Chapter 811 Absorb all

 A group of rare races looked at Zhiyue's now inhuman appearance, and were subconsciously a little nervous.

But seeing Yun Jin's calm look, they slowly calmed down.

Senior Yun's strength is unfathomable. Since she has not taken action yet, she is absolutely sure that she can suppress all disputes.

"Senior Yun, would you like some roasted mushrooms?" the elf girl said, nourishing a few mushrooms with her spiritual power: "My elves are close to nature, and the vegetables nourished by the elves' spiritual power are very delicious. "

"Okay, let's have some. For a change." Yun Jin agreed.

The elf girl suddenly looked very glorious and concentrated on roasting the mushrooms.

The fragrance here is wafting, and the situation there has reached its most tense moment.

Zhiyue in red slowly walked towards the crowd.

The hem of her clothes moved without any wind, and there was always a faint smile on her lips.

With every step she took, the sky got darker.

Take another step and it becomes darker again.

Vaguely, the shadow of a blood moon seemed to appear in the sky.

Di Qian and others looked a little nervous. Di Qian said angrily: "We can't let her come here again. Everyone else, all attack! The people of the Diqian tribe retreat temporarily. She must not let her get the blood of the Diqian tribe!"

Di Qian believed that he had made the most correct decision under the current circumstances.

But he forgot.

Their so-called alliance was just a temporary alliance, but there was never any trust at all!

As soon as Di Qian said these words, everyone couldn't help but look at him with dissatisfaction.

"Di Qian, you really have a good idea! Let people of other races die for you, and you are hiding behind to get the benefits, right?"

"Other races have suffered casualties, how come you are the only one who is intact? In the previous battle, did you really try your best?"

"As the largest clan, shouldn't you put in more effort?"

Everyone started to criticize.

Di Qian was a little angry: "You don't know the priorities at all? Don't you see? Every time she absorbs another bloodline, she becomes stronger! Didn't that human race just say this? Now? , only the blood of our Earth Splitting Clan, she has not yet obtained. Isn’t it natural to protect the Earth Splitting Clan with all her strength!”

"Ha! Protect the Earth Split Tribe with all your strength? Then the casualties of other races of ours are not important?"

"How dare you say such words, Di Qian!"

"Before, you led the people of the Earth Splitting Clan passively and sabotaged their work. It turned out that you were waiting here."

Di Qian was dumbfounded. He wanted to end it for himself, but he didn't know how to speak.

They haven't yet reached a consensus, but the shadow of the blood moon in the sky has become more and more obvious, and the sky has completely darkened!

Zhiyue smiled slightly: "It seems that you haven't reached a consensus yet? Is this good? I'll send you underground and you can discuss it slowly!"

The sound of the quarrel disappeared instantly, and everyone looked at Zhiyue who was in a crazy state with some fear.

A strange smile bloomed at the corner of Zhiyue's lips. She raised her hands, and her white hands glowed strangely under the moonlight. Her nails suddenly grew a lot, and they flashed sharply under the moonlight. luster.

Yun Jin gnawed on the mushroom and showed an interested look.

The hardness of this nail is quite good, which is equivalent to the strength of a heaven-level magic weapon.

"Stop arguing! If you don't want to die here, just do what I say first!" Di Qian also wanted to convince everyone.

But the next moment.

Zhiyue's ghostly figure had already arrived in front of Diqian in an instant.

"What did you say?" A strange smile appeared on Zhiyue's lips.

Di Qian's expression changed, and a huge shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

Zhiyue's sharp nails instantly pierced the shield at this moment.

Almost instantly, the shield was completely shattered.

Zhiyue's nails pierced Di Qian's body directly, with a smile on her face: "Let me see what it feels like to absorb the blood of this first race..." The next moment.

She was stunned for a moment, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes.

In this body, she didn't even feel the existence of blood...


Zhiyue suddenly turned her head.

The underground dive suddenly appeared in another place. He was vomiting blood, looking at Zhiyue with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"The art of clones." Zhiyue smiled: "I underestimated you. But if you can escape, what about the other members of the Earth Splitting Clan?"

She looked at the next target with a cold expression!

"Protect the people of the Earth Splitting Tribe. As long as we can leave alive, we, the Earth Splitting Tribe, will be grateful!" Di Qian shouted loudly.

Others also saw how scary Zhiyue was.

Yu Shiyi's eyes flickered and he said loudly: "Listen to Di Qian, first stop Zhiyue from absorbing the last bloodline!"

Those present were all old-timers. Although they were unwilling to accept the current situation, they still surrounded the members of the Earth Splitting Clan.

Attack after attack fell on Zhi Yue crazily.

Zhiyue faced the sky full of magic and walked forward step by step.

Her spiritual power resisted most of it, but the spell still hit her body, and scars appeared on her body.

But Zhiyue was not worried at all. Instead, she showed an expression of enjoyment. The light of the blood moon shone down and she licked her lips. Her spiritual power actually improved to a higher level!

"The more injured this witch is, the stronger she becomes!" Someone said angrily: "Quick, stop the attack!"

Someone stopped subconsciously.

"Don't stop!" Yu Shiyi was startled, and he shouted subconsciously.

However, some have stopped.

Zhiyue's smile was strange, and she took advantage of this opportunity to forcefully break through the encirclement!

When everyone reacts.

A member of the Earth Splitting Clan has been grabbed by the throat by her.

Zhiyue licked her lips, and in an instant, only a piece of **** skin was left on that person!

After all, I couldn't stop her!

Di Qian said sternly: "Don't hold back while she hasn't completely absorbed the blood!"

As he spoke, he showed a pained expression and took out a talisman first.

This is…

Everyone looked shocked.

This talisman can be used three times in total. Each time it is used, it can release very terrifying spiritual power.

The underground talisman has been used twice before. He has even killed powerful men at the peak of Mahayana using this talisman.

This time, he also spent a lot of money to kill Zhiyue.

Others no longer hesitated and took advantage of the situation!

Zhiyue sat down cross-legged. A thick blood shield appeared around her body, and endless attacks fell on the blood shield.

Viewing area.

The elf girl couldn't help but said: "Senior, do you think they would have defeated Zhiyue long ago if they had used such methods from the beginning?"

Yun Jin smiled: "If we use our full strength from the beginning, there will indeed be some opportunities. But... these people are destined not to be so united."

They come from different races, and each has their own little plan. Do you want them to cooperate sincerely? How is it possible!

Yun Jin glanced at the blood mask and narrowed his eyes slightly.

What does this blood moon have to do with the demon clan’s blood moon?

Where did this evil method Zhiyue practice come from?

Could it be that there are demons who have traveled through the central area and the Fierce Beast Mountain Range to come here all the way?

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