Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 521: Deputy Hall Master Zhai, do you still want to pretend?


Yunjin is much more durable than Zhai Ge imagined.

She seems to be able to predict every move of her opponent and is always able to avoid fatal attacks at critical moments.

Originally thought.

In the eight middle stages of Mahayana, it would be a crushing battle against a mere Yunjin.


Now he is actually being held back by Yun Jin.

Zhai Ge's expression turned cold.

What they are doing now is shady.

Since we can't see the light of day, we must fight quickly.

If the time is prolonged, we don’t know what changes will happen.

Zhai Ge suddenly shouted loudly: "Hall Master, they haven't used their full strength yet, you must hold them back. As soon as I have my hands free, I will help you immediately."

The Eighth Mahayana Middle Stage was stunned for a moment.

"Attack with all your strength." The blood demon said coldly.

They really haven't given up their full strength yet.


Real full strength often requires some effort.

They were not willing to use such a killing move on a mortal person.

But this person Yun Jin.

It's indeed a little weird.

That being the case.

Even if some price is paid, a quick victory must be made and Yunjin must not be given a chance to make a comeback.

next moment.

Their offensive became more and more fierce.

Yun Jin's eyes were calm.

In a state of super enlightenment, she is always at her calmest.

As long as there is a chance of survival, she will definitely be able to catch it.


There is a limit to this after all.

Yun Jin barely avoided a wave of attacks, and then took a look at the fighting situation below.

Mingxintang and its disciples are already at war with these evil spirits.


These evil spirits were so well prepared that they dispersed and gathered from all directions. In terms of numbers, they actually had the upper hand. In terms of combat effectiveness, they seemed to be stronger than ordinary evil spirits.

more importantly.

In the Mingxin Hall, the sect disciples who occupied most of the seats were obviously not doing their best.

Due to many factors, the disciples of Mingxintang were at an absolute disadvantage.

Yun Jin narrowed his eyes, and his voice echoed in the sky: "Everyone who has a talisman, please light the talisman immediately and leave quickly!"

All the disciples couldn't help but look up at Yun Jin.

Yun Jin looked calm, even at ease.

"Hall Master!"

"We're definitely not leaving."

"These evil spirits are so arrogant, we would rather fight to the death!"

Voices rang out one after another.

Yun Jin's voice became calmer: "If you stay, you will only drag down this Hall Master. Now, follow the Hall Master's order and all disciples must evacuate immediately!"

Yun Jin's voice left no room for doubt.

Everyone hesitated.

"Deacon Hongye is already waiting for you. Leave quickly." Yun Jin said.

All the casual cultivators looked at each other.

Linfeng took a deep breath: "The hall master must have her own ideas. If we stay, the hall master will be distracted. Light the talisman and leave quickly!"

All the casual cultivators nodded.

They lit the talismans and quickly disappeared.

Zhai Ge watched expressionlessly without stopping.

His magic weapon can form a short-term space blockade. This method must of course be used at the most critical moment.

He had known that these casual cultivators had talismans given by Yun Jin. but.

He didn't even think about taking it back.

The departure of these casual cultivators was originally expected by him.

In fact.

It will be easier to operate if they leave.

After the casual cultivators left.

Yun Jin took another look at the remaining people.

None of these sect disciples left. The aura of the talisman has long since disappeared from their bodies.

Yun Jin didn't care either. She glanced at Zhai Ge indifferently and said, "Deputy Hall Master Zhai, everyone who should leave has left. Do you no longer need to pretend?"

Yun Jin smiled and said: "These eight middle stages of Mahayana seem not enough. Why don't you come too?"

Yun Jin said directly.

Zhai Ge's face changed slightly, and he looked shocked: "Master, I don't know what you are talking about."

There was also some commotion among the sect disciples below.

Some people looked at Zhai Ge in confusion.

What does the hall master mean by this?

Did Zhai Ge deliberately attract these evil spirits?

No, this is impossible!

These people have been living in an ivory tower, and they may have been raised to be selfish and arrogant.

But colluding with the devil?

They never thought of doing such a thing.

Kong Huai opened his eyes and looked at Zhai Ge.

The deputy hall master...will he be the deputy hall master?

If that's the case.

So, was his sect also involved in the strangulation of the hall master this time?

Kong Huai's heart suddenly trembled.

He suddenly remembered that when the sect elders left, they specifically spoke to a few of their sect disciples, telling them not to worry as Yun Jin would not be proud for long.


Is this the way they use it?

In order to get rid of Yun Jin, he would not hesitate to collude with the evil way?

No, this is absolutely impossible!

Yun Jin chuckled, and the Tai'a sword suddenly fell at a strange angle, instantly stabbing a middle-stage Mahayana dantian.

The man was startled and quickly moved away. Although he barely avoided the vital point, he was still seriously injured.

Yun Jin was also injured by the remaining evil demon at this moment.

A long scar suddenly appeared on her arm.

Yun Jin licked his lips and said with a calm expression: "Deputy Hall Master Zhai, it's okay if you don't admit it, but I'm afraid you won't be able to keep me for only eight middle stages of Mahayana."

Yun Jin chuckled lightly and suddenly jumped out of the battle ring with an extra talisman in his hand: "In this talisman, there is the sword energy of my master Ji Wusi. As soon as the talisman comes out, one of you will definitely die. "Who do you think I can use better?"

Yun Jin's smile was extremely bright.

Those eight middle-stage Mahayana people suddenly became confused and confused.

They all want Yun Jin dead.

They also knew that this talisman was Yun Jin's last resort to save his life.

But the question is, how many such talismans does Yun Jin have?


Just as Yun Jin said.

That was Ji Wusi's sword energy.

Then whoever gets involved will die!

They don't want to die!

Yun Jin glanced at Zhai Ge with a smile: "Deputy Hall Master Zhai, they don't dare to move anymore? What should we do? Why don't you make a decision for them?"

Zhai Ge's face couldn't help but darken.

After a long time, he said slowly: "Master, you are joking. How can these demons listen to me? However, this talisman of Hall Master is very rare. Even if Ji Wusi wants to make one, he will have to spend a lot of energy." Leader Ji still has to deal with many demons, so he doesn't dare to spend too much. Although there is only one talisman, it is more than enough to eliminate one opponent. We just need to delay it for a while. Maybe we can wait for reinforcements. After this difficulty is overcome, with the hall master's growth rate, even if these evil spirits can escape, they will be wiped out one by one by the hall master. "

Yun Jin still smiled.


The expressions of some sect disciples changed slightly.

Zhai Ge's words seemed to be praising Yunjin.

But this passage has two important points. One is that there is only one such talisman in Yunjin. The second is the threat. Once Yun Jin is allowed to survive, they will be the last to die.

This is... forcing these evil spirits to make a desperate move.

Kong Huai lowered his head and clenched his hands into fists.

He also wanted to deceive himself.

However, it seems that some deceptions can no longer continue. (End of chapter)

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