Chapter 1044

"We have no intention of becoming an enemy of the benefactor, but the existence of the White Night Protoss is very important. I hope the benefactor can take Hakoniwa's righteousness as the most important thing."

The reason why Buddhism sent these arhats was because they didn't want to fight Bai Ye directly.

And it's also that Lang Baiye will not directly attack Buddhist disciples.

Unexpectedly, the person who took Bai Ye away was a master who was not afraid of causing trouble.

Luo Han, who hadn't waited to come to arrest him, did it himself, but Bai Chen took the first step to show off.

"Amitabha, Baiye Xingling is related to Little Garden, and even all the common people who observe the universe, and you can also believe that Buddhists are all monks, with compassion in mind, and will never hurt Baiye's hair."

"It's another set of familiar rhetoric. Imprisonment is imprisonment. Don't say it so high-sounding."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Naturally, he would not believe the lies of Buddhism.

Injury certainly does not hurt.

After all, Bai Ye's strength lies there, and no one can harm her.

But captivity is also real.

The authority of the Sun Sovereign is crucial.

Bai Chen has long known the plan of the upper gods to move to Little Garden.

Where would 810 ask Bai Ye to leave with them.

And when the time comes, Bai Ye will be alone on the upper level, and the gods and Buddhas will really be pushed into a hurry, and perhaps the fourth defeat of the White Night King will be staged.

At that time, even Bai Ye's ownership will be divided.

"I hope the benefactor will think twice, otherwise, the benefactor will not only face me and other Buddhist sects.

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, the tone of these arhats became less peaceful.

But Bai Chen didn't talk nonsense with them.

Furthermore, if someone threatened him, he could not swallow his anger.

Under the gaze of Balor's dead eyes, the bodies of the Arhats were gradually torn apart, and the flesh and blood continued to peel off from them, only to turn into a pile of golden bones in an instant.

"You actually made a move on Buddhism."

Bai Ye on the side wanted to stop it, but unexpectedly, Bai Chen's action was faster than she imagined.

"What's the matter? Just as you leave the upper floor, the Buddhist sect will send people to stop it. If one day you leave the Little Garden, they will have to dig the entire Little Garden three feet into the ground? Give up the fantasy

Japan's compromise will only get them to intensify. "

Bai Chen looked at Bai Yasha helplessly.

"In the past, they let you take care of the lower floors, but now they let you stay in the upper floors, next time they will keep you from leaving the Buddhist gate, and next time, what do you think will happen?"

White Yasha was speechless.


Whether it is now, or the past three defeats.

Every time she retreats, the group of gods will go one step further.

Even Sun Sovereign, who was born with her, took the opportunity to weaken her power because of the boring reason of "balance".

"Why do I feel that you don't seem very smart?"

Bai Chen said.


Shiroyasha was a little taken aback.

Suddenly he was complained about.

"Obviously, when I first met you, you were quite intelligent, but now, why don't you even understand such a simple truth?"

Anyway, it is also a double-digit protoss.

But he had to be patient everywhere.

According to the plot of the original book, if the three-headed dragon Azdakaha had not been defeated, it would be impossible for the upper gods to let Bai Ye liberate his power and perish with the devil.

After so many years, the gods and Buddhas presumably have formulated a series of measures against Bai Ye.

after all.

Since Buddhism can let Bai Ye get back her spiritual status so easily [then there must be other ways to re-seal her spiritual status.

But such a simple truth.

Bai Ye seemed to have never thought about it.

Hearing this, Bai Ye was speechless.

She really didn't think too deeply in the past.


It may also be because of her pride that (cbj) Bai Ye subconsciously didn't think about it at that level.

In her subconscious mind, her failure was nothing more than her own desire to compromise, and she never thought that her faux pas was entirely due to her inferior skills.


Bai Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Things have come to this point, and he can't look back.

Besides, there was no need to bow to Hakoniwa.

As a time traveler, if he just bowed his head in Hakoniwa and allowed himself to be fished by mermaids, what would be the difference between the life of a time traveler and a salted fish?

It's better to go home and raise pigs.

But when Bai Chen and Bai Ye were about to leave, they suddenly subconsciously stopped and raised their eyes to look east.

At some point, a golden giant Buddha loomed in the clouds and mist.

The body is too huge, and it is even impossible for people to see its whole picture.

The radiance is so bright that it almost illuminates the entire world, and as far as the eye can see, there is nothing to hide from any darkness.

And with the appearance of this huge golden Buddha, among the clouds and mist around him, there are sitting arhats and bodhisattvas that almost occupy the entire sky.

They either hold a vase, or hold up a magic pestle, or hold a bronze mirror

The Dharma is solemn, otherwise it will be prestige.

After they appeared, the chanting sounds of the Arhats and Bodhisattvas echoed throughout the space, and the chanting sounds even produced ethereal echoes.

Their eyes are also fixed on the same spot.

Bai Yasha's face tightened, staring at the golden Buddha in front of him, even his voice subconsciously became weaker.

"I didn't expect Sakyamuni to personally..."


The voice from the golden Buddha resounded through the heaven and earth.

The chanting sound stopped, and Bai Chen felt the gaze of the Buddha statue.

Accompanied by this broad and sonorous sound, a beam of Buddha's light illuminated the bones of the previous Arhats and transported them to the sky.

Then the flesh and blood reappeared on the bones, allowing them to restore their flesh and blood.

The six arhats clasped their hands together and saluted the Buddha statue respectfully.

"Almsgiver, why don't you put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

The grand and solemn voice fell.

All listeners are intoxicated.

If some sinners were really here, they might really cry on the spot and convert to Buddhism.

"Who's knife to kill? Whose Buddha to become?"

Bai Chen asked with a chuckle.

Its voice is no less than that of the Golden Buddha.

"You monks always say that you are compassionate, but you betray your trust at critical moments, and now you want to restrict Bai Ye's actions. Let me ask you, what crime did she commit? What crime did she commit?"

"Don't lie to the benefactor. When the Buddhist sect breaks its promise, everything the Buddhist sect does is for the common people in the world, and the White Night Star Spirit is related to the root of the Little Garden. The Buddhist sect did this to protect her."

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