Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 834 Fearless Mechanical Dragon

"Lord, please come this way!"

Qi Ge followed the bouncing goblin doctor Rhodes and the rumbling Trosa into a factory area.

In this factory, countless goblins are busy on the assembly line.

Screws, steel sheets, gears, crystals... countless materials were turned into various parts under the skillful hands of the goblins. The parts were sorted into categories, assembled, equipped, and fused... and finally produced one mechanical unit after another.

There are mechanical recruits who look like humans, mechanical overseers transformed from wild boars, and the Ogre Smasher who carries a huge steel cannon and half of his body is made of machinery...

Trossa proudly introduced the seven pigeons:

"Lord, this is another major feature of our mechanical arms besides plasticity.

Unlike biological arms that require reproduction and growth, mechanical arms only need to be modified and assembled to be produced.

Therefore, mechanical arms are different from normal biological arms. There is no limit on [weekly output], only [production rate].

[Productivity] is the time required to produce a mechanical unit.

We predicted that this feature would also be reflected in the Heroic Soul Lair of the mechanical arms.

For example, the production rate of Goblin Gunner is 30 minutes. If resources are sufficient, it only takes 30 minutes to produce one.

2 an hour, 48 a day, 336 a week!

The median output of normal level 1 soldiers is only 12 per week, a gap of nearly 30 times!

This means that mechanical arms will have 30 times the war potential of normal arms.

Of course, as a price, the heroic soul lair of the mechanical arms will not be able to accumulate the arms to be recruited if it is left unattended. "

Really awesome!

With sufficient resources, the mechanical city's weekly military strength will be thirty times that of a normal city. This is a crushing advantage, just like cheating.

The most terrifying thing about the undead tribe is the army of undead accumulated through spiritualism, and the war potential of the mechanical tribe is definitely no worse than that of the undead.

Qige nodded appreciatively.

As a divine choice of Yasha, Qi Ge is more aware of the potential of mechanical industrialization than Trossa.

Mechanical industrialization improves traditional production efficiency by a hundred or even a thousand times.

However, when he looked at the goblins working continuously, he had some questions in his mind.

"Trossa, Rod, how many hours do the goblins in the factory area work in a day now?"


Rhodes was at a loss for words. He didn't dare to hide anything from Qi Ge, so he could only reply dejectedly:

"Lord, the goblins now work about 13 to 18 hours a day."

"13 to 18 hours!"

Qi Ge's volume suddenly increased by more than ten decibels, and his brows furrowed tightly.

"Why did it take so long?! Rhodes, Trossa, have you forgotten what I told you?"

Rhodes trembled and said tremblingly:

"Lord, I was wrong.

I remember your instructions very clearly, each goblin can't work more than 8 hours.

I did it knowingly.

The production line has not yet been completely perfected, and many parts cannot be mass-produced by machines and require goblins to knock them out manually.

To produce parts that meet the standards, you need at least a level 3 skilled engineering elf.

There are many fairies in the territory, but the number of fairies that meet the requirements is still too few.

There was really no other way, so I had to ask my compatriots to work overtime. "


Qige took a deep breath and looked at Rhodes seriously:


Once upon a time, I promised the fairies that I would never let them do high-intensity labor again.

To this end I have drawn up a series of mandatory rest bills.

Do you know why?

Because we are not those evil wizards in Brakada who use goblins as means of production!

In my chosen city, all fairies are citizens of the territory and have the same complete personal rights as me.

They shouldn't be victims!

If the goblins in my territory also have to stretch their bodies to work, what is the difference between me and the mages of Brakada? "

"Yes, Lord Lord, I was wrong. I will issue an order right now to reduce the production line and adjust the rest time of the goblins."

Rhodes lowered his head dejectedly.

But at this moment, the fairies around heard Qi Ge's shouting and jumped up one after another.

"Lord! Have mercy! Don't blame Dr. Rhodes. We work overtime voluntarily."

"Yes, yes! If you work overtime, you will get three times the overtime pay, as well as a food subsidy, and you can eat delicious Mori moss.

Working in a factory also gives you higher experience points than training.

I love working so much! "

“The food in the territory is so good. I eat well every day and have endless strength in my body.

If I didn't use up my excess energy through work, I wouldn't even be able to sleep well. "

"Lord, please, don't deprive us of the opportunity to work!"

"Yes, Lord Lord, please."

Seeing the excitement among the goblins, Qi Ge was speechless.

When you are a lord, how can you not have conflicts with your subjects, just like a husband and wife will definitely quarrel.

He never imagined that the first conflict between the territorial goblins and himself would actually be caused in this way.

He waved his hand and shouted:

"Don't make any noise. Stop making any noise. Just calm down and listen to me!"

I know that you love your work and are eager to contribute to the Chosen City, but work should not come at the expense of your body.

Working 8 hours a day is already a heavy burden on you.

If you want gold coins or experience, don't rush it. If you have a good body, you can live longer, and you will have everything you should have. "

Hearing that Qige didn't seem to change his mind, the goblins looked at each other.

After a long time, a level 5 goblin wearing a tall pointed hat walked out.

He first bowed to Qige, and then solemnly said:

"Lord, to be honest, when we were in Brakada, the intensity of our work was not exaggerated in the City of God's Choice.

Although we worked longer hours in Bracada, our work was simple splicing that didn't require a high degree of concentration.

However, we are forced to work in Bracada reluctantly.

But we are happy working in God’s Chosen City!

Why is this?

Because when we were in Brakada, our work was for those black-hearted mages.

Everything we produce will be appropriated by those black-hearted mages.

As for us in the Chosen City, our work is for us goblins themselves.

Every goblin in the machine factory knows very well what you, Lord, will do in the future, and they also know very well what we goblins will do in the future.

On the road to liberating the fairies, Brakada's pursuit and interception are inevitable.

Every mechanical unit we produce can save several of our goblin tribesmen from dying.

We logistics goblins don’t have that much courage to become goblin pioneers and lead our people in the most dangerous places.

They are not so strong that they can charge into battle for our race like fighting fairies.

However, our eagerness to liberate our compatriots is the same as theirs!

Just a few more hours of work is nothing to us.

As my companion said, we didn't feel tired.

Lord, please take back your life.

Even if you force us not to work, we will bring the work home with us.

Without the factory’s specialized machinery, our efficiency in assembling parts would be much lower, which would cause us to spend more time assembling parts.

When you force us to rest, you make us more tired. "


Qi Ge looked at the goblin's determined expression and was speechless for a moment.

He looked around and asked:

"Do you think the same as what he said?"

The goblins didn't answer, but they stood up straight and stared directly at Qige, expressing their meaning with their expressions.

Qi Ge took a deep breath and looked at Rhodes, just in time to meet his peeping eyes.

Seeing this, Rhodes quickly lowered his head again, pretending to be serious and repentant, which made Qi Ge very angry.

"Okay, okay."

In line with what the people want, Qi Ge has no choice but to compromise:

"In this way, I approve that each goblin has 4 hours of overtime every day.

But it must be strictly observed and you cannot work overtime at will.

In addition, increase the food subsidy for overtime goblins.

In addition to Mori Moss, Cabbage King Soup and Immortal Tea must be supplied.

Then dispatch some herbal goblins to station in the factory area to check the goblins' physical condition regularly.

Fairies who fall into a state of exhaustion must take a forced rest.

Rod, did you hear this? "

"I heard it! I heard it!"

Rhodes jumped up and regained his energy instantly.

"Don't worry, Lord, I will ensure that the supervision is in place this time."

"Oh!! Long live the lord!"

"The lord is the best lord in the entire Yasha world!"

The goblins shouted excitedly, and the atmosphere became very lively.

Qi Ge glanced at the system prompts and found that the loyalty points of the goblins present during this incident actually increased by one to two points on average.

Just outrageous.

It makes them so happy to work overtime.

Diligent, docile, smart, studious, and humble, what a great race. Apart from being a little naughty, elves are simply the perfect unit.

Subsequently, Seven Pigeons, led by Trossa and Rhodes, continued to go deep into the factory area.

On the way, Trossa said to Seven Pigeons with admiration:

"Lord, you are truly a genius.

To be honest, my impression of the goblins was not very good when I was in Brakada.

Although some fairies are very smart, most fairies are still very lazy and prone to making mistakes.

But when I arrived in your territory, I realized that this was not a problem with the goblins, but a problem with our Bracada.

Those goblins are not lazy, but hungry, not error-prone, but mentally weak.

The fairies in your territory are full of energy and have outstanding work abilities. They never care about personal gains and losses. They are simply perfect assistants.

After a little training from me, these goblins are even better than my mage assistants in Brakada.

These goblins are indispensable to the fact that we were able to develop a fully formed mechanical army so quickly.

If I had discovered earlier that the goblins were so powerful, what kind of mages would I have trained? Secretly raising tens of thousands of goblins to help me build a mechanical city, maybe I would have become a god long ago. "

Qi Ge smiled and shook his head and said:

“If you secretly raised tens of thousands of goblins, you might have been killed by Al Zeus long ago.

Ninety-nine percent of the reason why the fairies lived in such misery in Brakada was because of Al Zeus' suppression.

They are a race with unlimited potential, and they don't need any help. As long as they are not restricted, they can perform many miracles.

And I will definitely solve this problem. "

Rhodes, who was behind Qi Ge, listened to Qi Ge's words and secretly wiped his tears.

He looked at Qi Ge with admiration and felt that Qi Ge was really charming.

A soldier dies for his confidant, and Qi Ge is the confidant of the Fairy Tribe. For Qi Ge, the Fairy Tribe will never work too hard.

After a while, Trossa stopped and said to Qi Ge:

"Lord, we are here.

Please allow me to solemnly introduce to you the highest masterpiece of mechanical technology in our God's Chosen City, a masterpiece that combines goblin technology, undead technology, magic technology, and mechanical technology.

Fearless Puppet Dragon! "

As soon as Trossa finished speaking, the ground rumbled and shook.

A hill in front of Qige separated to the left and right, revealing a mechanical base full of technology inside.

Driven by a goblin, a land-based mechanical dragon with four legs, a dragon head, and an iron tail, which was entirely made of machinery, walked out step by step.

【Fearless Puppet Dragon

Level: 6

Rank: 1

Quality: Miracle


Attack 25

Defense 25

Damage 55~55

Life 650

Speed ​​8

Special skills: mechanical arms, super giant arms

Preemptive Attack: Always attack first when being attacked and when actively attacking.

Negate initiative: When fighting yourself, the enemy's initiative attack stunt is invalid.

Anti-Magic Metal: 95% chance of magic resistance.

Mechanical Mouth: Not immune to counterattacks. The attack ignores 25% of the enemy's defense.

Ranged Protective Armor: Immune to ranged attacks.

Mechanical Incomplete Body: It requires a fairy pilot to move. 】

"Immune to long-range attacks! Super giant, a natural miracle weapon!"

Qi Ge looked at the Fearless Puppet Dragon in shock, almost losing his mind.

A level 6 and 1 miracle.

The great killer weapon of the Elf Empire, the Valkyrie Pegasus, is only a natural Level 6 and Level 1 miracle.

The Poseidon-affiliated race, the six-headed Hydra, is only a level 6 and level 1 miracle.

The mechanical arm, a behemoth made entirely of soulless steel, can actually be a level 6 and 1 miracle arm.

Qige pointed at the fearless puppet dragon and said in a trembling voice:

"Trosa, you made this?! It can be mass-produced."

Trossa scratched his head in embarrassment, sparks flying.

"Hahaha, Lord Lord, I'm sorry.

This is an experimental model.

There is only this one at the moment.

Because the cost-effectiveness of input and output during manufacturing is too low, it has not yet been recognized by the Mother Goddess.

The puppet dragons that can really be mass-produced are the ones below. "

Only then did Qi Ge notice that below the Fearless Puppet Dragon, there were three mechanical dragons that looked exactly the same as the Fearless Puppet Dragon, but were several sizes smaller.

The biggest difference between them and the Fearless Puppet Dragon is that although they also have drivers on them, the drivers are not goblins, but mechanical recruits who look exactly like humans.

Robot, drive the robot dragon!

【Mechanical Puppet Dragon

Level: 6

Rank: 1

Quality: hidden

Special Skills: Mechanical Arms

Attack first, deny initiative

Ranged Protective Armor: Immune to ranged attacks. 】

hiss! ! Qi Ge's eyes widened. A mass-produced model can still be immune to long-range attacks? !

This is to restrain Titan until death!

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