Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1035 You Can Become Stronger By Playing Games

Chapter 1035

Electromagnetic Gun: "I just finished fighting the boss on the second floor. What happened? Why was there a commission? And... still a rookie?"

Bai Chen: "You're awake, but it's over."

Bai Chen: "The drama of the villain who appeared before the gods is over, and it hasn't been recorded and broadcast yet. Are you happy? Is it unexpected?"

Little spider: "- woo woo woo woo!"

Little Spider: "No one pays special attention to this broken group! They just missed the boss's live broadcast just like that.

The Spirit of Time: "No...Actually, Mr. Bai Chen did not broadcast live."

Little Spider: "???"

Butterfly Ren: "Maybe there is some special reason.

Butterfly Ren guessed it right.

After all, the problems in the ghoul world are quite complicated.

What's more, although Bai Chen's handling method is efficient, it is by no means perfect.

When the live broadcast starts, there will definitely be a discussion among the group members in the live broadcast room.

Considering Touka Kirishima's own mood, Bai Chen simply did not start the live broadcast.

Bai Chen: "There are no live broadcasts or recorded broadcasts, but Dong Xiang's problems have been solved, and she is no longer a ghoul now, but an ordinary person without any special abilities

The silver-haired witch: "Congratulations!"

Sheng Tianzi: Although I don't know your experience, but as a ghoul, the newcomer must have had a difficult life in the past.

White Rabbit: "It's all right now, and I'm just an ordinary person now, let the past be the past. w'

Princess in military uniform: "Indeed, the characteristics of ghouls doom them to being unable to live a normal human life. Although they will gain great power, losing their human identity should be a burden for Ms. Kirishima."

Princess in military uniform: "However, it would be nice to be able to turn back into a human being."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "The loss of power may be a bit uncomfortable, after all, there is a huge gap between ordinary people and ghouls.

The lowest level ghouls are invulnerable.

But human beings have to lie in bed for ten days and a half months just to hurt their muscles and bones.

Best-selling novelist: "Generally speaking, it is difficult to adapt to changing from an extraordinary person back to an ordinary person without any power."

Master is so cute: "This is what Liyue said, it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but hard to go from extravagant to frugal?"

Teacher Loli: "That's almost what it means."

Teacher Loli: "At that time, as a witch, I could also choose to refuse to sign a contract with the devil, but after I lost my power, my situation would be very troublesome."

Nangong was deeply touched that month.

The blood of a witch is born.

When you are young, you can choose whether to sign a contract with the devil, and pay a certain price in exchange for magic power stronger than the demons.

For example, Nangong himself paid for it that month, and the price of becoming the guard of the prison barrier was exchanged for a huge magic power that was only slightly inferior to that of the true ancestor.

If she doesn't instill consciousness into the puppet to move outside.

Then she is just a shell with powerful magic power.

Chen: "Don't worry about this, just go to SAO to practice for a while, and the attributes of high-level players are much stronger."

Not to mention the blessing of equipment and props.

That kind of game equipment that emits blue light, is it not as good as Hezi and the red-eyed master of the ghouls?

Besides, when the production of other games is completed in the later stage, the update of skills and equipment will definitely be much greater than the potential of ghouls.

Teacher Loli: "I forgot about it, that game is indeed very suitable for incompetent newbies."

Wild nanny: "If you want to come, you can join me in the group anytime, the game needs many people to play together to be lively!"

Today, Asuna has long since lost the panic at the beginning, and instead began to enjoy the fun of the game wholeheartedly.

After all, it feels really cool to be led by a boss.

Little White Cat: "I'll take you when the time comes, @白兔兔."

White Rabbit: "Thank you."

Seeing the reply in the group, Touka Kirishima was a little moved.

In the world I live in, I basically have no friends except Yizi.

On the one hand, it is because of my personality, on the other hand, I am worried that my identity as a ghoul will be exposed.

However, the group members in the group don't care about their past identities at all, and get along like ordinary people.

…ask for flowers………

Little Spider: "Small problem! But when it's time to go online, you must tell me well, what did the boss do with you!"

Little Spider: "I want to write it down word by word!"

White Rabbit: "Okay...Okay.

Luo Abao: "Outrageous! It's so late, why are so many people awake?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Aren't you asleep too?"

Luo Abao: "I was suffocated, as a soldier, it is impossible not to maintain good work and rest habits at all times.

Railgun: "It's true, after all, everyone has their own problems to solve."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Ah, yes, I suddenly remembered, why haven't you released the commission in the group until now, Mr. Amuro? Isn't the Federation you are in is fighting with aliens?"

Luo Abao: "It's not aliens, it's Zeon."

Luo Abao: "Actually, at the beginning, I also thought about issuing a commission to let the boss come over to end the war, but when I think about it carefully, the war has not yet reached the point of last resort, and the more I participate in the battle, the more I can understand why Zeon would invade the earth."

Just like the suggestion to Bai Chen shortly after joining the group.

The Federation, Zeon, and even the crew on the white wooden horse cannot be fully trusted.

The only thing he can rely on is Gundam.

It turns out that Bai Chen was right.

It is true that Zeon is an invader.

But what the Federation did to Zeon is also an indelible fact.

Luo Abao: "Of course, what Zeon did to the earth cannot be forgiven, but I want to end this war with my own hands."

Although the performance of Gundam is strong, it can only dominate the local battle situation.

But with the chat group, Amuro also saw his hope of ending the war with his own hands one day.

With his own hands, he will make the people of the Federation and Zeon understand each other.

Blue Slime: "Okay, very ambitious! I support Mr. Amuro in spirit!"

Watching the discussion in the group, Bai Chen chatted for a few more words and went offline directly.

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