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“it is good!”

“I’ll show you, my strongest means!”

“You must be frightened too!”

Zhuge Mingyang sneered.

铿 clang!

As he waved his hand, a Battle Sword came out of the air.

Battle Sword can be more thant 10 zhang long, the whole body is surrounded by blazing flames, and the flames are gray and white, releasing a world extinguishing edge!

“What is this Divine Art?”

“Unexpectedly not seen before?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

And judging from the imposing manner, the formidable power of this Divine Art does not seem to be lower than his Fire Phoenix Art.

“Six-word killing tactics, cut word tactics, kill!”

Zhuge Mingyang sternly roared, Battle Sword cut through the sky, slashing towards Array.

“Six-word killing trick?”

“Cut word?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled.

Six Characters Divine Art, he knows.

But this 6-word killing tactic is what the hell?

With a loud bang, Battle Sword was so powerful that it tore a crack in the Array.

Scary sword qi, head straight for a cedar tree!

铿 clang!

sword qi slashing towards Cedar, a shocking metal sound actually occurred.

And sparks burst out.


Cedar was not chopped by sword qi, and 3 inches into the wood, sword qi disappeared suddenly.

“It’s really comparable to a divine iron!”

Nether Sovereign was startled.


“Such terrifying tricks, I don’t think even False God dare to force it.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Wait a minute, look at that opening in the tree!”

Liu Mu suddenly exclaimed, as if he saw something incredible, his eyes were full of horror.

Qin Feiyang and Nether Sovereign looked immediately and became extremely exaggerated.

Eyes opened, mouth opened, enough to hold an egg.

The mouth left on the trunk before sword qi was unexpectedly dripping with blood at this moment!

No mistakes!

That’s blood!

A tree, unexpectedly bleeding?

What a shocking thing this is!

Although is they experienced and knowledgeable, they have never heard of such incredible things!


The Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord murmured and was shocked.

“do not you know?”

Liu Mu asked.

“Previously, no matter whether I was Revered Heaven Palace or Eternal Alliance, basically I wouldn’t mess around here, so we still don’t know that these cedars would bleed unexpectedly.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord shook his head.

“It turned out to be so!”

Zhuge Mingyang is spirited, with a contempt in his face.

He waved Battle Sword again, ready to smash Array in one fell swoop.



Hong long long !

But suddenly.

The cedar all around was shaking like crazy.

And the cedar in the distant place actually stood up, breaking into the sky in groups.


Zhuge Mingyang on the spot Petrification.

What the hell are these damn cedars?

At last.

With a blast of bangs, all the cedar rooted in all around Zhuge Mingyang, densely packed, forming a giant impervious cage.

“Come up and see.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord shouted.

The entire group flashed over the cage like lightning.

Once over, Qin Feiyang, Liu Mu, and Nether Sovereign couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

The cedars gathered here are not only a few thousand, it is estimated that there are a few thousand!

They lowered their heads again and looked towards Zhige Mingyang inside.

I saw Zhuge Mingyang trapped in the middle, and the Array that had been torn by Battle Sword had been closed.

Zhuge Mingyang is grabbing Battle Sword at this moment, frantically chopping Array.

But now, there is no point at all.

It was like an impenetrable barrier.

“It turns out that this is the true formidable power of Cedar. I am afraid that there is no Divine Art, or Divine Artifact, that can break this Array apart from Azure Snow and Ancient Castle.”

Murmured Liu Mu.

This scene is really amazing!

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said: “This shows that Zhuge Mingyang has completely annoyed Cedar here, and I’m afraid he can only stay here in this life.”

In words, there is a tone of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Good deed.”

Qin Feiyang grinned.


Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord stared blankly, suspiciously: “Isn’t he your Great Qin? Why is it good deed?”

“Although he is my Great Qin, he is my trusted aide and the greatest threat to my Great Qin.”

Qin Feiyang.

Previously, the greatest threat to Great Qin was Mu Tianyang.

But in his opinion, Mu Tianyang is nothing, and the threat from Zhuge Mingyang is even greater.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord sounded nodded.

Inside the cage.

Seeing that he was unable to break the Array, Zhuge Mingyang couldn’t help but start anxious, looked up at Qin Feiyang above, and shouted, “You just plan to stand there watching a play?”

“No, no.”

Qin Feiyang waved.

Zhuge Mingyang said angrily, “Hurry up and help, and hunt down the Heavenly Yang Empire people. You can’t waste time here.”

“Chasing Heavenly Yang Empire, of course I will.”

“But only us, not you.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

Zhuge Mingyang sank.

“Isn’t it already obvious?”

“You stay here and play with these cedars slowly.”

Nether Sovereign teased.


“I’m here to help you, you guys unexpectedly can’t help but you’re still not human!”

Zhuge Mingyang was mad and growled.

“I many thanks for your kindness, but don’t bother you. Insignificant a Heavenly Yang Empire, we can do it.”


Qin Feiyang smiled, then turned and swept deep into the mountain range.

“Reap what you have sown.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord sneered, then took a step, and immediately fell beside Qin Feiyang.


“good luck.”

“No need to send, we will go by ourselves, you can enjoy life here, don’t worry about us.”

Liu Mu and Nether Sovereign laughed at Zhuge Mingyang and turned around and chased Qin Feiyang two people without turning back.


The angry roar of Zhuge Mingyang, when it came out of the cage, echoed between Heaven and Earth for a long time.


Qin Feiyang entire group turned a deaf ear. After half a hour of rushing, it finally crossed the mountain range and came to the sky above the desert.

Wu wu !

In the desert, can be seen everywhere one after another Tornado Storm, rolling up the yellow sand.

Because there is no moisture, the climate here is extremely dry and sultry.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord glanced at the desert, turning one’s head and looked at Qin Feiyang: “You are too slow, let this Eminence take you on your way.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “Let Ninth Elder come out first.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord waved his hand, the old woman immediately became apparent, and Qi Sea was repaired.

Qin Feiyang looked at the old woman and said, “Did the Eternal Alliance tell you where you are going?”


“They say they will go deep into the desert.”

“I also said that if my identity was accidentally exposed, I would try to escape and join them.”

Old woman.

“The desert is so big, even if we know they have gone deep, we can’t find it!”

Liu Mu said.


“Looking for someone here, simply is a haystack.”

“Moreover, they had set off yesterday, and after this one day one night escape, who knows where they are now?”

Nether Sovereign said.

“Do not.”

Qin Feiyang waved and said, “They won’t be too far away from us.”

“How to say?”

Nether Sovereign was suspicious.

“Although the Eternal Alliance and Heavenly Yang Empire started to transfer yesterday, it was not long ago that the False God of the two big powers had Massacre the Revered Heaven Palace.”

“So judging by time, they haven’t been in the desert for long.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It’s hard to chase!”

“After all, they also have auxiliary Divine Art.”

Liu Mu said.

Qin Feiyang said: “They are crowded and there will always be delays along the way.”


“Eternal Alliance and Heavenly Yang Empire also have Space Divine Object. They can send everyone else to Space Divine Object.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said solemnly.

“So many people in the Eternal Alliance and Heavenly Yang Empire, they have such a large Space Divine Object?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Emperor at Heavenly Yang Empire has a large Space Divine Object in his hands, and it seems to be able to accommodate several million people.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.

“How many people are there in the two powers?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“The people at the Eternal Alliance are similar to my Revered Heaven Palace, 5 60000.”

“Heavenly Yang Empire has a lot of people, it is estimated to be over 1000000.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord thought about it, said.

“That’s really bad news.”

“It’s not too late, we hurried at once.”

Qin Feiyang.

More than 1000000 people, the Space Divine Object in the hands of Heavenly Yang Empire Emperor, can fully accommodate it.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord nodded, with a big wave, rolled up the Qin Feiyang entire group and unfolded auxiliary Divine Art, disappearing like lightning.

Deep in the desert!

Over a certain dune, 3 silhouettes fast as lightning.

One of them is Mu Qing!

Another is Divine Marquis Yan from Heavenly Yang Empire!

The remaining one was a gray-haired old woman with a stingy body and a crutch in her hand, but her eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes.

It was the old woman who appeared with Great Deacon after Gao Yuan Self-destruction last time!

And her identity is not simple.

——2 Deacon of Eternal Alliance!


Mu Qing stared ahead, with one strand of weird rays of light flashing in his eyes.

After a while.

The rays of light in his eyes dissipated, his brows tightened.

“how about it?”

When Divine Marquis Yan saw this, he asked quickly.

2 Deacon looked at him nervously.

Mu Qing glanced at Divine Marquis Yan and glanced at 2 Deacon, and sighed, “They really chased in.”

“How far is it?”

2 Deacon eyelids twitched, asked.

“Not far.”

“If we stand still, we can catch up with us for up to half an hour.”

Mu Qing said.

“What do we do now?”

Divine Marquis Yan looked towards 2 Deacon, he asked fluently.

“What are you panic?”

2 Deacon frowned.

Divine Marquis Yan immediately narrowed his neck, his eyes full of fear.

For the Eternal Alliance, even the god of Heavenly Yang Empire second only to Emperor, he dare not make trouble.

Not to mention this person in front of him, or the high weight 2 Deacon of the Eternal Alliance.

But Mu Qing was not afraid at all.

He looked directly at 2 Deacon and said, “It’s definitely not a long-term way to escape, and High Lord and I have no time to spend with you here, because we must leave Profound Martial World before Demon Imprint appears, Now we should find a way to fight back. “

“Then you tell this Eminence, how do we fight back against Azure Snow from Qin Feiyang?”

2 Deacon annoyed.

If he had the ability to fight back, would his Eternal Alliance drop his dignity and choose to escape?

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