Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 827: Capture the Watch City

The seven pigeons bid farewell to Eskel and left, directly finding Fafner.

As he approached the room, the Naga bodyguard who led the way approached Qige's ear and whispered:

"After you left, Fafner stayed in the room and did not come out, nor let us enter the room."

Qi Ge nodded without leaving any trace and remained silent.

After two notifications, Seven Pigeons entered Fafner's room alone.

As soon as he entered, he saw Fafner staring at the screen in mid-air, his brows furrowed.

"Xingfeng, you're back. How are you? Did you find anything?"

Qi Ge shook his head.

"Ashamed, I didn't find a problem. But I didn't find a problem. It doesn't mean that there is no problem with the Speaker. We still have to be suspicious of the Speaker."

Fafner shook his head and sighed:

"Hey, I knew it. I can't blame you.

We were so vigilant that we didn't find anything wrong with him. It's normal that you can't find anything by testing. "

"Where is your Majesty Mian here? Did you gain anything from the divine power monitoring?"

"No. Eschar has been reviewing the reports from the front line since you left, and there doesn't seem to be any problem."

Qige nodded pretendingly and changed the topic:

"Forget it, a traitor is a traitor after all, he can only do things in the dark. Wait patiently, he will show his flaws sooner or later.

Right now, we still have to try to solve the rebellion as soon as possible in order to draw out our strength.

Your Majesty Fafner, what is the current situation of the war?

Fafner's face turned dark and he threw a notebook to Qi Ge.

“It makes me upset when I talk about this.

Those greedy guys on the front line should all have their heads chopped off.

They...hey, you can see for yourself. "

Qi Ge opened the book in confusion.

[On November 3rd of the Thunder Calendar, the flag officer under the commander of the Eastern 7th Army, Master Saberon, slipped out of Lenghua Forest and sold 306 magic crystals and 2,600 pieces of military equipment. 】

[On November 3 of the Thunder Calendar, the commander of the 4th Eastern Army, Lai Yid, had an affair with the rebels. 】

" this happening?!"

Qi Ge was really shocked.

He had known for a long time that Brakada's military discipline was somewhat lax, but it should not be corrupted to such an extent.

It is a shame to openly trade with the rebels, without concealing it, and to be audacious.

Fafner sighed and said:

“This has something to do with our national conditions in Bracada.

Most of our troops in Bracada must be supported by the local lords themselves.

Except for the central army brought out by Eschar and I, the other troops are strictly the private property of the lord.

It is not easy to train troops, and recruitment and training cost a lot of money.

Although each branch of the army will awaken the method of fighting from their blood when they reach adulthood and advance, mental, courage, combat skills and other things that affect combat need to be cultivated in training and combat.

A truly powerful force often needs to be separated from production and concentrated on training, which means spending money, lots and lots of money.

The strength of a lord's troops is often directly proportional to the lord's wealth.

If the lord is rich and has money to raise soldiers, the army will be strong; if the lord is poor and has no money to raise soldiers, the army will be weak.

You also know the recent situation in Brakada. Those lords are so poor that they are complaining endlessly.

In order to save costs, some lords disbanded all standing troops and relied only on the heroic soul troops.

There were even some lords who were so poor that they couldn't even recruit all the heroic soul troops produced by the city every week, so they could only earn some gold coins by selling their quota of heroic soul troops to Yasha God's Chosen.

This time to counter the rebellion, they were ordered to send troops and sell off many assets. It is not an exaggeration to say that they were selling off the iron.

But this war was a counter-insurgency, not an invasion, so they couldn't rob the captured cities, let alone entrust them to them.

For them, this battle is a deal with losses but no gains, so of course they can hide as long as they can, die without dying if they can, and find ways to make some money if they can make some money.

There are a total of 15 legions on the east road, 10 of which have had deals with the rebels, and the remaining 5 are not because they don't want to, but because the rebels have no money. "

Qige's face darkened:

"They are so bold, aren't they afraid of punishment from Thunder City?"

"Of course they're not afraid.

The commanders of these 15 legions are the lords of 15 cities in the east, and each of them is a pseudo-legend.

Kill them all and the eastern part of Bracada will be left alone.

The law does not punish everyone. They have all committed crimes, so they are not guilty. "

Great things can be expected!

Qige was happy in her heart, but on the surface she sighed helplessly:

"So rotten, Bracada, probably sick."

Fafner shook his head, patted Qi Ge on the shoulder, and explained seriously:

"Xingfeng, tomorrow I will lead the troops to intercept the rebels, and Eskel will also leave.

The Watch City will be handed over to your reserve troops.

The Watch City is well-defended and has thick walls. As long as it is defended carefully, there will be no problems.

If there is a rebel attack, just remember not to go out of the city to fight under any circumstances, otherwise they will not be able to capture it.

When my troops come back to encircle them, I can wipe them all out and not a single one of them can escape.

Of course, it is unlikely that the rebels will bypass the front line, and even if they do, they will die.

Just don't let your guard down, remember that our enemy is not outside the city, but within it. Beware of traitors. "

Qi Ge nodded solemnly:

"I will remember what the general said."

After leaving Fafner's room, Qi Ge has been looking for an opportunity to meet Esqier alone, but has never been able to find one.

Eschar didn't seem to be in a hurry to meet Qige, so he left the Watch City the next day.

This made Qi Ge really confused. He couldn't figure out whether Eskel and himself had reached an alliance.

But Qi Ge quickly forgot about Escher.

Because, after Brakada's main force left Watch City, this most important fortress city in the east fell into the hands of Qige.

For Qige, this is really great news.

Watchtower is famous for its large number of watchtowers. Each of these watchtowers is more than 20 meters high and is circular in shape with a radius of about 10 meters.

Because the watchtower is built on a high mountain, it will be very cold to stay on top of the watchtower.

Therefore, those who serve as lookouts are snow fairies with high cold resistance.

The homes of these snow goblins, the Snow Goblin Bell Tower, are all built inside the watchtower, close to the platform at the top of the watchtower. Therefore, they eat and live here without leaving at all. In addition to sleeping, they work and are fully stressed. Full.

In the center of the watchtower, there is a huge pulley hanging, with ropes hanging on the pulleys. The ropes lead all the way to the bottom of the watchtower, connected to a small cage similar to a frameless elevator.

The food that the goblins need every day will be placed in this cage.

Then the iron man guarding the watchtower pulls the rope and sends the food up.

At this time, Qi Ge stood in the cage and took the "physical elevator" to the top of a watchtower.

Accompanying the seven pigeons were two goblins.

The snow fairies at the top of the watchtower did not know Qi Ge, but this did not prevent them from judging Qi Ge's noble status from his clothes.

According to the experience of these fairies, any non-fairy heroes or soldiers coming to the watchtower will not do anything good.

So, the moment they saw the seven pigeons, they stood up straight and shouted loudly:

"Sir, we have been monitoring the surroundings and never slackened off.

No enemies were found within our surveillance range. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly, waved his hands towards the goblins, and said:

"Relax, guys. I'm not here to cause trouble or push you.

I'm just here to introduce two friends to you. "

Qi Ge gently pushed the two fairies behind him, and they immediately stood in front of Qi Ge and said to the snow fairies:

"We are here to express our condolences on the order of Master Xingfeng.

For some time to come, we will be stationed here, eating and living with you, and sharing your worries and solving your problems.

If you have any difficulties in your daily duties and life, you can talk to us and we will try our best to help you solve them. "


The snow elves looked at each other in confusion.

Their long-term experience made them subconsciously think that this might be the handsome mage's new way of torturing goblins.

This made them all a little afraid and did not dare to speak.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and did not force them, but said softly:

"I'm going to leave first, Eles, Cambre, I'll leave this place to you."

"Lord, don't worry!"

"We promise to get the job done!"

The two goblins responded excitedly, their eyes bright and energetic.

Qi Ge looked outside the watchtower.

The mountains in the distance are stacked on top of each other, and white clouds cover the tops of the snowy peaks, as white as the milk cap on the top of the drink.

If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level.

At such a height, the field of view is quite large.

He could even vaguely see the airship formation of the counter-insurgency army that had been setting out for five hours.

Because the distance was too far, in his eyes, the airships were like dots the size of flies.

"It's a pity that I don't have reconnaissance skills. If I had reconnaissance skills, I should be able to see the details of the airship clearly."

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, causing the seven pigeons to shrink their necks.

The cold wind seemed to never leave once it came, and kept blowing randomly, bringing with it the water vapor from the clouds and the ice slag from high altitude, which made Qige's face feel so cold that it hurt.

Snow fairies are not afraid of the cold, but they are afraid of the wind.

If exposed to such strong wind for too long, the goblin's health will continue to decrease. If it does not get timely rest, it may even be blown to death by the wind.

When the strong wind came, they could only hug one another and huddle together shivering to resist the strong wind.

"Hey. Poor little guy. These mages are really nothing. If we get some magic crystals and surround the top of the watchtower, the goblins won't be so uncomfortable.

Not to mention anything else, by dismantling and dissolving the gate of [God's Realm and Human World], and adding dozens of crystals, you can make enough magic crystal windows for all watchtowers.

Unfortunately, no mage would think so, and no mage would do this.

But it doesn't matter, I'm here to change everything. "

Qi Ge said goodbye to the goblins, took the physical elevator again, and left from the observation tower.

As soon as the elevator landed, several mages immediately came over, waiting for instructions.

Qige nodded to them and said:

"Like other watchtowers, from today on, no one is allowed to climb the watchtower without my order.

My secret weapon against the rebels is placed above, and there must be no room for error. Do you understand? "

"Yes! Your Highness!"

On the watchtower, Qi Ge had just left, and the two goblins he had brought over took out a set of white robes from their arms.

They waved their white robes lightly, and the white robes were exchanged with their clothes.

In an instant, their troops completed the transformation.

This scene made the surrounding snow fairies stunned.

"You, what kind of elf army are you? Why can you change?"

Elais and Kamble each took a step and said proudly:

"We are the Fairy Vanguard."

"Come on, let's not talk about this for now, brothers, let's have something to warm up first."

The goblin pioneer kept taking out food from his robe like a magic trick.

Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin porridge, cabbage and pumpkin soup, pumpkin baked potatoes...

The fragrant smell of food reached the snow fairies' noses, seducing their greedy minds and completely destroying their little wariness.

"Hey! No matter what kind of fairies they are, as long as they are fairies, they are our brothers.

Our brothers can still harm us. "

"Hey, hey, leave some for me."

The snow fairies rushed forward, index fingers moving.

Elais and Kamble looked at each other and snickered together.

The delicacies carefully prepared by the centaur chefs from the City of God's Choice are a dimensionality-reducing blow to these poor fellow goblins.

They sat among the snow goblins, surrounded like celebrities.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly. I still have some food here after I finish. I have plenty of food. Just be satisfied."

"Brothers, take advantage of this moment, do you want to listen to a story? Listen to a story about us goblins ourselves.

This story begins in the distant city of Decheng. "

Similar scenes were played out on many watchtowers in Watchtower City.

After Zhang Fu used the Sky Boat, he teleported many goblin pioneers from the City of God's Choice to Qi Ge without anyone noticing.

Under Qi Ge's order, they quickly dispersed in Watch City and penetrated into Watch City's fairy system like raindrops submerged in the river.

Even among the high-level goblins on the armed airship, Qige placed two goblin pioneers.

They will serve as the mouthpieces, singers, and fires of the [Saint Fairies] and the [Fairy Great Prophet], spreading the collective will of the fairies into this heavily guarded fortress city.

Regardless of the outcome of the counter-insurgency war, Qi Ge will be the big winner of this war when the goblins disperse.

Watch City is not only a fortress city, but also the teleportation array node for the entire eastern part of Brakada.

Taking the Watch City will cut off the connection between the entire eastern part of Brakada and Thunder City.

“After taking care of the goblins, we need to take care of the mages and djinn in the city.

As a fortress city with no economic foundation, Watch City was relatively less affected by the financial crisis.

Therefore, the mages and djinn in Watch City still retain their loyalty to Brakada and their extremely high combat effectiveness.

This is not okay.

Corruption, they must be corrupted! "

Qi Ge looked at the military camp in the observation city with a faint look.

Feeling better. I was so sick after being sick for two days. The weather has changed, so everyone must pay attention to your health. It's best to put on your long johns to avoid catching a cold like a hamster.

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