Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 825 Escher’s mistakes

After Ascher told him about his ambition to become a god, he kept staring at Qi Ge with a smile, saying nothing, as if waiting for Qi Ge to express his stance.

Qi Ge naturally knew that he wanted to give him an attitude.

But at this time, he pretended to be stupid.

"Teacher, you told the students this, but did you give any instructions to the students?"

Qi Ge bowed and asked Esqier.

Escher looked at the seven pigeons up and down with great interest and said jokingly:

"Xingfeng, a smart person like you, wouldn't understand what I mean?

What I said are all secrets among secrets and should not be shared with outsiders. Now that you know it, you have no choice.

Live according to me, die against me, you don’t understand this principle, right? "

"Then the teacher wants to kill me."

Qi Ge lowered his head and said:

“How do students obey their teachers?

Students are frightened just hearing about the great cause of conferring gods, and how can they have the ability to participate in it? "

"Haha, don't act stupid.

If it was before, you are not qualified.

But this moment is different from the past.

You don't need to do anything, just disappear for a short period of time, and Agede, who loves you like his son, will cause trouble in Thunder City.

Don't look at your teacher who is usually quiet, but whenever he makes a fuss, the whole Thunder City will shake three times.

If the commotion gets serious, the Thunder Temple will naturally take action and send Titans to the front line to supervise the battle and look for you at the same time.

In the best case scenario, the Thunder Lord Legion will be dispatched.

And here, the entire eastern part of Bracada, is my territory.

As long as I find a chance, I can keep all those Titans! "

Qi Ge was shocked: "You want to ambush those Titans?"

“No, that doesn’t do me any good.

On the contrary, the Titans will fight a great victory here, annihilate countless enemies, chase them north, and recapture Lighthouse City.

However, when these Titans return, they will be willing to work for me and become my eyesight and helper.

If ordinary Titans come, I will kill a few and force the Thunder Temple to reinforce them until the Thunder Lord Legion is dispatched.

Once the Thunder Lord Legion falls into my hands, I will have the opportunity to completely master the Thunder Temple. "

Hearing this, Qi Ge's pupils shrank and his head buzzed, a little unbelievable.

"El Zeus is the god of Brakada, but no matter how powerful he is, he is just a false god.

He has limited energy and limited abilities. If he wants to control the huge Brakada, he must need the help of mages and djinn.

Otherwise, not to mention Al Zeus alone, even the entire Titan clan combined would not be able to master Brakada. "

Qi Ge understood in his heart that Al Zeus, just like the ancient emperors, had supreme power without supervision.

However, if his rights are to be implemented, they must ultimately fall on individual [people].

This requires governing institutions, a government system, and bottom-to-top support and cooperation.

In the Song Dynasty, emperors and scholar-bureaucrats shared the world, and in the Jin Dynasty, there was a nine-level Zhongzheng system, which was nothing more than this.

Throughout Bracada, Al Zeus occupies a very important position, but he is only a part of Bracada, not all of Bracada.

Escher continued:

"El Zeus understood this truth, and that's why the Great Council was established.

The Thunder Temple is Brakada's temple of God, above the Great Council.

Except for a few special circumstances where the oracle of El Zeus is directly issued to an individual, in most cases it has to be communicated through the Thunder Temple.

In other words, if I master the Thunder Temple, I master the entire Brakada. I can easily open the thunder treasure house that the Titans have accumulated for countless years, and loot all the gold coins and resources they have absorbed from Brakada for countless years.

I can make Brakada run for my orders up and down, and no one dares to object.

Whether it is selecting mages for research or mobilizing personnel to search for resources for me, it will become easy.

I will use the accumulation of talents and wealth in Brakada to build my sky tower leading to the sky. "

Qige's pupils shrank.

Titan's Thunder Vault!

What a concept that is.

According to historical records, when Brakada was first established, Titan negotiated with all the tribes. From the commercial tax revenue of each gold mining city, waterwheel ore, Titan would take one and the tribes would take nine.

The Titans are a holy clan, and everything they earn goes back to the clan.

The capital of all ethnic groups is taken for national use.

However, before three years came, the great sage gave some advice.

"Titans are the foundation of Brakada, a level 7 unit and a noble saint. They need to fight against foreign invasions for Brakada.

Dragons, Behemoths, Hydras and the like are savage and cruel, and only Titans can check and balance them.

Therefore, Titan’s resources cannot be insufficient.

Yes, the capital of Titan is three, and the capital of all clans is seven.

A hundred years later, Somla made an agreement. Titan's population was not prosperous, probably because of insufficient resources, so Titan's capital was reduced to 50%.

In other words, Titan accounts for half of the entire income of Brakada!

What a terrible and terrifying wealth this is.

However, this is not over yet.

It is said that this is only half true, but in actual practice, some people tend to follow others' opinions and seek their own glory at the expense of their clan's interests.

In fact, Titan received nearly 60% of Brakada's income! !

As a level 7 unit, Titans are known for their small numbers and difficulty in reproducing.

How many resources can be used by all the Titans in Bracada?

Even if everyone in the Titan clan advanced to Mythology, as long as they took out a year's income, they would use it.

Most of the resources have been saved by Titan.

This is not because Titan is short-sighted, but because Bracada is too rich.

Brakada was the first force to be established and reaped the big dividends.

The goblins left a large amount of legacy to Brakada, allowing Brakada to complete relatively basic industrialization at the beginning of its establishment and reap another wave of dividends.

Later, Trossa's alchemical revolution brought Bracada to its peak.

Even if Titan only uses 30% of its resources, it can still feed Brakada up and down, except of course the goblins.

But if you really count it to ninety-one, in the same time it takes a Titan to give birth to one generation, the Mage and Djinn can give birth to four or five generations, and they can give birth to several in each generation.

With enough gold coins and resources, there is no pressure to raise these fertile level 4 and 5 troops. I don’t know how many high-level units, how many heroes, and how many myths will be produced.

Naturally, the Titans need to take back the excess in order to ensure the prosperity and force of other races and never threaten the Titans' rule.

Titan's spending power is limited, so the gold coins and resources they get are of no use at all, so they can only save them.

Over time, it becomes a treasure trove of thunder.

Of course, the Thunder Treasure House contains far more than just gold coins and resources.

There are also luxurious treasures collected by the Titan family, mysterious magic, rare treasures from the world, etc.

The wealth of the Thunder Treasure House is so exaggerated that it is unimaginable. Even the Thunder City's big treasury cannot compare with the Thunder Treasure House.

The learning crown that El Zeus rewarded him is one of the treasures of the Thunder Treasure House.

Al Zeus controls the Thunder Treasure House and controls the lifeblood of the entire Brakada.

People die for wealth, birds die for food, and there will be brave men under heavy rewards.

The ancient sayings in reality are also valid in the world of Yasha.

With the Thunder Treasure House, Al Zeus can reward anyone he wants to reward, and a reward will bring wealth to the sky.

The transcendent status of the Thunder Temple and the unshakable divine power of El Zeus were established. In addition to their military force, the Thunder Treasure House also played an important role.

After all, Wu can kill people, but he can't control his heart.

Of course, the Thunder Treasure House is the private treasury of the Titans.

As long as there is no personal order from Al Zeus, no one in the Titan clan dares to use the resources and gold coins in the Thunder Treasure House to enjoy themselves.

All Titans' pocket money, advanced resources, alchemy treasures, etc. also need to be withdrawn from the Thunder Treasure House. Every Titan keeps a close eye on the Thunder Treasure House.

Therefore, even if Al Zeus has rewarded him many times, the Thunder Treasure House is still unimaginably full.

If Eskel can really control the Titans, hide from Al Zeus, and plunder the Thunder Treasure House, then his wealth will suddenly become astronomical!

By then, the cost of researching the Ice Doomsday will be nothing to him.

He could even spend money to create a dozen pseudo-legends proficient in ice magic to form a magic research group.

"How's it going? Do you understand my plan?"

Escher raised his eyebrows at Qige:

"Don't worry, I will protect you perfectly while you are pretending to be missing.

Even if the plan fails, Al Zeus will never harm you if he comes in person. "

What Eschar said is right and very good, but there is still one problem that cannot be circumvented.

A fatal problem.

Qi Ge asked in a trembling voice:

"Teacher, you mean that you can control the Titan under the nose of Al Zeus without being discovered by him?!"


Hearing Qi Ge's question, Escher, who had a relaxed expression, suddenly laughed.

"Did you really notice it?

Who do you think I am? If I don't even have this ability, how can I dare to claim to be a god? How dare you plot against Al Zeus?

My understanding of mental magic has long been so profound that it is no longer in the category of magic, but the control of desires.

Except for the undead puppets, all living creatures have desires.

When you enter into desire, you can transform living beings for your own use.

This is not magic, nor is it a stunt. It is undetectable and will not be exposed even if it is suppressed by other rules.

Even if they are both demigods, it is extremely difficult to wake up once they are attacked.

The final form of desire operation is the incarnation of their faith.

If the incarnation is successful, it will become the source of the believer's desire, grant him new life, and become the believer's master from then on.

In the entire Brakada, I have a total of 113,000 believers. These 113,000 believers, I can transform into them at any time and observe the world through their eyes.

Therefore, I call myself the eye of the common people.

Among these 113,000 believers, sixty-three are Titans that I have accumulated over many years of painstaking efforts. "

Qi Ge trembled:

"Isn't that..."

"Isn't it something?"

Escher looked at Qi Ge with a smile:

"Are you trying to say that all the Titans that monitor me are under my control?"


Qi Ge looked at Eskel. He obviously looked amiable, but Qi Ge felt a pressure from him that far surpassed Ronis, far surpassed Gru, and even far surpassed Tanan.

"Teacher, do you know everything?"

"Of course I know."

Escher raised his head and looked out the window:

“Being a demigod, you have no power to fight back against a false god like El Zeus who holds power and the Tears of Asa.

It would be difficult for ordinary demigods to arm-wrestle with them.

But at my level, as long as we are not in their kingdom of God, it is not a problem to escape intact. If we fight to the death, there is no chance of winning.

Even if I died, they would still be seriously injured.

The bards rumored that the god-slayer Anosaki had special rules and could fight the earthly gods as a demigod.

I believe that if I fight to the death, I will not lose to Anosaki. "

At this moment, Escher's old face actually showed the vigor and high-spiritedness that only young people can have.

Qi Ge finally understood that the guy in front of him was a daring madman, even worse than Kilgor.

No matter how powerful Kilgor was, he only dared to challenge the demigods, but Eskel didn't even take the false gods seriously.

His elegant, calm, and mature look turned out to be just his disguise.

There is a rebellious soul hidden in his old body.


Qige took a deep breath and said to Eskel:

"Teacher, if what you say is true, I also have a secret to tell you."

"Oh, what a secret."

Escher raised his eyebrows and said:

Qi Ge stared at Escher's eyes and said word by word:

"You are not the only one who dares to show his sword to Titan!

You are not the only one who dares to talk about the matter of becoming a god!

Teacher, your plan to blow up the Chaos Zone and cut off the wrists of strong men is not a bad idea.

However, if it is too rigid and easy to break, if it is too radical, I am afraid that it will not be as expected by the teacher.

In the Chaos Zone, if Yasha World is unable to take it back, teacher, you can blow it up and it will be a heaven-breaking feat.

But in the Chaos Zone, if Yasha World can be recaptured, teacher, if you blow it up, the world will be despised.

Not to mention the contribution that is enough to become a god, I am afraid that all the sins necessary to become a demon will fall on you, teacher.

At that time, teacher, you will be the big devil that everyone in the entire Yasha world is shouting to beat. Even Serron will shrink into a ball when he sees you, and he will not dare to hit you. "

"How to say?"

Escher looked at Qige in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Qige took a deep breath and said:

"Teacher, do you know about Yasha's choice?"

Eschar nodded: "Of course I know, a bunch of weird things.

He can't see desire or soul, but he is clever and weird, like a living undead, a puppet with a flesh and blood soul.

Even if their minds are controlled by me, they will not become believers, but their bodies will be destroyed and their minds will be missing.

This is really a shame to me.

I have been researching how to control Yasha's Chosen for a long time without success. After thinking about it, I decided that Yasha's Chosen should be favored by the Mother Goddess, so I gave up. "

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

You old boy, it turns out that you can't control Yasha God's Chosen. You should have told me earlier, you scared me.

The body collapsed and the mind was missing... I guess he was forced to watch the cutscene.

Hey, I want to learn this trick. It doesn't matter if I have a mental or not a mental state, as long as my body can fall.

Rather, it would be better if the mind does not fall! Let them watch their bodies being...but be powerless...

With his mind relaxed, Qige's tone became much lighter:

"Teacher Eskel, you don't know something. Yasha God's Choice is the weapon used by Yasha World to regain the Chaos Zone. It is the counterattack blade dropped by the Mother Goddess!"

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