Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1224 You Want To Fulfill My Hundred Wishes

Chapter 1224

No one is welcome.

Bai Chen also took on the responsibility of being the host.

Bai Chen: "Welcome newcomers.

Bai Chen: "It's been a while since no newcomers have come in."

Bai Chen: "So as a member of the group at this time, you must fulfill my hundred wishes.

Waited for half a minute with no response.

Bai Chen: "If I don't answer within one minute, I will have a thousand wishes come true. I will do what I say."

A few more seconds passed.

Perhaps it was finally overwhelmed by Bai Chen's speech, or it may be because of this bizarre situation.

The existence nicknamed Priestess finally spoke out.

Priestess: "Why...why did you do this all of a sudden?"

Priestess: "Why should I grant your hundred wishes!"

Bai Chen: "You're wrong, you want to fulfill my thousand wishes, "683" are you ready?"

Priestess: "No... not! And it's obviously not more than a minute."

Bai Chen: "Maybe the flow of time on my side is a minute faster than yours.

Priestess: "The speed of time... what is it?"

Bai Chen: "Literally, the speed of time, in different worlds, there will be a certain error in the speed of time flow, but according to experience, this error will not exceed two hours at most."

Priestess: "This... so, I understand.

In fact, this blond girl in a priest's costume and holding a simple staff didn't understand at all.

After all, she had only received a limited education in the temple in the past, and there was no problem with her daily reading and writing.

But too much esoteric knowledge, then powerless.

Of course, even if she has received a higher education, it is impossible to understand the meaning of the flow of time.

At least, Bai Chen believes that, compared with most other worlds, the science education in modern society is definitely a few generations ahead.

Priestess: "Please...are you a demon god?"

The girl who was walking alone on the street asked carefully and thoughtfully.

What suddenly appeared in her mind made her a little confused at first.

But Bai Chen's timely appearance made the girl stop screaming again.

What's more, the words that mentioned wishes made the girl subconsciously think that Bai Chen was related to demons.

And a demon with such a huge appetite could only be a demon god.


This word appeared in Bai Chen's mind.

Afterwards, the memory took the initiative to turn over the page, and searched for memories related to the new group members.

But after thinking about it, there are quite a few anime that have demon gods and priests at the same time.

And I don't know if he became lazy after solving the Hakoniwa incident, and Bai Chen didn't bother to search the reward library of the resident pool.

After all, this kind of thing can be known by just asking casually, and he doesn't bother to think too much.

What's more, the priestess' speech seemed a bit dull.

Thinking of this, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a happy smile.

In this case, let's continue acting.

Anyway, the title Demon God is quite suitable for him.

Bai Chen: "That's right, I am the Demon God, so what are you going to do when you find out?"


Seeing the acknowledgment of the existence of the head's speech, the girl's legs and feet went limp immediately. Without the support of the staff, the whole person almost fell down.

If it wasn't for the sudden loss of voice due to fear, the girl couldn't help but scream out.

I was just walking on the road, and I met a demon god who could only get into his head, and said that he would fulfill a thousand wishes of it. This is beyond the word unlucky.

Bad luck!

my lord

Although she is very clear that the profession of adventurer is not as easy as everyone said, but she must not be allowed to face the demon god alone before registering as an adventurer.

The evil stories about the demon god heard in the temple frightened the girl.

If it wasn't sunny and noisy streets with people coming and going, she might have lost control of herself.

even so.

As soon as she thought of a demon god in her head, the girl couldn't help but feel the urge to urinate.

Enduring the fear, she prayed to the Earth Goddess in a low voice, and then spoke while enduring the fear.

Priestess: "... Demon, Lord Demon God, please calm down, I... I will listen to your request and try my best to satisfy it, just pray that you don't hurt innocent villagers

Bai Chen: "I've seen your teeth chatter."

Priestess: "Please."

Bai Chen: "In this case, please grant me one wish first."

Seeing this, the girl subconsciously held her breath...

Bai Chen: "Mentally release a private commission in my mind, and the content should be written to fulfill the wish of Lord Demon God."

In her imagination, the wishes of the demon gods were all cruel, terrifying rituals about the sacrifice of living people.

But this wish made the girl a little puzzled.

But then, she started brainstorming again.

After all, even her head can get inside, maybe there are other hidden conditions for this request?

Thinking of this, Priestess hesitated a little.

Bai Chen: "If it takes more than a minute, you know the consequences."

Bai Chen's joking and threatening words directly became the last straw that crushed the priestess.

The petite female body stood at attention, and hurriedly announced the commission.

But in reality, in the eyes of other passers-by, he is just a confused rookie priest talking to himself.

The priest quickly edited the content, but when he was about to release it, he was prompted that there were not enough points.

She timidly asked the question.

Priestess: "Master Demon God, what are points?"

Bai Chen: "Oh, wait a minute."

Soon, Bai Chen transferred a thousand points.

Now for him, points are no longer important.

After all, for him, the things in the lottery pool, even the power of the demon god, did not have any substantial improvement.

At best, Azathoth's power is a bit greedy.

After the points were sent, the priestess clicked to confirm at the prompt of Bai 0.2 Chen.

Soon after, the private entrustment was released.

[Group reminder (private): The group member "Goddess Officer" issued a private entrustment to you to fulfill the wish of Lord Demon God, and the reward point is +1000. Do you accept it?]

Of course I accept.

Bai Chen, who is worried that he has no fun to play, naturally can't make a wrong choice.

at the same time.

Priestess also received a reminder.

[Group reminder (private): Your entrustment has been received by the group member "Bai Chen". Do you agree with the other party's arrival in your world?】

Priestess was a little hesitant at first, but he, who was already in a state of panic, was urged by Bai Chen for a while, and he directly agreed.


Under the unbelievable gaze of this little priest, a miraculous scene appeared before her eyes. .

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