Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 828 The First Battle of the Holy Dragon

As for the military camp in Watch City, it is quite unique.

Because the watchtower city is built on the top of a high mountain, it goes back and forth at different heights.

Therefore, the military barracks in the Watch City were also built in pieces, with blocks in the east and blocks in the west.

There is even no road connection between the military camp and the living area, so we can only fly there.

But this is not a problem for the troops in the military camp, because the troops in the Watch City military camp only have djinns and air mages who can teleport. The djinns can fly and the mages can teleport, and they can ignore the terrain.

After Qi Ge arrived at the Watch City military camp, he received warm hospitality from officers of all levels in the Watch City army.

Watching City Mountain is located on a dangerous high ground with inconvenient transportation, and there are few good food and drinks. As soon as the Seven Pigeons arrived, they took out all the food without saying a word.

Although Qi Ge held a high position, he was a well-mannered and courteous corporal. He made a table full of high-ranking officers smile while drinking and drinking.

After the cups and plates were in a mess, the two most senior people in Watchtower City helped Qi Ge leave, one on the left and the other on the right.

They took advantage of the wine and kept blowing wind in the ears of the seven pigeons.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, you don't know that we two old guys are suffering.

Look at the Kyle family in the south and the Richard family in the west. What kind of life did those legendary heroes live? Then look at the daily life of the two of us.

They are well-dressed and well-fed every day, and we are free and happy every day, but we are miserable every day due to the wind and snow.

Everyone is a legendary hero, why?

We two old guys have been stationed in this Watch City all our lives and have made so many contributions to Bracada. Shouldn't we enjoy it? "

The djinn Verl on the left side of the seven doves has a bitter and hateful look on his face, pitiful.

Qi Ge patted Ver's hand and affirmed: "It should, it should!"

The mage Zhadu on the right of Qi Ge followed with emotion and said:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, I had a bad temper in my early years and thought that I could make a name for myself in Thunder City by relying on my own abilities.

When the Mages' Guild offered me an olive branch, I refused to accept it. I felt that they were just a bunch of guys in the corpse-meal position and I didn't bother to associate with them.

When the Trossa Chamber of Commerce invited me, I did not join. I felt that they were a group of businessmen who were obsessed with money and did not have the ability to govern the country well.

I also rejected His Majesty Fafner when he came in person. I felt that I had no ambition to be in the army.

Her Majesty Ernie asked me to serve as a special pharmacist in the Pharmacists Guild. I did not agree. I felt that the official offer was too small and had no real power.

When I had the chance to choose, I didn't make it. When my potential was exhausted and I had no chance to advance to True Legend, I had no choice.

None of the four major factions wanted me, so they brought me to this hellish place, where I stayed for sixty-four years.

During these sixty-four years, I regretted all the time, regretting that I was so self-righteous and did not seize the opportunity for progress.

And you are my only hope to make up for my mistakes. "

Zadu held Qi Ge's hand tightly, with tears in his eyes:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, you must save me. I really can't stay in this damn place for another day."

Qi Ge knew clearly that as a hub city in the east, Watching City was not as bad as they said.

It's not as if they were rich or wealthy, but by intercepting the resources shipped to various places, the two of them could live a good life.

But after all, this is a fortress city with relatively few products. It is of course impossible to live a life of wealth and prosperity like the city in the mainland.

There is no such thing as unspeakable suffering, it is just dissatisfaction.

If there is more oil and water in Watch City than inland cities, Qi Ge can be sure that not only will these two people not have any dissatisfaction, but they will be nailed here like nails and will not leave until they die. Even if they die, they will find ways to take over their positions. pass it on to future generations.

Maybe we can also come up with a [good story] about [three generations of lookouts].

Of course, it is a good thing for Qi Ge that the two coaches of Watch City, Verle and Zadu, are motivated to make progress. Of course, he will not expose their little thoughts, but will give full support to them!

Qi Ge looked left and right, and then said solemnly:

"Two coaches, although I have only arrived in Lookout City for two days, I have already deeply felt the harsh environment here.

You guys guarded the border for Brakada in such a harsh place, and no one can take away this credit!

When I return to Thunder City, I will report it to my teacher Agede and ask him to petition for your credit in the Great Council. "

The two were immediately overjoyed, hugging Qi Ge and shouting:

"Your Highness is so wise!" "Your Highness! I can't thank you enough, Your Highness!"

Qi Ge smiled and looked at the excitement of the two people, smiling without saying a word.

After the two of them shouted for a while, his expression changed and he said hesitantly:

"It's just that... all the main cities in Brakada have city lords, one carrot and one pit.

If you want to change positions, someone has to give up his position. This is really difficult to handle.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, the Great Council will give you some random rewards and take away your merits.

Although the teacher has some status in the Great Council, he cannot act willfully. "

"This...what should I do?"

Veran and Zadu looked at each other and begged in unison:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, you have to let us two find a solution. We can't find any other relationship, so we can only ask you."

"Yes, Your Highness, from now on we will only follow your lead. We will never go west when you tell us to go east."

Seeing that the two people couldn't wait to show their loyalty, Qi Ge looked up at the sky and whispered:

"You two may think that I am too powerful. I am just an ordinary master with limited abilities.

Whether you can leave this Watch City depends on yourselves.

Whether you can make a difference in countering the rebellion this time is the key. "

Hearing Qi Ge's hint, Zadu was thoughtful, but Vere, who was relatively straightforward, couldn't help but ask:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, this is the truth, but our mission is to guard the watch city and monitor the surroundings.

If the rebels don't get close to us, we have no chance to make any achievements. This is how to do? "

Hearing this question, Qi Ge laughed mysteriously.

He took out a gold coin and waved it in front of the two of them:

"Two coaches, do you think this is the rebels' gold coin or our gold coin?"

Faner was a little confused:

"This, isn't this your gold coin, His Highness Xingfeng?"

"Heh. Coaches, I still have the task of patrolling Watch City, so you can send me here.

Thank you both for your hospitality. Xingfeng will never forget it and will be rewarded generously.

Farewell. "

Qige shook his head with a smile, quickened his pace, and strode away.

Weier wanted to ask something else, but seeing that Qi Ge was determined to leave, he couldn't force him to stay, so he could only answer reluctantly:

"Hey, hey, hey. Your Highness, please walk slowly."


Seeing Qi Ge waving his hands and leaving without looking back, Fan Er jumped up and down anxiously.

He muttered in the ear of Zadu who was deep in thought:

"Hiss. What does His Highness Xingfeng mean by this? Gold coins... is he hinting that we want to give him some benefits?"


Zadu cursed:

"How is that possible? His Highness Xingfeng's teacher is Agede. What benefits can he appreciate from us?"

"Then tell me, what does he mean?"

Vern asked unconvinced.

Zadu took a deep breath and said hesitantly:

"If my guess is correct, His Highness Xingfeng may want us to kill the good and take the credit."

"Ah?! Kill the good and take credit?!"

Ver's face suddenly turned pale.

Zadu nodded and said:

“The enemy we have to deal with this time is the rebels.

There is no difference between the rebels' arms and our Bracada arms.

A broken gargoyle, you couldn't tell if it was the rebel gargoyle or our gargoyle.

It's like you can't tell whether a gold coin is our gold coin or the rebel's gold coin.

We currently have 14,000 gargoyles in the Watch City. If we smash half of them ourselves, that will be the military merit of 7,000 gargoyles.

In addition to gargoyles, there are also iron men.

There are many goblin villages around our observation city. With a simple sweep, we can capture two to three thousand goblins.

If that doesn't work, we still have a lot of djinn and mages in Watch City. "

"This, this, this..."

Vern was a little shocked:

"This won't work. We take credit for our military strength. What if the higher-ups conduct an inventory and find that there are fewer troops?"

"This is not easy to handle, so I'll sacrifice it.

Our army has eliminated so many rebels, how could it be possible without sacrifices? "

"No, no. If the Thunder Temple discovers this, it will be a serious crime of beheading."

Vera was a little flustered.

Zadu suddenly grabbed Ver's hand and said in a deep voice:

"Vere, we have been partners for decades, and we both know what each other is thinking.

At best, he is the city lord; at worst, he is the one who was exiled here.

In the past few decades, the Great Council has ignored us. Why?

It’s because we don’t have a backstage!

Ver, let me tell you, His Highness is very smart. He didn't tell us anything. It was us who wanted to do this.

If something goes wrong, His Highness can completely withdraw from the incident, and even the divination magic will not be able to detect His Highness.

But the credit for defeating the rebels must go to His Highness.

By doing this, it seems that we are guaranteed to lose money and His Highness is guaranteed to make money, but this is not the case.

If we do this, it means that we have handed over the key to our own lives into the hands of His Highness Xingfeng.

From now on, His Highness Xingfeng and Standing Agade behind His Highness will be our backstage!

But if we don't do it, it will be tantamount to breaking with His Highness, and Aqed's path to permanent office will be cut off.

Without His Highness's words, we two pseudo-legends without any foundation would probably die of old age in this Watch City.

Whether to take some risks to further your prosperity or to stay here and die of old age is your choice. "

Fan'er looked at Zadu's firm eyes, and his heart suddenly became excited.

He realized that if he didn't want to, Zadu might even go to Xingfeng and sell himself to gain a future.

An old friend for many years, he knew very well that Zadu was such a person.

He hesitated for a moment and gritted his teeth:

“Shit Bracada, done it!

Zadu, what do you want to do? "

Zadu smiled:

"now it's right.

If you and I work together, we will definitely be able to do this without leakage! "

Two days later, Lookout City was suddenly attacked by unknown rebels.

The rebels cunningly bypassed all defenses through tunnels and lit fires in the military camp to launch a surprise attack.

Under the command of Star Wind, the commanders of Watch City Zadu and Verre resisted tenaciously and turned defeat into victory. They gradually surrounded and suppressed the rebels and achieved a brilliant victory.

Nearly 80% of the gargoyles and iron men in the watch city were lost, and nearly half of the mage and djinn troops were killed.

After the war, the resourceful His Highness Starwind personally found the culprit - it turned out that the rebels entered the Watch City by digging tunnels from the fairy villages under the cover of the fairy villages around the Watch City!

His Highness Xingfeng immediately led his loyal troops to sweep the surrounding goblin villages.

In total, he captured nearly 100,000 goblins who might have connections with the rebels, and imprisoned them all in the dungeons of Watch City.

For a time, the dungeons in Watch City were full, and there was no place to stay in every cell.

On the same day, an express report arrived in Thunder City, with the title:

A great victory in Lookout City!

Eschar and Fafnir, who were on the front line, heard about the victory in Watch City and both praised them.

Eskel wrote to Thunder City, praising Xingfeng for being fearless in the face of danger, brave and resourceful, and a good general with a bright future.

Fafner wrote to Thunder City, praising Xingfeng for being a young man but having the air of a veteran. He was a military genius and had a promising future.

No one knew that in the dungeon of the Watch City, under the cover of a hundred thousand goblins, a large group of engineering goblins and the ancient dwarf demigod Offalati from the Chosen City were busy building an underground portal.

Seven days later, the rebels made a surprise attack on the Winter Valley guarded by Eskel.

Escher led his troops to fight to the death and won a complete victory, killing and capturing countless rebels. However, he himself was seriously injured by an unidentified legendary hero during the battle, and had no choice but to return to the Watch City to recuperate.

While he was recuperating, the seven pigeons visited him again and again, chatting happily, just like acquaintances who had forgotten the past.

Seven days later, Eskel's injury still hadn't healed, and Winter Valley was attacked by the rebels again.

Starwind Serena was ordered to lead the reserve army to Winter Valley for support.

Xingfeng was victorious and chased the rebels for thirty miles, but was ambushed and the army was in danger.

At the critical moment, Xingfeng left behind, allowing Serena to lead the troops to retreat first, turning the danger into safety and avoiding any danger.

The next day, Fafner arrived in Winter Valley, where the counter-rebel forces gathered and fought a decisive battle with the main force of the rebels.

Under the command of Fafner, the counter-rebels continued to gain local advantages and almost wiped out the rebels.

But at this moment, a huge ice-blue dragon suddenly appeared among the rebels!


A dragon roar sounded high in the sky, and the ice-blue giant dragon looked down at all living beings.

Fafner was shocked to find that a strange sense of panic filled his heart.

It was a deterrent from ancient times, a panic originating from the bloodline.

He is a legendary hero, let alone the troops under his command.

The mages trembled and fell to the ground, completely losing the courage to lift the magic book. The djinn gods panicked, and some even shrank their elemental bodies into the magic lamps.

The Nagas raised their war blades and blocked their faces, staring at the sky warily.

"What kind of dragon is that?"

"Roar!!" Just as Fafner was shocked, the blue dragon in the sky roared again.

A strange-looking giant dragon made of blue ice slowly appeared beside it.

A flash of light appeared in the ice dragon's eyes, and magical energy suddenly surged. From high in the sky, lightning as thick as an arm suddenly came down and hit Fafner's army!

The gargoyles flying in the sky bear the brunt of the attack, and lightning keeps jumping in the clouds composed of gargoyles!

Fafner's pupils shrank.

"Thousands of gargoyles were wiped out with just one strike from the blue dragon's summons!

Could it be that even its summons are mythical units? !

So what is it? !

Monster, that blue dragon is simply a monster! "

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