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The First Thousand And Forty-Two Chapters Above The Buddhist Hall, The Treasure Is Solemn

Chapter 1042

Freedom is of course good.

The price that can be exchanged for freedom is too heavy for Hakoniwa.

What you want to get, you have to give something.

Seeing Bai Yasha's tangled expression, Bai Chen didn't continue to persuade him.

He and Bai Ye are just friends after all, if the other party still chooses to live in his own way, of course Bai Feng will not dissuade him.

Sun Wukong on the side did not speak.

What Bai Chen said touched her heart.

After all, the seven-day alliance she formed in the past was not a devil alliance, but a group of like-minded companions gathered together to drink and eat meat.

On the contrary, those self-proclaimed gods came to make trouble one after another.

In the end, the Seven Days War broke out in the Eastern God Realm.

The strength of the Seven Heavens Alliance is not weak, plus Sun Wukong's status as a half star spirit on the earth, some Sanxian and gods are willing to follow her instructions.

At first, in the Seven-day War, their Seven-day Saint Alliance had the upper hand.

But later, when the backbone of the Heavenly Court was mobilized, and even the Ministry of Heaven participated in the 21st War, the Seven-Tian Alliance could no longer hold on.

And the result of that battle ended with the disastrous defeat of the Seven-day Alliance.

Among the Seven Heavenly Saints, three great sages fell, such as Shuten Doji, Tengu, and Jishu, etc., also died in the encirclement and suppression of the Ministry of Heaven, and the other weaker grass and trees were killed and injured countless times.

Sun Wukong, who couldn't bear the bloodshed to continue, also surrendered to the heaven, and under the guarantee of Buddhism, he was imprisoned under the Wuzhi Mountain outside for five hundred years.

This line of work has expanded the influence of Buddhism unprecedentedly, and realized the birth of Buddhas from all families.

"Bai Ye, he is right. If there are some things that can be fought for, they must be fought for."

Sun Wukong said emotionally.

"After all, you are not like me. You have so many considerations. What's more, there is a hero who defeated the three-headed dragon to help you. It's time for you to get rid of the control of Buddhism. Buy two

Having said that, Sun Wukong lowered his voice.

"I feel that there is something wrong with Buddhism these days.

"Something's wrong?"

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Uh... I'm just relying on my intuition, and it may not be accurate, but restricting Bai Ye to leave is a deadly order, which I can't figure out no matter what.

Sun Wukong scratched his face and explained.

"Anyway... let's go."

"But what about you?"

Bai Ye asked.

"Me? I'm a half star spirit of the earth, and I'm still fighting against Buddha. I'm not the same as a prisoner like Bai Ye. Even if I let you go, they wouldn't dare to do anything to me.

Sun Wukong shook his head.

Afterwards, the yellow-skinned blonde loli smiled as usual.

"Maybe with the help of this great hero, the gods at the upper level still dare not do anything to you. After all, you can't always think about the worst in everything. This is what that idiot Bajie told me.

Afterwards, under the watchful eye of Monkey King, Bai Ye and Bai Chen left.

On the quiet peach garden path, Baichen wrote Baiye and walked.

The silver-haired protoss in Qiu Qingyi, on the contrary, had a preoccupied look on his face at this moment, which was contrary to usual.

"Shall we just go for a walk like this?"

Isn't this running for your life?

Why is it different from what you imagined?

"Do you think we need to run for our lives?"

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"You're just turning to the light, and even if we leave the upper level now, they will find a way to get in the way of the lower level, and simply slow down to see what reaction there will be."

Hearing this, Bai Yasha subconsciously opened his eyes wide, and he opened his mouth after a long while.

"You are really...others are avoiding it, but you are doing the opposite."

"Besides completely cutting off the connection with Hakoniwa, there is no way to escape.

Bai Chen shook his head.

"Besides, I've come here, so I have to try the depth."

Afterwards, the two went for a walk in the peach blossom forest together, completely unlike the way they should run away.

the other side.

After Bai Ye separated from Monkey King.

A bodhisattva holds a rosary in his hand, and raises his other hand in front of Yuexiong, and slowly advances in the Daleiyin Temple.

It seemed slow, but within a few breaths, he entered a magnificent Buddhist hall.

Soon, he saw a group of arhats and bodhisattvas bowing their heads and reciting Buddhist scriptures in the Buddhist hall.

In addition to the human form, there is also a figure with non-human appearance, but also blooming with Buddha's light.

They are of different heights, they are as big as ordinary people, and there are also huge golden arhats who are tens of feet tall.

They are all sitting on different lotus platforms, facing the highest point of the Buddhist hall.

On the lotus platform of seven colors, a big Buddha wearing Buddha clothes and emitting colorful rays of light is also closing his eyes.

He has a kind face, standing here as if everything will be seen through by Him.

In the Buddhist hall, the Buddha's voice curled up, echoing continuously.

He is the present Buddha - Sakyamuni Buddha.

At the same time, he is also the supreme leader of Hakoniwa Buddhism.

The arrival of this bodhisattva did not attract the attention of others, but he just walked under the central Buddha on his own.

"Buddha, the White Night Star Spirit has been separated from Dou Victory Buddha."

The sound of beating wooden fish and chanting Buddhist scriptures did not stop.

The temple is still solemn.

"Since you're gone, let's go find it and come back."


"Pay attention to the young man who took away the White Night Protoss in 630. He did not appear in that person's prophecy."

Wait until the Bodhisattva leaves.

Shakyamuni raised his huge head.

Muttering the Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit again.

Afterwards, the sound of knocking wooden fish and chanting Buddhist scriptures in the magnificent Buddhist hall became louder and louder, and the golden Buddha light became more dazzling.

But although the sun is shining brightly, if Bai Chen is here, he may be able to vaguely detect the secret fanaticism in the Buddha's voice.

That is not a longing for Shakyamuni Buddha.

But something more incomprehensible.

As the Buddha's voice continued, the Buddha's name, which should have sounded extremely sacred, seemed to have turned into the roar and shout of countless people gathered together.

The Buddha statue in the Buddhist hall is no longer solemn and solemn, but seems to raise the corners of its mouth and make a wild laughing expression.

Especially behind the Shakyamuni Buddha who lives at the highest peak.

Under the Buddha's light, there should be no darkness.

However, a huge black shadow clearly appeared behind the Buddha.

In the dark shadow, the appearance of some kind of flesh and blood monster is reflected. The tumor-like surface is covered with sticky mucus and deformed organs, and there are countless tentacles, which are like octopuses constantly wriggling in the depths of the ocean.

But if you want to look carefully, you can find that everything is like a cloud.

The scene presented in front of my eyes is still a solemn scene like the court of ten thousand Buddhas. .

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