Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1036: God Of Whirlpool Destruction

Chapter 1036

After completing the commission of Kirishima Touka, a new world fell into the hands of Bai Chen.

With the continuous erosion of reason, it won't take long before that world will completely become a part of his general army.


After spreading the principle of gold, it didn't end like this.

Bai Chen needs a certain period of time to settle and digest the origin of the new world.

In this way, the power fed back from the new world will truly be used by him.

In addition, because the mystery of the ghoul world is not high, Bai Chen also digested it very smoothly.

With the addition of the new world, Bai Chen felt that his strength had become stronger.

According to my own estimation, in the case of burning power, one shot of the holy gun will burn a whole world, from the original full blow, to the point where "zero five zero" can still retain a little power.

As for being more specific, maybe you need to find an unlucky person to test it.

It's just that there are very few beings who can withstand the blow of his holy spear, even the gods in the Little Garden, there are definitely not many beings who can block him.

If you really want to test your strength.

Maybe we can only look forward to whether the chat group will attract some good newcomers.

For example, Dragon Ball, Marvel and DC, or some big names in Day of Wrath, Demon Slayer.

However, if one day, the chat group really pulls in some of the characters in these works.

With his current strength, he might not be able to do anything to the opponent.

After all, there are multiples in these worlds, and they even have powerhouses beyond the multiverse level.

The King of All in Dragon Ball, not to mention the ceiling OAA in the Marvel world, just any one of the Celestial Group has the power to create or destroy a single universe.

Boxun and the Mercury Serpent in Sun of Wrath.

In the world of Demon Slayer, the God of Whirlpool Destroyer, in his own world view, eliminated all the evil gods in the entire multiverse and the court of chaos with a single machine.

In the Cthulhu mythology, the main body of Azathoth, the lord of all things, Yogsothoth, the one of all things, Naia-Latopep, the god of thousands of faces, and even the bodies of all evil gods were wiped out by the vortex god of destruction.

Although those evil gods are existences in the world view of the Demon Slayer, they also possess multiple, even ultra-multiple levels of power.

But it was only destroyed by the vortex destroying god, which is enough to prove how strong the vortex destroying god's power is.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard."

Looking back on the existence in those works, Bai Chen also knows how many days there is a gap between the current self and those top powerhouses.

So he was never complacent.

With a system like the chat group, he would only encounter opponents stronger than Hakoniwa.


Despising the opponent strategically and paying attention to the opponent tactically have always been Bai Chen's course of action.

What's more, when the strong man in Marvel DC enters the group, his strength will definitely be stronger than it is now.

Bai Chen woke up from meditation.

There was a dragon chant in the dark.

That was the daily "friendly" exchange between the infinite dragon god Orpheus and the great red.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

It seems that I haven't been back to Hakoniwa for a while.

In addition, his current strength is enough to fight against some ambitious people in Little Garden, so he also plans to bring some suitable candidates to Little Garden in the near future.

Athena, Luo Hao and the nomadic goddess Lancelot.

In the past, they were also opponents whose strength was comparable to their own.

However, with his chat group, plus his one percent luck and ninety-nine percent hard work, Bai Chen is no longer an ordinary godslayer.

"But I'm not the only one who is trying to become stronger."

Thinking of this, Bai Chen smiled and spread his consciousness around.

The world became his eyes, reflecting all the myriad phenomena within the radius into Bai Chen's mind.

Witches and ancestors are drinking tea in the courtyard.

Liliana and Erica in the training ground are practicing against each other, while Ena Kiyoshuin and Yuri Mariya are watching the battle from the sidelines.

Inori and Ingewell discuss the melody and lyrics of the new song.

At the same time, there is Luo Hao who is sitting cross-legged on the roof and practicing.

This woman who wants to be strong all her life really likes to stand on a higher place...

And Athena, the cook, she... well, she's standing outside the door right now.

As if sensing his peeping, this petite goddess who had a contract with him came near him unknowingly.

Bai Chen got out of bed and opened the door.

Looking at the girl in front of me, she looked immature but not lacking in majesty, but the majesty was also mixed with a kind of silver-haired goddess.

"...I just have something to tell you."

Without thinking too much, Bai Chen spoke out his suggestion after calling the girls together.

Of course, going to Hakoniwa is not mandatory.

You don't have to go if you don't want to.

After all, for Bai Chen, forming a community is more of a game of chance.

The main purpose is to allow these harem who have a growing gap with themselves to have broader opportunities for development.

After all, according to Hakoniwa Center's observation theory and spiritual power judgment, after they go to Hakoniwa, their strength will definitely improve to varying degrees.

"If Hakoniba, I am naturally willing to go."

For Luo Hao.

Right now, only Bai Chen and becoming stronger are on her mind.

Seeing that her opponent, whom she was able to fight in the past, has completely surpassed her now, but she can't even see the opponent's back. Although Luo Hao doesn't say 5.7, he still has a lot of grudges in his heart.

So much so that her practice was influenced by her heart.

Now hearing that there is a bigger world, Luo Hao naturally wants to go there.

Finally, determine who will go to Hakoniwa.

Luo Hao, Athena.

As for others, such as Lancelot, they stayed here temporarily on the grounds that they still had to take care of Guinevia.

Bai Chen has no comment on this.

Anyway, if you want to go, you can go anytime.

As for Erica, Liliana and others, they are also a little eager to try.

However, their strength is currently too weak.

At the very least, Bai Chen would not allow them to practice in the Little Garden until they succeeded in killing gods and became godslayers.

Otherwise, with their current strength, they would not even be able to match cannon fodder in Xiaoting Garden. .

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