Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1009 Jibril: That's It?

Chapter 1009

Wait until Bai Chen enters the chat group again.

In the chat group, everyone is discussing things about the ghoul world.

White Rabbit: "So... is this really a chat group that connects the heavens and the world? I thought it was an illusion caused by being too tired.

White Rabbit: "I didn't expect it to be true."

The Spirit of Time: "It's normal, many people's first impression is this, but as long as the misunderstanding is solved.

White Rabbit: "Sorry..."

Previously, after Bai Chen uploaded the information, Touka Kirishima finally changed from thinking that it was a hallucination to half-belief after reading the various descriptions above.

It wasn't until she used the first newcomer benefits under the suggestion of the group members and extracted a lv1 telekinetic force that she finally believed in the existence of the chat group.

Although the telekinetic power of Iv1 can only reach the level of lightly blowing the curtains, it also makes Kirishima Touka begin to doubt life.

After all, superpowers and the like can only be seen in novels and movies.

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's an incredible feeling, right?"

White Rabbit: "Well..."

Railgun: "Compared to this, I'm more curious about that kind of thing. This kind of creature that feeds on the flesh and blood of human beings always feels like I've seen something similar somewhere."

Little Spider: "That's right, it looks familiar to me too."

Elegant and decent lady: "Actually, many lives have very similar settings, such as werewolves, vampires and so on. There are legends about dead people sucking blood, but I have never been there because of my age."

The Spirit of Time: ...Indeed, it is not uncommon for the setting to eat humans.

Fubuki from Hell: "There have been a lot of weird people who eat people on my side."

Teacher Loli: "However, according to the information given by Mr. Bai Chen, ghouls can only fill their stomachs by eating human flesh and blood. To ghouls, other normal food is like the garbage in the sewer. Although there are demons who can eat people on my side, they can basically replenish their physical strength by eating normal food."

Butterfly Ninja: ...It is very similar to the ghosts that have appeared in my world before. "

Luo Abao: "It's very similar, ghosts and ghost killing teams, ghouls and ghoul countermeasures, they all come out of the same mold.

Railgun: "It's a bit exciting, isn't it dangerous for ordinary people to walk at night? (cbeb)"

Little Spider: "It's not just walking at night, it's dangerous even during the day, after all, ghouls are not afraid of the sun."

The Spirit of Time: "You two, the newcomers are still here, so be careful when you speak."

Little Spider: "Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little too excited, and I got carried away."

Railgun: "Sorry."

Seeing the conversations in the group, Kirishima Touka herself felt a little embarrassed.

She hid her identity as a ghoul in the human world, but she was quickly exposed by that man in the chat group.

This made her both vigilant and worried.

Worrying about his identity as a ghoul will affect the relationship between himself and other group members.

Seeing their apologies, the girl didn't know how to speak for a while.

After all, in another world.

If humans knew that they were ghouls, they wouldn't apologize honestly like this.

After reading the chat records, Wang started the group chat.

Bai Chen: "I know what you are worried about, Ms. Kirishima, but it doesn't matter. No one in the group will discriminate against you because you are a ghoul. As long as you stick to your bottom line and don't be a slave driven by desire, there is not much difference between ghouls and humans.

Just like the ghosts in the world of Demon Slayer: Blade.

Among them, there are ghosts with a bad personality like Wu Mi and Shangxian Zhier Tongmo, as well as good ghosts like Nezuko and Zhushi who are harmless to human beings but full of kindness.

The same goes for ghouls.

As long as you stick to the bottom line and don't kill innocent people indiscriminately for the sake of appetite, in the eyes of others in the chat group, ghouls are just a special kind of demon race.

Of course, those ghouls who wantonly hunted and killed humans just for the sake of eating, or even looking for delicious food among humans, were not so innocent.

White Rabbit: "The Bottom Line"

Touka Kirishima understood what the bottom line Bai Chen was talking about.

And she has never done that, she has never killed anyone just to fill her stomach.

The things used to replenish physical strength are also things that the manager of the antique coffee shop got.

The Spirit of Time: "There is really no need to feel inferior because of this status. You know, 20,000 people died in my hands in the past."

In order to appease the emotions of the newcomers, Tokisaki Kurumi even used the black history of the past to tease himself.

And the reason why she is so casual is because history has changed.

Even so, that's what happened.


The people who died at the hands of Tokisaki Kuangsan were all gangsters and hooligans. In the end, under Bai Chen's suggestion, they went directly to prisons all over the world to find those serious criminals to kill.

White Rabbit: "Twenty thousand people..."

Seeing this string of numbers, Kirishima Touka was also obviously shocked.

Even if there is a row of 20,000 pork chops, it will take a lot of effort to kill them.

Let alone people.

A ghoul who can do this is already regarded as the most wanted criminal in the world!

Non-staff individual: "That's it?"

Non-staff individual: "Then I kill more odds than you."

Seeing Tokisaki Kurumi "showing off" her achievements, Jibril immediately stood up and boasted about her past glorious history.

Although the rules of the game life world have been changed by Bai Chen, Jibril's character as a Flügel is still there.

During the Great War, there was also a competitive competition with the sisters of the same clan who hunted the most.

As for humans.

At that time, life that wasn't even considered a species was regarded by the Flügel as low-level beasts like monkeys.

It is even more impossible to calculate the number of deaths in the war.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Ah, Miss Jibril, the mad third sister is not showing off, but comforting the new couple."

Non-staff individual: "?"

Non-staff individual: "This shit needs comfort? Boring!"

Jibril expressed that she could not understand such awkward emotions.

Silver-haired Witch: "You can't say that, everyone has their own concerns, but Ms. Kirishima Touka and Mr. Bai Chen are right. As long as you stick to your bottom line, no one will discriminate against you."

Railgun: "By the way, do you have any ideas for the newcomers? Or are there goals that you can't achieve on your own...".

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