Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1106: The Nirvana Of Chat Groups

Chapter 1106

Of all the six Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone is the most special one.

It can read, manipulate, modify, create and protect the spirit of life, allowing users to enter the thinking world of others and dominate the mind of all things.

Ultron was originally an artificial intelligence, and the word "delay" has never been in its dictionary.

Calculate the solution to the problem at the fastest speed, and then execute the order without hesitation.

This is why the previous battle between the Avengers and Ultron was so difficult, and it was even counterattacked in the end.

The thinking of flesh and blood creatures will hesitate, but Ultron will not.

Therefore, although Thanos already has four infinite gems, he still cannot compare with Ultron in terms of decisiveness.

Therefore, Thanos' thinking was temporarily controlled by the Mind Stone, and his eyes became dazed.

But Thanos is not vegetarian.

The four infinity gems plus his own strong physical fitness allowed him to regain consciousness in less than a second.

But at the moment when he regained his sobriety, he instinctively sensed that the crisis was coming.

The fighting literacy developed over the years made Thanos subconsciously avoid sideways.

But then there was a sharp pain that pierced the sky and invaded the nerves.

The light released from the Mind Stone on Ultron's forehead severed Thanos' left arm.

Like laser cutting glass, even the wound is extremely smooth.

The embarrassed Thanos showed an unbelievable expression. The holder of this infinite rough stone on earth would actually use the power of the gem so skillfully.

This is something Thanos could never have imagined.

After all, even he can only use the Infinity Gloves made by the dwarves to restrict and control the power of the Infinity Stones.

Although Thanos can also control the infinite gems with his physical body, but that will have great side effects, and it is far from being as easy as this weirdo.

The momentary stupefaction just now is undoubtedly the ability of the soul gem.

Seeing Thanos dodging, Ultron showed a humanized look of surprise on his face.

"You are the first creature that can get rid of my control. It seems that the outside world is wider than I imagined."

Ultron, who has already thoroughly understood the earth, is very interested in the outside world, so he is not in a hurry to attack Thanos.

"Who are you?"

Thanos clutched his broken arm.

The wound had stopped bleeding, and besides the loss of an arm, it wouldn't make him lose his fighting power completely.

But the most important things right now are the Infinity Gauntlet and gems.

Without those things, Thanos knew he couldn't have won over someone who was proficient at the Mind Stone.

"I am Ultron."

"Why is the Mind Stone in your place?"

"So this is the soul gem? It's really interesting. It seems that you are a gold digger looking for gems... I see. You want to collect all six infinite gems and destroy half of the life in the universe."

Before Ultron invaded Thanos' mind.

Although it was only for a moment, it also gave insight into part of his thoughts.

"Your ideals are similar to mine."

"What is your ideal?"

Thanos asked while thinking about how to deal with it.

This time is probably the strongest enemy he has faced since his debut.

But Thanos thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of any way to deal with this terrifying guy in front of him.

By the way...chat group.

Thanos remembers that the chat group has the function of group delegation.

After issuing the entrustment, you can entrust the members of the chat group to travel over and complete your entrustment together.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Thanos selected the entrustment content.

But when he posted it, he couldn't hold back when he saw the chat group prompting "insufficient points".

"Impossible, obviously I still have a lot of points remaining."

However, after thinking about it, Thanos quickly figured out one thing.

That was his own points, which seemed to have been spent by him in the lottery.

Although he left 5,000 points as a backup, the entrusted content "Solving Ultron" he wants to release requires a full 20,000 points.

It's not enough to sell him, okay?

"The best way to bring peace to the universe is to destroy all life."

Ultron looked like Thanos who was stunned, and muttered to himself.

But although he was strange, his attention was still focused on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos subconsciously set off to prevent Ultron from approaching the Infinity Gauntlet, but his body was blown away by the energy beam that Ultron released casually.

The Infinity Gauntlet was then shattered by the Inner Light released from its forehead.

The infinite gems collected by Thanos were gently held up by Ultron, and then an armor made of vibration gold was attached to Ultron like flowing water.

This is his original body, but there are five more grooves of equal size compared to the previous position in front of Yuexiong.

The power of the Infinity Gem was delivered to Ultron's body, and the latter felt the incomparably powerful energy flowing freely in his body.

But they are controllable, even without the restriction of the infinite gloves, Ultron can easily drive the power of all gems.

"There is one last one left."

Whispering to himself, Ultron turned his eyes to New York City below.

The last Infinity Stone is hidden here.

Ultron quickly left from Thanos' eyes.

At this moment alone, his desire to complete is far greater than other purposes.

And taking advantage of this time, Thanos also quickly opened the chat group.

Although the usual chat content in the group is not very nutritious, but occasionally some useful 593 suggestions will be given.

As for letting Black Yao Wu general come over.

The strength of his subordinates is clear to him.

Even if they are all called together, it can only be delayed for at most ten seconds.

And at this time, I can't manage so much anymore.

His only way to survive is the chat group option.

Purple Sweet Potato: "Guys, I think I'm in a little trouble."

Purple Sweet Potato: "I want to issue a commission, but I don't have enough points, what should I do?"

Little Spider: "Ah? Uncle Purple Potato still has time to issue commissions?"

Blue Slime: "Did something happen?"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "That's not the point, the point is that I'm in an emergency right now, maybe I only have a minute or two.

I don't want to see hell: "Are you in such a hurry?"

The princess in military uniform: "The trouble that you can't solve with your strength, I guess it shouldn't be a small trouble, so don't even think about asking us for help.

Little Spider: "Yes, yes, if it is a general situation, we can provide some suggestions, but if it is not, then we can only use nirvana."

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "Nirvana?"

The Spirit of Time: "Is it coming?"

Little Spider: "It's not a literal nirvana, but this, @Bai Chen, big brother [emergency help!!!".

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