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The puddle is very small, only 4 five meters in diameter.


The water in the pond is very strange.

unexpectedly is black!

There is no wave in the water, like a pond of death, a little weird.

Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai looked at the same time, walked to the pool, looked down for a moment, and found that the water was experiencing an unusual odor.

This odor penetrates into the nostrils and can make people feel faint.

“This water is poisonous!”

Qin Feiyang’s face suddenly changed.


Tang Hai was startled, took a few steps back, picked up a stone under his feet, and threw it into the puddle.


Hong long!

One stone stirred up 1000 waves.

A calm water pond, immediately set off waves.


A cold and fierce aura, like a volcano, erupted in the bottom of the pond.

Tang Hai shouted: “Young Master, quick retreat!”

Qin Feiyang retreated quickly.

But Tang Hai didn’t move, staring at the puddle deadly.

The movements in the pond are getting bigger and bigger.

The water waves hua hua rang.

Like the Demon God with one terrifying seal in the water pond, it is gradually awakening at this moment.

Tang Hai became more vigilant.

In the palm of your hand, the Divine Force is surging and is already gaining momentum in the dark.

Oh la la !


As a water column soared into the sky, a dark shadow rushed out of the pool and went straight to Tang Hai’s eyebrows.

A strong crisis swept through my heart.

As soon as Tang Hai’s eyes were cold, raising his arms, he shot one fist at the shadow.


Hei Ying screamed immediately, and the silhouette broke apart immediately.

“this is……”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

The shadow collapsed, without flesh, and apparently another undead!

Is it…

He looked towards the puddle, with radiance flashing in his eyes.

Is there an ancient vestige left by Battle God under this pool?

“jié jié ……”

After the undead was defeated by Tang Hai one fist, it turned into a black mist and writhed in void, emitting a ridiculous smirk, echoing in the night sky, as if the evil spirit was in the roar.

“Dressing up as God, playing the devil, courting death!”

In the eyes of Tang Hai, the murderous intention surged, Divine Force rolled out, and the valley collapsed instantly.

“Originally a ghost, how do you call dressing up as God, playing the devil?”

Qin Feiyang is speechless.

But when he spoke, immediately, he caught the attention of the undead.

Even if the undead avoided Tang Hai, vicious aura rushed to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, coldly shouted: “When I am bullying?”

Let me talk about it.

He took out Ancient Castle and smashed it directly.


The undead sighed again and fled in horror.

However, at this moment, standing beside Qin Feiyang, the motionless female undead suddenly rose into the air and flung towards the undead.

The two undead are immediately entangled in void.

But soon.

The undead in the water pool were swallowing by the female undead.


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Tang Hai was also horrified.

Undead, how can swallowing undead?

And they also noticed that after swallowing the undead in the water pool, the aura of the female undead has improved at the moment.

Although not much improved, it does exist.

In other words.

Undead can make themselves stronger by swallowing other undead!

“You brought us here, did you just want us to seriously hurt this undead and give you a chance to swallowing it?”

Tang Hai raised an eyebrow.

The undead shook his head.


Tang Hai was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “The reason is just below the pond.”

“Under the pool?”

Tang Hai stared blankly.

The undead also followed nodded and gave thumbs up to Qin Feiyang, as if expressing admiration for Qin Feiyang.

Tang Hai looked towards the water pond again, suddenly it seemed like something, turning one’s head, looking at Qin Feiyang, saying, “You mean, maybe there is an ancient vestige hidden in it?”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Tang Hai Jing God One Zhen.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, flames of Divine Force emerged and poured into the puddle.

The water in the pond evaporates quickly.

Not a moment.

The bottom of the pond appears under the eyes of two people.

The puddle can be deep with fifty-sixty meters.

The bottom was full of sludge, with a foul smell.

A broken skull, lying quietly in the mud.

The skull had obvious signs of decay, the whole body was dark, and the stench was pungent.

Qin Feiyang two people enter the pool and stand above the skull.

“its not right!”

“How could this skeleton be black?”

Tang Hai was suspicious.

“It’s poison.”

“There must be an extreme posionous before this life.”

“And after his death, the fleshhy body rotted, and the poison settled in skeleton, and over time, the bones became black.”

“I think the water in the pool is also black because of this extremely posionous.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Did you smell an unusual odor in the water before? It seems that this extreme posionous emanates.”

Tang Hai murmured.

“From the strength of the undead before, this life must have been one Battle God.”

“Unexpectedly even Battle God poisoned to death.”

“What exactly is this kind of extremely posionous, so terrifying?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, my heart was full of incredible.

People at this level of Battle God are already transcendent, and exist on top of 10000 things.

Normally extremely posionous, they pose no threat to them.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards that female undead, and wanted to get the answer from the female undead.

But the female undead is blind.

Since I met her, I haven’t seen her say a word, which makes Qin Feiyang can’t help but start to wonder, can’t a creature like the undead be unable to speak?

Seeing that the female undead was slow to respond, Qin Feiyang had no choice but to give up.

Tang Hai turned around all around the skull, his eyes suddenly flashed.


He probed the action arm, 5 fingers, like an eagle claw, grabbed it in the air.



A body covered with sludge flew out of the sludge.


Qin Feiyang is curious.

Tang Hai waved another hand, sludge was eliminated, each and everyone 4 4 ​​square iron cases, immediately appeared in front of two people.

“Iron case?”

Qin Feiyang is slightly stared blankly, and is about to reach out to open the iron case.

“do not move!”

Tang Hai hastily.


Qin Feiyang quickly retracted his arms and looked at him in horror.

“A lot of poison is also deposited on the surface of this iron black, so you can’t touch it with your hand.”

Tang Hai said, one strand Divine Force rushed to Iron Black, and with a slight movement of the back-up finger, the iron case opened with a click.

At the moment when Iron Black opened, a majestic energy burst out.


Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai looked simultaneously, this energy is exactly the same as the energy emitted by the gray crystal stone.

Two people quickly looked down and expression immediately froze.

Within Iron Black, unexpectedly there are 3 gray crystal stones!

Both in size and color are the same as the gray crystal stone obtained in ancient city.

Qin Feiyang return back to his senses, turning one’s head looked towards the undead, and asked, “You brought us here just for these crystal stones?”


Qin Feiyang frowned, said: “Since you can understand what I say, why don’t you say it? Will you be a dumb person before you die?”

The undead shook his head.

“It’s not dumb, then you’re talking!”

“So we can communicate well!”

Qin Feiyang.

The undead shook his head again.

Qin Feiyang looked helpless.

He really couldn’t figure out what the undead was saying?

When Qin Feiyang asked about the undead, Tang Hai also took out three gray crystal stones from the iron black.

After confirming that the three crystal stones were not contaminated by poison, he handed them over to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang cautiously put away and looked at Tang Hai said with a smile: “Adding the previous one, we have already got 4 pieces, but it’s not enough.”


Tang Hai nodded.

Although the energy contained in the gray crystal stone is extremely large, 4 pieces are not enough for Qin Feiyang to breakthrough to Battle God.

Tang Hai groaned for a while, and looked towards the undead: “Do you know where there is such a crystal stone?”


Tang Hai and Qin Feiyang looked at the same time, with a look of joy in their eyes.

Tang Hai urged: “at once take us there.”


Qin Feiyang coughed and looked at Tang Hai. “Old Tang, the undead also has dignity. When asking for her help, you should be polite.”

Tang Hai rolled his eyes, coldly snorted and said: “If it wasn’t for her to have a little use value, I would have destroyed her already!”

Qin Feiyang’s mouth twitched and he couldn’t be more euphemistic?

He looked towards the undead, said with a smile: “Miss, sorry, my friend, this is his character, don’t be surprised.”


Tang Hai stared blankly, looking at Qin Feiyang, eyes full of contempt.

The undead waved his hand at Qin Feiyang, swept out of the pool without a word, and continued to sweep forward.

“Hold up.”

Seeing this, Qin Feiyang quickly said to Tang Hai.

Tang Hai gave Qin Feiyang a big white eye, followed by a back-up, rolled up Qin Feiyang, and chased the dead.

Qin Feiyang puzzled said, “Did I mess with you, always giving me eyes?”

“Call her Miss, don’t you think it’s offensive?”

Tang Hai said.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, puzzled: “Isn’t this basic courtesy? What’s wrong?”

“it is good.”

“Then let’s discuss it.”

“Let’s not say if she is an undead, let’s talk about her age, and you can think of it, it must be an Old Monster who lives and doesn’t know how youngster it is.”

“And you call her Miss unexpectedly in order to get more crystal stones, aren’t you ashamed?”

The scorn in Tang Hai’s eyes was stronger.

Qin Feiyang heard that expression was awkward.


“Nothing to say!”


Tang Hai coldly snorted.

Qin Feiyang embarrased with a smile.

But suddenly.

He turning one’s head and looked at Tang Hai weirdly.

Tang Hai wasn’t much at first, but after a long time, he felt uncomfortable, frowns saying, “Why do you look at me like that?”

“I remember when I first met you, you were cherishing words like gold.”

“Even I thought, you’re dumb.”

“Why so much talk now?”

Qin Feiyang.

Tang Hai stared blankly, expression immediately went cold again, coldly snorted and said: “I just can’t get used to your approach, so I just say a few more words.”


“Anyway, now you are also under my control, speak carefully!”

Qin Feiyang exasperated.

Tang Hai gave him another glance.

“Do I have any prestige?”

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

In fact, at first, Tang Hai was still afraid of Qin Feiyang.

However, after getting along with the past few days, he slowly realized that this person was still easy-going.

At least not so serious and harsh to those around you.

and so.

He slowly let go of his mind.

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