Chapter 1105

Regardless of the situation of the superboys of the Avengers, the Dark Quadrant Empire, which had just landed in New York City, couldn't hold back.

The radar onboard the spacecraft captured a high-energy response.

Are all the natives on this planet so reckless?

This is just the start of the war, and the big killer was brought out?

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. was in chaos.

At this moment, the staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. all stopped their work and stared blankly at the big screen.

A nuclear war is inevitable, and the end of the world has come.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts so far have all been in vain.

How many villains they defeated in the past, how many lunatics who wanted to destroy the world, even the Hydra organization that triggered the world war were defeated by them.

However, they failed "April 71" quite thoroughly this time.

After all, this is not one or two nuclear bombs, but a nuclear war that broke out simultaneously around the world.

No one in this world has the ability to stop it.

After all, the Avengers have all died heroically.

It was Ultron who won the final victory.

"It's over, it's over.

Coulson looked at the simulated road map of the nuclear missile attack on the screen, and collapsed on the chair weakly.

Only Nick Fury behaved fairly calmly, but his complexion had already become the bottom of the pot.

He pushes away a demoralized staff member and works on the console himself, looking for a feasible solution.

but none.

Although the S.H.I.E.L.D. system has high authority, it's nothing more than that.

The nuclear warheads that have been launched are like poured water. Unless they can turn back time, they cannot be stopped at all.

Looking at the picture on the screen, Nick Fury gritted his teeth, holding the bp machine in his arms extremely hard with his dark palm.

After a moment of consideration, he pressed the call button.

Although the earth has been destroyed when she returns, but if she can defeat Ultron, at least a small number of survivors can be guaranteed to survive.

Let human civilization continue.

Of course, the same goes for those alien invaders.

The specially-made bp machine sends special signal waves outside the earth, across the galaxy, and contacts Captain Marvel who is traveling in the universe.

"Is this a communication from Earth?"

Between the sea of ​​stars, the woman who was surrounded by golden light stopped.

Feel the signal fluctuations from the distant earth, which is her former hometown.

And only one person on Earth can reach her.

Nick Fury.

Before Captain Marvel left Earth, he gave Nick Fury an old-fashioned bp machine to contact himself in times of crisis.

Therefore, Captain Marvel didn't think too much, and headed towards the earth at super-light speed after turning around.

Meanwhile, the other side.

The nearest target has been hit by a nuclear bomb.

After the explosion of the most powerful thermal weapon developed by mankind in history, the destructive force of nuclear fission will easily annihilate buildings and land like cutting tofu.

The residents of the nuclear explosion center didn't even notice the slightest pain, and were directly vaporized.

Instead, several nuclear warheads flying to New York were intercepted.

For a fleet capable of interstellar travel, it is not difficult to intercept large thermal weapons in the atmosphere.

After all, whether it is the computing power of the program or the level of technology, the Dark Quadrant Empire far surpasses all countries on the current earth.

Seeing that the group of aliens preparing to invade the earth helped stop the nuclear bomb, Nick Fury felt mixed feelings.

While nuclear weapons being intercepted is a good thing, aliens are also not good people.

In short, the human race, a weak race, is in danger among the aliens and the Ultron army.

"My lord, there seems to be a war breaking out in this world [the timing of our arrival is just in time for their decisive battle. 1

Thanos sat on the flying throne, listening to the reports from his subordinates.

"Don't worry about them, continue to search for the remaining rough stones."

Soon after.

Thanos heard the briefing from his subordinates again.

Soldiers in the Dark Quadrant have been attacked by unknown beings, the objects are... robots, Tron.

Things developed beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally following Bai Chen's suggestion, Thanos who came to Earth from other galaxies just wanted to capture the Infinity Stones that were left on Earth to fulfill his purpose of continuing the universe. Unexpectedly, human beings on Earth are at war with the artificial intelligence Ultron...

And Ao Chuang did not expect that in addition to the life on the earth, there are creatures from other than the earth in this world.

This surprised Ultron, who wanted to feel the ultimate peace.

But at the same time, its artificial heart also gave birth to different emotions.

feeling of joy

There are still many places in this universe that need it, and Ultron.

The noisy world needs peace, and if you want peace, you need to destroy all intelligent creatures.

But before that, Ultron will destroy all life on Earth.

In the network he connected, he found that there are still several cities in the world that have not been destroyed.

The closest to him is New York, the city where the alien creatures descended.

Nick Fury, who was caught in the middle, didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow.

Humanity has lost this war.

Afterwards, no matter whether it is the aliens or Ultron winning, their ending will not be very good.

Nick Fury's only sustenance is all placed on Captain Marvel.

Ultron led his mechanical army to the vicinity of New York City.

He looked at the spaceship floating in the sky, and launched an attack command without hesitation.

For a time, countless Ultron robots collided with well-equipped alien soldiers, and the whole New York City became a 4.6 mess.

Ultron himself was not directly involved in the battle.

He seemed to have noticed something, and flew directly towards the largest ship.

With the power of the mind gem, ordinary defense forces can't stop Ultron's footsteps at all.


Meet face-to-face with Thanos as he departs from the stone seat.

Ultron's gaze fell on the Infinity Gauntlet on Thanos' left hand.

At the knuckles of the golden glove, four gemstones of different colors made Ultron look surprised.


The soul gem on Ao Chuang's forehead seems to echo the other four infinity stones, which makes Ao Chuang have a faint desire.

He must get those four rough stones.

Afterwards, the power of the Mind Stone was activated subconsciously, and Thanos' eyes showed a dazed look. .

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