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Chapter 1059 Sister Pao, Tohsaka Rin: Heartbroken

Chapter 1059

Bai Chen: "Don't say that, I'm just helping each group of friends as much as I can."

Bai Chen: "@魔岛膴子, find time to send a commission, but my personal suggestion is to wait for the virus to break out and experience life in the last days before asking me for help.

Saeko Busushima: "Why?"

Bai Chen: "The end of the world is a rare experience, and don't you want to solve your inner demons?"

Saeko Busujima: "!!!"

Seeing this, Saeko Busushima was shocked.

he knows.

He really knows everything!

Just now I was stunned by the news that the end of the world was coming, and I almost forgot my psychological problems.

Although the coming of the end is important, since the other party said so, there must be a solution.

What does she worry about as an ordinary person?

Instead of caring about that problem, it is better to deal with your own demons.

After all, this is a question that will accompany you all your life.

Saeko Busujima: "I got it! Five Body Throwing Style.jpg.

After replying to the message of thanks, the girl was slightly relieved.

Although this chat group is still very strange after contact, in her opinion, Mr. Bai Chen is a very trustworthy person.

I didn't say anything, so I gave corresponding suggestions.

Saeko Busujima: "I will always remember this kindness in my heart."

Bai Chen: "It doesn't need to be so formal, it's right for a group of friends to help each other."

Saeko Busujima: "But thank you very much!"

Get rid of the violent factors hidden in your heart.

In other respects, Saeko Busushima is a perfect Yamato Nadeko.

But it is precisely because of these two contradictory personalities that the girl is now somewhat autistic.

Little Spider: "The favorability of newcomers is up!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Bridge bean sack! What's the problem with the newcomer's inner demon?"

Bai Chen: "Saeko Busujima was once followed by a pervert and severely injured the pervert in self-defense, but Saeko Busujima couldn't accept such a violent self afterward, so she has been closing her heart all the time. This simple psychological problem can be resolved a little bit."

Violent nurse: "Ah, there are too many perverted things."

Blue Slime: "After all, the island country is rich in perverts, in the tram, in the alley, and in the health room..."

Rimuru subconsciously closed her mouth.

When talking about this question, he (cbca) played back many classic scenes in small movies in his head.

Fubuki of Hell: "Even if that kind of pervert becomes paralyzed, it's not surprising.

Electromagnetic Gun: "That's it? Then what about the little bastard I sent to the hospital and couldn't get out of bed for a few months?"

Bai Chen: "People are different. The newcomer has set herself up to Yamato Nadeko's standards since she was a child, so in her subconscious mind, violence is wrong."

Saeko Busujima: "...

Seeing this, the name nodded seriously to the void.

She did think so.

That's why she hated the other side of herself and wished it would disappear forever.

But on the other hand, she also has the feeling that she likes to torture and kill others.

The Spirit of Time: "If this is the case, it is indeed understandable."

Tokisaki Kurumi was deeply touched.

In the past, she was also a wealthy daughter. She grew up in a greenhouse since she was a child, and she also hated the feeling of beating and killing.

But after meeting the Siyuan elves, everything changed.

Fubuki of Hell:


Seeing this, Fubuki and Misaka Mikoto shut up silently.

Blue Slime: "I'm heartbroken."

Blue Slime: "Speaking of which, the girls nowadays are indeed getting farther and farther away from the type of Yamato Nadeko."

Electromagnetic Gun: "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

Blue Slime: "Got it!"

Misaka Mikoto felt like crying.

Is she really like what Bai Chen said in the past, although she is a woman physically, but she is really a man in heart?

Chaos Evil: "Uh...so...what does this have to do with experiencing the end?"

Bai Chen: "Psychological problems are always blocked rather than cleared. If you feel inferior because of this kind of thing, there is no need to worry about it. Instead of letting it disappear, try to accept another self.

Bai Chen: "The apocalypse is a mirror, which can reflect the positive and negative sides of people's hearts. A good person on the surface may become a bad person in the apocalypse, and a bad boy who is usually considered bad may also have a completely opposite face in the apocalypse. In a world without order, as long as you don't violate the bottom line of being a human being, it's okay to indulge."

Golden Fairy: "At this time, Mr. Bai Chen... always has a devilish feeling."

Little White Cat: "Actually, not all demons are bad..."

Bai Chen: "I was originally the devil, have you forgotten?"

Silver-haired Witch: "I always feel that this is not good... The so-called venting should be to let Ms. Busujima Saeko accept another violent self, and then resort to violence against others in the last days, right?"

Bai Chen: "Actually, there is no need to have any psychological burden. Anyway, when the newcomer's psychological problems are resolved, I will reset everything and treat it as a game."

Blue Slime: "The boss speaks!"

Saeko Busujima: "Thank you!!!"

After replying the last sentence, she temporarily quit the chat group.

Under Bai Chen's suggestion, the girl's heart gradually became brighter.

After packing up the wooden knife and putting the bento box he brought into the microwave oven to heat up, Saeko Busujima returned to the classroom.

But in the middle of the afternoon class, there was a burst of fierce quarrels in the originally peaceful campus.

Saeko Busujima remembered that it was the voice of a physical education teacher at school.

The voice is particularly loud, the temper is not very good, and the impression is deep.

The arguing stopped quickly, but then there was a cry of pain, which then slowly died down again.

"Listen to the class quietly, don't wander off in your thoughts, you are now at a critical moment for further studies!"

The teacher on the podium patted the blackboard.

Then continue the vivid lecture topic.

However, the minds of the students in the audience were no longer on their studies, and they were particularly curious about what happened outside.

The boring campus life makes these teenagers and girls in adolescence feel boring, so many people will look forward to encountering a different daily life.

Especially the island country where the animation industry is extremely developed.

They fantasize about adventures in other worlds, marrying princesses or princes, life is no longer a three-point line, or fantasizing about abnormalities invading daily life, and they themselves become the protagonists in anime and kill all directions, breaking through the world in the last days.

But when the doomsday really comes, can they really get what they want?

ps: The protagonist of the new book is finally figured out!.

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