Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 836 The Goblin’s Rebellion

Brakada, the North, the Everfrost Icefield, and the Nugget Fort.

This is a newly built main city for the development of the Everfrost Icefield.

Since the Demon King's Territory was recaptured by Seven Pigeons, the Everfrost Icefield has become a stable area of ​​order. A large number of resource points have been generated on the Everfrost Icefield, attracting many pioneers with dreams in Brakada.

These pioneers built many cities on the Everfrost Icefield, the largest of which was Nugget Castle.

At present, Nugget Fort's main income comes from minerals. Whether it is gold mines, lumber mills, quarries or rare resource mines, all they produce are the core basic resources.

Therefore, Brakada's economic crisis has little impact on Nuggets.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Everyone is having a bad life, but if you are doing well, someone must be jealous.

By coincidence, the city owner of Fort Nugget, Bree, happened to come from the industrialist faction that was most severely hit by the economic crisis.

Above him, there were a bunch of old industrial guys lying on top of him sucking blood.

He worked hard to squeeze the goblins and the bottom class, and 80% of the profits he made would be sucked away by those old guys.

This made him furious every time he returned from Thunder City.

“These damn old guys know how to ask for money.

Didn't I just ask them to help me select the city leader? I have repaid that favor a long time ago, what an insatiable thing. "

Whenever Bree gets angry, he will pick a lucky goblin and hit it hard with his scepter.

Listening to the goblin's painful screams, his anger will quickly subside.

This is related to the characteristics of goblins.

Goblins are born with the ability to devour and eliminate excess negative emotions. When a goblin is about to die, this ability will reach its peak and quickly absorb a large amount of negative emotions, just like the last flashback of a dying person.

Therefore, Brie would beat a goblin to the verge of death every time to make herself feel less uncomfortable.

As for whether the dying goblin can survive in the end, Bree doesn't care, there are plenty of goblins anyway.

Today, Brie is back from Thunder City.

As usual, he got ripped off hard in OKC.

"Damn thing, damn thing."

Bree felt a fire in her heart.

He walked all the way through the castle, and the goblin attendants and goblin guards he passed lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him, for fear of getting into trouble and becoming that [lucky] goblin.

Brie originally wanted to find a goblin who made mistakes to be his punching bag, but along the way, he couldn't find a suitable partner.

Until he returned to the bedroom, he could not pick out the errant goblin.

This made Brie even more upset.

So, he opened the bedroom door and happened to see a goblin attendant walking by.

"Come in!"

Bree suddenly burst into rage, grabbed the goblin attendant by the throat, dragged it into the room, and threw it heavily to the ground.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Lord City Lord, have I made any mistakes?"

The goblin attendant asked with a trembling voice as he lay on the ground.

Bree held up her cane with a sadistic smile on her face:

“You were so ugly that you scared me when I opened the door.

This is a capital crime! "


Bree hit the goblin attendant hard with his cane, knocking him to the ground.

He held the cane in both hands and hit the goblin again and again.


"Ah! Sir, I was wrong!"

The sound of the bronze cane hitting flesh and the screams of the goblin attendants brought Brie great enjoyment, and brought a sickly flush to his cheeks.

"Hahaha, hahaha! That's the sound, that's what I want to hear.

You old immortals, you old immortals, I will beat you to death! "

Bree's eyes widened and she laughed excitedly, using her hands harder and harder.

In his eyes, the goblin lying motionless on the ground seemed to have turned into a group of sanctimonious old wizards from the industrial group.

In the excitement, Bree did not notice that the goblin attendant lying on the ground and letting him beat him did not pass out like the other goblins. Instead, he was vomiting blood, wailing, and staring at the clock on the wall.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

After all, the mage's physical strength is limited. After a long time, Bree finally ended his venting.

He let out a breath, feeling slightly strange.

He could feel that this time he vented for longer than before and had more fun, but for some reason, the anger in his heart did not completely subside.

"Is it wrong to choose this goblin?"

It was only then that Bree looked carefully at the goblin he had been beating like a piece of meat.

Contrary to his expectations, the goblin was not dying or even unconscious.

His eyes were wide open and his mouth opened and closed as if he was saying something.

"Huh? What's going on with this goblin?"

Bree was extremely confused. He approached the goblin curiously and wanted to hear clearly what the goblin was saying.

The goblin's voice was very faint, but fortunately, the room was quiet, so Bree barely understood it.

"The fairy... is waving... his hands..., the white snow... is beating... the... frost..."


Bree was confused:

"After being beaten like this by me, this goblin is actually singing? Is he mocking me for not being strong enough?

Damn thing, even you dare to look down on me. "

Brie stepped on the goblin's head, crushed it twice, and said coldly:

"Stop singing, shut up."

"We... stepped on the corpse of the monster... and arrived at Utopia."

However, instead of stopping, the goblin's singing became louder and smoother. "

"Fuck you! You're still singing!"

Bree kicked the Goblin Squire in the stomach, sending him into the wall.

The goblin attendant hit the wall hard, bounced back from the wall, and rolled several times.

The singing finally stopped.


Brie glanced at the rag-like elf attendant with an unlucky look. She didn't know why, but she felt even more upset.

"Forget it, let's find another one. Have a good time."

He licked the corners of his mouth and was about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, another song came from the goblin attendant in the corner.

"The ideal of the Fairy lies ahead, and we will not lose our way.

The souls of the sacrificed heroes will shine and guard us. "

"Huh? Not dead yet." Brie turned around, vaguely feeling something was wrong.

The sense of crisis in his heart made him take out the magic book without hesitation.

Boom! !

A bolt of lightning struck down hard, turning the goblin lying on the ground in the corner to black.

The singing stopped again.

Brie waited on the spot for a while, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the smoking black coal in the corner did not react at all:

"It's time to die."

"I won't forget, the goblin won't forget,

Every image of you is in my heart! "

But at this moment, the singing sounded again.

Bree looked at the corner in shock.

"That goblin attendant is already dead and carbonized. How can he still sing?"

"No, no, the singing is not in this room, it is coming from outside the room! Did something happen outside?"

Bree strode to the window and opened the curtains.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the castle, he could see the night view of the entire Nuggets City.

Quiet, peaceful, just like before, no problems at all, no strange singing.

"What's going on? Is it the corridor?" A feeling of anxiety spread in Bree's heart.

He decided to go out and take a closer look.

But just as he walked to the door, suddenly, something extremely cold grabbed his ankle, causing him to almost fall.

Brie:! ! !

Bree's hair stood on end, and he quickly lowered his head to look, only to see a blackened palm firmly grasping his calf.

His heart felt cold and he looked up along the palm of his hand.

The goblin attendant who was burned to black coal by him was lying on the ground, holding his feet, raising his head, staring at him with his carbonized eyes.

"What the hell? Undead magic?!"

Bree was so frightened that he poured out his usual damaging magic at the opponent without hesitation.

Magic arrows, lightning bolts, ice thunderbolts, earth shocks, fireballs...

More than a dozen magic flashes hit the dark goblin corpse, as if they were going to crush him to ashes.

But when the magic dissipated, the carbonized body of the goblin attendant not only remained unbroken, but also emitted a dazzling white light.

In Brie's horrified eyes, the black coal-like shell fell off his skin piece by piece, and a living attendant goblin appeared in front of him again.

"You, you, you! What the hell are you?"

Bree looked at the other party in shock, and more powerful magic was ready to go.

But the goblin attendant did not attack him, but instead smiled strangely at him.

His eyes were full of hatred, he opened his mouth widely and sang loudly.

"In the roaring sea, we sing war hymns!

In the galloping thunder, we will not retreat! "

This singing made Brie more and more panicked: "What are you singing?! What the hell are you?"

"On the road to destroying the tower, I am the one who charges!"

"In the ideal of liberating fairies, I am the one who is filled with excitement!"

"Stop singing, stop singing! I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Thunder bursts, hell flames, death ripples...

Bree kept throwing powerful magic like crazy, regardless of whether it would damage the furniture in the room.

But these magics fell on the goblin attendant, but they had no effect at all. Instead, they made his singing sound louder.

“I am the one who sacrifices, and I am the one who is honored!

You remember me, the goblin remembers me.

The goblins have started a war and are no longer oppressed! "

"The fairies have started a war and will no longer be oppressed!!!"

When the attendant goblin finished singing the last line, white light rose from his body into the sky!

In Brie's horrified eyes, the magic he released turned around in the air and rushed towards him!

At the same time, the white light on the goblin attendant condensed into a white lightsaber and stabbed into his heart!

With just this one move, his heart was broken and his magic power suddenly collapsed.

" is this possible? I am a legendary hero."

Bree knelt weakly on the ground, looking at the goblin attendant in front of her in horror.

His mouth is still opening and closing, and his singing is still going on.

"Stop singing, stop singing, I beg you, stop singing, I can give you whatever you want, let me go, let me go."

Bree begged for mercy in fear, but the goblin attendant seemed not to hear it and walked towards Bree step by step.

"Uh! Ah!!!"

The white lightsaber on Brie's chest suddenly brightened, and streaks of black energy emerged from Brie's body.

The black energy formed the shape of a goblin in mid-air, and swirled towards Bree.

They were so weak and didn't even have weapons, but some of them used their teeth and some with their nails to bite and pull the flesh and blood on Bri's body, unwilling to relax for a moment.


There was more and more black air around Bree, and the evil spirit of the goblin completely overwhelmed him.

"Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. The sins you have done must be repaid."

Dark flames ignited from Brie's body. The flames seemed to be attached to his flesh and blood, and they could not be extinguished no matter how much he rolled and struggled.

Bree's flesh and blood turned into dust in the black flames, her internal organs turned into pus, and her brain turned into black water...

The pain that the goblins once endured became the revengeful spirits, making his death extremely painful.

The goblin attendant, or in other words, the fifth-level goblin avenger disguised as a goblin attendant, stepped over Bree's body, opened the door, and strode out.

Outside the corridor, countless goblins held torches high and sang loudly:

"The fairies are waving their hands, the white snow is beating against the frost..."

Goblin Vanguard, Goblin Guard, Goblin Paladin, Goblin Thief...

Various types of elf soldiers with different ranks are singing the same song!

Their gazes were fervent and firm, and some of the goblins were even trembling slightly.

The time has come, the time has finally come!

The goblins made way for the Goblin Avenger. He walked slowly among the goblins, singing loudly and saying:

"The lord has said that every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and not all mages and djinn are our enemies.

To identify carefully, we point to those mages and djinn who have harmed goblins for revenge.

The remaining mages and djinn are all targets that can be won over. "

The Goblin Avenger walked to the end of the corridor, pushed open the window at the end of the corridor, and looked out the window.

The dark demon spirits that filled the sky had blocked the entire night sky without a single gap.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Goblin Avenger laughed heartily.

"Lord, have you seen it? It's not that I don't want to forgive them, but that all the mages and djinns in this city deserve to die!

They all deserve to die!

It's time for the goblins to start a war!

Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Go and collect debts like those guys who killed you! "

The dark evil spirits fell, and blood and screams continued to sound!

This blood and screams have become the best refrain of the goblin war song!

Outside Nugget City, torches lit up in the cold Everfrost Icefield, and countless goblins were gathering here!

Among all the torches, one torch was particularly bright, exuding a holy white light.

The goblin avenger who had just killed countless mages and djinn trembled and shouted as he got the white light:

"Lord Saint! The judgment in Nugget City has been completed. Please come here and make a pronouncement for us!!"

"Bang!" Under the white glow, Ke Ruoke's huge shadow appeared in the night sky.

He held up the magic book and looked around, scanning all the goblins.

Countless beliefs and prayers gathered on him, and the war songs of fairies surrounded the sky.

"I, Koroko, represent the goblin clan, like Brakada, to declare war!

From today on, all goblins leave Bracada! "

This sound broke through the sky and resounded like thunder.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the night sky and struck Yasha's Tears in Thunder City!


The supreme Tears of Yasha was shattered!

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