Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 876 Hope the river runs through

Rainy forest.

This is the junction of the cemetery forces and the barrier forces.

Half of the Forest of Rain is made up of green and vibrant trees, while the other half is made up of skinny, withered and lifeless trees.

The thick dark sky just covered this side of Weishu, forming a strange scene with clear black and white on the rainy forest sky.

In the past, this place was filled with ancient war trees of elves and castles of bones of the undead, and the two sides faced off against each other as if they were incompatible with each other.

The war between the undead and the elves has started countless times in the Forest of Rain, and even the decisive battle between Sandro and Gru's team took place here.

But now, the undead defenders and elf defenders in this area have retreated thirty kilometers each, turning it into a peaceful area.

At this moment, a wide river channel has been completely formed by the cavemen's excavations.

This river extends from the Pegasus Plain of the Barrier to the northernmost part of the cemetery, with a total length of 6,000 kilometers and a drainage area of ​​nearly one million, which is equivalent to a straightened Yellow River.

This is a great miracle created by the hard work of tens of millions of cavemen and an equal number of undead units working day and night.

It is the first great wonder in the entire Yasha world to be forged by low-level soldiers!

The Seven Pigeons named this river the Hope River.

It will carry the hope of the entire Yasha world to take off and become the gospel of the entire world.

And now, the river channel has finally reached completion.

Countless line segments are connected end to end and run through the entire line.

Seven Pigeons rode Zi Yuan along the river, starting from the Rainy Forest and checking out the Pegasus Plains.

He was extremely sure that all obstacles had been cleared and all construction workers had evacuated.

Countless creatures in the Yasha world have worked hard for more than a month just for this moment!

On the Pegasus Plain, there is a Pegasus Lake formed by the tributaries of countless magic springs.

On the north side of Pegasus Lake, many giant trees form a lake dam, which has been storing water for Pegasus Lake.

In the sky of Pegasus Lake, Seven Pigeons waved their hands:

"Dig the lake dam and release the water!"

Click, click, click, click...

Thousands of beavers worked together to create a gap in the lake dam surrounded by giant trees!

The lake water has already overflowed the shore, waiting for this moment!

With a roar, the raging torrent spurted out along the gap, and the clear water washed rapidly against the river bank, making a huge roar.

The collapse of the lake dam triggered a huge wave of water that completely swallowed everything around it. The water waves were tens of meters high and spread along the course of the Hope River with indescribable impact.

As the river fills up, the color of the river water gradually becomes turbid, filled with sediment, stones, floating branches and other debris.

However, as the floods surged, these debris quickly sank to the bottom, allowing the water flow to become clear again.

As the river flowed away, the water level of Pegasus Lake dropped rapidly, reaching a very low level in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the elven druids scattered around countless [Pegasus Magic Spring] in the wild began to inject magic into the magic spring.

Those Pegasus magic springs emit bright green light, greedily absorbing the energy of Yasha in the sky and the earth, and then spew out a huge amount of spring water.

These springs follow various tributaries and converge into Pegasus Lake again, causing the water level of Pegasus Lake to rise again.

"It's done!"

Seeing that everything was going well on the Pegasus Plain, Qige could no longer hold back his excitement. He leaned over and lay on Ziyuan's back, like a child, chasing the water of hope in the Hope River in the air!

The monstrous torrent swept along both sides of the Hope River, bypassed the mountains, and overflowed into the canyons, and its speed continued to increase.

"Ziyuan!! Let's catch up. Let's step on the top of the torrent and witness the take-off of the Yasha world together."

"Lord Savior, I have flown very fast!"

Shion flapped her wings excitedly. She and the Seven Doves were one mind, and she knew the great role of this river better than anyone in the world of Shasha.

She clung to the still turbid river water, flapping her wings constantly, letting the dirty torrent wash away her beautiful body.

At this moment, as one of the first people in the Yasha world, she was even more excited than Qi Ge!

This torrent took three days and three nights to cross half of the barrier and reach the Forest of Rain!

Qi Ge walked and stopped all the way, witnessing the birth of Hope River from beginning to end.

Mbas and his team of architects have been waiting eagerly for the first phase of the experimental field.

When the orange torrent passed through the river and swept across both banks, fierce cheers suddenly resounded through the sky.

"The vitality water from the barrier is finally here!"

“As soon as the river water becomes clear, we will start building the [Underworld Farm].

The first phase of the test field covers a total area of ​​4,200 square kilometers and must be completely covered. "

The architect team looked at the torrent rushing past and rushing into the distance with a bright smile on their face.

They knew this scene must be spectacular, but they didn't expect it to be so spectacular!

Wei Anne even felt that her personal participation in this great project should be recorded in the history books of the Yasha world and be remembered by future generations forever.

"Look, my apprentice is here!"

Agaide pointed to the sky excitedly. Seven pigeons riding Ziyuan finally caught up with Hongfeng again at this moment.

He swooped down from the air, put away his mount, landed gracefully, and then eagerly took out a dozen buckets and placed them on the ground.

"Teacher, and everyone.

Look! This is the water from the Hope River that I collected along the road. The results of the magic appraisal told me that this is all magic spring water and can be used.

Our last worry has been resolved, and nothing can stop the birth of Hades Farm! "

"Okay!" Agaide clapped his hands vigorously: "This moment is the most glorious moment for us architects.

The eyes of the gods are focused here, and we will use our power to change the future of this world. "

Qi Ge's face was solemn, and he bowed deeply to Aqed and the others:

"Elders, please give me a helping hand."

"I will definitely help you!" "It is my duty!" "Haha, I'll start now!"...

The architect team was so excited that they drew drawings for nearly a month, but they were exhausted.

They took over the drawings and various resources of the Hades Farm from Nimbas without hesitation, and started construction immediately.

The iron puppets that came all the way from Bracada kept disappearing, and gorgeous white and gorgeous underworld farms rose up on the black soil of the cemetery.

In just two days, the architect team completed the laying work of all the underworld farms in the first phase of the experimental field.

Nimbas gave an order, and countless golden [Golden Pumpkin Skeletons] were planted in the Netherland Farm, filled with golden pumpkin seeds that were screened for dozens of generations.

The excess undead energy that shrouded the cemetery was frantically extracted, all turned into precious vitality, and then became part of the Golden Pumpkin.

Golden Pumpkin, Golden Pumpkin, as the name suggests, in addition to growing pumpkins normally, there is also a chance of growing pure gold pumpkins that can be turned into gold coins!

A pure gold pumpkin can be obtained for 10,000 gold coins.

It's just that the probability of a pure golden pumpkin appearing is very low. Even in the unique place of God's Choice City, it is less than one in a thousand. Here it is estimated to be only one in ten thousand.

However, in the face of absolute numbers, no matter how small the probability is, it will become inevitable.

Nothing else is needed. The gold coins occasionally grown from golden pumpkins alone are enough to maintain the daily expenses of the Hades Farm, and even the upgrade fees required for subsequent upgrades of [Golden Pumpkin Skeleton] are enough.

Seeing more and more farms in the underworld, Qi Ge was happy.

In his eyes, he has seen a brilliant future.

At this moment, a conch on Qi Ge's waist suddenly sounded.

He reached out and picked up the conch in confusion.

"Your Majesty Catherine?"

"Qi Ge, something happened. The supply of Shiraishi may have to be stopped."

Qige:? ? ?

What? ! This is not going to stop, Your Majesty!

I have everything here

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

"Qi Ge, don't be impatient. Listen to me and tell you slowly..."

On the Holy Mountain battlefield, Mrak raised his spear high!

Strike order! launch!

A bright white light emerged from his body, connecting him to all the resistance cavalry.

At that moment, the speed of all the resistance cavalry increased to a full 80 points!


After a roar in unison, the resistance cavalry followed Sir Mrak and began to charge!

Facing an army of hundreds of millions of Chaos, the Resistance Cavalry had no fear at all.

The number of enemies is meaningless as long as the speed cannot keep up with them!

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the speed of the resistance cavalry became faster and faster. The spiral spears in their hands emitted a deadly cold blue light!

"Lion Lancers, form up!"

Luo Shi gave an order, and the Lion Lancers forming a square array separated to the left and right, revealing a road.

Lion Lancers are extremely special. They are a type of spearmen trained by farmers. According to the rules, Lion Lancers are regarded as both farmers and spearmen.

When the resistance cavalry passed by the Lion Lancers, the blue shield of the resistance cavalry suddenly lit up, and then instantly turned into a huge spiral spear.

[Human Glory:

The Resistance Cavalry is the most outstanding cavalry of human forces. Each Resistance Cavalry bears the responsibility of protecting mankind.

Therefore, when the resistance cavalry passes other human troops on the battlefield, it will be encouraged by other human troops and acquire corresponding skills.

Peasant: The resistance of the resistance cavalry is doubled.

Lancer: Halve the current defense of the Resistance Cavalry, and add the half of the defense to the attack of the Resistance Cavalry.

Crossbowman: Makes the enemy unable to counterattack when the resistance cavalry attacks.

Griffin: After the enemy is completely killed by the resistance cavalry attack, if there is overflow damage, the overflow damage will be doubled and distributed to nearby enemy units.

Swordsman: The resistance cavalry gains a morale-boosting state. After taking action in this round, morale will definitely explode. 】

Their defense is doubled, then halved to attack.

The resistance cavalry, dual-wielding spears, passed the crossbowmen, griffins and swordsmen in turn, reaching full status.

A blue halo lit up on the spiral spears in their hands, and the inscription of the gryphon appeared on their armor. At the same time, an illusory giant gryphon spread its powerful wings and accompanied them in flight. Their beautiful white horses were clad in A layer of crimson armor was put on, and the two guns also ignited with blue flames.

The iron cavalry stepped over and the dust flew up!

The incomparable presence of the resistance cavalry instantly attracted the attention of a large number of chaos monsters.

Various long-range attacks and magic from the Chaos monsters were thrown towards the war cavalry as if they were free.

All the Chaos monsters on the flanks of the Holy Mountain battlefield were attracted by the war cavalry and attempted to pursue them.

But Sir Mrak didn't want to pay attention to them. He led the war cavalry to draw an extremely beautiful arc on the side of the battlefield and rushed straight to the rear of the battlefield.

【The power of divine movement

professional stunts

Effect: When an enemy whose speed is slower than our own makes any form of attack on us, there is a probability of being evaded by us. The evasion probability is determined by the speed difference between the enemy and ourselves. 】

As long as I run fast enough, the enemy's attacks cannot catch up with me.

When the resistance cavalry turned into smoke and dissipated, those belated magic and long-range attacks fell into the open space. Apart from raising a pile of dust, they did not have any impact on the resistance cavalry.

Adrik has Adrik's fighting style, and Mrak has Mrak's fighting style.

He didn't even fire a single shot or sword. He just kept circling around the Chaos Demon Monster's position, attracting the attention of more than half of the Chaos Demon Monster.

These brainless guys are chasing the war cavalry that they can never catch up with. Naturally, the defensive pressure on the mountain wall is greatly reduced.

Originally a battlefield of 100 million heroic souls versus 100 million chaotic creatures, after Sir Mrak joined, it turned into a 100 million heroic souls unit slaughtering 50 million chaos monsters, leaving 50 million chaos monsters fishing.

The number of Chaos Monsters has been reduced by half, but not just the number is reduced by half, their long-range firepower, magic support, and unit special skills have all been reduced by half!

This greatly reduces the difficulty of fighting on the heroic soul unit's side.

For a time, the battle loss ratio between the Holy Mountain and Chaos armies began to become extremely unbalanced.

For every heroic soul soldier killed, a dozen chaos monsters died.

When Sir Mrak was pulling the enemy, Luo Shi was not idle. He kept observing the battlefield with his own eyes and recorded the chaos monsters that appeared one by one.

Those Chaos monsters with troublesome special abilities such as damage retaliation, magic immunity, physical immunity, and powerful spellcasting abilities were all marked by him.

"It's almost time."

Mrak turned around and looked behind him. The chaos monsters behind him were already dense enough.

He snorted coldly and suddenly turned around with his resistance cavalry!

The cavalry, which exceeded five times the speed of sound, could turn around so easily while running. This was impossible to do in the world of Qi Ge. The huge inertia alone was enough to tear their bodies into powder.

But in Yasha, under the leadership of Mrak, anything is possible.


A startling cry of an eagle echoed through the sky!

The strength of the resistance cavalry has accumulated to an extremely terrifying level, and the shadow of the gryphon above them is even more unimaginable.

[Resistance Charge:

The spears on the Resistance Iron Riders are forged by the most skilled blacksmiths in Erathia, which can greatly increase the damage of the charge.

Damage increases with movement distance, increasing by 8% per square. 】

In turn-based battles, the resistance charge of the resistance cavalry will be limited by the turn.

But in this big battlefield, as long as the resistance cavalry did not attack, they were always in a state of charge.

Mrak has led his resistance cavalry regiment around for two full hours. The accumulated distance, converted into grids, is 3.68 billion grids!

The damage of their next attack will be 294.4 million times!

After entering the battle state, even the demigod hero can be killed with one blow by attacking the resistance cavalry at a sufficient distance!

Moreover, Sir Mrak specially selected an exceptionally large Chaos Monster as the target of this attack.

The opponent's level is level 5, and his body is larger than the resistance cavalry!

[Unyielding Heart: If the enemy unit is in level, stage, or size.

If it is stronger than the Resistance Knight in any aspect, the direct attack damage from the Resistance Cavalry will be doubled.

If it is stronger than the Resistance Knight in any two aspects, the direct attack from the Resistance Cavalry will cause damage*4.

When it is stronger than the Resistance Knight in all three aspects, the direct attack damage from the Resistance Knight will be *8. 】

The resistance cavalry, nicknamed the Red Eyed Knight by Qi Ge, can explode with unparalleled power when facing an enemy stronger than itself. The damage can be nearly 300 million times. The moment it hits the chaotic beast, it can be multiplied by another 4 times. !

A full 1.2 billion times the damage!


Mrak raised his spear high, roared, and slammed into the chaotic beast with the resistance cavalry that turned into light.

Roar! !

The chaotic beast turned into dust in an instant, and the excess damage that overflowed was stored in the griffon's shadow and spread in all directions!

After the Griffin Shadow completely kills the enemy with the cavalry attack, the overflow damage will be doubled and distributed to nearby enemy units.

The pitiful health of the giant chaos monster is almost negligible in the face of the resistance cavalry with 1.2 billion times the damage.

Therefore, the gryphon phantom at this time carries a full 2.4 billion times the damage of the resistance cavalry.

That is an astronomical number of more than 100 billion.


The sky-stopping vultures chirped again.

The terrifying griffon swooped down and strangled all the enemies it encountered.

Wherever the shadow goes, not a blade of grass grows!

One hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, one million, ten million, thirty million, sixty million, almost all of them died!

A charge that had been building up for two full hours gave Sir Mrak's resistance cavalry an extremely exaggerated combat effect.

The chaos monsters on the entire battlefield were instantly cleared by the griffon phantom, all the way to the fog of chaos. Only a handful of chaos monsters that were immune to physical damage survived.

Those Chaos monsters that retaliated and self-destructed were no threat to the resistance cavalry, because the source of damage that killed them was not the war cavalry, but the vanished griffin shadow.

After a wave of clearing, Sir Mrak turned around and looked at the mist of chaos in the distance.

In the mist, the evil witch who had cursed Edric was all red.

She was glaring at Sir M'rak with her own baleful glare.

The chains that once entangled Edric appeared on Sir M'Lak again, but Sir M'Lak just grunted, and all the chains were broken!

The noble Sir M'rak has an iron mind, is incapable of fear, will not be demoralized, and is completely immune to control effects.

If the evil witch hadn't been hiding deep in the mist of chaos, Sir M'rak would have rushed over and killed her.


At this moment, a golden eagle appeared above the head of the resistance cavalry, and their morale rose again.

This golden eagle turned into pure Yasha energy, instantly restoring the exhausted resistance cavalry to its full state.

Even if Chaos gathers another wave of offensive now, and waits for two hours, the resistance cavalry can come again.

The Griffin Knights are just having fun. If they really want to fight, they have to watch the resistance cavalry.

Without the constraints of legendary heroes of the same level, Yasha's side can usually gain an advantage.

Of course, there are also points.

Legendary heroes also have highs and lows.

Sir M'Lak raised his spear, glanced at the Chaos Mist behind him that was constantly generating new Chaos Monsters, and led his cavalry regiment into white light without any hesitation, and returned to the Holy Mountain with his sword in the blink of an eye.

The Resistance Knight wants to come, but the Chaos Monster can't stop it. The Resistance Knight wants to fight, but the Chaos Monster can only wait to die. The Resistance Knight wants to leave, but the Chaos Monster isn't even qualified to watch.

"Sir Sir."

Seeing Mrak come back, Luo Shi handed over the medicine he had prepared.

"Thank you."

Mulak drank the potion with a gulp, wiped his mouth boldly, looked at Luo Shi and asked:

"How's it going with Adric? Is there any news?"

"Sir Sir, according to the news from the royal capital, Edric's condition is not very good."

Luo Shi said with some worry:

"The weird curse has been keeping Edric unconscious, and even Ryan, who is best at healing magic, can't do anything.

Perhaps, we have to seek help from other forces. "

"That would be bad."

Sir M'rak's face darkened.

“It’s useless no matter how many Chaos Monsters we kill here, as long as the Chaos Mist remains, there will be an endless supply of Chaos Monsters.

Give them enough time, and sooner or later they will come up with units that can restrain the resistance cavalry.

If you want to wipe out the fog of chaos, you can only build a city near the fog of chaos and use the power of the Mother Goddess to clear out the chaotic area.

In order to build a city, there must be enough humans to settle around the fog of chaos.

You have also seen the vastness of that chaotic area, which is no less vast than the Engels we once fell.

This is destined to be a long process. Whether it is combat power, transportation of materials or transportation of manpower, the power of the griffon is indispensable. "

Luo Shi was silent for a moment and said:

"Perhaps we can seek help from Qige. He is an architect and he should be able to find a way to build the city."

The father-in-law uses his son-in-law, and the more he uses it, the easier it becomes.

When Luo Shi said this, there was no psychological burden.

Mrak took a deep look at Luo Shi and shook his head.

“Before I think of a way to deal with that evil witch, don’t involve Qi Ge.

We will only be a little distressed if we lose Edric. But if seven pigeons are lost, the entire world of Yasha will fall into turmoil.

After all, you have little experience and cannot see the situation clearly.

The world of Yasha can now maintain peace for the time being, which is actually all the result of the seven pigeons.

It was he, on behalf of the gods, who temporarily suppressed the hatred in the Yasha world and brought the major forces in the Yasha world into a fragile balance.

Without him, many meaningless wars may restart. "


Luo Shi hesitated to speak, but finally sighed and said nothing more.

Bang bang!

Mrak hammered Luo Shi's breastplate and said:

"Relax, this old guy like me can still handle it, can't I?

You'd better find more time to communicate with Holy Mountain, you are better at this.

If you can master the power of the Holy Mountain and make these hundreds of millions of heroic soldiers obey our command, instead of letting them fight independently like now, we will be sure of victory. "

"Yes, General."

Luo Shi lowered his head and was about to leave, but suddenly he seemed to remember something and turned around and said:

"By the way, Sir Sir. Representatives of the Griffin Knights have requested several times to send people back to Griffin Cliff.

They wanted to inform them that Edric was unconscious. "


Mrak took a deep breath.

"Forget it, don't stop us, let them send some people back.

Without my help, it would have taken them nearly two weeks to reach Gryphon Cliff.

If Edric doesn't wake up within two weeks, we can no longer hide the news about his coma.

The griffins and people in the Griffin Cliff area all love Edric. If they knew something like this happened, they would definitely want to do something for Edric.

If we hide it, they will blame us. "


Luo Shi turned and left, conveying Mrak's meaning to the Griffin Knights.

Several of the fastest flying gryphon berserkers immediately took off and flew towards the center of the earth channel.


At this moment, the sound of fighting came from the distant mountain defense line again.

In such a short period of time, the hundreds of millions of Chaos monsters that Sir Mrak had finally cleared away were restored to 70 to 80 million with the addition of Chaos Mist.

If the power of chaos cannot be contained from the source, there will be no solution at all.

"It's endless. It's really annoying. However, the experience points are still pitiful."

Mrak looked into the distance with disgust, waved his hands, and said:

"Luo Shi, take your troops and deal with them for a while, and don't rush in.

Remember, if one of our soldiers dies to replace a hundred Chaos monsters, it will be a loss for us. "

"I understand." Luo Shi nodded, blew the horn, and summoned his own Lion Lancers.

When his troops were assembled, he blew the trumpet again!


The horn sounded, and next to Luo Shi, a war horse wearing lion armor appeared out of thin air.

The same war horse also appeared next to the Lion Lancer.

Following Luo Shi's movements, they got on their horses and jumped out of the crowd.

In less than ten seconds, more than 10,000 Lion Lancers turned into Lion Lancers!

This is Luo Shi’s legendary specialty.

After he becomes a legendary hero, he can temporarily upgrade his Lion Lancers by two levels at the beginning of the battle and become a cavalry unit.

【Lion Lancer

Castle force troops

Grade 1

Level: 6

Quality: Miracle

Speed: 16

HP: 500

Defense: 40

Attack: 20

Damage: 80-100


Extreme Training: The Lion Lancers can accumulate experience points through arduous training and battles.

When the experience value reaches 30,000 points, the race of the NPC Lion Lancer will be changed to a level 6 and 3 elite knight.

Disarm and return to the field: The Lion Lancer can be downgraded to level 1 and level 3 herdsmen without any cost.

Lion Tactics: The Lion Lancers can share health points when forming a legion. No Lion Lancers will die before the total health value reaches zero. 】

"Army attack!"

Luo Shi shouted an order, and all the Lion Lancers attacked brazenly.

During the rest period of the resistance knights, they will turn into steel walls to protect the mountain defense line.

Qi Ge rushed to Sdiavik in a hurry, and without any delay, rushed straight to Catherine's palace.

When he entered Catherine's guest room under the guidance of his escort, he was surprised to find that there seemed to be a lot of people gathered in this bedroom.

Catherine, Gru, Ryan, and Adela were all here. On the soft royal bed, Edric lay quietly, with a pale face and dry lips.

The best pharmacist in the world of Yasha, Vidis of the fortress force, was opening Edric's mouth and pouring a bottle of medicine into it.

Seeing Qi Ge come in, Catherine used her eyes to signal Qi Ge not to disturb her.

Qige nodded and stood quietly aside.

After a while, in the quiet room, Weidis sighed deeply.


She shook her head, stood up, and said to Catherine:

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I've tried my best.

The one who attacked General Edric was probably a kind of chaotic monster that appeared in the world of Yasha for the first time.

The curse on General Edric is very strange, and neither magic nor potions work on him.

I am afraid that the only way to undo this curse is to try to kill the source of the curse. "

"Your Majesty, there is no need to apologize. Thank you for your hard work."

Catherine bowed her head slightly towards Widdis.

Weidis turned to Seven Pigeons and shook his head regretfully.

Qi Ge took a deep breath.

He had already learned the cause and effect of the matter from the conch, and Widis was also invited by him.

But even Weidis couldn't do anything, so Qi Ge really didn't know who to look for.

There are many heroes who are good at healing in the Yasha world, but they basically rely on magic for healing, and their strengths are similar.

There is nothing Ryan can do, and there should be nothing they can do.

Vidis is already the only legendary hero with special methods who can rely on medicine for treatment.

"Catherine, let me go."

Gru said in a deep voice:

"I'm going to snipe that evil witch and see if Edric wakes up."

"Don't worry yet."

Catherine said with serious eyes:

“That evil witch is very cunning and never leaves the fog of chaos.

I'm afraid she is the Chaos Node that invaded the Holy Mountain.

As long as the fog of chaos is not resolved, it is basically impossible to kill her. "

Catherine looked up at Qi Ge and said to Qi Ge:

“You have also seen the situation, it is exactly what I said in the conch.

Mrak has explained to me very clearly that it is definitely a sacred mountain for us humans and we cannot give up.

If there is no way to solve the fog of chaos that invades the Holy Mountain, we will launch a full-scale mobilization and use the entire country to support the Holy Mountain.

Even I might have to fight in person.

I'm afraid that by then, we won't have the energy to collect any more white stones. "

"How could a human holy mountain suddenly appear, and how could there be an invasion of chaos in the holy mountain? There are no signs."

Qige bit her fingers and looked a little confused.

Catherine shook her head: "I don't know either. But this is the news sent back by the four legends, Mrak, Edric, Luo Shi, and Sai Ya. I believe them." (End of Chapter)

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