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Chapter 1041: Oppression From Above

Chapter 1041

After drinking for three rounds, the relationship between Bai Chen and Monkey King has become much closer.

Although she has become a Buddha, her personality has not changed much.

She is still the Monkey King who likes to make friends, but her temperament has been smoothed out a lot.

However, when Bai Chen said that she was fighting the devil, she would still subconsciously clenched the stick tightly, obviously looking forward to that kind of battle.

...It's a pity that I have converted to Buddhism, and I don't care about things outside of my body, and I can't care about them anymore. "

Having said that, Sun Wukong shook his head and sighed, loosening the golden hoop in his hand.

After drinking a bowl of wine, the whole person became slightly drunk.

Under normal circumstances, the existence of their status will not be paralyzed by alcohol.

The reason for this is mainly because they paralyze themselves.

"Zero Zero Three" Bai Ye was also silent.

She also felt a little bitter in her heart.

With the drunkenness, he also began to paralyze his nerves.

Then I started talking about how I was tired of the boring life, and how envious I was of Bai Chen who came and went freely.

"Don't look at the guy we keep complaining about Alger, but we are very envious of that stinky woman, no matter what the gods say, she will not accept it. Although she ended up being sealed in the end, she didn't say "no" to any of the gods."

It is true to complain, and it is true to envy him.

If it wasn't for this Xiaoting, how could Bai Ye agree to the repeated oppression of those gods.

Let's talk about Monkey King.

Perhaps it is because the two have similar experiences that they become friends who talk about everything.

Sun Wukong was originally just a monkey who studied art from Hezhou, Xiniu in order to pursue longevity. He was targeted by the heaven just because he took the title of "Great Sage Equaling Heaven".

When she fell into Little Garden, the reason why she was suppressed was only because her identity as a half-star spirit on the earth threatened the rule of some gods.

Both Bai Ye and Monkey King were suppressed because of their identities.

Now I belong to the same Buddhist sect, and I still have suffering in my heart.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to take the initiative to seek drunkenness, he also poured out the words that were suppressed in his heart.

Looking at the two women in front of him, who are superior in the eyes of others, Bai Chen couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the young man couldn't help but say: "In this case, then simply leave Buddhism, the Queen of Halloween is not the same as you, she is not living well now."

heard the words.

Bai Ye and Sun Wukong raised their heads to look at Bai Chen, leaving only the liquid in the wine glass swinging back and forth.

Immediately, they smiled.

It's just that the complex emotions contained in it, even Bai Chen, an outsider, can see clearly.

Seeing this, Bai Chen also understood what they were thinking.

It's nothing more than worrying too much.

Time is about to smooth their edges and corners, and they are already used to this kind of life.

Even if the opportunity is in front of them, they will feel hesitant about it.

This is normal.

But Bai Chen doesn't think so.

That's all for Sun Wukong.

You, Bai Yasha, have already joined the chat group, why are you still willing to submit to others like this?

"Maybe you don't know about Bai Chen?"

Bai Ye pointed at Monkey King, with a smile on his lips.

"She is both my friend and my watcher, she was sent by the sect."

In fact, as early as a long time ago, the group of gods on the upper level always wanted Bai Ye to stay safely on the upper level.

The reason is that they can better control Bai Ye.

Tracing back to the source, it is because Bai Ye is the protoss of the sun, who holds more than half of the sun's sovereignty in the whole box garden.

Moreover, even if Bai Ye loses all the sovereignty of the sun, her status will not be shaken in any way.

But to establish a new Hakoniwa, both Sun Sovereignty and White Night are necessary.

Although the threat of the demon king Azdakaha has been removed, there are still other unresolved final trials of human beings.

Even in the future, there may be new demon kings that threaten the entire Little Garden at any time.

Therefore, only by firmly holding the sovereignty of the white night and the sun in your hands will it be possible to avoid the risks that come at any time.

"Then just leave the Buddhist gate together. Could it be that they can give you a curse that you will die suddenly when you leave the Buddhist gate?"

Bai Chen asked.

"It's...of course not."

Sun Wukong shook his head.

"It's just that the mountain has issued a death order, and Bai Ye must stay on the upper floor, otherwise, the next watcher sent will not be me, but the Vajra Arhats.

The reason why Sun Wukong is sent now is because Buddhism still wants to save some face for Bai Ye.

If you still don't know what is good or bad, what is waiting for Bai Ye will be a wanted man from the Ministry of Heaven.

"The devil king has been dealt with by me, they have no reason to restrict you anymore."

Bai Chen frowned.

"Who knows? Maybe it's because I'm afraid, or maybe it's because I don't want me to go down anymore.

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly.

"And I heard that the management of the lower level is pretty good now, isn't it? Jiao Liu works hard, and with you here, no matter how difficult the devil is, you will solve it.

"Just because of those bald donkeys in Buddhism, can you give up everything?"

Bai Chen stared into Bai Ye's eyes.

"Bai Chen, don't lie at the top, they will hear it."

Sun Wukong reminded.

After finishing speaking, he looked around subconsciously, as if someone was spying on them from behind.

"So what, even if Sakyamuni is here, I will still be right."

Hearing Bai Chen pronounce that taboo name, the expression on Sun Wukong's face was slightly flinching.

"You're drunk, Bai Chen."

Bai Ye looked at the young man helplessly.

"But it's not me who is drunk, but you.

Bai Chen's face softened.

"You have been used to the control of Buddhism on 5.4, but have you ever thought that Buddhism is not your parents and brothers, and they are not qualified to manage you."

"You are not demon kings, and no group of gods has the right to restrict your actions. This is what you most need to be clear about."

Hearing this, a tangled expression appeared on Bai Ye's cheeks.

"This kind of speech can only be made by the devil."

"The Demon King is not a man-made title. I think Sun Wukong knows this best."

Bai Chen vetoed.

The seven-day alliance in the past was nothing more than an organization where Sun Wukong and her friends got together to report to the group at dawn in Hakoniwa to keep warm.

It was only because the scale of influence affected the development of the gods that it was unilaterally defined as a demon king.

"Don't care about the so-called "superior" ideas at all, isn't it good to live freely?"

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