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Chapter 1060 The Answer Is To Send

Chapter 1060

The answer is to send!

Fantasy is fantasy after all.

When the real doomsday comes, ordinary people have only two options: escape and resistance.

What's more, most of the students are in sub-health.

When the physical education teacher was bitten, the virus ran along his blood vessels and killed him in just a dozen seconds, and then the virus slowly penetrated into the depths of the nerves, and finally took over the brain, erasing all memory and consciousness, and became a living dead completely dominated by appetite.

The whole process took less than thirty seconds.

The second victim at the school was a female teacher nearby.

The third place is the security guard who goes to work only to get off work~.

Then, when the three zombies appeared in the outdoor stadium, more infected people appeared-.

Afterwards, when they were completely controlled by the virus, they staggered or walked or ran to the teaching building, the scene was completely space-time.

The first unlucky ones were the students and teachers on the first floor.

After witnessing this tragic scene, the radio room issued a message informing all teachers and students of emergency evacuation.

"Attention, this is not a drill! There are unknown criminals breaking into the campus!"

The shrill broadcast sounded in every classroom.

At first, the teachers and students didn't know why, and thought it was an emergency escape drill in the school.

When the broadcast was repeated for the second time, people screamed and howled, and then the sound became weaker and weaker, leaving only a weird sound like biting something.

"Students, carry out emergency evacuation according to the situation of previous drills."

The teacher in the classroom where Saeko Busujima was located spoke in a cold sweat.

"Students in the front and rear seats, seal the door and call the police. As long as the gangsters don't come in, we are safe.

"Po... Poison Island, what are you doing?"

While the teacher was instructing the students, a tall girl walked out holding a wooden knife.

"Stay here, as long as the corpses outside can't get in, it's safe."

Knowing the news of the outbreak of the virus from Bai Chen, Saeko Busujima did not panic like other students.

Instead, recalling the message that asked her to accept another self, she walked out holding the wooden knife.

She had used many methods to suppress the desire for blood in her heart, but all of them failed.

In this case, they simply listened to Bai Chen's advice and released the demons that belonged to her heart.

Perhaps, killing can make her more normal.

At least, more normal than now.

Through the window of the corridor, Saeko Busujima saw groups of zombies, crushing and biting the human beings who had been classmates, her amber-like emerald green eyes flashed a brilliant light, and a feeling of urgency surged from the bottom of her heart, which even made the girl's heart beat slightly faster.

Of course, what Saeko Busujima wanted was not to become a member of the army of zombies, but to produce the violence that he had done to the pervert who followed him.

There is a voice in her heart telling her that to let her kill is to smash their skulls with the weapon in her hand!

If the classmates of Saeko Poshishima were present, they would definitely find that the girl's aura at this moment has become different from usual.

Go to a peaceful, quiet, hormonal campus, and experience despair, fear and wailing.

A large number of corpses infected with the virus, with mutilated bodies and exposed flesh and blood ran rampant in the school.

Not all teachers and students are as bright as Saeko Busujima's classroom.

All along, the island nation's excellent earthquake escape drills have played a diametrically opposite role at this moment.

The zombies came in from the first floor, while the survivors and students followed the escape drill and rushed to the first floor.

The students rushing to the front saw the zombies, and out of instinct, they were frightened and ran back, but there were still some students who didn't know what to do behind them, and they were going to leave the teaching building according to the experience of the exercise.

This caused the students in the middle to be made dumplings.

Zombies are feasting and turning normal people into their compatriots. The entrances and exits of every staircase are as crowded as canned sardines.

Many of them were trampled to death.

Only the students at the end of the team were lucky. After discovering something was wrong, some of them ran back to the classroom and locked the door, completely ignoring the calls of their classmates for help.

Some deliberately pushed their classmates to the corpses in order to escape for their own lives, but in the end they did not escape the fate of being bitten.

...ask for flowers...

Under the mirror of the doomsday world, everyone is quite real.

Just when a girl was about to be thrown down by the corpse, a wooden knife behind her shattered the back of the corpse's head, and the zombie immediately fell limp.

"Thank... thank you for saving me."

The female student thanked subconsciously, but before she could finish speaking, she watched the tall purple-haired woman in front of her walk towards another place.

There were a few shambling corpses over there.

The student called the girl a few times to come back, and after seeing that she was unmoved, he ran in the opposite direction.

The one who saved the student just now was naturally Saeko Busujima.

Her eyes are a little blurred at the moment.

After smashing the back of the zombie's head with a wooden knife, not only did the outflowing fluid not scare her, but it further stimulated her nerves.

It's like being hit with adrenaline, and the spirit and body are in a state of high excitement.

Constantly smashing the backs of the heads of the corpses seen along the way with wooden knives.

Of course, although she was excited, Saeko Busujima would choose to find another way when she saw a huge number of corpses.

When searching for the single corpse, he also saved many students from this school.

Listening to the thanks in their mouths and seeing the awe in their eyes, Saeko Busujima felt a very wonderful feeling in her heart.

I am clearly killing my former classmates now, my hands are covered with blood, it should be very ugly now, why do those people still show that kind of expression?

The girl felt as if she had caught something.

She needs more experiences to reinforce that feeling.

Until she comes across a small group of survivors.

Saeko Busujima wanted to leave them, but a man in the school uniform stood in her way.

"Senior Poison Island, this place is too dangerous, we need to unite to get out of here.

After thinking for a few seconds, she agreed.

Bai Chen said.

Let her experience this rare doomsday crisis.

By the way, you can also look for ways to get points. .

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