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Chapter 1170 Too Young Too Simple

Chapter 1170

When Frieza and Gula were thrown into the special small black room to practice, Bai Ye came up curiously.

With nothing else to do, her daily job is to maintain law and order in the North District, either to give advice to Athena and Luo Hao, or to harass the black rabbit.

Although I didn't see the live broadcast, but combined with Bai Chen's previous practice, it is also a basic operation to bring out a few people from different worlds from time to time.

However, in the past few times, they were always beautiful girls, or aliens who could become beautiful girls, but this time they brought back two strange aliens.

Byakuya makes bad associations.

Could it be that ordinary women can no longer satisfy Bai Chen's needs and try new ways to play?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye was shocked.

"You don't like women, do you?"

Hearing this, Bai Chen was immediately confused by thunder.

He closed the door of the fictional world, and looked at the tense Bai Ye wonderingly: "Miss Bai Ye, how did you come to such a conclusion?"

"Of course it's through our eyes."

Bai Ye said confidently.

"After all, there is such a beautiful woman standing here next to him, but someone can remain indifferent and only mess around with those two strange-looking alien creatures. No matter how you think about it, there is something wrong with it, right?"

Bai Chen was a little dumbfounded.

He knows how boring people can be.

"You probably came back not long after you went to harass the black rabbit?"

"how do you know?"

Facing Bai Chen's determined tone, Bai Ye was startled, and then subconsciously wrapped his clothes tightly.

"You didn't do something to us secretly, did you?"

"That's right."

Looking at Bai Ye's appearance, Bai Chen knew that she was pretending to be stupid, and he didn't bother to continue discussing unnutritious topics with her.

"Remember Frieza from before? The taller ones are his older brothers with good potential, so I brought them back specially.

"Good potential?"

Bai Ye rolled his eyes and asked doubtfully.

"I remember you said in the group, but Frieza's strength, four digits is the best?"

It’s not that the four-digit number is not strong, but Bai Chen’s special emphasis on “good potential” is obviously not worthy of such an argument.

The existence of four digits alone is not worth Bai Chen's trouble.

In addition, Bai Ye also knew that Bai Chen was secretly attacking Buddhism.

The existence of four figures, in the case of fighting against a behemoth like Buddhism, is just a little harder cannon fodder.

For example, Bai Chen created monsters to attack Buddhism suddenly.

Although it was caught off guard at the beginning, the situation was quickly stabilized by the Buddhist sect, far from affecting Daleiyin Temple.

After all, in the face of real power, the existence of four digits is as weak as ants.

Until three digits, it is barely qualified to set foot on the stage of competing with the gods.

But it is only qualified.

If you really want to be serious, even if it is a double digit, it can't fight against the gods of Hakoniwa.

The former White Yaksha is a living example.

"Too young too simple!"

Bai Chen had a superior expression on his face.

"I remember I said in the group before that the world is different from the world. Although Hakoniwa is not weak, you can't look at other worlds from Hakoniwa's eyes."

"Let me tell you this, they have the potential to become double-digit qualifications, and they are still relying on their own cultivation without relying on any external objects.

Looking at Bai Ye's pupils that began to shrink, Bai Chen stretched out four fingers.

"Four months, they only need four months to grow from a four-digit figure to have a strength comparable to a two-digit figure."

Hearing this, Bai Ye was completely shocked.

It is not so rare to have double-digit potential.

The main gods of each god system, or the demon kings born from concepts and human history, all have the qualifications and potential experience to become double digits.

But it is useless to have potential alone, you must have corresponding opportunities and resources.

In the dawn of Hakoniwa, after the Hakoniwa central rules were established, countless gods tried their best to attack the double-digit field.

During this period, countless gods completely disappeared from human history due to exhaustion of resources.

But just disappearing is not the worst.

Instead, the group of gods succeeded in attacking the double-digit number, but the price was the existence of all the natural gods of the entire group of gods, and in the end, the double-digit number was just a magic weapon with double-digit power, that is, without spiritual status and will.

This is the artifact of Gao Tianyuan's god system————Amazon Cloud Sword.

It is also the only remaining relic of Gao Tianyuan.

Currently in the hands of the Halloween Queen.

This shows how difficult it is to hit double digits.

The Queen of Halloween has been fighting with herself for tens of thousands of years, and it is still in the triple digits, and her chances of promotion are slim.

Therefore, Bai Ye was shocked when he heard Bai Chen say that Frieza and the others could grow from four digits to two digits in just four months.

That can't be described as a genius anymore, but it's open and hung up, right?

"...Not so surprised, that is, the strength has reached the double digits, and other aspects are far from the real double digits."

Bai Chen waved his hand.

Of course, even this is enough.

Two double-digit thugs are white, and anyone who knows it will be jealous for a while.

Although Bai Chen has explained it clearly, Bai Ye still feels that the three views have been subverted.

In the end, I can only sigh, people are more angry than people.

Who says no?

Replaced by Bai Chen, Ba Yanhong Frieza 183's potential and talent.

This is an official patch.

Although Sun Wukong and the others surpassed the God of Destruction in strength in the later stage, they did it step by step.

Unlike Frieza's understatement of "practicing for four months", it directly catches up with Sun Wukong's decades of hard work.

In the next few days, Bai Chen began to enjoy a new round of peaceful daily life.

Usually deepening the relationship with the girls, and occasionally urging Frieza and the others to train, time passed quietly like this.

In the rest of the time, Bai Chen would sink his consciousness into the chat group, spying on the speeches of other sand sculpture group friends.

In addition to sharing their own lives, most of the time is also exchanging ideas and ways to become stronger

Bai Chen was very pleased about this, and finally there was a decent atmosphere in the group.

He took the time to ask Xia Kuangsan about their training progress.

Because he is an extraordinary person, the progress of cultivating "Qi" is not slow.

But Sister Pao has already gone back early, after all, there are still a few mouths waiting to be fed in her home.

Blue Slime: "The seven-day period has arrived! Greetings to the Dragon King!"

The chat group has recently updated a new feature - Dragon King.

The person who speaks the most in the water group within seven days will be awarded the title of "Dragon King" and a small amount of points as a reward.

Not much, but better than nothing. .

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