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“Are you on the scene?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord stared blankly, angrily: “Why don’t you take action to help them?”

“I’m puzzled, why should I take action to help them?”

“Do I have anything to do with you?”

Zhuge Mingyang is puzzled.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord for a moment.


Why should this person help him Revered Heaven Palace?

But at least it is now certain that his Madam and three sons were not dead.

A group of people turned around and looked towards the mountain range ahead.

Except for Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord and Liu Mu, Qin Feiyang, Zhuge Mingyang, and Nether Sovereign all showed a stunning look.

The mountain range in front is extremely vast.

However, there is no weed in the large mountain range, and there are flowers everywhere, 5 colors and 6 colors, pleasing to the eye.

And between the flowers, every few hundred meters, there is a cedar tree.

Very stout.

Some trunks cannot be enclosed by ten different people.

Branches and leaves are like a large umbrella, towering straight into the sky, exuding magnificent vitality.

Nether Sovereign surprisedly said: “Do these flowers and cedar grow naturally?”


“Every time someone is buried here, we plant a cedar.”

“Because cedar represents 10000 ancient evergreens, and it also represents our respect for those sages.”

“Similarly, Cedar is the Guardian here.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.

Nether Sovereign was startled: “Do you mean, as many cedars as there are, how many False God?”


Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord nodded.

Qin Feiyang stepped into the mountain range step by step, standing over a mountain and looking forward.

Within sight, there are several thousand cedar trees.

In other words.

Under this land, at least a few thousand False Gods are buried.

It is unimaginable. How long has this Profound Martial World existed?

Nether Sovereign saw a very large cedar tree, and it was estimated that there were 20 several people holding hands in order to surround it.

“tsk tsk.”

It ran up and said, “This Sovereign estimates that this cedar strain must be at least 10,000 years old.”

“Can’t get near Cedar!”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord is bewilderement.


Nether Sovereign turning one’s head looked at him suspiciously.

“It is said that those False Gods are buried under these cedars.”

Liu Mu said.

“It’s not true, it’s true.”

“These cedars are their tombstones and they represent them.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.


When Nether Sovereign heard this, he jumped up and hurriedly yelled at Cedar, saying, “Sorry, sorry, I’m disturbed, no wonder!”

Having said that, he quickly retreated to Qin Feiyang.

I was still puzzled, didn’t I say Death Spirit Mountain Range is where False God is buried? Why didn’t you see the graves and tombstones? It turns out that these cedars are their graves and tombstones.

“What are you afraid of?”

“I don’t believe it, there are undead here.”

Zhuge Mingyang pout.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord raised an eyebrow: “Some things you can’t believe, but you have to be in awe.”

“What awesome is a dead person?”

Zhuge Mingyang sneered.


Although the voice did not fall, the cedars of the entire mountain range suddenly shook, and the sound was loud!

“what’s the situation?”

Nether Sovereign was immediately scared into Qin Feiyang’s arms.

Liu Mu also immediately took out Seven Star Sword and stood in front of Qin Feiyang, watching vigilantly for some cedar.

Zhuge Mingyang was also shocked.

Seeing this, can these cedars hear his words?

at the same time.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord is also bewilderement, and quickly bowed down: “He first arrived, he didn’t mean to offend, please invite the sages, don’t blame.”

When the words of Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord came to an end, those cedars, unexpectedly under the eyes of Qin Feiyang several people, unexpectedly really stopped shaking.

“What do you mean?”

“Is it possible that those dead False Gods live in these trees?”

Qin Feiyang staring blankly.

“dressing up as God, playing the devil !”

Zhuge Mingyang glanced at the cedar, and suddenly snorted from the nose. A gray False God rolled out, carrying an amazing sharp edge, and flung in all directions on 4 sides.


Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord complexion greatly changed, quickly shouted.

But it’s too late!

Because no one else didn’t expect, Zhuge Mingyang would suddenly take action, and now want to stop, it is too late.


Those cedars seemed to feel the crisis, shaking again.

“quickly retreat !”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord looked at Qin Feiyang, shouted.

After all, he was the first to exit the mountain range.

Seeing this, Qin Feiyang glanced at the cedars, although some are unknown, but stopped the words of Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord, took Liu Mu and Nether Sovereign, and quickly exited the mountain range.

But Zhuge Mingyang was indifferent, and even taunted at the corner of his mouth.

This is a mockery of Qin Feiyang and the others.

He glanced at the cedars all around, his eyes full of contempt, and said: “A group of dead people, dare to run out and make waves, I really don’t know what it means, today I will make you completely disappear.

The power of the pale False God pounced on all directions.

The original 5 colorful, dazzling, colorful flowers were instantly destroyed.

But suddenly!

The cedars of the entire mountain range sprayed out a piece of green essence qi, gathered together, like a tide, gushing towards Zhuge Mingyang!

“what is this?”

“It doesn’t seem to be Battle Qi or the power of False God, but unexpectedly gives me a great sense of crisis!”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The voice has not yet landed, then the essence qi has condensed a huge Array, trapping the power of Zhuge Mingyang and False God in it.

Hong long!

The power of False God blasted on Array.

But Array, even just shaking a few times, quickly restored peace.

“I go!”

Nether Sovereign eyeball glared suddenly, unbelievably.

Zhuge Mingyang’s strength, it has long been taught.

Especially the power of False God is inherently better than the power of False God.

But now, unexpectedly cannot defeat these Arrays under cedar cloth?

Are these cedars already cultivated into God?

What exactly is going on?

Zhuge Mingyang himself was dumbfounded on the spot.

“These cedars, although there is no being God, are no different from being God.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord seemed to see through Nether Sovereign’s mind, said solemnly.

“What do you mean?”

Nether Sovereign was surprised.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said: “You may not know how we grow cedar. We plant the roots of cedar on those sages.”


Nether Sovereign changes color.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said: “That is to say, they were born from the sage divine blood and divine flesh.”

“Grow Cedar with the Divine Body?”

Nether Sovereign, Qin Feiyang looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is too outrageous!

“Because they absorb the essence of divine blood and divine flesh, they are constantly evolving.”

“Now they are not ordinary cedars. They are a group of Divine Trees that can be compared to divine iron.”

“Also, they have born consciousness!”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Ancient vestige is documented that more than 10000 people and Vicious Beast in the world can produce consciousness.

Consciousness is equal to human soul.

But apart from people and Vicious Beast, it is often called ‘spirit’.

Such as flowers, if consciousness is born, it is generally called flower spirit.

Such as Divine Weapon sharp weapon, called Artifact Spirit.

A tree is called a tree spirit.

But all these, in his original opinion, are just misty legends, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly true.

It’s happening right now!

How did he not be surprised?


In the mountain range, the cedar swayed endlessly, as if looking very angry.

Emerald essence qi continuously.

Zhuge Mingyang is standing inside the Array, and his face is gradually glomy.

“I’ll see, what waves can you set off!”


He gloomy smiled.

Dragon roar bursts.

An astonishing Qi of Death burst out within Array.


“He unexpectedly used Divine Art!”

“This is provocation.”

“It’s offensive!”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord angered.

“What will happen?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“hmph! ”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord coldly snorted, dismissive: “Don’t talk about him, even the cultivation base of this Eminence False God 10th-Stage cannot break the Array under the cedar cloth.”

“so smart?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Their terror is much more than that.”

“Breaking Heaven Staff of Great Deacon is in your hands!”

“There is no way to blast up Breaking Heaven Staff.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord sneered.


Qin Feiyang stupefied, this isn’t this too ridiculous!

Nether Sovereign is also a little unbelieving.

But next moment.

They saw the terrifying place of that Array.


Hong long!

Zhuge Mingyang Lian Shi Divine Art, exploded towards Array.

But in the end, apart from shaking, the Array had no signs of breaking at all.

“Terrifying, really terrifying.”

Nether Sovereign looked scared.


It turned the eyeball and looked at Qin Feiyang. “You said, can these cedars kill him?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and looked up towards those cedars.

“Will not.”

“Cedar does not attack any living creature, they are just passive defenses.”

“However, if they completely annoy them, they can trap a person here for a lifetime.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.

“Trapped in this life?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

This is good news.

Now this Zhuge Mingyang is neither killing nor killing.

The best way is to be trapped somewhere.

Profound Martial World is undoubtedly the best place.

Because once the half-year time limit is exceeded, Zhuge Mingyang will be controlled by Demon Imprint, and you will not be able to leave Profound Martial World, and naturally you will not be able to go out and make waves.

The thought of Qin Feiyang became active, looking at Zhuge Mingyang, with a flash of radiance in his eyes, said with a smile: “Don’t you consider yourself strong? Why can’t you have a bunch of cedars now?”


“I haven’t come up with any real means.”

Zhuge Mingyang extremely angry smiled.

“Then you take it out!”

“Now you are one False God, after all, if you ca n’t even have a group of cedars, if you want to spread them, you will be ashamed.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

He was deliberately angering Zhuge Mingyang.

The more angry Zhuge Mingyang is, the harder the take action will be, and the heavier the take action will be, the more cedar will become angry. When it finally reaches the point where it cannot be euphemistically, it is really possible that Zhuge Mingyang has been trapped by cedar here.

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