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Sea Domain boundless, dark clouds cover!

Qin Feiyang stepped on Travel Character Art and took Blood Qilin and Tang Hai two people, like a flash of lightning, breaking through the sky.

It used to be half an hour away, but with the help of Travel Character Art, it didn’t take long for a huge island to enter the sight of Qin Feiyang.

The island is so huge that you can’t see the end at a glance, like a continent suspended above the sea.

But on the island, there is no vitality, it is bare everywhere, and it looks extremely desolate.

Blood Qilin said solemnly: “That’s Demon Dragon Island.”

Qin Feiyang three people glanced at the island.

Whether it is the earth or the mountains and rivers, it is as dark as ink.

And the entire island, including the Sea Domain all around, cannot see a living creature.

There was no other sound besides the sound of wind and waves.

Seen from a distance, it was like dark, with a little gloomy and weird feeling.

“From now on, 100% spirit will be played.”

“Because here, we are at risk of being deadly sneak attack at any time!”

Blood Qilin cautioned that expression was extremely serious.

Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai nodded, lovingly hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering all directions.

铿 clang!

Oh la la !


Blood Qilin’s voice didn’t fall, a dazzling sword light swept from the sea water below, setting off waves of hunter zhang high, and chopped off towards Qin Feiyang.

Sharp, tearing the sky!

“Really a sneak attack!”

Qin Feiyang pupils cold light flickered, the index finger was a little volleyed, the invisible force surged out, and flung towards the sword light.

With a loud bang, the invisible force formed by the Returning Ruins four styles was instantly defeated by sword light!


Qin Feiyang immediately spit out blood, and his face was full of shock.

Tang Hai and Zhao Tailai were also stunned.

To know.

Returning Ruins Art is now Middle Class Divine Art.

And the sword light, even if it comes from Divine Artifact, cannot easily disintegrate the invisible force.


Blood Qilin stared at Sword Light in suspicion.


What it seemed to be thinking, shouted to Qin Feiyang: “brat, go away!”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly. Immediately took Blood Qilin and Zhao Tailai two people to launch Travel Character Art.


However, the aura of sword light is firmly locked in Qin Feiyang.

In other words.

No matter where Qin Feiyang fled, sword light would follow!

Zhao Tailai stared coldly, stepped out one step, crossed in front of Qin Feiyang, took out the axe, and then split away.


Immediately, sparks 4 splashed.

Next moment.

Zhao Tailai, along with the axe, was blown out by the sword light, and his arms shook torn skin and gaping flesh, flesh flew across!

“So strong?”

This scene shocked Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai.

“You are back!”

Qin Feiyang return back to his senses. When he thought about Tang Hai and Zhao Tailai loudly shouts, immediately, Divine Dragon Seal was born.

See you.

Tang Hai immediately took Blood Qilin and suddenly retreated.

After Zhao Tailai stabilized his body, he looked at that sword light in horror, and then retreated to Tang Hai and became fully vigilant.

Qin Feiyang stared at the sword light and waved his big hand. The Divine Dragon Seal shattered the sky and smashed into the sword light!

Hong long long !



Here void annihilation, the waves surge!

Ka-cha !

The next moment.

Divine Dragon Seal and sword light are actually in void, and they break apart at the same time.

In other words.

The formidable power of this sword light is completely comparable to the Divine Dragon Seal.

You know that at this moment Qin Feiyang is also driving Ascending Dragon Art and owning the cultivation base of Small Accomplishment Battle God.

But this sword light, unexpectedly can also compete with Divine Dragon Seal, it is conceivable that the person hiding in the dark has terrifying strength!

Qin Feiyang glanced down at the Sea Domain and was ready to fight.


After the sword light dissipated, Sea Domain calmed down.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang releases Divine Sense and gushes towards the Sea Domain.

But searching all over Ten thousand Li, except for the turbulent water, no one was found.

“Have you gone?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Zhao Tailai two people took Blood Qilin, flew to Qin Feiyang, glanced at the sea below, and frowned.

“It’s him!”

Blood Qilin’s voice suddenly sounded.


Qin Feiyang three people looked at it suspiciously.

“Sima Yuan!”

Blood Qilin verbatim, mood grave.

“Sima Yuan?”

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked, and the doubts between the eyebrows became stronger.

“Did I not say that? Demon Ancestor, and two Small Accomplishment Battle God.”

“The two people, one named Sima Yuan and one named Sima Kun.”

“The person who took the action just now is Sima Yuan.”

“That sword light is also from his top grade Divine Artifact, Dragon Marked Sword!”

Blood Qilin said solemnly.

“Sima Yuan, Dragon Marked Sword …”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Blood Qilin looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Sima Yuan lurks here, sneak attack us. It should be under the command of Demon Ancestor to test your current strength.”

Zhao Tailai frowns saying: “Then why can’t our Divine Sense find him?”

Before hearing Blood Qilin said that they could encounter a sneak attack at any time, they immediately released Divine Sense.

At the time, in the Sea Domain of underneath, they did not find Sima Yuan at all.

“Because of the hidden Soul Stone.”

Blood Qilin said.

“Hidden Soul Stone!”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Blood Qilin looked at Qin Feiyang’s expression and wondered, “Do you know Hidden Soul Stone?”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, a black crystal stone immediately appeared.

This black crystal stone is the size of a nail and exudes a mysterious aura.

“You unexpectedly also have hidden Soul Stone?”

Blood Qilin looked at the black crystal stone, his eyes were incredible.

Qin Feiyang said: “This is what I got at Profound Martial World.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Blood Qilin suddenly realized.

Profound Martial World is the creator of Gods Vestige. It is not surprising that there is a hidden Soul Stone created by an independent Tiny World.

Blood Qilin said: “Then you should also know that this Soul Stone works!”


“Protecting from Divine Sense.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Blood Qilin looked towards Zhao Tailai two people, explaining: “Demon Ancestor also has a hidden Soul Stone, now definitely on Sima Yuan, so your Divine Sense can’t find him.”


Zhao Tailai frowned, looked towards Qin Feiyang: “Young Master, I’m afraid it’s more troublesome.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, looking up at Demon Dragon Island.

This island is indeed too big as Blood Qilin said.

Faced with such a large island, it is already a haystack, but didn’t expect, Demon Ancestor unexpectedly, and hidden Soul Stone.

Finding Demon Ancestor now is definitely more difficult.

Qin Feiyang looked back, turning one’s head looked towards Blood Qilin, and asked, “How long will it take to repair your Qi Sea?”

Blood Qilin looked at Qi Sea and said, “Before arriving at Demon Ancestor’s nest, it should be repairable.”


“True God, I’ll keep it for you.”

Qin Feiyang.


Blood Qilin surprised.

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t be too happy, you will have to surrender True God when this battle is over.”

When Blood Qilin heard this, expression went down immediately again.


Qin Feiyang said again.

“But what?”

Blood Qilin looked at him, his expression utterly incomparable.

Qin Feiyang said: “If you perform well, I will consider not taking the body of True God.”


Blood Qilin said even if solemnly vowed: “You can rest assured that I will perform well!”

“It’s useless to say bare mouth, I’ll see your actual actions, now take us to the nest of Demon Ancestor!”

Qin Feiyang.

Blood Qilin said: “Enter the island and fly down Northwest. It won’t be long before you see Demon Ancestor’s nest.”

Qin Feiyang brushed away, rolled up Zhao Tailai two people and Blood Qilin, and flew towards Demon Dragon Island.


Three people entered Devil’s Island as soon as a beast, a cold aura immediately shrouded.

This aura makes Qin Feiyang very uncomfortable. It feels like entering Yincao hell with a chilling feeling.

Without any delay.

After entering the island, Qin Feiyang took a beast of two people and ran towards Northwest.

After Sima Yuan’s sneak attack, he was also more vigilant.

Along the way, he paid close attention to the ground below. He hardly found any trace of people, nor saw any plants, or Sea Beast.

With the deepening, the sound of wind and waves gradually disappeared.

The entire Heaven and Earth gradually fell into deathly stillness.

About a few breathless pasts.

With Qin Feiyang’s current speed, counting breathe is enough to span a distance of hundreds of thousands of li.

at last!

An exceptionally majestic mountain appeared ahead.

The mountain is as high as thousand zhang, like a Giant Black Dragon, bullying high and low, lurking on the earth.


Qin Feiyang, with two people and one animal, landed on the mountain and looked forward.

There is a flat ground ahead.

The ground is full of cracks.

Blood Qilin glanced at the ground and sighed, “They have indeed moved.”

“You mean, this is Demon Ancestor’s nest?”

Zhao Tailai asked.


“Do you know why there are cracks everywhere? It was because there was an ancient city.”

“Demon Ancestor’s men all live in the city.”

“And ancient city is another Space Divine Object of Demon Ancestor.”

“Now the ancient city is gone, it must have been transferred.”

Blood Qilin said.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the broken ground and said, “From the traces of the ground, they have just moved shortly and should not have gone far.”

“Even if we didn’t go far, we don’t know which direction they went.”

“I don’t know the direction, so I can’t follow it.”

Blood Qilin said.

“Young Master, let White-Eyed Wolf come out!”

Zhao Tailai suggested.

White-Eyed Wolf’s nose is very smart and can track the smell of Demon Ancestor.

“White-Eyed Wolf is retreating Profound Truth of comprehend becoming God, and it’s better not to disturb it.”

“Also, Demon Ancestor knows the existence of White-Eyed Wolf and will definitely drive Space Divine Object away.”

“And driving the Space Divine Object will leave no smell, and White-Eyed Wolf will naturally have no way to track it.”

Qin Feiyang.

“What should I do?”

Zhao Tailai frowned.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Blood Qilin, saying: “Do you know where Demon Ancestor is most likely to go?”

Blood Qilin shook his head.

“It will be difficult.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Without a clear direction, there is no way to find it.

And he wouldn’t rest assured if he looked up separately.

After all, there are ten or two Battle Gods hidden here.

If by any chance is followed by these people, he and Blood Qilin can cope, but Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai must be bode ill rather than well.

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