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The First Thousand And Forty-Five Chapters Sanskrit, Tianlong Babu And Fantasy

Chapter 1045

"Do you believe these words yourself?"

Hearing this set of classic quotations, Bai Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Imprisonment is for protection, but Bai Ye is the protoss of the original star. With her strength, how can she need the protection of outsiders? She can protect others.

Having said that, Bai Chen couldn't help but look at Bai Ye- beside him.

The good-looking protoss can't help but feel incredible for the shamelessness of Buddhism.

Obviously it wasn't like this before.

Could it be that it is really as Bai Chen said.

My own retreat over the years is considered cowardly, making the upper gods and Buddhas further intensify?

It's not impossible.

After all, a few months ago, the leader of the Perseus Community, Luosi, knew that she was from the upper class, but still provoked her in every possible way.

This may be due to his bad personality, but we can also know that there are not a few rumors about her from the outside world.

"Almsgiver, the world is so vast that there is nothing strange and nothing exists. All things are born and restrained by each other. If there is no lower, there will be no higher. If there is no lower, there will be no higher. If there is no bitterness, there will be no sweetness."

The golden Buddha spoke with a loud voice.

"Although the essence of the protoss is huge and innocent, there is still a way to restrain it in this small garden."

"It's ridiculous, what is there in this little garden world that is specially used to restrain me?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't bear it anymore.

Bai Chen is right.

Others have already run to shit on her head, if she can bear it, let her be the saint of Hakoniwa.

Looking at Bai Ye who finally rose to prominence, Bai Chen also nodded in satisfaction.

But the next moment, he whispered again.

"By the way, Hakoniwa seems to have something to restrain you. Pest can use Hakoniwa's rules to restrain you as the sun."

"Then...that's an exception. With my current body and spiritual capacity, I can crack the gift game in an instant!"

Bai Ye's eyes suddenly widened.

The opponent's black death spirit can indeed restrain a part of his own sun.

But it was an accident, and it hasn't happened yet, so it doesn't count.

"Also, are you on my side, or on the side of Buddhism?!"

"Of course I'm on your side."

Bai Chen firmly said.

"However, I am a man who only tells the truth."

Under the watchful eyes of countless Bodhisattvas and Arhats, Bai Chen and Bai Ye whispered to each other like no one around.

In order to save the common people in the world, the Buddha is now willing to visit the scene in person.

But these villains did not put the Buddha in their eyes at all, which really made the Buddhist disciples furious.

For a moment, in the clouds like an exquisite pagoda, a group of arhats and eight dragons summoned shone with their spiritualities, and their eye-catching eyes were firmly imprinted on the two of them like sculptures.

If eyes could kill, Bai Chen and Bai Ye who were disrespectful to Buddha would have died countless times.

But the sound of chanting did not become smaller, and the solid momentum did not become more powerful.

Angry looks appeared on the faces of the arhats, as if as long as the Buddha gave an order, they would pounce on them and tear them apart.

at this time.

A strange feeling resurfaced in Bai Chen's heart again.

Although the arhats and eight dragons in front of them were surrounded by Buddha's light, they looked different in Bai Chen's eyes.

The original skin on the body seemed to be peeled off by someone, revealing the bloody red muscles like granulation, while the colored tentacles grew from the gaps in the muscles and bones...

Even the tops of those tentacles grow beast-like mouthparts.

From a distance, it looks like countless seaweeds growing on the body.

The bodhisattvas of that group of women were also half-naked, but not only did they not feel half-attractive, on the contrary they were also covered with tentacles, wriggling like earthworms.

Half of their faces showed painful expressions, but the other half's faces were clearly filled with joy and enjoyment.

And when Bai Chen looked at the great Buddha incarnate by Sakyamuni, the pupils in his eyes shrank extremely small.

Although it is still wrapped in the color of Buddha's light, the torso and limbs of that body have become extremely small, the head blooms like a lotus flower, and the blood-colored red lotus is rooted in the lower part of the head.

The blood-colored rhizomes are connected to the pink flesh, constantly devouring the contents of the Buddha's body.

The more it devours, the more vigorous and bright it becomes.

"Bai Chen, what's wrong with you, wake up, don't listen too much to these bald donkey's Sanskrit, even if you listen to three-digit numbers, it will easily disturb your mind."


Bai Ye's voice came, pulling Bai Chen back from his imagination to reality.

The chanting has disappeared.

All became silent with the Buddha's "silence".

Bai Chen nodded towards Bai Ye, signaling him not to worry.

At the same time, with the boiling golden light emerging around him, new changes began to emerge in the surrounding world.

Calm reality is conceptually distorted.

Everything covered by the golden aurora turns into golden chaos.

The Buddhist disciples who watched all this were a little lost.

It was the first time these high-spirited Buddhists had seen the unfolding Supreme Heaven.


What's more, this place is Little Garden.

Without the aid of gift games, the power to infect reality with one's own spirituality is already beyond the reach of human beings.

What's more, this is the box garden, which is the upper area of ​​the box garden near the three-digit outer door.

Under the strong interference of Hakoniwa's center, a certain law has been improved countless times.

They stared at this great miracle with shocking eyes.

It's not at all clear what the man did.

"Benefactor, you've got a picture."

Accompanied by the voice of Sakyamuni.

Those Buddhist congregants who were about to be engulfed only felt light all over, and then they rushed to the Buddha's side in some embarrassment.

"Amitabha, goodness is goodness, almsgiver, why do you suffer so much?"

The voice just fell.

The surrounding atmosphere changed.

The sound of chanting resounded again, but it was no longer as peaceful as before, but mighty and majestic like beating a war drum.

The eight heavenly dragons gathered together, bathed in the light of Buddha, displayed their weapons and spirits, and fought against the turbulent golden tide.

And in the Golden Chaos, the souls and wars enslaved by Bai Chen in the past are constantly impacting the defense line of the Buddhist Dharma Guardians.

"The words are high-sounding, but the movements of the hands are not slow at all."

Bai Chen sneered.

No matter what happened before, what you saw, now it can be regarded as tearing the skin off with Buddhism, there is no need to talk nonsense. .

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