Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 875 The Strongest Griffin Commander

The strong wind ruffled Edric's hair, but not his ambition.

Since the fall of the Holy Sky Church, Griffin Cliff has regained Erathia's resource tilt.

During this period of time, the entire Griffin Cliff area has been heavily armed and has accumulated many powerful new griffin units.

Today, the holy mountain suddenly appears, and the crisis comes. It is the time for the griffon to make a contribution!

Edric turned around and glanced at the secret weapon following the team, feeling reassured.

"Come on, no matter what kind of enemy they are, they can't stop my army of gryphons."

The clouds and mist of the Holy Mountain were swept by the griffin army, and Edric's sight finally crossed the top of the mountain, no longer blocked by anything.

What appeared in front of Edric was a picture that he could not imagine at all.

There is a thick atmosphere of darkness in the sky, with layers of chaotic fog and white clouds separated by yin and yang, confronting each other.

Countless chaos monsters jumped out of the fog of chaos and flocked to the Holy Mountain from all directions, forming a huge invading army.

The body of the [Scarlet Giant Beast] is tall and ferocious, exuding a creepy stench.

[Evil Witch] is covered with black cuticles all over her body, with dark red wings on her back, and the staff in her hand is constantly throwing out weird magic.

The [Terror Armored Skeleton Beast] took out a huge boulder from the fog of chaos and threw it towards the Holy Mountain. It has one in its left hand and one in its right hand. It can throw two rounds of ammunition in one shot, and the ammunition will also cause area damage after it hits the ground.

Far across from the Chaos Monsters are the defenders of the Holy Mountain.

The circle of clouds suspended on the top of the holy mountain turned out to be a mysterious gate.

Lancers, archers, griffins, swordsmen, monks, knights, angels, and even paladins who have disappeared from history and mages who have separated from humans!

Countless humans and heroic soul soldiers who had fought side by side with humans descended from the cloud circle and guarded the Holy Mountain.

The heroic soul guards on the holy mountain stared at the surging chaos monsters, their eyes revealing determination and courage.

The arrows of the marksman, the faith bullets of the monks, the magic of the mage, and the ammunition from the holy mountain rained down on the Chaos monsters, but they seemed to be unafraid and continued to charge forward.

At the foot of the Holy Mountain, spearmen are arrayed with guns, and [Shield Swordsmen] form a shield wall, surrounded by cavalry. If they find an opportunity, they will launch a deadly charge against the Chaos Monsters with no return!

Swords and swords clashed with each other, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. The swordsman who had just been resurrected by the angel fell into a pool of blood in the next second.

The Heroic Soul Soldiers use all their strength to fight against the Chaos Monsters until they die!

But their numbers were obviously insufficient, and they were soon submerged in the sea of ​​chaotic monsters. Screams came one after another, the smell of blood filled the battlefield, and the snow-white holy mountain was covered with red flowers.

In the mist of chaos, chaos monsters died one after another in an endless stream.

Above the clouds of the Holy Mountain, heroic soul soldiers sacrificed one group, and then another group appeared, one after another.

There are too many types of troops appearing in Chaos, and there are too many types of troops in the Holy Mountain defenders.

There are countless types of troops, countless stunts intertwined, and even the command seems meaningless at this moment.

Chaos wild monsters have no tactics, and heroic soul soldiers have no tactics either. Both sides are using brutal numbers to try to overwhelm the other.

This is a meat grinding ground that is unimaginable to ordinary people. It is extremely cruel and bloody.

Edric's pupils trembled sharply and his hands trembled.

The Griffin Legion, which he thought was powerful, seemed so powerless on a battlefield where both sides had over 100 million or even over 1 billion troops.

Edric didn't know what would happen if the Holy Mountain was taken away by Chaos, but he knew that it would have an extremely bad impact on mankind. Countless histories have already proven this.

This is the holy mountain of mankind!

If even humans like them don't come to guard, who can we expect to come?


Edric took out the horn and blew it hard, making his face turn red.

The melodious sound of the horn echoed in the air, causing the Griffin Knights who had been stunned to suddenly wake up.

"All members of the Griffin Knights!" Edric roared loudly: "Since the time of King Kalben, the fate of the Griffins has been closely linked to the fate of mankind.

Our warriors in the Griffin Cliff area have always been mankind's most powerful air force.

Griffon Cliff has been glorious and glorious for three hundred years under the respect of countless humans, and is repaying it with death, today! "

A bright golden light lit up on Edric's body, and golden eagles emerged from the top of the gryphon knight's head.

The high morale dispelled the fear in the hearts of the soldiers, and all the gryphon knights had bright eyes, waiting for Edric's order.

"Gryphon Crazy Swordsman, draw your sword and step forward!"

Chi! !

The uniform sound of drawing swords suddenly sounded, and the mad swordsmen of the gryphons all released the reins of their gryphons and pulled out the two swords from their waists.

Gryphon Mad Swordsman, a level 5 miracle unit,

Those who can become griffin mad swordsmen are the best among gryphon knights.

They can use their legs to secure themselves firmly to the gryphon, and they will not fall off as the gryphon spirals forward, becoming one with the gryphon.

Although they are small in number, they are the sharpest arrows in the Griffin Legion and can tear apart any obstacle.

Among these gryphon mad swordsmen, several have the record of single-killing big demons, and the rest have countless military exploits. They are all the best among the best.

"Gryphon Mounted Crossbowman! Ranged burst crossbow, don't save, use them all."

The clicking sounds of changing crossbows sounded one after another. As the main force of output, the gryphon crossbowmen were replaced with precious explosive crossbows. Their superb shooting skills would open a way for the gryphon knights to charge.

"Gryphon Priests! Hymn of Courage!"

Edric's voice suddenly became louder, and the griffin knight at the end of the group suddenly took off.

The griffons under them were obviously smaller than the other griffins, but each one was filled with the brilliance of magic!

They screamed loudly, and the dazzling holy light enveloped the entire group of griffons.

This is the latest trump card of the Griffin Knights, the Griffin Priests, which are all composed of female Griffins, and the Griffin Knights on them are all monks of the Holy Griffin Church.

【Courage Hymn

Level 3 magic

Make griffin-like units immune to control effects and have morale at least +3]

"Griffin Lancer!!"

The most numerous main force in the Griffin Knights, the Griffin Lancers riding war griffons raised their heavy guns in their hands with all their strength!

"Charge with me!"

Edric roared one last time, then slowly pulled off his visor helmet and rushed out first!

The griffin army behind him completed the formation adjustment in the air in the blink of an eye.

All the griffon crossbowmen who needed to carry out a wave of strikes followed Edric, and the other griffin knights turned into wings to protect the surroundings.

The gryphon is coming! Coming towards the Holy Mountain!

The Griffin Knights, numbering no more than 5,000 in total, launched a counterattack against the army of Chaos Monsters, which numbered over 100 million!

Edric is not a frivolous general. He is the most outstanding commander in the Griffin Cliff area.

If the quantity is not enough, there are also ways to play if the quantity is not enough!

"Explosive arrow, shoot!!"

Edric roared, and a ray of light emitted from his body, connecting to all the Griffin Crossbowmen.

The gryphon company crossbowmen seemed to become a part of Edric at this moment. They raised their crossbows and aimed, following Edric's line of sight, and fired explosive crossbow arrows evenly.

Boom boom boom boom! !

The arrow rain fell, and the exploding crossbow arrows exploded among the Chaos monsters one after another. Magic power surged, and fire shot into the sky. An empty safe zone was suddenly created. Only some Chaos monsters that were immune to magic damage survived.

The gryphon crossbowman instantly slowed down and descended. The gryphon lancer immediately raised his heavy gun and stepped forward, taking the place of the gryphon crossbowman.


The high-pitched, sharp, and piercing cry of the gryphon echoed in the air.

At this moment, the Griffin Berserker, like the legendary Sword of Damocles, fell straight down from the top of the surviving Chaos Monster.


The fleeting sword light shattered the cold darkness. The chaos monster was cut in half by the bright sword light and turned into black mist and dissipated!

The gryphon berserker warriors of only twenty people quickly moved across the battlefield that had been cleared by the gryphon crossbowmen. The crisscrossing sword light cleared away all the remaining chaos monsters, creating a field without any chaos monsters. safe zone.

"The time has come, spiral gun!"

The moment the Griffin Berserker launched his charge, Edric raised the spear in his hand high.

He led all the Griffin Lancers higher and higher, and then swooped down from the sky!

All the Griffin Lancers rotated at high speed as Edric fell, and the strong wind and clouds were shattered into dust around the spiral spear.

Gradually, the gryphon rotated faster and faster, even so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.

The red armor and red spears of the griffin lancers mixed with the golden color of the gryphons in the high-speed rotation, turning into a bright and dazzling blood color!

[Spiral Shooting: The Griffin Lancers leave the battlefield and enter the Spiral Shooting state.

In the spiral gun state, the Griffin Lancer is invincible and can only move in a straight line.

During this period, it will cause [50*(enemy level + enemy level)] real damage to all passing enemies.

The maximum sprint distance of the Spiral Gun is 50 blocks. 】

The huge bloody spiral descended from high in the sky, starting from the safe zone created by the griffons, and pierced through the chaos army from beginning to end.

That dazzling bloody spiral is like a rainbow penetrating the sun, like a meteor penetrating the night sky, and like a mythical gun announcing the end!

All the chaos monsters blocking the spiral screamed and turned into nothing the moment they touched the spiral!

Regardless of whether other objects are immune to magic or instant death, they have no effect in the face of the real-damage spiral gun.

There is only death!

Edric's profession is [Grand Commander of the Griffin Cavalry].

He can freely switch [his own unit] among all the [Gryphon Cavalry] types he knows, and gain huge bonuses for the [Gryphon Cavalry] of the same type under his command.

With Edric holding a spear, the damage of [Gryphon Lancer] and [Spiral Gun] cannot be immune and dodgeable. At the same time, the charging distance of [Spiral Gun] is unlimited!

As long as Edric is unwilling to stop, the spiral gun will not stop!

The Chaos army of hundreds of millions was forcibly killed by the Griffin Lancers, creating a rectangular gap more than thirty meters wide and 200 kilometers long!

Looking down from a high altitude, the vast chaos monsters covering tens of thousands of square kilometers were abruptly divided into two parts at this moment.

Without the interference of other legends, the violence of the legendary hero is fully displayed in this moment.

The Griffin Knights took away more than a million Chaos monsters in just one offensive.

But such huge casualties are still just a drop in the ocean compared to the terrifying number of Chaos Demon Monsters. The dark mist of Chaos is still constantly replenishing the lost Chaos Demon Monsters.

In just a few minutes, the huge vacancy will be filled again by the Chaos Monsters.

Edric knew this very well.

His purpose from the beginning was not to kill the enemy, but to clear a large enough safe zone, and then let his trump card take action! !

"唳~~~" Another griffin's cry sounded, this time the griffin's cry was much clearer than before.

The [Gryphon Priests Group], which numbered only a few hundred, simultaneously emitted a thick earthy yellow light.

The Griffin Lancers took off again, and the weapon in Edric's hand turned into a thick book in an instant.

The sound of turning pages "clatter" sounded in the air.

All members of the [Gryphon Priests] sang loudly along with Edric:

"Holy griffon, protect mankind, the thick earth, please raise the mountains, lower the pits, and banish the evil enemy to the land of suffering!"

boom! ! !

Huge earth-yellow magic power surged out from the bodies of the Griffin Priests and disappeared into the earth!

Boom! !

In an instant, the ground shook violently.

The crustal plates are constantly moving, colliding and splitting, the magma inside the crust rises, and the gravel and soil outside accumulate, forming a large amount of rock material.

These rock materials create a huge pressure layer inside the earth's crust, causing the pressure on the earth's crust to suddenly increase.

Finally, this pressure reached a certain level, and the earth's crust could no longer bear it and began to deform. The originally flat surface began to wrinkle, magma spewed, soil flew, and mountains rose!

On the other side of the mountain road, the entire earth's crust fractured, forming huge cracks.

These cracks gradually expanded and turned into bottomless pits one after another.

The changes in the earth's crust that originally took hundreds of billions of years to occur naturally took shape in an instant under the catalysis of magic.

Countless approaching chaos monsters screamed and fell into the pit, swallowed by the magma at the bottom of the pit.

Even if some Chaos monsters were lucky enough to pass through the pit area, they would have to climb over the thousand-meter-high mountain barrier before they could continue their march.

A general who does not understand astronomy, does not know geographical advantages, does not know special skills, does not know magic, does not understand luck, and does not understand morale, is a mediocre person.

Edric is certainly not mediocre.

As a commander who has experienced hundreds of battles, Edric knew very well that on such a terrible battlefield, let alone his griffon cavalry regiment, even if Mrak came with a large force, it would not be able to fight in terms of combat effectiveness. The effect is also very limited.

Only by using powerful magic to create terrain and change the weather can we have enough influence on this battlefield.

He didn't have the magic to change the weather, but he happened to have one in his hand to create the magic of terrain, so how could he not use it?

"Very good, one more wave!"

Edric took the Griffin Knights into the air again to make adjustments, and then repeated his old tricks.

After repeating it sixteen times, a large area of ​​mountains nearly 300 kilometers from end to end, with complex terrain, took shape on the battlefield, just like a natural city wall blocking the holy mountain.

After all, terrain is just terrain. If left alone, no matter how deep the pit is, it will be filled with the corpses of Chaos Monsters, and no matter how high the mountain range is, it will be occupied by Chaos Monsters.

But how could the heroic soul soldiers give the Chaos Monster this chance?

When all the Chaos Monsters near the Holy Mountain were annihilated, the Heroic Soul Soldiers pushed back all the way until all the long-range troops reached the top of each mountain, shooting down at the Chaos Monsters that were climbing over the mountains.

Beat the high and the low, beat the fool.

With the vision and range bonus brought by the high mountains, and the large number of Chaos monsters cleared from deep pits, the heroic soul troops on the Holy Mountain finally achieved complete suppression of the Chaos monsters with long-range firepower.

The scorching battlefield pushed forward thousands of meters from the foot of the Holy Mountain.

Seeing that the situation on the battlefield was beginning to tilt towards Yasha, Edric was finally able to take the gryphon army to the holy mountain to take a rest.

When he touched the holy mountain, he could feel the closeness of blood between himself and the holy mountain.

That feeling is so wonderful that it's hard to describe.

Edric tried it, but he found that he could not sense the effect of the Holy Mountain, nor could he communicate with the heroic soul soldiers summoned by the Holy Mountain, which made him very regretful.

But when he looked at the mountains he left behind, he felt a little happy.

“Fortunately, I took Qi Ge’s advice and carefully studied the potential of the female griffon, and that’s how the gryphon priest came into being.

Without the help of magic and the Griffin Knights relying mainly on physical means, I really would have no way to deal with this situation.

Using mountains as walls can keep enemies at bay.

But once Sir Mrak completes the repairs, this strategic depth of thousands of meters will become an important mitigation zone for human forces to deal with Chaos invasion.

Whether it is used to rest tired soldiers or to deal with emergencies, it is of great use.

The ancestors said that a good commander should be like this. When he takes further action, he must consider several subsequent actions in his mind.

The one who counts in front of you is a soldier, the one who counts one step can lead the team, the one who counts two steps can be a general, and the one who counts five steps can be a commander.

I'm still far from it, I can only be considered a team leader.

When it comes to strategic vision, you still have to look to Sir Mrak. "

Thinking of this, Edric couldn't help but sigh:

“Speaking of strategic vision, it would be better if that guy from Qige is here.

Destroy the church, end the holy war, push away Ofer, put aside the irreconcilable conflict between Erathia and Ofer, and buy time for Erathia to develop.

This is the terrifying strategic vision of calculating ancient and modern times.

It's a pity that Qige is not from Erathia.

Why did Her Majesty Catherine fall in love with Gru? It would be great if she fell in love with Qi Ge. "

Just as Edric was daydreaming, there was suddenly an earth-shaking loud noise from the distant mountain peak he had finally created!

A shaking earthquake swept through the entire Holy Mountain area.

The earth seemed to be torn apart and shaking.

The white stones on the holy mountain rolled down one after another, and a huge stone even rolled straight towards the gryphon knights.


Fortunately, during wartime, the gryphon knights would not leave their gryphons even when they were resting. With the sound of the sentry's horn, the gryphon knights took off in an emergency and avoided the boulders rolling down the holy mountain.

Edric quickly looked in the direction where the vibration came from.

Jumping over the hilltop in the distance, he saw a giant monster with a height of four hundred meters in the camp of the Chaos Monsters!

Its appearance is somewhat similar to the [Terror Armored Skeleton Beast], but it is more twisted and disgusting.

Sharp bones pierced through his festering flesh, twisting his strong muscles into twists and turns.

In his hand, a huge boulder with a diameter of a hundred meters was condensing.

On the mountain range created by the gryphon priests, more than half of a mountain range has been knocked down by the same boulder.

"True Chaos Troops!"

As a legendary hero, Edric could smell the disgusting stench of chaos on his opponent even though he was thousands of meters away.

The aggressive pressure showed that it had at least half-god level strength.

Boom! ! !

Another loud noise!

This time, the mountain peak completely collapsed under the bombardment of boulders. When the mountain collapsed, all the heroic soldiers on the mountain died.

Two times a mountain, it won't take long for all the mountains that the Griffin Knights finally built to be destroyed.

"Did my appearance cause Chaos to increase its troops?"

Edric gritted his teeth tightly. He knew in his heart that he must not let the other party continue to be arrogant, otherwise the advantage that the Griffin Knights had finally created would be in vain.

However, that terrifying giant beast was surrounded by a large number of [Terrible Armored Skeleton Beasts].

[Terror Armored Skeleton Beast] is a long-range monster with double-click and range attack capabilities. It is level 6 and level 3, quite powerful.

"If I lead the gryphon army to assassinate that terrifying beast, I am afraid that 90% of the gryphon knights will die from the long-range attack of the [Terror Armored Skeleton Beast].

This can only be attempted with a gryphon berserker who has the ability to dodge long-range attacks. "

Boom, there was another loud noise.

Edric gritted his teeth.

"We can't wait any longer! The rest of the griffins are waiting for the plundering formation, ready to respond at any time.

Griffon Berserker, draw your sword! "

"Draw your sword!!"

Oh! !

The sound of drawing swords sounded in unison, and the gryphon berserkers gathered behind Edric without fear.

The moment they heard the order, they already knew what they were going to do.

But they were not afraid at all. This was not the first time they had done this.

As the top miraculous legion among the Griffin Knights, it has always been their mission to kill the enemy's strongest unit with sword light!

As for the danger - a gryphon knight who is afraid of death cannot be a berserker!

Edric put away the prayer book in his hand and replaced it with two swords.

At this moment, he transformed into a member of the Griffin Berserkers.

His eyes were red, he slapped the gryphon vigorously, and flew high into the sky without hesitation.

Sixteen gryphon berserkers followed closely behind, slowly accelerating in the air, and gradually became level with Edric!

One hero, sixteen gryphon knights, only seventeen units, were swimming against the current of hundreds of millions of Chaos troops, charging bravely to kill the terrifying ferocious beast!

When the Griffin Berserker arrived at the high altitude of the Chaos Demon Monster, a large set of red eyes suddenly lit up in the distant Chaos Mist.

Countless ghost crows are as dense as clouds, trying to stop the Griffin Berserker in the air!

"Hmph! You dare to fight in the air with my Griffin Knights? Who gave you the courage!"

Edric's eyes narrowed and he snorted coldly.

The griffon represents the courage to never give in. Even the giant dragon cannot dominate the griffin's territory.

It's just a ghost crow, just dung!

To deal with single targets, the Griffin Berserker has a fierce sword light. To deal with group targets, the Griffin Berserker also has the most arrogant griffin!


The griffon under Edric let out a high-pitched cry, and an illusory layer of spiked iron armor appeared on him and the griffons around him.

Speed ​​up, speed up, keep speeding up!

The Griffin Berserker ran into the group of ghost crows without hesitation!

At that moment, time seemed to be slowed down!

Those griffins are like bullets with infinite power, blowing up all the ghost crows they touch into pieces during their flight!

The griffin berserker on the griffin raised his two swords high, and the condensed willpower turned into a dazzling sword energy, shrouding the griffin berserker.

Chi la~~~~

In a flash of lightning, Edric led the gryphon berserker through the crowd of ghost crows!

It wasn't until all the gryphon berserkers rushed out of the ghost crows that roaring explosions sounded one after another among the ghost crows!

In this round of head-on collision, the gryphon berserkers were not injured, and the ghost crows suffered no casualties!

However, after breaking out of the group of ghost crows, the gryphon berserker faced not a bright future, but huge boulders in the sky!

Those terrifying [Terror Armored Skeleton Beasts] actually threw boulders with range damage directly towards the Griffin Berserker, without any regard for the group of ghost crows behind the Griffin Berserker.


Edric roared again, and the spiked iron armor on all the gryphon berserkers suddenly disappeared, replaced by a pair of illusory blue wings on the back of each gryphon.

Turn, climb, dive, roll, loop, ascending turn, Cobra maneuver, separation S maneuver.

Each Griffin Berserker was avoiding the attack in his or her own way. Countless boulders whizzed past them, but none of them hit them.

The ghost crow who was turning behind them to pursue them was in serious trouble.

Those huge boulders that failed all hit the ghost crows, and the ghost crow clouds fell towards the ground like rain.

After splendidly dodging all long-range attacks, the Griffin Berserkers, led by Edric, finally rushed directly above the ferocious beast!


Edric drew out his swords and roared.


16 Griffin Berserkers followed closely behind.

A huge beam of sword light emerged from Edric's body, swallowing up sixteen small sword lights.

The sword light merged with the wind pressure generated when the gryphon accelerated, and fell from the sky!


How can a ferocious beast wait to die? It roared and threw the newly formed boulder in its hand into the air.

But it's no use!

Edric didn't even think about dodge. He and his gryphon berserkers turned into flashes of light and merged with the sword light!

The bright and huge sword light chopped up the boulder in the air, struck hard on the skull of the ferocious beast, then penetrated his throat, torso, and belly, and finally passed through the center of its butt, then suddenly rose up and returned to high altitude.


The ferocious beast let out a dull groan with a painful expression, and a black line of blood emerged from its head.

Chi! !

In the blink of an eye, the entire ferocious giant beast was divided into two halves from the middle, and the dark and chaotic flesh and blood spurted out, like a high-pressure water cannon that sprayed black water, even knocking down several [Terror Armored Skeleton Beasts] around it. On the ground.

In the first battle on the Holy Mountain, Adric and his sixteen gryphon berserkers crossed thousands of troops and killed the true Chaos troops!

Even Edric was a little exhausted when he slashed with this sword.

He has switched arms too many times in a row and performed professional stunts too many times in a row. His energy and magic points are already running low.

His hands holding both swords trembled slightly, and his lips turned slightly white.

However, the battle is not over yet.

Chaos monsters are not the kind of soldiers who will disperse when their leader dies.

They are all killing machines with no sense and only endless desire to kill.

For a legendary hero like Edric, the strong aura of order on his body is like the smell of blood in sea water to the Chaos monsters, which is extremely pungent.

As soon as the body of the ferocious beast fell, more and more chaos monsters began to gather towards Edric.

Long-range arms, spell-casting arms, anti-air stunts...

The Chaos monsters are full of tricks and will try their best to keep Edrik and the others here.

If it hadn't been for the last moment that Adric still had some energy left and brought the gryphon berserkers up to the sky in time, they might have died long ago.

But now, the situation remains critical.

In the mist of chaos in the distance, the newly born Ghost Crow has appeared, and flying units such as [Parasite Venomous Bee], [Blood Pupil Eye], [Flying Aircraft Snake] and so on are gathering.

"Let's go, it's not a good place to stay for a long time."

Edric was about to use his last bit of strength to activate his stunts to make the Griffin Berserkers retreat.

But at this moment, a burning gaze suddenly locked on his heart.

Chi! !

Just where the ferocious beast fell, a chaotic monster with an eyeball shape only as big as a thumb suddenly appeared. A dazzling red light pierced out of its eyes and shot hard into Edric's chest.


Edric groaned, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Counterattack arrow!

That eyeball monster stunt. Reflect 50% of the damage taken by the parasitic teammate to the enemy who killed the teammate.

Can't dodge, can't be immune, real damage, can only be taken hard!

The damage of Edric's ultimate move was so high that his blood volume instantly bottomed out.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, three treasures on Edric's body lighted up at the same time.

【Life Hand Card

Level 5 Alchemy Treasure·Accessory

Basic attributes: HP +200


The Last Redemption: It is automatically consumed when the hero is fatally injured, restoring 200 health points for the hero. The life card disappears after being triggered. 】

【Red Feather of Griffin

Level 6 Alchemy Treasure Helmet

Basic attributes: Defense +5, Speed ​​+5

Special skill: Akabane's Asylum: When the hero's health is less than 20%, the hero becomes invincible for one round. Cooldown for three days after triggering. 】

【Holy Cross Necklace

Level 4 True Treasure·Necklace

Basic attributes: The effect of hero resurrection magic is +5%.

Special skill: Cross Blessing: If the hero does not know resurrection magic, then equipping the Holy Cross is equivalent to mastering the basic [Reincarnation].

Holy Blessing: When the hero dies, he can be resurrected once, and his health will be restored to the maximum health value. The treasure disappears after triggering. 】

The Holy Cross Necklace dimmed quickly after it lit up, but the Life Card turned into dust.


A red gryphon phantom also emerged from Edric's family heirloom, guarding Edric firmly within it.

Edric took a breath and glared at the eyeball monster, feeling secretly hateful in his heart.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he was tricked to death!

Even the Holy Cross necklace lights up when the hero dies.

But now is not the time to teach that eyeball monster a lesson. As a hero, he has ways to save his life, but those gryphon berserkers don't.

As a qualified commander, Edric would never allow himself to put personal emotions above the military, and interests came first.

"Let's go!"

He activated his stunt as he wished, and the wings of the griffon spread out again, causing him and the griffon berserker to fly at a sudden speed.

Thousands of troops and horses passed under the griffins, and Edric successfully led the griffin berserkers across the mountain.

It wasn't until this moment that Edric relaxed a little.

But at this moment, a black light suddenly spanned a distance of 10,000 meters, blasted out from the fog of chaos, and landed on Edric!

"Ugh!!" "Ah!!"

Edric and the griffon beneath him let out uncontrollable roars at the same time, and a black spiked chain appeared out of thin air, tying Edric and his griffon tightly.

The gryphon mount under Edric suddenly lost its strength and turned into light and flew into Edric's body.

He also fell straight from the sky like a kite with its string broken.


The surrounding griffin knights immediately realized that something was wrong, and they hurriedly flew up to catch Edric.

The terrifying feeling of weakness made Edric weak all over. He opened his eyes with difficulty and turned around to take a look.

In the thick mist of chaos, an extremely beautiful [Evil Witch] was staring at him, looking at him from afar, the other party's eyes were evil and cruel, like a giant beast admiring the death of its prey. Tragic situation.

Another true Chaos unit!

Severe pain spread throughout his body, and Edric found that all the heroic and professional stunts he had performed since entering the battle were in a sealed state for three days, and his health points were also rapidly passing away.

He tremblingly took out a bottle of life potion from his space backpack and drank it. However, it had no effect at all.

"Damn it."

Edric dropped his palms, breathing rapidly, and his consciousness gradually dissipated.

He grabbed the arm of a griffin knight next to him, used all his strength, and said:

"Quick. Take off my horn, retreat with all the gryphon knights, find Mrak, and tell him what's going on here."

Gabri was also a little panicked. As an ordinary griffin knight, he was not qualified to participate in a battle of this scale.

From the very beginning, he had been hiding on the Holy Mountain with his team, watching General Edric display his power.

But he didn't expect that General Edric, who was so majestic one second, would be so weak the next second.

But when he heard Edric's order, a wave of enthusiasm suddenly surged into his heart, and he agreed without hesitation:

"Yes! General! Promise to complete the mission!"

Edric had no strength anymore and suddenly passed out.

He didn't know who he was entrusting, but he believed that no matter which griffin knight it was, he would strictly abide by his orders and implement them unswervingly!

This is the iron-blooded tacit understanding reached by the Edric family and the gryphon knights after countless years of accumulation for more than ten generations.

All griffons are comrades of the Adlik family, and all griffon knights are soldiers of the Adlik family!

Woohoo! !

Gabri put Edric on his back, mustered up all his strength, and blew the horn as hard as he could.

The gryphon knights gathered in an instant and formed a surrounding formation, firmly protecting Gabri in the middle.

Gabri put down his horn and shouted with the loudest voice in his life:

"The general has an order! Retreat immediately and join Sir Mrak!"

"Yes! Griffin, spread your wings!"


The Griffin Knights took off without hesitation, without even looking back, and flew towards the top of the Holy Mountain with determination.

"Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta!"

Just when they were about to reach the top of the mountain, the roar of horse hooves suddenly sounded in their ears.

The teams of Sir Mrak and Luo Shi had finished resting and finally rushed over.

"Sir Sir!"

Gabri shouted excitedly.

Mrak, who was the first to look through the Holy Mountain, saw Edric lying on Gabri at a glance.

His expression changed, and he stepped forward on horseback. The gryphon knights fell down one after another, but just enough to make way for Mrak and Gabri to merge smoothly.

"What's going on, Edric?"

Mrak's expression was extremely serious, so heavy that he seemed to be frightened to death.

Gabri's heart trembled, and he was a little afraid, but he still had the courage to tell what had just happened.

"More than tens or even hundreds of millions of Chaos monsters are fighting against the heroic soul troops born in the Holy Mountain.

A strange light hit Edric... He drank a potion but it had no effect. "

Mrak's face darkened. He carefully observed Edric's condition and immediately discovered that Edric's health had reached an extremely dangerous level.

He did not hesitate to take out more than a dozen bottles of potions, those for healing, dispelling curses, restoring energy, restoring magic power, increasing magic resistance... Regardless of whether they were useful or useless, he sprinkled them all on Edric.

This is the life-saving suit Qi Ge gave him, and Luo Shi also has a copy.

I don’t know which potion had the effect. Edric’s health no longer dropped, but his condition was still strange and he was still unconscious.

Mrak's face darkened, he waved to the side and shouted:

"Luo Shi, come here!"


Luo Shi, wearing heavy lion armor, stepped out from the crowd.

Mrak handed Edrik into Luo Shi's hands and said with a cold face:

"Luo Shi, I have a mission for you. Use the legendary scroll to bring Edric back to the capital and find Her Majesty the Queen to rescue him. This mission is crucial and must not be delayed!"

"Yes!" Luo Shi responded loudly, and then in front of Mrak, he put Edrik into the hand of his deputy hero Palu, and slipped a scroll into it.

"Palu, I have a mission for you. Use the legendary scroll to bring Edric back to the capital and find Her Majesty the Queen to save him. This mission is crucial and must not be delayed!"

"Yes! General!" Palu firmly grasped the scroll and chose to obey without hesitation.

After a burst of white light, Palu and Edric disappeared at the same time.

"Luo Shi, you!" Mrak's chest heaved violently.

"General Mrak."

Luo Shi slammed the lion spear in his hand to the ground, and said with a determined expression:

"You don't need to take special care of me because of Qi Ge's instructions.

I know that guarding the Holy Mountain will be very dangerous. Even General Edric was injured and fell into a coma.

But, I am an Erathian. No one in Erathia is afraid of death!

If our ancestors were afraid of sacrifice, there would be no human beings in the world.

If the present is not what it used to be, and the future will not be what it is now, if I retreat, I will be sorry for my ancestors, and even more so for future generations! "

Mrak took a deep look at Luo Shi, patted his shoulder hard, and said no more.

He got on his horse, drew his sword, looked at the mountains in the distance, and said loudly:

"All troops! Listen to my orders! Occupy the commanding heights!"

Its voice is like thunder, resounding throughout the Holy Mountain! (End of chapter)

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