Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 824 Target Locking

Qi Ge stood at the door of Escher, with solemn eyes.

If Eskel is really the mastermind behind the scenes and is a demigod, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous to face him directly, even if he is the chosen one of Asa.

But this step has to be taken.

Rather than waiting until the point of no return and passively engage, it is better to take the initiative while you still have the energy to spare.

After a while, an attendant mage opened the door and walked out.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, Speaker, please come in."

The mage bowed his head respectfully and stepped back half way.

Qige took a deep breath and walked in.

In the bedroom, Eschar was sitting on the sofa, holding a pile of documents in his hands, reading quietly.

Seeing Qi Ge come in, he smiled softly and said:

"Xingfeng, what's wrong? Are you in any trouble?"

Qige stared at Eskel's face.

His appearance was as tidy as ever, his tall pointed wizard hat was spotless, and every strand of his white beard was neatly groomed. Although the wrinkles on his face made it difficult for him to conceal his age, his age was dazzling and undeniable. Open your eyes.

Even Qi Ge had to admit that Eskel was a handsome old boy, even more handsome than his teacher Agaide.

If it were in the real world, and Eskel went to dance in the square, old men from all over the country would have to worry about whether their old ladies would be abducted.

In the world of Yasha, being handsome is not like in the real world. It has no other function except to be pleasing to the eye.

Good looks mean high charisma. The higher the charisma, the more powerful the magic and stunts related to charisma are.

Ninety-nine percent of spells related to charm are mental magic.

Escher's appearance reminded Qi Ge again.

The man in front of him is the pinnacle of mental magic among all the mages in the Yasha world.

Among all the true legends in the world of Yasha, except him, no one is good at mental magic.

No one is good at being blind or mad.

He is the only one who can confuse people's hearts.

He is the first and only one who has taken the path of mental magic.

"Speaker, do you know that Serena and I were attacked on the armed airship?"

Qi Ge was wary and asked cautiously.

"Of course I know. I have read your report in detail, Xingfeng."

Escher smiled and said:

"Fortunately, you came back safe and sound, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to Agaed."

"Speaker, please forgive me for concealing something in the report. There is another hidden reason behind our attack."

Qige said while paying attention to the expression on Esqier's face.

"Not only were we attacked by rebels, but we also captured six traitor mages."

"Oh?" Eschar raised his eyebrows, looking very interested.

Qi Ge continued:

“Under our torture, these six mages confessed to all their crimes.

Including leaking the whereabouts of our reserve forces to the rebels, deliberately firing magic crystal cannons to be absorbed by the Obsidian Colossus when the rebels attacked, etc.

We also learned that the rebels' purpose was to capture Serena and me to threaten Teacher Agaed and the demigod Somra. "

"This is really unreasonable!" After listening to Qi Ge's words, Escher's face turned serious and he knocked on the floor three times with his cane.

"Dong dong dong!"

"These traitors are so arrogant."


Qige nodded deeply in approval.

Suddenly, Qi Ge's expression changed and he slapped the table angrily.

"What makes me most angry is that these traitors actually told me that it was you, the Speaker, who ordered them to do all this!

This is simply a bloody mouthful! In a fit of rage, I killed them all. "

"Huh? What did you say? They said I instigated them?"

Escher's face was full of doubts:

"Are you sure they said that?"

"I'm sure. I heard it with my own ears. I heard it clearly."

Qi Ge patted his chest and said:

"But don't worry, Your Majesty, you are half my teacher. If I don't believe you, should I still believe these traitors?

I will never believe their lies.

These traitors bite people even when they are about to die, trying to drag you into the water, teacher. It is really a heinous crime. "

Escher's Adam's apple twitched, as if he wanted to curse, but he held it back.

"That's good, that's good. I'll be relieved if you can distinguish right from wrong."

He stood up, walked behind Qi Ge, and gently patted Qi Ge on the shoulder.

Qi Ge felt Escher's hand fall on his shoulder. It didn't look heavy, but there was a force that penetrated into his body, making his chest feel uncomfortable.

But soon, this boring feeling disappeared.

Qi Ge's Adam's apple twitched, and he immediately opened his attribute panel and looked carefully in [Status].

He is the chosen god of Yasha, which gives him the greatest confidence to dare to come to Eskel alone.

No matter how powerful Eskel is, he can't bypass the protection of Mother Goddess Asa and attack him silently.

All mental magic that is detrimental to you will be displayed on the status bar.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't see anything strange on his status bar. It seemed that Eskel really just patted it casually.

But this couldn't explain the strangeness he just felt.

Just when Qi Ge was confused, Escher suddenly hugged Qi Ge from behind, leaned his head against Qi Ge's ear, and whispered:

"Xingfeng, I probably understand what you want to say when you come to me.

Do you want to ask me if I have any contact with the rebels? "

Qi Ge was shocked and immediately denied:

"No, of course not. Teacher, no one can harm me but you. What kind of relationship do you have with Mr. Agede?"

This must be..."

"Yes, that's right. I have contact with the rebels. Those who want to kill you are my people."


Midway through Qige's words, she gasped.

He had guessed a lot about the confrontation between himself and Eschar, but he had never guessed that Eschar would admit it so openly!

His pupils trembled and he asked in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?"

"Heh. That's literally what it means."

Escher stood up straight, tapped his cane again, and said:

“The rebels in Beacon City are my people, and the traitors on your airship are also my people.

Not only that, I was responsible for the famine in ten cities and nine places, I was responsible for the disappearance of the Silverwind Chamber of Commerce, I was responsible for Erni being framed, I was responsible for the fall of Flatland City, and there are many, many, many more. many.

Everything you can think of, and everything you can't think of, is all my handiwork. "


Qige's pupils shrank again and again, and her heart jumped into her throat.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What kind of rebel leader is this?

Are you the legendary great virtuous teacher?

Could it be that what I discovered is actually just the tip of the iceberg of Eskel's many rebellious behaviors?

"Shocked?" Eschar raised his eyebrows and smiled gracefully.

He took off his mage's robe and threw it aside. No longer pretending to have bad legs and feet, he walked to the window and opened the curtains!

With a hula, the sunlight outside the window suddenly rushed in, illuminating the dark room!

"Xingfeng, are you curious why I do this?"

Qi Ge's throat twitched:

"I'm curious, but can I listen?"

"Of course. Regardless of your wisdom and talent, or your status as a disciple of Agaide, you are qualified."

Escher stood in front of the window, turned around, and smiled gracefully at Qi Ge.

"Xingfeng, let me ask you a question. What is the meaning of our life in this world?"

Qige:? ? ?

What's the problem? Aren't we talking about you being a rebel?

He couldn't figure out Eskel's brain circuit for a while, so he could only ask tentatively:

"Isn't the meaning of our life in the world of Yasha not to fight against chaos?"

"Fighting Chaos?" Eskel laughed and shook his head:

"Yes, and also wrong.

Fighting against chaos is the meaning given to us by the Mother Goddess, and it is also the meaning given to us by the world, but it is not our own meaning.

I have observed countless lives, and I found that the meaning of their lives is meaningless.

They are just a collection of desires. If they are not satisfied, they will suffer. If they are satisfied, they will be bored. Their whole life is like a pendulum, constantly hovering in pain and boredom. The end is death, and ultimately it is nothing.

Your teacher Agede is like this, Somra is like this, and even Al Zeus is like this.

They are always tirelessly pursuing things that are beneficial to them to satisfy their strong and uncontrollable desires.

And desire is the root of mental magic.

I, Eschar, transcend all creatures who indulge in desire.

Because I have mastered the true meaning of mental magic and transcended desires.

If I have nothing, I will not be dissatisfied; if I stand proudly in the world, I will not be bored.

The meaning given to me by the Mother Goddess, the meaning given to me by the world, and even the meaning given to me by desires cannot affect my life. My life only belongs to me.

So, I fell into thinking, what is the meaning of my life?

I searched in the ice and snow, and the ice and snow bowed their heads for me, unable to tell me the answer.

I walked in the fire, the fire did not enter me, and I was silent.

I asked Thunder, but Thunder could only flicker and dare not roar.

I searched for the earth, but the earth trembled and shunned me. "

Eschar raised his head, and the sun shone from behind him, making him shine.

"After thinking for a long time, I finally came to the conclusion that Yasha is too young and can no longer accommodate me.

Only by becoming a god, jumping out of this world, and becoming another life can I find the meaning of existence.

From then on, becoming a god became the meaning of my life. "

Escher raised his cane high and said to Qi Ge:

"Xingfeng, aren't you curious why I rebelled against Brakada?

That's why.

I need to use the resources of Brakada to build a tower for me to be a god. "

coming! coming!

Qige's heart trembled.

He had guessed countless times that Eskel's purpose was to become a god, but when Eskel admitted it himself, he still felt a shock.

In the world of Yasha, every creature has a dream of becoming a god, but 99% of the creatures know that it is just a dream.

They dare not even dream about it, let alone put it into practice.

Qige took a deep breath and asked:

"Feng Shen...Teacher, what do you want to do?"

"Hmph. That's a good question."

Eskel clapped his hands, and the entire Yasha world projection appeared in front of him.

In this projection, 80% of the area in Yasha World has beautiful mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery, but nearly 20% of the area is as dark as ink.

“If you want to become a god, you must make enough contributions to the world of Yasha.

Seeing me, our world is devastated and exhausted. As long as these areas invaded by chaos are cut off, our world can be cultivated and rejuvenated.

The contribution of cutting off these areas is enough to make me a god.

After hundreds of years of calculations and investigations, I finally figured out how to cut off these areas.

In our world of Yasha, there are two magical weapons, one is called the Blade of Doom, and the other is called the Sword of Ice.

As long as there are two powerful enough demigods, using the Doomsday Blade and the Ice Blade respectively, and activating all their energy at the same time, the two magic weapons can be destroyed at the same time, releasing magic powerful enough to destroy the world. .

This magic is the most extreme order. It is the process of disintegrating elements into Yasha energy, which will release the terrifying Yasha energy.

Then, if a demigod with strong enough mental power, that is, me, guides this magic, all the boundaries between Yasha and the Chaos Zone can be reduced to nothing, and the separation of the Yasha world and the Chaos Zone can be completed.

The division I am talking about is not a superficial division, but a clean and complete division at the level of rules. "

It’s really an ice apocalypse! I really want to use the Ice Doomsday to blast the Chaos Zone!

Really, whimsical.

The people of Qi Ge were dumbfounded.

Ascher looked at Qi Ge and asked:

"How's it going? Don't you understand? Then I'll explain it to you again."

"No, I understand completely."

Qi Ge waved his hand and asked:

"Teacher, I have a question. What if, I mean if, even if you really succeed and the Chaos Zone and Yasha World are separated, your contribution is still not enough to become a god, what should you do?"

"Hmph... You don't have to worry about this. In theory, getting rid of stubborn diseases in the Yasha world is equivalent to defeating a chaos invasion, and the contribution will definitely be enough.

Even if it's really not enough, I still have a way.

I want to get rid of the Chaos Zone, ultimately because the existence of the Chaos Zone will gradually make the world of Yasha unstable, making it less difficult for Chaos to invade.

Chaos zones are not the only things that can cause the Yasha world to become unstable.

The false gods behind the nine major forces, and each of their earthly kingdoms will cause the world of Yasha to become unstable.

You can also gain contributions by killing those false gods and destroying the Kingdom of God on earth.

I calculated that the energy erupted after the Ice Sword and Doomsday Blade were destroyed would still be left after being used to expel the Chaos Zone.

If the contribution is really not enough by then, I will direct the remaining energy towards the kingdom of Al Zeus.

His divine kingdom is an earthly divine kingdom with deep roots and great harm to the world of Yasha. It has been sucking blood from the world of Yasha for a long time, and it is simply a huge contribution library.

Destroying his kingdom of God is enough. "

Qi Ge:......

grass! What kind of nuclear peace in the Kingdom of China?

I thought you were the mastermind, but you turned out to be an ally?

Brother Escher, our Conferred God Organization needs talents like you!

It's just that your plan is still too radical and needs to be adjusted in some details.

Comrade Escher is a good comrade. Although there are some problems, we can still unite.

At this moment, Qi Ge suddenly felt something in his heart.

Oops, when I came to see Escher, I specifically asked Trossa to step up surveillance.

In other words, my meeting with him may have been monitored by the Thunder Temple.

Being monitored by the Thunder Temple means being monitored by Al Zeus.

Is this okay? !

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