This battle.

Zhai Ge definitely had a hand in the planning.

Even many sects in this area chose to turn a blind eye.

They did not hesitate to let the evil spirit in just to kill Yun Jin.

But Hall Master Yun...

What heinous crime was committed?

She should have known for a long time that the sect behind them plotted against her.

However, in previous missions, she protected them all equally.

She said she didn't favor anyone, and what she gave was fair.

He didn't believe this at first.

However, after going on a mission, he felt...

Deputy Hall Master Zhai and the sect elders both said that people like Yun Jin were too idealistic and did not understand the true rules of this world, so they were destined to be incompatible with this world.

But is such a person really wrong?

Kong Huai suddenly remembered.

Before, he and the sect elders went to the mortal city together, and the mortals looked at them with a look of fear and fear.

However, Yun Jin took so many of them to stay in the city all night, but these mortals were full of trust and closeness to them.

Those "adults" feel that they are the ones who understand the rules and that they are the ones who have adapted to this world.


Have they ever opened their eyes and taken a look?

this world.

The living beings that really make up the majority are those mortals.

Most of these creatures, would they prefer the innocent Yun Jin, or would they prefer these so-called "adults".

Many thoughts flashed through Kong Huai's mind.

He knew there was something wrong with him.

That is, he tends to think too much.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

He has been thinking a lot these days.

In fact, he already has the answer in his heart, doesn't he?

"Senior Brother Kong." A person next to him said with a slightly trembling voice: "I... what should we do..."

They all saw something.

But they are unwilling to admit that those are the truth.

Zhai Ge is not even afraid that they will know the truth.

He was certain that they would choose silence for the sake of their own interests.

I still feel like they can't change anything at all.

Kong Huai said nothing.

He raised his head and looked at Yun Jin.

He knew the answer, but he still didn't understand what kind of path was the way to the answer.

"Did you hear that clearly?" Yun Jin chuckled softly: "Deputy Hall Master Zhai has reminded you of what should be reminded. You'd better think clearly about who will be the scapegoat. If this continues, something will happen."

The few Mahayana mid-levels looked at each other, and the blood demon said coldly: "If we work together to resist, we may not be able to stop it! Don't listen to her threats. The more she behaves like this, the more it proves that she is at the end of her rope. Follow me to attack!"

A violent attack struck again.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows, and then threw the talisman out in an instant.

The blood demon said so. As soon as he saw Yun Jin using the talisman, he subconsciously hid behind him.

The next moment, the talisman flickered, and a small spark bloomed.

Yun Jin chuckled: "Don't be afraid, it's just a low-level spell called Spark."

The blood demon's face turned ugly for a while, and he said sternly: "Fuck them all!"

Under such a fierce offensive, even if he kept using Super Enlightenment, Yun Jin still suffered more and more wounds.

When he was about to lose his support, Yun Jin threw out a talisman again.

Those eight subconsciously dodged again.

Just this time.

The talisman emits a burst of light and then disappears.

Yun Jin looked innocent: "It's just lighting, what are you hiding from?"

The blood demon had a dark face and attacked again without saying a word.

Yun Jin soon couldn't bear it anymore, so she quickly threw out another talisman.

The blood demon was furious, and the magic power went directly to meet him.

Is this Yun Jin really treating them like fools? !

The magic power just touched the talisman.


The talisman was suddenly ignited, and a terrifying aura came out.

A sword energy appeared from the void and came across the sky at a terrifying speed.

The blood demon was stunned.

This is...this is Ji Wusi's sword energy!

A hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Kunlun Sword Sect.

Ji Wusi opened his eyes.

A hint of worry flashed across his eyes.

It's Xiaojin.

She used the life-saving talisman given by herself.

Xiaojin was in Mingxintang, and she was afraid that she was in danger.

Ji Wusi immediately sent orders to nearby confidants and quickly rushed to Mingxintang.

He didn't know what happened to Yun Jin, and Yun Jin didn't notify him in advance.

This child has always had his own opinion and probably wants to solve the problem on his own.


As a master, he cannot know that his disciples are in trouble and yet do nothing.

Ji Wusi pursed her lips and had no intention of continuing to retreat.

Everything that should be arranged has been arranged, and he has to wait for the result.

Ji Wusi's sword energy lit up the entire sky.

When the sword energy disappeared, the blood demon had been evaporated without leaving even a trace.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Sorry, this time, it's true."

She looked at the remaining seven and her smile grew brighter.

"Now, the most powerful among you is dead. What about you? Can you still kill me?" Yun Jin chuckled softly: "Zhai Ge, why don't you join them?"

Zhai Ge's face was gloomy.

He never wanted to be exposed.

Once he takes action and things are exposed in the future, he will definitely die.

Yun Jin could only die in the hands of evil.

But at this moment,

In Zhai Ge's mind, Lin Xiao's voice sounded: "Yun Jin, must die! Zhai Ge, fight quickly!"

Lin Xiao's voice was extremely cold.

His intention is very obvious, he wants Zhai Ge to take action!

Even if Zhai Ge will be liquidated for this in the future.


He just wants Yun Jin to die.

As long as Yun Jin dies, the goal will be achieved.

As for what would happen to Zhai Ge, he actually didn't care much.

Zhai Ge's face couldn't help but change slightly, and he naturally heard what Lin Xiao meant.

From the leader's point of view, his own life is not as important as Yun Jin's.

As long as Yun Jin can be eliminated, it is worth sacrificing himself.

Zhai Ge gritted his teeth and appeared in front of Yun Jin instantly.

He did not hesitate to attack Yun Jin brazenly.

this moment.

He didn't care much anymore.

As long as Yun Jin is excepted, the matter can continue to be covered up.

Those casual cultivators have also left.

The remaining sect disciples will not turn towards Yun Jin.

If there are a few who are unconscious, just kill them!

As long as he kills hard enough, he can keep this secret.

Seeing Zhai Ge finally take action, Yun Jin couldn't help but smile: "Deputy Hall Master Zhai, you took action too late. If you had taken action earlier, I might have been a corpse by now. Poor Blood Demon, he died unjustly. ”

Zhai Ge remained silent. The next moment, his figure suddenly became taller, until he was as tall as ten Yunjins, and then he stopped.

The secret method of Qingxiao Pavilion: Super Giant Transformation.

Zhai Ge raised his hand and pressed down on Yun Jin overwhelmingly.

Yun Jin fled quickly, narrowly and dangerously, escaping from the attack range.


The remaining seven demons were already waiting for him.

"What are you still doing? Attack them all." Zhai Ge's voice was cold.

next moment.

The remaining early stages of Mahayana, as well as Shi Li, also surrounded them.

The evil demons below also formed a formation quickly. Their cultivation was low, but their energy was condensed, and they could cause some minor trouble to Yun Jin.

There are enemies on all sides.

Yun Jin was alone and besieged by everyone.

Only the sect disciples did not move, but they also looked stunned.

This is the situation now.

What should they do? (End of chapter)

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