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Hong long!

at last.

The first Heavenly Dao Tribulation banged on Heart Demon.

Heart Demon’s conscious body, without any resistance, fell apart.

Qin Feiyang watched the scene, his heart almost popped out of his throat.

I thought that no matter how strong the Heavenly Tribulation is, Heart Demon would definitely be able to persist for a while.

But didn’t expect.

Just being the first Heavenly Dao Tribulation, Heart Demon’s consciousness collapsed, let alone 98 more!

Can Heart Demon really get through?

He couldn’t help but start to doubt.

And he can clearly capture that the strength of Thunder is frantically eroding the consciousness of Heart Demon.

“Heart Demon should never exist.”

“And Heavenly Tribulation will not tolerate such things that shouldn’t exist in the world. His consciousness will be wiped out by Heavenly Tribulation by little.”

“Until the end, completely disappeared in the world.”

Blood Qilin said.

Qin Feiyang said, “I believe it will work, because he is my Heart Demon of Qin Feiyang!”

Blood Qilin glanced at him with a smirk in his eyes.

Zhao Tailai was suspicious: “How did the Heart Demon of Emperor Hong survive this disaster?”

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Now, he was not in the mood to think about it.

Blood Qilin said: “Emperor Hong Heart Demon Transcending Tribulation, I know a little.”

“you know?”

Zhao Tailai was surprised.


“It was Qin Yuan in the dark who helped him and he made it through.”

“But Emperor Hong himself didn’t know about it.”

“He still thought it was because of his ability to spend this tribulation.”

Blood Qilin said.


Qin Feiyang immediately sank.

He also thought that the Heart Demon of the Supreme Grandfather spent the Heavenly Tribulation on his own ability, so he felt that even the Heart Demon of the Supreme Grandfather could pass the Heavenly Tribulation, his Heart Demon would definitely be fine.

However, absolutely didn’t expect, unexpectedly was helped by Uncle Yuan in the dark.

Zhao Tailai glanced at Blood Qilin and said, “You should say it earlier.”

“You guys ask too!”

Blood Qilin pouting.

Zhao Tailai was annoyed: “Everyone has said that they want Transcending Tribulation, can’t you think of it? I think you did it on purpose.”

“Don’t venomous slander, let me tell you!”

Blood Qilin stared at Zhao Tailai with vicious glint in his eyes.

“Okay, don’t make a noise.”

“Even if Blood Qilin said before, Heart Demon has no choice.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“Isn’t it!”

“Heart Demon was born because Emperor harmed Qin Feiyang.”

“And now that the truth is clear, Qin Feiyang’s mind is gone.”

“If Heart Demon can’t gather the fleshhy body, it will die sooner or later.”

“So this calamity is doomed. He can’t hide it if he wants to hide.”

Blood Qilin coldly snorted.

“oh! ”

Zhao Tailai sighed and looked up at Heart Demon, his rough face full of worry.

Although Heart Demon is violent and vicious and merciless, there is no doubt that it is very good for those around him.

Hong long!

Ka-cha !

2nd Heaven Realm is already in the works.

heavenly might billow, shock all directions!

Qin Feiyang looked towards Heart Demon, seeing the body of consciousness of Heart Demon, quickly condensing out.

On the surface, nothing is weak.

But as a true body, he can clearly feel that Heart Demon’s consciousness is weaker than before.

In other words.

Under the previous Heavenly Tribulation, Heart Demon’s consciousness has been worn away.

“Can you hold it to the end?”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Hong long!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

With a thunderous thunder, 2nd Heavenly Tribulation fell quickly again.


at the same time!

distant place.

On a mountain summit, a black clothed middle-aged man stood on the edge of the cliff, looking far away at Heart Demon.

This man is 7 feet tall, with a thin body and carrying a Battle Sword. The Battle Sword is not in the scabbard and can’t feel the slightest edge, but his expression is like a blade with a striking edge.

“Unexpectedly I still have the mood to let Heart Demon Transcending Tribulation.”


“Why is he here Transcending Tribulation?”

“They know this is Demon Dragon Island, which is the domain of Sir Demon Ancestor.”

“Is it…”


The middle-aged man flashed a cold light under his eyes, then retreated behind a boulder, and took out the image crystal stone.

Not a moment.

An illusory shadow manifested.

This is also a middle-aged man, but the body is extremely strong, with a height of more than 2 meters, muscles and bulges, and 2 scars on his face, which are extremely sturdy.

Husky fellow asked, “Sima Yuan, how is it?”

That’s right!

This black clothed middle-aged is exactly Sima Yuan of sneak attack Qin Feiyang several people before.

“Blood Qilin has indeed acknowledged allegiance at Qin Feiyang.”

“Judging the Blood Qilin 杩 杩 凡 缁 忔 妸 浠 栧 鏉 emon Dragon Island 銆 傗 €

“As for Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base, as the Imperial Preceptor said, it has stepped into Battle God and cannot be underestimated.”

Sima Yuan said.

“This little bastard is hidden deep enough.”

“Demon Ancestor”

Husky fellow sneered.

“This may not be the case.”

“I tested his strength just now, and according to my judgment, it should not be under you or me.”

“Maybe stronger than you and me.”

Sima Yuan said solemnly 銆

“Is it so powerful?”

Husky fellow questioned.

“Looking down on anyone, you can’t look down on Qin Feiyang.”

“And now, his Heart Demon is also in the Transcending Tribulation.”

 € scranscending Tribulation 鎴 愬 姛 锛 岄 偅 鎴 戜 滑 侀 侀 侀 瀵 瀵 殑 灏 殑 灏 殑 灏 2 猀 in Feiyang 銆 傗 €

Sima Yuan said.

husky fellow eyebrow raised 锛 岄 死 锛 气 € 滀 粬 unexpectedly 鍦 —emon Dragon Island Transcending Tribulation 锛 熶 笉 鐭 ラ 杩 欐 槸 鎴 戜

“Of course he knows.”

“And as far as I’m guessing, he should be doing this to draw us in.”

Sima Yuan said.

“Let us show up?”

Husky fellow is suspicious.


“Demon Ancestor” Demon Ancestor銆 傗 €

Sima Yuan said.

“Do you want to stop it?”

Husky fellow asked.

Sima Yuan’s detailed information on the issue of demon ancestor 墠 缁 欎 綘 € 墠 缁 欎 綘 summoning

“it is good.”

“I’ll go now. You don’t move.”

Husky fellow nodded, after closing the image crystal stone.


He stood in front of an ancient great hall.

The gate was closed tightly.

But through the great hall door, it is still clearly felt that there is a terrible aura.

Ura 栾 偂 aura 镄 刴 aster 锛 屾  鏄 疍 emon Ancestor 锛


Demon Ancestor 灏 卞 湪 杩 椤 hack inside the great palace 铻 嶅 悎 Divine Body 銆

Husky fellow is an outside protector.

宧 kyusky fellow 镄 勬 梺 枝 纴 杩 樻 湁 纴 杩 樻 湁 two people 2 鍏 姐 €

鍏 朵 腑 涔 嬩 竴 灏 腑 涔 嬩 竴 灏 Imperial Preceptor 锛 岃 缮 chain ater Qilin 鍜 孊 lack Qilin 銆

鍙 ︿ 竴 浜 纴 纴  ご 鐭  皬 锛 屽 叾  ご 鐭  皬 锛 屽 叾 屼 笉 屼 笉 屼 笉 屼 笉  纴  纴  纴  纴  纴  纴  纴  纴 嗙 湅 镌 嗙 湅 镌 嗙 湅 镌 嗙 湅 镌 hu sky hu hu sky sky sky sky sky hu sky sky 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 溂 搴 曟 one strand夌 殑 修 夌 殑 夌 殑 radiance 銆

That’s right!

This person is Yan Wei!

husky fellow 鏀 鏀 褰 卞 儚 褰 卞 儚 crystal stone 锛 屼 篃 娌 $ 悊 浼 歒 an Wei several people 锛 岃 浆  蛋 鍒 伴 棬 鍓 嶏 纴 韬  韩 阆 掳 细 渕 aster 锛 孲 ima Yuan 鏉 ユ 姤锛 孮 in Feiyang 镄 凥 eart Demon 锛 屾  鍦 —emon Dragon Island Transcending Tribulation

Inside the great palace, no sound came out, a deathly stillness.

 € ¢ Sima Yuan

After a while.

at last.

An old voice sounded.


husky fellow 鎭  暚 镄 勫 簲 浜 嗗 1 锛 屼 研究 灏 嗘  璇 濅 紶 阃 掔 粰 Sima Yuan 銆

Yan Wei 鐪 糷 т 鐪 糷 鐪 糷 鐪 糷 kyky fellow

“I don’t understand yet?”

 沦 ir Demon Ancestor 镄 勬 剰 镄 勬 剰 濇 槸 锛 屽 厛 鐪 嬬 湅 Qin Feiyang 镄 凥 eart Demon 鏄  惁 鑳 絋 ranscending Tribulation 鎴 愬 姛 锛 熲 € 鎴 愬 姛 锛 熲

 € ¢ Transcending Tribulation 锛 孲 ima Yuan Sir

“But if success is possible, take action to stop it.”

Whispered Imperial Preceptor.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Yan Wei 瑁 呮 垚 鍓  亶 鐒 跺 ぇ 鍓  亶 鐒 跺 ぇ 鍓  亶 鐒 跺 ぇ€ 沦 ir Imperial Preceptor 锛 屾 垜 鑳 笉 鑳 幓 幓 all around 阃 涢 € 涳 纻 ‘

Imperial Preceptor pupil contracted, doubting in the dark, “What’s so great about this?”

Yan Wei sound transmission 阆 掳 ‘ir 锛 屽 叾 瀹 瀞 ubordinate 鏄  兂 铡 鏄  兂 铡 懜 娓 匘 emon Ancestor

“What do you mean?”

Imperial Preceptor shivering in his heart, and asked quietly.

Yan Wei secretly thought 锛 气 € 沦 irir 锛 岄 毦 阆 锛 岄 毦 阆

“Hugh nonsense.”

”Emon Ancestor

Imperial Preceptor said indignantly.

 滈 偅 subordinate 烽 棶 Sir 锛 娈 emon Ancestor gallium powerhouses like clouds 锛 屼 絾 Juan 綍 浠 栦 笉 璁 ╄ 綍 浠 栦 笉 璁 ╄ Umbrella 浜 涙 嫔 幓 瀵 嫔 幓 瀵 嫔 幓 瀵 粯 Lu Family 锛 岃  璁 ╂ 偍 鍜 孧 ingyang Young Master

Yan Wei sound transmission

Imperial Preceptor hearing this, immediately a shivered, secretly thought: “What do you mean?”

 滀 緷 subordinate 鐪 嬶 纴 Demon Ancestor simply 鏄  嬁 鎴 戜 滑 褰 揷 annon fodder 锛 屽 幓 萱 曟 帰 Lu Family

 € ¢ ordinate 攕 ordinate ordinate ordinate ordinate ordinate 镒 忓 埌 锛 孊 镒 忓 埌 锛 孊 镒 忓 埌 锛 孊 Qi Qi 镒 忓 埌 锛 孊 镒 忓 埌 锛 孊 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi 璧 跺 幓 璧 跺 幓 Lu Family銆 傗 €

Yan Wei secretly thought.

“Why didn’t I notice?”

Imperial Preceptor is suspicious.

 € ¢ Flag 锛 屼 綘 浠 粏 锲 炴 兂 嬶 纴 褰 撴 椂 钖  埌 Mingyang Young Master 镄 勬  璁  纴 Blood Qilin 鏄  粈 涔 弽 搴 旓 纻

Yan Wei said.

The Imperial Preceptor heard it, and thought it unconsciously.

 滆 槠 鐒 跺 綋 镞 秙 ubordinate 鍦 ⊿pace Divine Object 锛 屼 絾 岄 Blood Qilin 镄 勮 瘽 锛 宻 ubordinate

 € ¢ Powered by Xingyang Young Master 镄 勪 笉 灞 戙 € 傗 €

“The irubordinate of the Mingyang Young Master is awarded by the chain”

Yan Wei in the dark coldly snorted.

Imperial Preceptor frowned, which seems to be true.

浠 栫 灔 浜 嗙 溂 great hall 锛 屽 张 鐪 嬩 简 鐪 间 竴 鑴 稿 喎 喎 husky fellow 锛 屽 Yan Wei sound transmission How can I do this?兘 鏁 戜 笉 浜 嗕 綘 銆 傗 €

“Relax Sir.”

Yan Wei in the dark answered, looked towards husky fellow, bowing down, “Sir, I wonder if you are here, is there a restaurant?”


husky fellow turning one’s head looked towards Yan Wei, frowns saying: “What do you do to find a restaurant?”

“Keeping Sir off, the lowly person has no other hobby and likes this one.”

“And in the past few years at Gods Vestige, the low person has not been dripping with wine.

“What’s more, isn’t it going to start fighting with Qin Feiyang at once? Lowly person is afraid that if he doesn’t drink now, he won’t have a chance in the future.”

Yan Wei flattering smile.

When Husky fellow heard it, his face was immediately empty, and he said, “It turned out to be a useless person, but you don’t have to worry about it, because of your strength, you don’t even have the qualifications to join the war.”

“Yes yes yes.”

 € owly person 镄 勫 疄 锷 涚 ‘瀹 炰 笉 琛 岋 纴 岋 纴 Mingyang Young Master 镄 勬  锛 岃 lowly person 濡 侻 yriad Arrows Piercing Heart

“In the face of Qin Feiyang, the low person does not even have the qualifications to participate in the war, but if given the opportunity, the low person can deal with his companions.”

“According to previous investigations by the low person, some of his companions are even weaker than the low person. The low person is still around and to spare to deal with them.”

“In short, the low person must make him a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

Yan Wei gnashing teeth, said angrily.

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