressed for a long time finally broke out.

Sa-Ed's eyes were as bright as stars. He looked at the admiring looks of the mages and finally felt a little more relaxed.

As a mage born as a commoner, he knew very well how radical his ideas were and how difficult they were to realize.

But he firmly believes that he is on the right path.

His proposition requires exploiting the interests of those masters, legends and even demigods.

The Great Council is composed of these masters, legends, and demigods.

This gave him no confidence that he could stand out from hundreds of preparatory members in the Grand Council election.

Therefore, in order to increase his chances of being elected as a member, he adopted the stupidest method - giving speeches in one city after another, soliciting votes, and gaining the support of mage voters who did not belong to the Great Council.

If the national support rate is high enough, he can go directly to the Thunder Temple to seek arbitration from the Titans and forcefully enter the Great Council.

With the support of the Titans, he could carry out his country-saving reforms despite the pressure from those legendary demigods.

Amid thunderous applause, Sa-Ailan bowed slightly and exited the stage.

As soon as he arrived backstage, a young mage immediately greeted him.



Sa-Ailan patted his child on the shoulder.

"Pack it up, let's drive down an armed fortress and go to Silver Snow Valley."

"Father, why don't we rest for one night in Yongshuang City? You haven't slept in three days."

Young Ai Lang felt very distressed when he looked at his father's white hair at the temples and the faded mage robe.

"No, there's not enough time."

Sa-Ed shook his head:

"We don't have time, Bracada doesn't have much time, we have to hurry up."


Just as the father and son were preparing to leave, a beautiful maid walked over with her graceful waist.

"Master Ed, your speech was really wonderful. The Lord of the City wants to meet you and talk with you in detail."


Sa Ed was a little surprised:

"City Lord, are you willing to support my plan?"

"Yes, this way please."

Before leaving, Sa Ed patted his son on the shoulder:

"Ai Lang, go back to the hotel and wait for me."


Just when the father and son were separated, melodious bells rang out from the bell tower of Yongshuang City.

"Deng~" "Deng~" "Deng~"...

"It's already six o'clock, father, I don't know if I can catch up with the armed fortress.

If I can't make it, my father should have a night off tonight. "

Sa'alan laughed.

"Perhaps, father can still find time to take me around Yongshuang City. I have long wanted to visit this city of ice and snow."

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