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“What the hell is that?”

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead and couldn’t help it.

But suddenly.

A silhouette emerged from his mind.

 €€ an Wei 锛


Book God One ︾ 潃 Ning︾ 潃 Blood Qilin 杩 涘 叆 Profound Martial World 锛 岄 殢 钖 庡 哜 镵 Argan 锛 岄 殢 钖 庡 哜 镵 Yan Wei 镄 刬 llusory shadow夌 湅 NO 佽 Umbrella ﹄﹄

涔 嬫 墍 浠 ュ 夫 镌 € Blood Qilin 鏉 rofound Martial World 锛 屾 槸 锲 犱 失 鎷 呭 Sima Yuan 杩 杩 in the dark 绐 ヨ  銆

ImaSima Yuan 鐪 熺 殑 鍦 ╥n the dark 绐 ヨ  锛 岄 偅 Yan Wei 镄 勮 镄 勮

Blood Qilin gallium tart 噺 浜 嗙 溂 Yan Wei 锛 屾 憞 澶

Qin Feiyang’s eyes lightened and he said, “That putting it that way, Yan Wei must still be in the black castle.”

“Yan Wei?”

Blood Qilin was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile 锛 气 € 滀 粬 鏄  垜 瀹 夋 帓 鍦 ↖mperial Preceptor


Blood Qilin expression for a while.

Imperial Preceptor  unexpectedly adopted in Feiyang 镄 剆 py 锛

Qin Feiyang 闂  死 锛 气 € emon Dragon Island 鍙 mutual summoning 钖 楋 纻 ”

“Except that the transmission gate cannot be opened, everything is OK.”

Blood Qilin said.

“It seems now that we can only wait for Yan Wei’s news.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Water Qilin 鍜 孊 lack Qilin 锛 屽 娍 蹇 呬 细 宁 ︾ 潃 black 鍩 庡 牎 铡 暗 Demon Ancestor 锛 岄 偅 Yan Wei Tweezers ammonia 鑳 界 煡 阆 掳 纴 Demon Ancestor 鐜 板 湪 镄 勮 棌 韬 湴 銆  湴 銆

At that time, Yan Wei will definitely find a way to pass the news to him.


Blood Qilin Q € Qin Feiyang 銆

“Before entering Gods Vestige.”

Qin Feiyang.


“This Yan Wei, I have never seen it before, is he reliable?”

Blood Qilin asked.

“No one is more reliable than him.”

Qin Feiyang.


He didn’t want Yan Wei to take any more risks.

But now, Yan Wei has become the only hope.

Now I can only pray, Yan Wei must not show anything unexpected, otherwise he will feel guilty all his life.


At this time.

Blood Qilin 镄 刬 mposing manner 绐 佺 劧 娑 岀 幇 銆


Qi Sea has been fixed.

Qin Feiyang 鍙 锅 甫 鍙 € 镌 Profound Martial World 銆

丵 丵 in Feiyang 鍑 虹 幇 锛 孼 hao Tailai 鍜 孴 ang Hai 绔 嫔 嵆 镫 愮 桠 镄 勬 浈 浠 栫 湅 铡 汇 €

Qin Feiyang talked about Yan Wei’s situation in the dark.

Two people heard that they were immediately delighted in their hearts, and it seemed that they had not reached the point where they had no choice.

Now I just hope that Yan Wei can spread the news as soon as possible.

After a little.

Zhao Tailai 浼 兼 槸 鎯 宠 浠 € 涔 堬 纴 turning one ‘檚 head looked towards Blood Qilin 锛 岄 棶 阆 掳 细’ 凄 emon Ancestor 铻 嶅 悎 Divine Body 锛 岄 渶 锛 岄 渶

Blood Qilin is a simple and easy way to learn about “plating flaws”.

”ぉ 鍟 婏 紒”

Zhao Tailai murmured.

This is really a race against time!

涔 熷 ammonia 鏄  锛 孻 an Wei 蹇 呴 』佸 湪 杩

Tang Hai sound transmission: “Young Master, I don’t think we can rest our hopes on Yan Wei alone.”


“I have no doubt about Yan Wei’s ability, but Demon Ancestor is not an average person either. The 3 days of integrating the Divine Body will definitely be extra careful to prevent everything from happening unexpectedly.”

Zhao Tailai secretly thought.

Qin Feiyang bowed his head and groaned.

After a while.

He looked up towards two people, nodded secretly thought: “You’re right, you can’t count on Yan Wei all.”

Blood Qilin frowns saying: “Can you do anything?”

Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai are silent.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed a radiance, saying “to pull a snake from its hole!”

“To pull a snake from its hole?”

Blood Qilin stared blankly.

Zhao Tailai two people also looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.


“I temporarily thought of a way to get them to show up.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“any solution?”

two people One beast is full of expectations.

Qin Feiyang said: “Become stronger.”

“Becoming stronger?”

“What do you mean?”

Blood Qilin asked erratically.

“If I become stronger than I am now, I think Demon Ancestor will not sit idly by.”

“Even if he doesn’t show up, he should have someone like Sima Yuan stop me.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Can you be stronger than now?”

Blood Qilin was startled.


Qin Feiyang nodded. Close your eyes and enter the inner world. When you see Heart Demon sitting in void and lowering your head, you do n’t know what you are thinking. Your eyes are full of struggle.

As for the appearance of Qin Feiyang, Heart Demon also seemed to be unaware.

Qin Feiyang walked over, said with a smile: “Have you thought about it yet?”

Heart Demon stared blankly slightly, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and sighed, “This is not a trivial matter, I really don’t know if I should do this?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “It’s really unprecedented, unexpectedly there are times when your Heart Demon is afraid.”


“If Transcending Tribulation fails, it’s me who disappears, not you, and you are certainly not afraid.”

Heart Demon fiercely stared at him.

“Transcending Tribulation failed. You do disappear, but you don’t have much time now.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

“I know.”

“After knowing the truth, the obsession in your heart is slowly dissipating, and the moment it completely dissipates, I will disappear with it.”

Heart Demon murmured.

“So what are you hesitating about?”

“As long as your Transcending Tribulation is successful and the fleshhy body is condensed, it will not disappear with obsession.”

Qin Feiyang.

That’s right!

The so-called Transcending Tribulation refers to the number of hearts of Heart Demon.

After Qin Feiyang stepped into Battle God, Heart Demon can gather his own fleshhy body, just like Heart Demon of Emperor Hong, becoming an independent existence, no longer relying on true body.

However, the premise of consolidating the fleshhy body is that it must undergo the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation.


Heavenly Tribulation is more than average person can bear.

Even though it was Heartily Demon who was adequately arrogant, he didn’t dare to face Heavenly Tribulation easily, so he was hesitating.

Because once it fails, he scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Although as a Heart Demon, he should not have existed in the world, but after all these years of experience, he has become attached to this world, to people and things around him.

He didn’t want to lose it all.

It also made him become terrified and over-cautious.

“oh! ”

“I understand your mood.”

“It’s been so difficult to have all this now, and instead of me, I can’t let it go.”

“But you have no choice but to face it.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

Heart Demon groaned a little, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and asked, “If I really disappeared, will you be sad?”

“I believe that it’s not just me, everyone around us, all Vicious Beast, will be sad.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Count on your conscience.”

Heart Demon grinned, and got up and said, “You’re right, these things, I have to face them, remembering once, that many winds and rains, we all came over, what is an indicative Heavenly Tribulation?”

His eyebrows were filled with contant, and he restored the former unbridled and insufferably arrogant.

“This is the Heart Demon I know.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“It’s a bit unpleasant, unexpectedly made you see my weak side, but I swear, this is the first time and the last time!”

Heart Demon jié jié smiles, even when leaving the inner world.

Qin Feiyang also exited the inner world.

Heart Demon stood beside Qin Feiyang, looking up at the dim sky, and proudly said, “Heavenly Tribulation? If you have the ability, you will hack me!”



Heart Demon burst into a monstrous imposing manner, straight into the sky.

“He is this?”

Blood Qilin was surprised.

“Transcending Tribulation.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Transcending Tribulation?”

Blood Qilin stared blankly, and exclaimed: “He won’t want to gather the fleshhy body!”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Brat, don’t joke.”

“Although Heart Demon’s condensed fleshhy body will indeed become stronger than it is now, do you know how terrifying Heart Demon’s Heavenly Tribulation?”

“Heart Demon in the world is the result of obsession. It is the root of 10000 evils. He wants to gather the fleshhy body, that is, to defying in heaven.”

Blood Qilin said.

“Heaven defying …”

Qin Feiyang murmured proudly with a smile: “So what?”

When he broke through False God, he was also defying heaven, but now he is not alive and well.

He always believed that my life would follow myself and not heaven.

Fate, we must fight for it ourselves.

“Naive is ridiculous.”

“Well, let me tell you, Heart Demon Transcending Tribulation, there are 99 Heavenly Dao Tribulation.”

“Each Heavenly Dao Tribulation’s formidable power is enough to recreate one Battle God.”

“If Heart Demon is now Initial Accomplishment Battle God, then his Heavenly Tribulation has also reached the formidable power of Initial Accomplishment Battle God.”

“Especially the last Heavenly Dao Tribulation, formidable power is the sum of the previous 98 Heavenly Dao Tribulation!”

“Don’t talk about you, Heart Demon, even the Battle God of the Great Accomplishment period will die!”

Blood Qilin said.


“99 Heavenly Dao Tribulation?”

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

At the time of his Transcending Tribulation, he only had 9 Thunder Tribulations!

This is the next.

He couldn’t help worrying about Heart Demon.

“What are you afraid of?”

“Emperor Hong’s Heart Demon can be a successful Transcending Tribulation. If I can’t, what qualifications do I have to continue to exist in this world?”

Heart Demon smiled coldly, without frowning, and rushed straight up into the air, imposing manner fully open.

Hong long!

Wu wu !

Immediately violent wind erupted on the sky, the clouds surging.

The original dark cloud was gradually stained with blood.

And between the clouds of blood, a trace of bloody electric arc emerged continuously.

Thunder Tribulation has not yet formed, the devastating aura, and the mighty heavenly might, it is dripping from the sky, covering this void land.

Qin Feiyang, Blood Qilin, Zhao Tailai, Tang Hai, all are shrinking pumps.

Under this heavenly might, they felt a small feeling in their hearts, like a trivial ant.


Without thinking.

Three people, one animal suddenly retreated away.

Hong long long !

The sky, thunder tumbling, shook through all directions.

With thunder, those blood-colored arcs gradually condensed together to form a giant lightning bolt with a thick bucket.

Ka-cha !

Lightning flashes in the clouds, like a scarlet python, with rays of light dazzling.

“come on!”

Heart Demon looks fearless, staring at the sky.

It seemed to be provoking Heart Demon’s provocation. With a loud boom, the giant lightning suddenly fell, and Aura locked Heart Demon firmly and blasted to Heart Demon.

At this moment, Qin Feiyang’s heart mentioned his throat.

Heart Demon is attached to him, why isn’t he?

In his eyes, Heart Demon is no longer Heart Demon, but his brother, his loved ones.

He didn’t want to see Heart Demon dissipate.

Both of his hands, holding together tightly, whispered: “We still have to fight together, rescue grandfather and maternal grandfather together, look for mother together, please, must survive!”

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