Chapter 812 is over?

Under the bombardment of everyone, the blood shield shook slightly, and the **** light seemed to be reduced a bit.


It never completely broke!

Zhiyue is still refining the last bloodline with peace of mind.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but become anxious.

They can't even break through Zhiyue's defense. How can they be her opponent after she absorbs the blood?

Some people felt so timid that they flew up and fled outside.

But the next moment.

A transparent barrier appeared, and he was pushed back directly.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.


When did Zhiyue set up a barrier here!

"Don't even think about escaping! She doesn't even want to let us leave!" Diqian said angrily.

Zhiyue didn't attack immediately at first, she was probably waiting for the barrier to take shape!

The nobles of the Stone Clan were even more trembling.

They thought they were plotting against Zhiyue today.

In the end, they are Zhiyue's prey!

This feeling of identity reversal is really insecure.

A stone tribe noble trembled: "Everyone, I...we paid a high price to let you take action. You must kill this evil demon!"

"What nonsense are you talking about now?" Yu Shiyi couldn't help but cursed: "We don't kill Zhiyue because we don't want to?"

These stone tribe nobles suddenly did not dare to speak.

Di Qian glanced at Yun Jin, who had a leisurely look on his face, and couldn't help but say: "When she finishes absorbing the blood, you will only die! Why don't you come and help!"

Yun Jin glanced at him: "Are you asking for my help now?"

Di Qian was angry: "Do you think she will let you go if you kill us?"

Yun Jin looked calm: "But she is not my opponent."

This tone is so arrogant.

Di Qian and others were momentarily shocked.

Yu Shiyi couldn't help but said: "Yun Jin! Stop pretending, you are just a person in the tribulation period! Although you are not strong enough, but in the current situation, if you have more strength, you will have more strength! This place has been arranged to end The world and space are also blocked, and you may not be able to leave with the help of space power!"

"The period of transcending tribulation?" A trace of despair suddenly flashed in Di Qian's eyes.

He originally thought that Yun Jin could help, but she was only in the stage of transcending the tribulation... So one more person was not more, and one less her was not a lot.

Di Qian didn't care about inviting Yun Jin anymore and just continued to attack desperately.

"Yu Shiyi!" Yun Jin was not happy at this: "My period of transcending the tribulation was a year ago. A whole year has passed, won't I make progress?"

When everyone heard this, they became even more desperate.

A year ago it was still the period of tribulation.

How far will it grow in one year?

This human race can't be counted on at all!

Yu Shiyi was a little dumbfounded: "Okay, okay, even if you make progress, can you still become the top expert?"

Yun Jin slowly ate the last bit of mushrooms, and then slowly jumped off the high platform: "What, can't you?"

Yu Eleven was speechless.

When did this happen?

This woman is just pretending to be here!

Pretending to be a master is quite similar, but can the pretense be converted into strength?

It's not a dead end in the end.

"This Zhiyue is indeed about to absorb all the blood." Yun Jin glanced at Zhiyue, who was wrapped in blood, and then said with a smile: "This way. I can take action once, but the condition is that after removing Zhiyue, you will How about giving me a copy of all the skills on your body?"

Yun Jin put forward her conditions.

These people happen to come from various races, and the techniques they practice are also very different. But they happened to be gathered here at this moment. Wasn't this the spot to help her deliver the exercises? Yunjin was in the stage of transcending tribulation, but he still had the nerve to ask for such an impossible condition.

Yu Shiyi said angrily: "Okay! If you can kill Zhiyue, I will give you all my skills."

Yun Jin blinked: "What about the others?"

She looked at them one by one, as if she was determined to get the answer.

Everyone is a little helpless!

This Yunjin is really endless!

But if they don't tell her, she keeps asking, which is quite annoying.

Di Qian said impatiently: "Okay! As long as you kill Zhiyue, all the skills will be given to you, okay?"

Others also responded with some irritability.

After getting the promise, Yun Jin nodded: "As long as you agree. If anyone wants to break the contract in the future, I will come and get it myself."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If you have the ability, break this blood shield first!" Di Qian said angrily.

Yun Jin then turned around and looked at Zhi Yue, who was wrapped in layers of blood.


She frowned.


She didn't need to take action to crush it.

The bloodline of this Earth Splitting Clan has been completely absorbed by Zhiyue!

Everyone also noticed it, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Layers of blood mist returned to Zhiyue's body in an instant. Under the blood moon, her expression became even more enchanting.

Zhiyue slowly stood up.

Her nails are longer than before, each nail is as long as a long sword, and the aura on her body is further strengthened!

"Thank you very much. Now I have finally reached the perfect state." A strange smile appeared on Zhiyue's face: "To thank you, my reward is... to send you all to hell!"

Zhiyue's body exuded an endless aura of terror. Just being pressed by this aura made everyone feel breathless.

A trace of despair flashed across Yu Shiyi's face.

He has been through many crises.

But for the first time, I had a strong premonition of death.

His subconscious mind was warning him that this time, he might be dead.

Zhiyue looked at everyone as if looking at prey.

She smiled slightly at Yun Jin: "I plan to kill you last, you can relax for a while first."

Yun Jin nodded seriously: "I know I'm very lovable, and it's normal for you to want to keep me for a while. However, I promised them that I would kill you."

Zhiyue looked at Yun Jin and couldn't help but laugh.

She heard it all.

This human race is surprisingly still in the stage of transcending tribulation.

How dare you speak to her in such a tone after a period of transcending tribulation?

It's really...ridiculous!

That's all, just keep this clown around for a while and just treat it as fun.

Zhiyue looked at Di Qian with a bright smile: "I couldn't kill you before. This time, let's see if you can resist."

Di Qian's whole body shivered, and his spiritual energy fluctuated wildly all over his body, desperately preparing for defense.

But it's just a matter of breathing.

Zhiyue's long nails had reached the center of his eyebrows in an instant.

Di Qian's body trembled.

In front of Zhiyue, the aura around him was instantly suppressed, and he had no strength to resist at all.

It's over.

This time, it's dead.

Finally it’s not one, three, one, three, continue with two, two, two, hey hey hey hey

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