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“What purpose?”

Youth is surprised.

black clothed old man shook his head and said, “You are too weak now, and there are things you don’t know are better.”

“I’m already 9-Star Battle Emperor of Peak Realm. One step is False God. Is this too weak?”

Youth refused.

“Is Peak Realm 9-Star Battle Emperor amazing?”

“Do you know how long that youngster was just cultivation?”

“According to old man, he has been cultivation for a maximum of 2 years, but has already stepped into False God.”

“Compared to him, you are far away.”

“So don’t be complacent, there is a heaven beyond heaven, someone outside, there are too many people better than you.”

reprimanded black clothed old man ruthless.

Youth pouted: “He has the power of Bloodline of Purple Gold Dragon Blood, of course faster than me.”

“This is not the point.”

“Forget it, you have gone through too little, and something said that you can understand it now.”

Black clothed old man said, Divine light surged at his feet, the speed soared sharply, and disappeared under the sight of Tang Hai in a blink of an eye.

Tang Hai raised an eyebrow and stopped decisively.


Qin Feiyang catches up, glances at void, and asks, “What about people?”

“That old man cultivation base is higher than me, and I have cultivated auxiliary Divine Art, which I can’t catch up with.”

Tang Hai shook his head.


Qin Feiyang scolded.

Tang Hai bowed down, “Please Young Master to punish.”

“It’s not your fault, what do I punish you for?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him, glanced at all around the ground, and murmured, “This Ancient World is really an interesting place.”

“I didn’t find anything interesting, I just felt the crisis was 4 volts.”

Tang Hai said.

Qin Feiyang was speechless, looked towards Tang Hai, saying: “I’m curious, what kind of face is under your mask?”

Tang Hai touched the mask instinctively.


He expression stared blankly.

Then I thought, as if it was broken during Third Elder Self-destruction.

He immediately turned and took out a brand new mask and put it on his face.

Throughout, Qin Feiyang didn’t let him see his true appearance.

“You’re not a woman, why are you covering up?”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

Tang Hai said, “My looks are too scary to scare you.”

“Grim excuse.”

Qin Feiyang pouts.

Tang Hai does not seem to want to continue the discussion on this issue, asking, “What shall we do next?”


“The old man knew Ancestor and saw that I was also Purple Gold Dragon Blood, and it would definitely remind me of my relationship with Ancestor.”

“I can’t think of unexpected. He should come to me again.”

“However, the next time you come to me, there should be a large group of powerhouses around you. Are you afraid?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

Tang Hai glanced at the Ancient Castle in his eyes, and shook the head.

Qin Feiyang smiled, retrieved Ancient Castle from Tang Hai, and then took out the heaven and earth bag and the axe.

“This axe is definitely not easy.”

Tang Hai said.

“You look at the heaven and earth bag.”

Qin Feiyang threw the heaven and earth bag to Tang Hai, and then cut through the tip of his index finger, a drop of Purple Gold Dragon Blood, which kept falling on the axe.


Axe not at all Absorbed Purple Gold Dragon Blood.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Is this really just an ordinary axe?

Because this is the only way to drop the blood recognizing master.

But before, the axe was really solid and could easily cut through his skin.

Tang Hai looked up towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “This heaven and earth bag has only some medicinal ingredients, medicinal pill, and Gold Coin.”

“nothing else?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.


Tang Hai shook his head.

But expression, suddenly stared blankly, said: “wait a minute.”

Follow closely.

He took out a jade box from heaven and earth bag.

The jade box can have a big slap, its color is dim, plain and simple, and it looks extremely ordinary.


Tang Hai, on the jade box, felt a strong mysterious energy.

He glanced at Qin Feiyang and opened the jade box.



A majestic energy roared out of the jade box.

Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai immediately felt as if they were bathed in the ocean of essence qi, their pores opened involuntarily, and they were extremely comfortable.

Two people looked down, looking at the contents of the jade box, eyes full of surprise.

Inside the jade box, a crystal stone lay quietly.

Crystal stone can be as big as a baby fist, the whole body is gray, and it emits a hazy light.

That energy is emitted from this crystal stone.

And the energy emitted by the crystal stone is full of a divine essence.

“What is this?”

Tang Hai was suspicious.

“I don’t know. I have never seen it.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “But this energy seems to be absorbed.”

After the energy enters within the body, he can clearly feel that he is integrated with the soul in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“It can be absorbed.”

“This energy gives me the feeling that it is the same as Condensing Soul Pill. It can condense Divine Sense.”


“Exactly more pure and amazing than Condensing Soul Pill.”

Tang Hai said.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and asked, “Do you mean, this crystal stone is used for cultivation?”

“should be.”

Tang Hai took out the gray crystal stone and held it in his palm.


The energy in the crystal stone surged towards him within the body.

His body was lightly trembled and he looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “I’m sure this is used for cultivation and it is better than Condensing Soul Pill. I estimate that the energy contained in this crystal stone can be comparable to several 100 Condensing Soul Pill of 5 six Pill Marks. “


Qin Feiyang stupefied.

You know, Tang Hai is talking about Condensing Soul Pill of 5 six Pill Marks.

As Alchemist, he naturally knew what the concept of 5 six Pill Marks was.

The energy contained in this crystal stone is unexpectedly comparable to the Condensing Soul Pill of 100 six Pill Marks?

This is too amazing!

What exactly is a treasure?

Qin Feiyang took the crystal stone from Tang Hai. The majestic divine energy immediately poured into within the body, passed through four limbs and 4 bones, and finally gathered in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and poured into the soul.

Sure enough, as Tang Hai said, the energy contained in the crystal stone is amazingly terrifying.

And there is no impurity at all, extremely pure.

Even in just this moment, within his Sea of ​​Consciousness, three strands of Divine Sense were born.

Qin Feiyang reluctantly put the grey crystal stone into the jade box and looked at Tang Hai. “Do you see if there is such a crystal stone in the heaven and earth bag?”

Tang Hai nodded, after a careful search, shook his head and said, “No, only this one.”

“Such a wonderful treasure should be something you can’t meet!”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.


“It’s amazing in our eyes, maybe in the eyes of others, just ordinary things.”

“After all, we know too little about Battle God.”

“Shall we look for it again?”

“Good luck, maybe some ancient vestige left by Battle God?”

Tang Hai proposed.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

With ancient vestige, there may be this magic gray crystal stone.


What is going on with this axe?

Qin Feiyang looked down at the axe.

The sharp edge of the axe is covered by rust, but it is certain that this must be a divide object.

But why ca n’t I drop of blood recognizing master?

Qin Feiyang was so suspicious that he stopped thinking about it, put away his axe and looked up all around.

“Let’s look over there!”

Qin Feiyang points in the direction of the black clothed old man two people’s escape.

Come look for ancient vestige.

2 Come and wait for black clothed old man.

One move, two gains.


But suddenly!

A dark shadow appeared in front of two people.

“It’s you?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The visitor is the former undead.

Tang Hai watched the undead warily, and asked, “Why are you following us? What’s your intention?”

The undead was silent.

“Don’t you say that?”

Tang Hai saw immediate murderous intention surging.

The undead moved, and turned without a word, awards the West away.

“What do you mean?”

Tang Hai staring blankly.

Qin Feiyang speculated: “Looking at her, she should be taking us somewhere.”

Tang Hai frowns saying: “It’s better to stay away from these ghosts.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, expression looked at Tang Hai strangely, and said, “I can understand that, are you afraid of undead?”

“How can it be?”

“I dignified Battle God, would I be afraid to signify an undead?”

Tang Hai exasperated.

“Stop it!”

“If you’re not afraid, why are you so excited?”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Tang Hai bowed his head awkwardly.

“Okay, although the undead is an ominous thing, but this undead does not seem malicious, we will follow up to see.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


Tang Hai nodded.

Only on brace oneself, otherwise it will definitely be joked by Qin Feiyang.

Tang Hai waved his hand and took Qin Feiyang to quickly catch up with the undead.

But always kept a distance.

time flashing past.

Night falls!

The entire Ancient World gradually fell into a deep darkness.

Tang Hai also lost his patience, watching the undead saying, “Where are you taking us?”

The undead stopped suddenly.

Tang Hai shivered and stopped immediately, taking Qin Feiyang back a few steps, and expressions were full of alert.

The undead is pointing forward left.

Tang Hai and Qin Feiyang stared blankly, looking down.

The night shrouded the whole earth.

all around a deathly stillness.

However, with Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai ’s cultivation base, all around can be clearly seen through the darkness.

And on the left 100th, there is a huge valley!

Valley 3 is surrounded by mountains and towering into the clouds. There is only one entrance and exit. When viewed from a distance, it is full of mysterious and gloomy feeling.

Qin Feiyang looked back, looked towards the undead and asked, “Where is the place you want to take us?”

The undead are nodded and move on.

Qin Feiyang two people looked at it at the same time, and immediately followed along.

But in the face of the unknown valley, Qin Feiyang also became vigilant.

The distance of several 100 li is not much for three people.


They descended before the entrance to the valley.

The undead took two people directly into the valley.

The valley is very large, and it is estimated that there are several miles, but like the outside, it is also a barren. All that can be seen is desolation.

The undead did not stop, walked straight to the center of the valley, and then stared down at the front.

Qin Feiyang two people approached the undead, looked suspiciously, and found that there was a puddle unexpectedly beyond ten meters away!

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