Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 835 Blooming everywhere

Titan City.

As an industrial city in the west of Bracada, it was originally very prosperous.

There are dozens of factories that can produce a large amount of industrial consumer goods every day.

Magic crystal lamp that can illuminate, automatic bed that can go up and down, fully automatic vibrator...

Various products for enjoyment have brought huge tax revenue to Titan City.

But after the economic crisis in Brakada, Titan City was the first to fall, because the materials produced by Titan City were not necessities of life.

Of course, there are indeed a very small number of creatures that pursue enjoyment even more than life, but for the vast majority of creatures, when survival becomes difficult, enjoyment will be the first to be abandoned.

Affected by the economic crisis, Titan City was in depression.

Many mages living in Titan City come from remote acropolis and county towns.

They sold their hometown's real estate very early and rented a house in Titan City to survive or paid a high loan to buy a house.

If Titan City can continue to prosper, they may work in Titan City for a long time, take root in Titan City, and eventually become residents of Titan City.

However, now they have become the first victims of the economic crisis.

Countless factories closed down, and a large number of mages and djinn lost their jobs.

Without a job, there is no income, and without income, there is no way to pay the loan and rent. They are kicked out of their homes and wander on the streets.

It was only then that they sadly discovered that they were already homeless.

A piece of torn paper, a rotten wooden board, a dirty tent, a not-so-big deck chair...

They were looking for anything they could find that could accommodate them and support them in becoming the lonely monsters of Titan City.

Sadness and despair enveloped them.

But they are not stupid, they are waiting for Bracada's economy to improve.

The long-term comfortable life makes them firmly believe that this economic dilemma is only temporary and will get better sooner or later.

However, suddenly one day, they found that the relief office that originally distributed food to them was closed.

They no longer receive relief food.

This is not because Bracada does not distribute relief grains, but because of the civil war, the price of food throughout Bracada is rising. The greedy city lord of Titan City did not resist the temptation and resold the relief grains and pocketed them. .


This word, which the mages and djinn had only heard of but never experienced, came upon them with extremely cruel means, catching them off guard.

Both mages and djinn have spell-casting abilities and combat capabilities. If they are in the wild, they can survive by hunting.

But this is Titan City, and the only wild animals they can find within a radius of dozens of kilometers are goblins.

However, goblins are special life forms, and their flesh will only turn into light and disappear after being cut off, and cannot be eaten.

Long-term hunger will not only cause malnutrition, but also stimulate the survival instinct of living things.

Those mages and djinn were forced to face choices.

Either they would eat their own kind crazily, or they would launch a rebellion and fight for food from the wealthy nobles in Titan City.

When the first pair of hungry red eyes stared at the city lord's palace, the surging tide of rebellion became uncontrollable.

"Why! Why can they enjoy life in a splendid house, holding their delicate wives, eating food that we can't afford even after working for a whole year?

And we have to live precariously in this cold winter night, hungry and chewing grass roots and tree bark?

Those bastards exchanged our life-saving food for gold coins and bought gorgeous bracelets for their little wives.

They are eating our flesh, drinking our blood, and chewing our souls!

Since they don't give us a way to survive, we will fight with them!

I want to rush into the city lord's palace, open the granary of the city lord's palace, and eat happily.

As long as you come with me, I promise that the food in all the granaries will be shared equally by everyone, and all the gold coins will be shared equally with everyone. Even the wives of the city lord can be used by everyone in turn.

I know that the city lord is a legendary hero and you are all afraid of him.

However, we have reached a desperate situation. If we resist, we will die. If we don't resist, we will die. So why not try to resist?

What if, what if, we win! "

The first mage stood up and raised his arms and shouted, and the blazing flames instantly ignited.

That night, countless mages and lanterns attacked the main castle!

If the city lord of Titan City is a smart man and knows how to take care of the interests of his subordinates while being greedy, the guards of the city's main castle can stop the rebels without the help of the Titan City's garrison.

However, the city lord of Titan City can even do such things as reselling relief grains, so how could he be so smart?

Those guards had long been fed up with the city lord's exploitation and moodiness, and they just had no choice but to succumb to others.

Therefore, in the face of the rebel attack, the guards of the castle castle instead of defending with all their strength, quietly opened the gate of the castle castle.

The rebel army rushed in unimpeded.

Until this time, they had no way out.

Even if they retreat now, they will be liquidated by the city lord in the future.

Only by killing the city lord would they have a chance to survive.

Therefore, facing the legendary city lord, they were like bloodthirsty wolves, launching charges again and again without fear of death.

No matter how powerful the legendary hero is, without the help of military units, it is just a stronger military unit.

His magic will be exhausted, his arrows will be used up, and his physical strength and willpower will have limits.

And that, the plump Lord of Titan City, who had just climbed out of bed, had long neglected to train his own combat power in his indulgence.

Facing countless mages and djinn who were fearless in death, he couldn't even escape.

The moment his magic shield shattered, countless frost, fire, lightning, and ground thorns continued to emerge from his body, which would stun him to the point of death.

Eventually, he became the first city lord in Bracada to die at the hands of the rebels.

Titan City also became the first city in Brakada to spontaneously rebel.

The city lord of Titan City died with his eyes open. Until the moment of his death, he could not figure out why the defenders of the military camp had not arrived, even though he had been holding on for so long.

The turmoil in Titan City had just begun, and it was watched by goblins hiding in dark alleys, cellars, and other corners of the city.

The moment the turmoil broke out, countless pieces of information were passed along the conch to Qige's hands.

Under the command of Qi Ge, the goblins took action quickly.

They set fire to the military camp to create the illusion that the camp was being attacked, destroyed the city gates, blocked the army's advance, and used goblins to spread the word to the troops and cause chaos in the troops...

Various measures successfully delayed the troops supporting the city's main castle, and also made the city lord of Titan City lose the possibility of making a comeback.

It wasn't until Qige was sure that Yasha Fire in Titan City had been taken over by the rebels that he felt completely relieved.

The defenders of Titan City failed to protect the city lord, resulting in the fall of Titan City.

According to Brakada's laws, once the Titan City was suppressed, they would be convicted or even executed for their inability to defend the city.

In order to survive, they will have to cooperate with the rebels.

The deal is done, and Titan City has no room for maneuver and can only rebel to the end.

The Titan City rebellion meant that there were rebellious cities on both the east and west fronts of Brakada at the same time.

Bracada's military system is very special.

Except for a very small number of central troops, most of the troops are supported by the lords themselves and belong to the lord's private army.

In normal times, this can greatly reduce the central military expenditure, allowing the central army to use all funds to build elites.

With enough elites, even if there is a local rebellion, Thunder City can easily suppress it.

But at this time, the biggest drawback of this system was finally exposed.

When rebellions occur in many places and the central army has no way to quickly solve them, Thunder City will face a very difficult problem of insufficient army numbers!

Since the central army was insufficient in number, it could only hand over the task of counterinsurgency to local lords.

However, in Bracada, counterinsurgency warfare and foreign war are different.

In a counter-insurgency war, the war rewards that the lord can get are very limited and he will lose money.

But in Bracada, which encourages business, local self-government, and a central parliament as the core of the country, all activities are commercial activities!

To draw the important point, all behaviors are commercial behaviors, including war.

The essence of business behavior is to make money. Because unprofitable and loss-making business practices will lead to the death of business entities.

Even if some business activities seem to be losing money now, it is because these business activities will make more money in the future.

Knowing that he would lose money after the counter-insurgency war, how could the lord try his best?

Therefore, if the counter-insurgency is left to the local lords, the local lords will definitely work hard and try their best to show off, deceive the superiors and subordinates, reduce their own losses, and strive for more benefits.

Even when Beacon City was fighting the rebellion, with the Central Army watching, those local lords dared to trade with the Beacon City rebels.

Let them put down the rebellion on their own, and God knows what they can do.

Therefore, Bracada has only two options at this time.

Alternatively, the central government of Brakada could increase the rewards for local lords for countering rebellions, so that the local lords' war profits could change from losses to profits, and then hand them over to the local lords to fight the rebellion in Titan City.

Or, leave Titan City alone, wait until Lighthouse City is finished countering the rebellion, and then transfer the Central Army to continue countering the rebellion.

There is a problem with the first option, and that is the issue of risk.

Counterinsurgency is war, and all acts of war are high-risk acts. In business, high risks must correspond to high returns, otherwise no one will do it.

High-risk, low-return business practices can only deceive fools. Local lords with the ability to counter rebellion are legends and cannot be that stupid.

Just like the stock market and banks, if you deposit your money in a bank, you will definitely make more money than if you put it in the stock market. Who would trade in the stock market?

Therefore, in order for the local lords to do their best in countering the rebellion, the center of Brakada, that is, the Thunder Temple and the Grand Council, must pay a high price.

Maybe you have to promise the local lords that after the rebellion is successfully suppressed, you will hand over the city that was suppressed to them.

In Bracada's system, such a high price must be met to discuss.

At this time, there are only four influential enough permanent members in the Brakada Grand Council: [Eskel], [Fafner], [Daris], and [Agede].

The first two are still fighting the rebellion in Beacon City.

The latter two are both from Qige.

What does it mean to cover the sky with one hand?

Agaide proposed not to transfer the benefits and wait until the counterinsurgency in Lighthouse City was completed before taking charge of Titan City.

Dairis agrees.

The proposal passed.

Thunder City doesn't care, the local lords don't want to care about it, Titan City just has no one to care about!

The rebels in Titan City huddled in the city fearfully for a week, making all kinds of preparations, waiting for the harshest trial from Brakada.

The result was a lonely wait.

They were still waiting, but no one would come.

But time will not stand still.

Outside Titan City, a bigger storm is brewing.

“Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, Thunder Monthly, looking at the whole country!

Titan City has rebelled! ! Come and see! "

In Maple Leaf City, the goblins selling newspapers were waving newspapers and shouting with great force.

They have never pushed so hard to sell these scraps of paper that have nothing to do with them.

Because they already understood their mission from the moment they got these newspapers.

Running from one alley to another, they never stopped.

The roaring sound is still useful, the passing carriage, the pedestrians who have just got off work, the old man who has nothing to do...

Many, many people of all kinds bought newspapers one after another from the goblins.

"Hey goblin, stop."

A dirty mage tramp blocked the path of a newspaper goblin.

He mercilessly snatched a newspaper from the goblin and kicked the goblin away.

Seeing the goblin rolling on the ground in embarrassment and struggling to get up, he mocked contemptuously and threatened:

"Fairy, when people from your newspaper office ask, you just say you lost it, do you understand?

If you dare to say that I took it, when I come out of the cell, I will break your hands and feet and hang you on a tree to starve to death! "

The mage tramp threatened the poor goblin and then swaggered away.

If there is one missing copy of the newspaper to be sold and the accounts are not paid, the goblin will be severely beaten by the newspaper company.

If it were in the past, the newspaper seller would be squatting in the corner, silently wiping tears.

But now, he just glared at the mage tramp hatefully, adjusted his clothes, and continued to hold up the newspaper and shout, not wanting to waste even a second.

"Titan City has rebelled!! Come and see!"

The goblins screamed at the top of their lungs, colliding in the air and echoing over Brakada.

Like a huge ghost, floating over Bracada.

Thunder Newspaper Company, which publishes newspapers, never dreamed that they only published 3 million copies of newspapers in total, but the goblins sold 30 million copies!

Underneath every thieves guild, there is a large group of goblins working hard for this purpose.

"Have you heard? Titan City rebelled, but Thunder City didn't care."

"You know, the counter-rebels are in big trouble in Beacon City, and Titan's troops suffered heavy casualties."

“I’m going to tell you a top-secret news, but you must never tell anyone else.

The God King was attacked by the Lord of the Abyss last time, and the source was injured. The Kingdom of God has been sealed and fell into a deep sleep. Whoever can get the Tears of Asa in Thunder City will be the new God King. "

Thanks to the efforts of the goblins, countless rumors that are difficult to distinguish between true and false continue to ferment in Brakada.

The soil of economic crisis grows wildly without anyone's control, and flowers named ambition and sin bloom.

Titan City has made a good start, and countless careerists have made their debut in Brakada!

The seven pigeons located in the God's Chosen City planted red flags on the map of Brakada.

Each red flag represents a city in rebellion.

Starting from Titan City, 18 cities rebelled in less than a month, and this number is still soaring!

“A world full of red flags is coming.

The long-cherished wish of the fairies has begun to come true. "

The red color of blood reflected in Qi Ge's eyes, and he planted a special red flag at the northernmost point of Brakada.

Gaze, Yongshuang Icefield!

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