Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1008: Lottery Drawing Posture Is Very Important

Chapter 1008

Even though she knew it was an illusion, Touka Kirishima still sneered.

If there are any gods in this world, no matter if they are ghouls or humans, there is no need to live in such a miserable life.

Why are there humans in this world? Why are there ghouls? And why are there CCGs?

Touka Kirishima didn't understand.

This is something she didn't know until long after she was born.

Although he has the appearance of a human being, he is different from a human being.

Just like those beasts wandering in the wild, they feed on flesh and blood... and they still feed on human flesh and blood.

She hated the humans who killed her parents, and also hated her body as a ghoul.

If only it would all go away.

Kirishima Touka had such negative thoughts in her heart.

As long as everything disappears, there will be no pain, no worries, and no need to worry about being discovered by Yiko.

"Damn! Has the hallucination affected me?!"

Touka Kirishima patted her head.

Apart from her need to hide herself, she is doing well now.

I went to a very good university and made very good friends...if nothing happens, this life may be spent in peace.

Maybe... I will meet the opposite sex that I like, or like her, and then get married and have children.

Just like my parents, or Dikou and his family.

After returning home and washing her face, Touka Kirishima finally felt a little more conscious.

But when she just sat down, the "chat group" in her mind came out again.

The situation startled her.

"Damn it! It's not over, is it?"

Touka Kirishima has a hot temper.

Her patience is reserved for her friends.

Besides, this is still her hallucination.

She subconsciously looked at the chat group, wondering what happened to her hallucinations.

Little Spider: "The newcomer looks very stubborn." "

I don't want to see a ghost: "I can't help it. After all, not everyone is very receptive. It's normal for a few stubborn newcomers to appear occasionally."

Butterfly Ren: "Could it be that the newcomers didn't listen to our advice?"

The Spirit of Time: "It seems so."

Electromagnetic Gun: "We must be regarded as fake, even the newcomer lottery is useless.

Wild Nanny: "...If I hadn't encountered this situation, I wouldn't have believed it so quickly. By the way, I used the newcomer lottery."

Grandpa is so cute: "What did you get?"

Wild Nanny: "... a piece of chicken stuffed with sweet flowers, the taste is pretty good.

Blue Slime: "No accident shipwreck."

Blue Slime: "Let me tell you a newcomer, in fact, posture is very important during the lottery draw!"

Crazy Nanny: "...what else do you need for the lottery draw?"

Yuuki Asuna was puzzled.

Isn't it just a little hand?

Right now she is only short of some points.

However, according to the analysis of the group of friends, maybe the props she dropped from fighting monsters in the Sword Art Online game in the future should be exchanged for points.

Princess in military uniform: "Is there such a hidden setting?"

Silver-haired Witch: "I want to know too."

Blue Slime: "Don't worry, take your time one by one. I'll tell you the method privately, and whether you can succeed or not depends on your own understanding."

Electromagnetic Gun: "If Xuan doesn't save Fei, if Krypton doesn't change his life, don't waste your efforts."

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "That's it! Don't believe the fake news that you can ship the goods just by worshiping that guy. If it is true, we would have punched Lingshan Nursing Home and kicked Beihai Tianzi teacher, okay?"

When it comes to the lottery draw, Shiraiyasha is very angry.

Although I joined the chat group later, so far, I have invested more points in the prize pool than everyone else combined.

Even Bai Chen can't compare to her expenses.

But the result?

Dozens of ten consecutive draws [in the end, there are only ten useless SRs.

Even Bai Yasha, whose temperament has been tempered for thousands of years, couldn't help vomiting blood on the spot.

And look at that bastard Bai Chen.

Basically, every lottery is a blood profit, but she is a blood loss every time.

Although it is not a loss that there are no pants, but my heart is bleeding.

Rampant Nanny: "Uh...should I believe it or not."

Little Spider: "Believe it! Believe it! Miss Yasha is an exception in this group so far, and the non-chief among the non-chiefs, her experience is not counted."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Good guy! Have we been excluded from this group for our feelings?"

Silver-haired Witch: "By the way...that newcomer just now made me a little worried."

The silver-haired witch: "", maybe she thinks we can't be trusted because of certain things she has experienced?"

Silver-haired Witch: "@白兔兔, although I have just joined the group, if you need help, you can just trust us."

White Rabbit: "Don't lie to me, where is there such a strange thing in the world, I just need to sleep, and you will all disappear!"

I don't want to go to hell: "What a stubborn newcomer!"

The Spirit of Time: "I can't help it, Mr. Bai Chen, have you deduced the information about the newcomer's world?"

Bai Chen: "I already know, then I'll just upload it directly to the group file."

Although the newcomer did not speak, but through the updated props and abilities in the resident pool, he also guessed what world the other party came from.

———Tokyo food.

A creature called "ghoul" that mainly feeds on human flesh and blood.

They live in the same world as humans.

Just like many European and American movies related to werewolves or vampires. (Nono good)

Ghouls hunted humans, and humans also hunted ghouls.

This setting is not much different from the world of Demon Slayer: Blade where Butterfly Ninja resides.

Like ghosts, ghouls also feed on human flesh and blood, but the difference is that ghosts are afraid of sunlight and solar knives, while ghouls have similar weaknesses to humans, but their physical fitness is much stronger, and they also have various abilities.

Of course, the ghouls don't have ghost kings like Oni Wu Tsuji as their commanders, and their lives are in the hands of others.

And the newcomer named White Rabbit should be the heroine Kirishima Touka in the play.

As a ghoul, her code name in CCG is "White Rabbit", which means she is very fast.

Bai Chen uploaded the sorted information to the group file store.

The chat group fell silent immediately, looking at the information related to the newcomer's world.

Afterwards, Bai Chen temporarily quit the chat group and returned to the temporary daily life. .

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