Chapter 1169

At the same time, Frieza also twisted and struggled frantically.

Bai Chen was slightly taken aback.

Can it withstand the power of the power gem?

Although he didn't use his full strength, it was not something that ordinary people could bear.

However, it is understandable to think that Frieza suffered a blow from God of Destruction in Dragon Ball Super.

Of course, struggling only delayed Frieza's death time.

After Bai Chen stepped up his efforts, purple lines directly covered his whole body. Under the infinite power, Frieza's body completely collapsed like a domino.

At the same time, its soul was also absorbed by the Supreme Heaven, and it was soon transformed into his slave.

Bai Chen nodded in satisfaction.

The Dragon Ball World team has taken in nothing a potential stock whose strength is comparable to that of Chaolan, and Wanhuang is almost at the level of a single universe.

To be honest, Frieza was too arrogant.

He and the ancient "Nine Nine Zero" have extremely high potential.

In the plot of the revived Frieza, he grew into a golden Frieza after only four months of practice, from a level where he couldn't even beat a super one, to a super blue level.

It's a pity that he doesn't think about making progress, and he is quite conceited, so he wasted a good talent in vain.

But think about it differently, if Shiratori had a history like Frieza from the beginning.

The opponents he met since he was born died when he touched him, so he might have done more than Frieza.

Of course, even the golden Frieza can only last a few rounds in his hands.

"King Frieza actually..."

"The king is dead!"

At this time, the soldiers of Frieza's army who came from nearby witnessed the scene of Frieza shattering and disappearing in the hands of Bai Feng.

They were all stunned.

In their cognition, Frieza's power is unparalleled, so he can bear the title of emperor of the universe.

No matter what kind of alien nation, when they hear Frieza's name, they will be terrified.

Seeing a completely unexpected scene at this time, the three views that have always been distorted.

And when Bai Chen looked at them, they all froze in place.

I'm afraid that this ruthless man will kill them all.

In fact, Bai Chen did not let go of their plans.

Most of the members of Frieza's Legion followed Frieza in the universe to help the evil, relying on their own identities to run rampant on different planets.

There are countless planets that were ruined by them, and even destroyed because of it.

Bai Feng didn't feel guilty at all for killing them.

His consciousness has enveloped the entire Namek planet, and at the same time included all the soldiers who invaded the planet into the highest heaven.

Even the Ginuit team, which was killed by Kuang San and the others before, was included in the high heaven by Bai Chen.

After all, it is a very good resource consumption, and it would be too wasteful to throw it away casually.

It would be fun to throw Frieza's Legion into Hakoba to disrupt the situation.

Looking at the world emptied by him, Bai Chen's thoughts sank into the chat group.

Bai Chen: "Shurima, your emperor has returned."

Luo Abao: "Okay! (Although there is only one word in this reply, it deeply expresses the deep blessing and deep emotion of the respondent. It can be said to be concise and to the point, and one word is worth a lot...)"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Okay! (Although there is only one word in this reply......"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Okay! (Although there is only one word in this reply..."

Black-haired loli: "Brother, welcome back!"

楪祭: "Welcome back!"

The Spirit of Time: "Have Frieza been dealt with? Mr. Bai Chen?"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Is it so fast?"

Goukong: "Wait! Frieza has been killed by Mr. Bai Chen?"

Little Spider: "It's rude to describe it as killing! It should be killing harm for the people!"

Gou Kong: "I know, but I was thinking about fighting Frieza just now, so it's a pity to die like this.

Bai Chen: "If you want to fight, go to the group arena, and besides Frieza, there are many enemies stronger than him in this world, you are busy enough."

For example, the artificial man, Cell, the devil Puwu, and the evil star dragon.

That's always been the case in the Dragon Ball world.

There is no strongest, only stronger.

Gou Kong: "Is there an enemy stronger than Frieza?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Emmmmm... doesn't sound like good news.

Blue Slime: "It doesn't matter, the boss will take action (indifferent face)."

Bai Chen: "In the future, just call me in the group if you need something."

Bai Chen: "Get ready, we'll be back in a little over ten years.

After that, the spirit came out of the chat group and moved to the side.

After Frieza's army was dealt with, the threat disappeared completely...

Of course, although the Namek planet has restored peace, many Namek people have died.

Moreover, Monkey King and the others have not forgotten the main purpose of this journey.

After there were no obstacles, everyone put the dragon balls together, and after the spell was released.

The world is in chaos.

The dark clouds gather, and the storm is about to come.

The noble Shenlong looked down on the figures of the people from above and asked them three wishes they wanted to fulfill.

That's not much to say.

After everything was over, when Monkey King and others were about to return to Earth, they found that the spaceship had been completely broken.

When Boulma was at a loss, Bai Chen directly opened the portal and sent them back.

Monkey King and Gohan also wanted to keep Bai Chen as a guest, but they declined.

On the contrary, Jibril and the others stayed temporarily.

They still want to cultivate something like "Qi", and they don't want to go back for a while.

[Group reminder: The commission of group member "Gou Kong" has been completed. 】

[The reward is being settled. 】

[The settlement is as follows, the group member Bai Chen has a perfect rating and gets +9800 points, the group member "Spirit of Time" gets +100 points, the group member "Jibril" gets +50 points, and the group member "Railgun" gets +50 points. 】

Railgun: "Why do I have so few?!"

The Spirit of Time: "Probably ranked according to the degree of contribution. Although we all played against the Ginuit team, only I killed a member alone, but neither of you did."

Little Spider: "You can get 50 points for all 1.7 strokes, just have fun.

Railgun: "Okay!"

After that, Sister Pao no longer struggled.

After all, she would be making fun of herself if she continued.

The function of entrusting her this time is indeed to paddle on the edge. The commission can be completed only because of Bai Chen alone.

After all, if they really wanted to face Frieza, they would have to be wiped out in a second.

the other side.

After returning to the Godslayer world, Bai Chen went directly to Little Garden.

In the golden city above the city of flames, Bai Chen directly released Gula and Frieza.

And order them to train.

For this reason, Bai Chen also specially adjusted the time flow rate between Supreme Heaven and the outside world, intending to make their cultivation progress faster.

After all, the stronger Frieza and the others are, the more trouble they can make in Little Garden. .

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